Final Report On The Preparatory Survey On Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project ( ) The Republic of Iraq, Kurdistan
Final Report On The Preparatory Survey On Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project ( ) The Republic of Iraq, Kurdistan
Final Report On The Preparatory Survey On Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project ( ) The Republic of Iraq, Kurdistan
Final Report
The Preparatory Survey
Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (Ⅱ)
The Republic of Iraq, Kurdistan
August 2013
Final Report
The Preparatory Survey
Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (Ⅱ)
The Republic of Iraq, Kurdistan
August 2013
Table of Contents - I
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Chapter 4 Selection of the Substation Locations andTransmission Line Routes ...... 4-1
4.1 Required Conditions of Site Location and Route ........................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 Substation ..............................................................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Transmission Line .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Outline of Site Survey Results..................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Substation sites ...................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.2 Transmission Line Route ....................................................................................... 4-5
4.3 Suitability of Substation Locations............................................................................... 4-6
4.4 Suitability of Transmission Line Route ........................................................................ 4-6
Chapter 5 Environmental and Social Considerations for the Project ........................... 5-1
5.1 Legal and Administrative Framework of Iraqi Kurdistan Region
on Environmental Issues ...................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Law and Regulation ............................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Environmental Protection and Improvement Board ............................................... 5-2
5.2 JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations ................................... 5-4
5.2.1 Project Categorization by JICA Guidelines ............................................................ 5-4
5.2.2 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) by JICA Guidelines ............. 5-4
5.3 Procedure of Environmental and Social Consideration for the Project ....................... 5-5
5.3.1 EIA process in Iraqi Kurdistan ................................................................................ 5-5
5.3.2 Screening ...............................................................................................................5-5
5.3.3 Preparation of EIA report ....................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.4 Authorized consultants to prepare evaluation report of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) .......................................... 5-6
5.3.5 Stakeholder Meeting .............................................................................................. 5-7
5.3.6 Environmental Compliance Certificate ................................................................... 5-8
5.4 Location of Candidate Facilities and their Environmental and Social Survey ............. 5-8
5.4.1 Candidate Facilities ................................................................................................ 5-8
5.4.2 Gomaspan Substation ........................................................................................... 5-9
5.4.3 Arbat Substation ....................................................................................................
........................................................................................................... 5-13
5.4.4Transmission line between Bazian Substation and Arbal Substation ..................... 5-17
5.5 Summary of Environmental and Social Consideration Survey .................................... 5-21
5.5.1 Results of Environmental and Social Evaluation.................................................... 5-21
5.5.2 Summary of Environmental and Social Consideration ........................................... 5-22
Table of Contents - II
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
ENRP Electricity Network Rehabilitation Programme
JETRO Japan External Trade Organization
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
KRG Kurdistan Regional Government
MOE Ministry of Electricity
MOEE Ministry of Electricity and Energy
MOEN Ministry of Environment
NEMATR National Electrical Manufactures Association Transformer
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
POSCO Pohang Iron and Steel Company
RMEK Regional Ministry of Electricity in Kurdistan
RMOE Regional Ministry of Electricity (same as RMEK)
UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNEP United Nations Environment Programmed
USAID U. S. Agency for International Development
WB World Bank
ASCR Advanced Scientific Computing Research
BOI Board of Investment of KRG
CB Circuit Breaker
D Directorate
DE Directorate of Environment
DF/R Draft Final Report
DG Director General
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
ERBGPS Erbil Gas Power Station
ERPK Erbil Park
FIRR Financial Internal Rate of Return
GCC Gas Combined Cycle
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear
GPP Gas Power Plant
GPS Global Positioning System
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
HPP Hydro Power Plant
HVTL High Voltage Tension Line
ID Iraqi Dinar
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEE Initial Environmental Examination
IPP Independent Power Producers
MGH Mass Group Holding
Abbreviations -1
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Currency Equivalents
Currency unit = Iraqi Dinar (ID)
Exchange rate: US$1.00 = 1,156.91ID (August 13, 2013)
Source; OANDA, Selling rate Average value
Abbreviations -2
Chapter 1
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Chapter 1 Introduction
Electricity infrastructure in Kurdistan region has been developed by United Nations Development
Program (UNDP) based on Electricity Network Rehabilitation Programme (ENRP) during 1997 to 2003.
During the period, many electricity generation facilities including small generation facilities for
hospitals/public utlities have been constructed and transmission/distribution networks have been expaned.
However, still in some substations have been operating under overload condition in some local area due
to the unmaching between power supply & transmission network and demand.
Under the above circumstances, Japanese Government and JICA have targeted the reconstruction project
in the Electricity sector in Iraq as the one of most important development. Then, Japanes Government has
provided Official Development Assistant such as the gratis fund aid in 2005-06 and the five-loan fund
cooperation in 2007-09 as well. Electricity sector reconstruction project in Kurdistan region, which was
implemented by JICA as the first stage assistance, is one of five- loan fund cooperation.
Substation facilities have been constructed in the first stage of the assisitance. However, in the Kurdistan
region, substation facilities are still insufficient due to enhancement of the power plants with increasing
power demand. In addition, it is greatly necessary to construct the transmission lines connecting to
substations. The trend of electricity demad can be seen as; The peak load in the Kurdistan region in 2012
was 3,279MW while 1,171MW in 2005, which means the peak load became about three times in 7 years.
For the above reasons, it still needs to have further more supports for the transmission and substation
sector in Kurdistan region, which becomes incentive for this Study. Theoretically, high voltage electricity
transmission system drascally reduces power transmisin losses, which has similar effect of building new
power generation station. Presently, RMEK has no 400kV system in Kurdistan area and the highest
operating system voltage is 132kV. Infact, RMEK has just started constructing 400kV transmission lines
and substations as the power sector reconstruction projects in the Kurdistan region. The construction of
new 400 kV electricity system network will improve the tight electricity situation and power supply
reliability, which results in regional social economic improvements and an enhanced quality of life.
As per the above background, it is obvious that the construction of 400kV substations and transmission
lines is in line with electricity development plan of RMEK.
The purpose of the Study is to investigate the information required for the Yen-Loan Project such as the
cost estimate, schedule, implementation, organizational structure, management, and social environment.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The locations of the target facilities (scope) of the Project are shwn in the following Figure 1.3.1.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Name Assiggnment
Asaad Abdullah DG of Planning & Projects Implementaion
Diyar Baban DG of Electric Generation
Othman Haji Ali DG of Electricity Transmisson
Name Assiggnment
Yoshio Kanda Project Leader / General Planning
Masahiro Ogawa Project Sub Leader / Facility Designing
Misaki Kittaka Power System Analysis
Takaharu Sonoyama Substation Designing
Tomoyuki Inoue Economic and Financial Analysis
Yoshio Hirayama Environment and Social Consideration
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The following meeting and discussion have been carried out in Kurdistan;
1.5.3 Reporting
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 The Po
ower Sec
ctor in Kurdistan
K n
2.1 Econ
nomic cond
dition of Ku
2.1.1 Gen
neral outlin
(1) Kurddistan governnorates have become an autonomy region r since the Iraqi arrmy had witthdrawn in
1991 after Persiaan Gulf War was ended. The currentt Kurdistan territory
t inclludes Erbil, Sulaymani
and D
Duhok goverrnorates.
(2) Kurddistan has own
o government and pparliament. And, social economic developmeent of the
goverrnorates in Kurdistan
K is implementedd by Kurdistaan Regional Government
G t (KRG).
(3) Basic informationn on Kurdistaan Region, suuch as geogrraphic territory, populatioon, governorates (Erbil,
Sulayymani, and Duhok
D ) and on percentage are as the following figures
d districts, annd vegetatio f and
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Source: The Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit supported by United Nation Assistance Mission for Iraq
Figure 2.1.2 Kurdistan governorates (Erbil, Sulaymani, and Duhok ) and Districts as of 2012
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Source: The Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit supported by United Nation Assistance Mission for Iraq
(1) Population
a) The Region's population increased from about 3.9 million in 2003 to 4.4 million in 2008, the
increase rate was 12.1 %. In 2010, the population became 5.4 million with the increase rate of
22% compared to 2008 and it was increased with 36.8% in comparison to the population in 2003.
b) The population is expected to rise to about 6.3 million in 2016, if the growth rate remained the
same as in the past five years, in terms of birth and mortality rates and other relevant changes.
According to Kurdistan Regional Statistics Office, the governorate annual growth population
rates in the past two decades was 3.2% in Erbil, 3.1% in Sulaymani and 2.6% in Duhok And the
average annual growth rate in Kurdistan was 3% per year.
c) Population growth rate is expected to stand at 3% or more in the medium and long term, assisted
by the rising birth rates and stable mortality rate, and achieved through expanded preventive and
medical services.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
d) Economic active population belongs to the “15-64 year age” group, representing the available
manpower in the economy. Statistics of the Federal Government indicate that the percentage of
the economic active population rose to 29% in 2003 in Iraq. While the results of “Iraq Household
Social Economy Survey 2006 -2007” indicate that the rate of working-age population's
participation is 40.5 %. Under the governorate body count statistics for the year 2011 up to about
30.9 %.
(2) Employment
a) Working-age population represents the social potentials and the manpower available in the
economy. According to statistics over the past thirty years, the manpower growth rate is 1.9% per
year against the population growth rate had been 3.0%. The total number of public and private
sector manpower is estimated at more than 2.6 million in 2008. The manpower employment rate
at the public sector reached 57.3% in 2011 occurring as a natural development of the change of
employment conditions of the form and contents after 2003. The private sector share was much
higher and the manpower employment rate reached 40.6 % in 2011, the details are in the
following table.
b) The manpower distributions by sector in 2009 are shown in the following table. The Commercial
sector is the highest employment rate (21.7%), followed Education sector (15.4%) and
Government sector (13.7%) and Agricultural sector (13.2%).
c) Since 2003, unemployment issue has been received with more attention by the government, due
that the rates were increased year by year. The unemployment levels reached 14% in 2009. The
three governorates in Kurdistan have different rates with 16.9% in Duhok, 13.2% in Erbil and
11.9% in Sulaymani.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Table 2.1.8 Real GDP (at 2005 price) and GDP per capita in Kurdistan
Price index ID US dollar
2005=100 Real GDP Per capita Real GDP Per capita
ID billion ID 1000 USD million USD / person
2005 100 11,186 2,728 8,200 2,000
2006 126 11,526 2,744 8,450 2,012
2007 122 13,948 3,243 10,226 2,378
2008 136 17,754 4,035 13,016 2,958
2009 145 15,686 3,268 11,500 2,396
2010 148 19,210 3,557 14,084 2,608
2011 157 22,543 4,099 16,527 3,005
2012 165 24,049 4,219 17,631 3,093
Note: Exchange rate of 1,364 ID /USD in 2005 is used for the all years
Source: JICA Survey Team
(3) Investment
a) After 2003, the region succeeded to attract foreign and local investors due to the promising and
diverse investment opportunities by the political and security stability. It was achieved through
enacting “Investment Law No. 4 of 2006”. This law is changed in “Regional Development
Strategy 2013 – 2017”, and it brings new investment opportunities.
b) KRG Board of Investment (BOI) statistics indicate that the capital funds invested in the Region in
2006 reached US$ 438 million. And the investment rose to US$ 4,844 million in 2010. After 2011,
the decline of foreign investments caused by the economic crisis experienced by many countries.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
c) Regarding sectoral investment, the accumulative investment of Housing sector was US$ 9,080
million from Aug 1st 2006 to Feb 15th 2012 and Industry sector was US$ 3,191 million in the
same periods. The third was Trade sector with US$ 2,476 million.
Table 2.1.11 Accumulative investment from Ag 1st 2006 to Feb 15th 2012 in Kurdistan
Sectors Investment Contribution
USD million %
Trade 2,476 13.1
Banks 740 3.9
Health 320 1.7
Industry 3,191 16.8
Tourism 1,656 8.8
Communication 659 3.5
Education 426 2.3
Agriculture 271 1.4
Housing 9,080 48.0
Services& others 96 1.1
Total 18,915 100.0
Source: Board of Investment of KRG
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
b4) Increased investment rates, in relation to economy (total annual GDP) to go up to 20 % within
five years.
b5) Investment map prepared and developed during the first year of the strategy implementation,
then publicized to interested persons, in addition to promoted recommended projects contained
b6) The region's share of the federal investment projects increased to approximately 20 % within
five years, and maintained.
b7) The ground for starting exports prepared, aimed to support the economy at progressive rates
within a five-year period.
b8) Increasing the expenditure of tourists in Kurdistan from US$ 320 million in 2009 to US$ 1.5
billion (ID 1 trillion and ID 800 billion) by 2017.
b9) Increased rate of mining and extracting-based economic activities, and related metal industry
to over 25 % of overall industrial contribution to GDP, within a period of five years.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The following table shows the average tariffs for business sectors and whole Kurdistan. The tariffs are
the weighted average values by power consumption in 2012. As the result, Kurdistan average tariff is
3.8¢/kWh (45 ID/kWh), and business tariffs are arranged from lower to higher.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Adversely, the tariff being higher than the cost is only D-7 category (over 5001 kWh) in domestic
sector. The tariff is 16.8¢/kWh(200 ID/kWh)and the cost is 15.8¢/kWh (188.7 ID/kWh). In the
categorized tariff system, it is only one category to exceed the own cost.
Other words, D-7 category compensates the deficits of other categories in the tariff system. The tariffs
in all sectors are subsidized by Kurdistan government. The subsidies for the tariffs present the
Kurdistan governmental policies for livelihood protection and promotion of industry. The average
subsidies by business sector described in descending order are as the following table.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
According to the data of RMEK, the difference between the sales and the cost in 2012 is US$ 1,283
million (ID 1,521 billion), and it is complemented by KRG as subsidy. The following table shows the
subsidy by business sector in descending order of the subsidies.
The power loss rates by sector are 30 % in Domestic use, 35 % in Commercial sector, 64 % in
Industry sector, 31 % in Agriculture sector and 13 % in Government sector. The loss rate in Industry
sector is comparatively higher than others. The loss rates by governorate are as follows;
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Table 2.2.7 Regional sale power and billed power by sector in Kurdistan
Sector Erbil Sulaymani Duhok Total
MWh % MWh % MWh % MWh %
Domestic Sales power 2,644,515 2,887,966 1,884,879 7,417,360
Billed power 1,983,730 25.0 1,761,448 39.0 1,425,659 24.4 5,170,837 30.3
Commercial Sales power 376,640 174,395 171,761 722,796
Billed power 238,341 36.7 104,113 40.3 123,054 28.4 465,508 35.6
Industry Sales power 77,415 988,610 38,315 1,104,340
Billed power 53,788 30.5 317,996 67.8 19,843 48.2 391,627 64.5
Agriculture Sales power 136,457 51,356 21,557 209,370
Billed power 90,085 34.0 40,207 21.7 12,812 40.6 143,104 31.7
Governmental Sales power 656,903 407,628 233,949 1,298,480
Billed power 566,672 13.7 341,301 16.3 214,177 8.5 1,122,150 13.6
Total Sales power 3,891,930 4,509,955 2,350,461 10,752,346
Billed power 2,932,616 24.6 2,565,065 43.1 1,795,545 23.6 7,293,226 32.2
Note: Percentage (%) =100- Billed power (MWh) /Sales power(MWh)*100
Source: RMEK
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
When looking at the tariff system of Kurdistan as of March 2013, “Inter-Class Subsidy”, and
“Intra-Class Subsidy” in the above table has been already solved. It seemed that “Capital expenditure
subsidy”, “Fuel price subsidy” and “Operating cost subsidy” are continued, even though as of April
2013. The recommendations of USAID are mentioned as the following sentences after disconnecting
Iraqi poverty policy from the power business.
The Ministry of Electricity should not be in the welfare business. A subsidy for the poor should
be paid by the central government though the social security program designed and
administered by the government. Either a voucher scheme or direct payments are potentially
attractive options.
Source : “Public Policy on Subsidies Iraq Ministry of Electricity” by USAID
Additionally, the following tariff system from 2009 to 2015 is recommended to RMEK
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Table 2.2.12 Power tariffs proposed in “Master plan for the Electricity sector” in Kurdistan
(Unit ID / kWh)
Sector Base 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
kWh / Month ID / kWh ID / kWh ID / kWh ID / kWh ID / kWh ID / kWh ID / kWh ID / kWh
Domestic 1 - 450 15 25 35 45 55 65 65 65
451 - 900 20 40 60 85 110 130 130 130
901 - 1500 35 55 80 100 125 145 145 145
1501 - 2100 60 80 95 110 130 145 145 145
2101 - 3000 75 90 105 115 130 145 145 145
3001 - 5000 150 150 150 150 150 145 145 145
5001 - 200 190 180 170 160 145 145 145
Commercial 1 - 600 25 35 45 55 65 75 75 75
601 - 900 35 45 55 65 70 75 75 75
901 - 1500 50 70 90 110 130 145 145 145
1501 - 3000 60 80 95 115 130 145 145 145
3001 - 5000 80 95 105 120 135 145 145 145
5001 - 90 100 110 120 135 145 145 145
Industry 0.416kV 60 75 90 115 125 140 140 140
11kv 50 65 80 95 115 135 135 135
33kv 30 50 70 90 110 130 130 130
132kv 20 40 60 80 100 120 120 120
Agriculture Flat 30 55 70 95 120 130 130 130
Governmental Flat 60 75 90 115 125 130 130 130
Note: Base year is actual tariff in 2007
Source: Master plan electricity sector Final report Vol 1 by RMEK and PB
Table 2.2.13 The power tariffs proposed in “Master plan for the Electricity sector” in Kurdistan
(¢ / kWh)
Sector Base 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
kWh / Month ¢/kWh ¢/kWh ¢/kWh ¢/kWh ¢/kWh ¢/kWh ¢/kWh ¢/kWh
Domestic 1 - 450 1.3 2.1 3.0 3.8 4.7 5.6 5.6 5.6
451 - 900 1.7 3.4 5.1 7.3 9.4 11.1 11.1 11.1
901 - 1500 3.0 4.7 6.8 8.5 10.7 12.4 12.4 12.4
1501 - 2100 5.1 6.8 8.1 9.4 11.1 12.4 12.4 12.4
2101 - 3000 6.4 7.7 9.0 9.8 11.1 12.4 12.4 12.4
3001 - 5000 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.4 12.4 12.4
5001 - 17.1 16.2 15.4 14.5 13.7 12.4 12.4 12.4
Commercial 1 - 600 2.1 3.0 3.8 4.7 5.6 6.4 6.4 6.4
601 - 900 3.0 3.8 4.7 5.6 6.0 6.4 6.4 6.4
901 - 1500 4.3 6.0 7.7 9.4 11.1 12.4 12.4 12.4
1501 - 3000 5.1 6.8 8.1 9.8 11.1 12.4 12.4 12.4
3001 - 5000 6.8 8.1 9.0 10.3 11.5 12.4 12.4 12.4
5001 - 7.7 8.5 9.4 10.3 11.5 12.4 12.4 12.4
Industry 0.416kV 5.1 6.4 7.7 9.8 10.7 12.0 12.0 12.0
11kv 4.3 5.6 6.8 8.1 9.8 11.5 11.5 11.5
33kv 2.6 4.3 6.0 7.7 9.4 11.1 11.1 11.1
132kv 1.7 3.4 5.1 6.8 8.5 10.3 10.3 10.3
Agriculture 2.6 4.7 6.0 8.1 10.3 11.1 11.1 11.1
Government 5.1 6.4 7.7 9.8 10.7 11.1 11.1 11.1
Note: Base year is actual tariff in 2007
Source: This table is calculated from the above table by JICA Survey Team.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Nowadays, the subsidy system for power sector from governmental budgets is introduced in world wide.
And it is facts that some parts of power energy are used meaningless by the reason why lower power tariff
is set by the subsidy system.
The some subsidy system for the poor people is important policy for the governments in all countries.
When considering current energy problems and global warming issues, efficient power utilization are
sought to people in all countries.
For promoting the policy and consideration, it is sought that the power tariff system is introduced for
energy efficiency and conservation. In Kurdistan, it should be considered to introduce new power tariff
system promoting energy efficiency and conservation.
Chapter 3
Regarding imported power from neighboring countries, the power from Turkey during 2005~2011
has been imported with the range from 100 MW to 150 MW. However, the imported power in 2011
extremely went down. While, the imported power from Iran in 2008 came to 4.4 MW, and increased
to 6.8 MW in 2011.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Although the imported power from the federal government was 133.6 MW in 2006. However, it is
declined to 13 MW in 2010. In 2011, Kurdistan exports the power with 92 MW to Federal area. In
Kurdistan, the power supply from domestic generation was increased with 50 % per year from 2006 to
The distributed rates of the power supply in 2012 to the governorates were 36.3 % in Erbil, 22.5 % in
Duhok and 41.2 % in Sulaymani. The rates are not difference so much in the past three years. It means
that the power is fairly supplied to all governorates in Kurdistan governorates.
The distributed power percentage by business sector shows that the highest percentage was Residential
use with 68 % in Erbil, 80 % in Duhok and 64 % in Sulaymani in 2012. Regarding Industry sector,
Sulaymani has the share with 22% in 2012, however, Erbil and Duhok were around 2 %, it is smaller than
Sulaymani comparatively. It can be considered that Industry sector is developed in Sulaymani more than
Erbil and Duhok governorates in Kurdistan.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
According to RMEK forecasting, the future power demand growth rate is 14.6 % per year from 2012
to 2017. As the actual demand growth rate was 17.1 % per year from 2007 to 2012, RMEK forecasts
that the growth rate in the next five years is higher than the past five years. While, the future power
supply (Power distribution + Social loss + Technical loss)outlook of RMEK is 20 % per year from
2012 to 2017, it is rather lower growth rate than the past five years with 30 % per year.
Other hand, RMEK provides the following future peak loads forecasts to the JICA Survey Team as
reference of the project.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
d) The power supply from 2016 to 2020 is increased in company with the power demand increase
during the years.
The results are as the following table. The Kurdistan power demand reaches 4,060 MW in 2017
(RMEK forecasts 5,800 MW as peak load in the year in their Master plan). And the power supply to
continue the shortage for many years becomes equivalence to the power demand in 2015, the power
supply increases to 4,060 MW in 2017 and 5,204 MW in 2020.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Figure 3.1.2 Peak loads of RMEK and JICA Survey Team forecasts
The power demand by region (Erbil, Duhok and Sulaymani up to 2020 are distributed by the actual
contribution of the regional distributed power demand from 201 to 2012. The contribution values are
36 % in Erbil, 23 % in Duhok and 41 % in Sulaymani.
The results are as follows;
a) The power demand (Distribution base) in Erbil in 2020 is 2,374 MW (665 MW in 2012)
b) The power demand (Distribution base) in Duhok in 2020 is 1,472 MW (413 MW in 2012)
c) The power demand (Distribution base) in Sulaymani in 2020 is 2,694 MW (755 MW in 2012)
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The outline image of the present situation of the Kurdistan power system is shown below in Figure 3.2.1.
The system consisting from 132kV transmission lines carries the power to the 33/11kV distribution side
in each of the point of large demand, such as Duhok, Erbil and Sulaymani, each the capitol of the three
governorates of the same name, respectively.
Source: by the Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2013 provided from RMEK.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Based on the PSS/E1 data of 2013 Kurdistan power system provided from RMEK, the JICA Survey
Team took a close look at the present situation.
The total installed capacity of power generation was approximately 3,163MW and that of the total load
was 2,771MW.
Figure 3.2.2 shows the power flow analysis result. To make a clear view of the result, the power plants
(machine model) is toggled into a single circle icon, which 9 of them equally allocated in balance
throughout the Kurdistan Region.
Table 3.2.1 shows the list of these power plants.
Power System Simulator for Engineering: System analysis software developed by Power Technologies, Inc (currently merged to Siemens).
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Despite this allocation of the power plants, the power flow and the voltage condition still cannot reach a
stable power condition. The concerned points are shown in red-dotted areas in Figure 3.2.2.
Details are shown in Table 3.2.2 and Table 3.2.3, there are substations where the voltage drops under 0.9
P.U. and also with two transmission lines causing an overflow.
13307 13340 J-E-AZ2 123.0 135.1 135.6
(Erbil Park)
Source: PSS/E data of 2013 provided from RMEK.
The voltage drop is critical and needs to be taken of urgent countermeasure, such as installing SVC (static
Var Compensator) at the listed substations.
Generally, in static state, the voltage should not go under 0.95 P.U.
The Overflow seen as listed above, should be carefully investigated as the ERPK (Erbil Park) is in one of
the vast load area. Rated capacity of 123 MVA transmission line in this area may not be enough.
Expansion of capacity of the capacity by up-grading the lines or to added extra circuits to the existing
lines will be necessary in the coming years.
The JICA Survey Team will not go through cross section of this year 2013 as it does fairly reflect the
situation in the Kurdistan Region where short outages occur throughout the day.
The power development plan was provided from RMEK as shown in Table 3.2.4.
The description of maximum dependable capacity in the year 2013 is 3,335 MW which is appropriately in
range with the total capacity of power generation mentioned in the previous clause.
By 2016, the total installed capacity of the power generation will reach 8,593 MW and the maximum
dependable capacity will be 7,355 MW. This is both an amount more than twice as high when compared
to the year 2013. This exponential growth of the power generation plan in only 3 years is based on the
active investment arising in these years, to overcome power outages and to fulfil the rapid growing
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
* Actual Generation for the time being in Dokan and Darbandikan is 27MW & 40MW respectively.
Table 3.2.5 shows the demand forecast from 2013 - 2020 also provided from RMEK along with the
former list.
It is seen that the maximum dependable capacity will overturn the load estimation in 2015.
The compound annual growth rate from 2013 to 2020 will be 10.09% which is a very high amount
prevising the Countries’ progress of the next decade.
It is noteworthy that the growth rate of these few years is rising aggressively, while from that of later on
the growth saturates and calms down.
Load Estimated (MW) 3,717 4,700 5,521 5,788 6,093 6,459 6,846 7,257
Comparing betwee Max. Generation &
-57 -855 1,074 1,567
the Estimated Load
Source: Provided document from RMEK.
Before 2010, Erbil and Duhok Governorate did not have connection of the power system in 132kV
transmission line. In cases Duhok Governorate had to import power from Turkey to meet the high
demand periods.
Now, including Sulaymani, every Governorate in Kurdistan is connected via the 132kV transmission line.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
1600 load (MW)
1400 generation (MW)
Figure 3.2.3 Supply and Demand Balance in 2013 Kurdistan Power System
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
RMEK also provided JICA Survey Team with the PSS/E data of 2020 Kurdistan power system. The JICA
Survey Team also checked the situation of the cross section of this year.
The total installed capacity of power generation was approximately 8,120MW and that of the total load
was 7,550MW.
Image of the planned 2020 power system in Kurdistan is shown in Figure 3.3.1.
to Mosul 400
to Mosul
to Kirkuk to IRAN
to Kirkuk
Source: by JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK.
This figure mainly describes the planned 400kV transmission line with the 132kV transmission line of
2013 left for reference. (The whole image of the power system will be shown in an edited diagram based
on the output of PSS/E.)
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The main difference compared to the 2013 power system is the 400kV transmission line connecting west
most Zakho to Duhok, Erbil, Bazian and the east most Said Sadek. Said Sadek is currently a 132/33/11kV
substation. In this 2020 plan, it will be enhanced to 400kV.
Based on the PSS/E data of the planned 2020 Kurdistan power system, the JICA Survey Team checked
the future situation and found out that there are basically no issues to be concerned of. (Only a few minor
issues resulting from modelling method have been observed.)
Figure 3.3.2 shows the power flow analysis result of the 2020 Kurdistan power system. To make a clear
view of the result, the power plants (machine model) is toggled into a single circle icon. The transmission
lines drawn in a thick line (red line: 400kV, green line: 132kV) represents double circuit while that of a
narrow line is for single circuit.
There are 22 machine models seen to have been allocated in balance throughout the Kurdistan Region, as
well as the situation was on the 2013 power system. The allocation has been appropriately considered to
supply power in the concept of “regionally produced and consumed”.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
With the PSS/E data, the JICA Survey Team received a planned power system in Kurdistan up to 2020
from RMEK as shown in Figure 3.3.3.
The figure describes the latest plan which was updated in March 11th, 2013 and provided to the JICA
Survey Team on their 2nd mission in Erbil.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
*In the legend mentioned “Existing & Proposed 400&132kV System up to the end of year 2015”, but describes the 2020 plan.
(It is confirmed by RMEK with JICA Survey Team).
Source: Provided document from RMEK.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The yellow colored part in the figure is the planned 400/132kV substation which the construction project
has not been financed or neither has been chosen of the contractors.
These are;
a) Gomaspan (Erbil governorate)
b) Bazyan (Sulaymani governorate)
c) Kalar (Sulaymani governorate)
d) Arbat (Sulaymani governorate)
The latest planned is Bazyan where there will be a large industrial complex (mainly cement and relevant
factories), attracting investment domestically and abroad.
Kalar will be foreseeing a large capacity power plant (500 - 1,000MW by 2020) to have the power
transferred from the southeast region of Kurdistan via 400kV transmission line.
The other two; Gomaspan and Arbat, will be a substation without nearby connecting power plant, while
feeding to 132kV load and is seen to contribute to the stability of the power system.
[ in Duhok governorate ]
a) Deraluk Hydro Power Plant (73MW)
b) Gali Balinda Hydro Power Plant (30MW)
c) Bagova Hydro Power Plant (15MW)
d) Mandawa Hydro Power Plant (155MW)
[ in Erbil governorate ]
a) Khabat Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Power Plant (600MW)
b) Constructed by POSCO Engineering & Construction Company (Korea).
c) Harir Power Plant (200MW)
d) Erbil Gas Power Plant (500MW)
e) Constructed by Mass Group Holding Ltd.(MGH) (Kurdistan conglomerate).
f) 1,000MW Erbil Gas Power Plant exists in an adjacent site.
g) Khormala (Erbil) Power Plant (1,000MW)
h) Constructed by KAR Group (Kurdistan conglomerate).
i) Taqtaq Hydro Power Plant (68MW)
[ in Sulaymani governorate ]
a) Qala Diza HFO Power Plant (200MW)
b) Kalar Gas Power Plant (500MW)
c) Bazyan Gas Power Plant (500MW)
The JICA Survey Team has not obtained the detail information about the 400kV substations and
transmission lines. As far as from the PSS/E data it can be found that there are around 10 of 400/132kV
substations which are not functioning as only for power plant connection.
Some of these substations that have already commenced of design, construction are as follows;
Harir (Erbil) under construction by MGH including connecting transmission lines
Khabat (Erbil) under construction by POSCO
Erbil under construction by KAR
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
3.3.2 Supply Demand and Transferring the Power in Planned Power System
In the 2020 plan, the supply and demand balance largely changes compared to the current 2013 situation.
The 2020 plan shows no connection between Duhok and Erbil governorates via 132kV transmission line,
instead building a firm connection with the 400kV transmission lines.
The connecting points are as follows;
a) Duhok - Harir 400kV in 1cct (Duhok - Erbil connection)
b) Duhok - Khabat 400kV in 1cct (Duhok - Erbil connection)
c) Duhok - Erbil 400kV in 1cct (Duhok - Erbil connection)
d) Gomaspan - Sulaymani West 400kV in 2cct (Erbil - Sulaymani connection)
e) Harir - Hajiawa 132kV in 2cct (Erbil - Sulaymani connection)
f) Taqtaq - Tasluja 132kV in 2cct (Erbil - Sulaymani connection)
Figure 3.3.4 shows a supply and demand balance in the planned 2020 Kurdistan power system. Compared
to the situation in 2013 (Figure 3.2.3), the growing demand supresses the reserve capacity of the power
supply to 14.4% in Erbil.
In Duhok, development of a large scale gas power plant in Zakho and Duhok connected to 400/132kV
substation supplies more than enough power to be consumed in the governorate, while in Sulaymani, the
demand nearly equal to Erbil soars almost double the amount of the supply even though there are power
development plans in Bazyan and Kalar.
Despite the mentioned unbalance, the 400kV power system throughout the region will contribute to the
power supply to be covering the deficiency in Sulaymani. It can be assumed that generally, the power
flow will be in the direction of Duhok to Erbil.
4500 load (MW)
4000 generation (MW)
Figure 3.3.4 Supply and Demand Balance in 2020 Kurdistan Power System
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
3.4.1 Objective
The power system analysis in this survey will be carried out to support the decision process of which
400kV power facilities to be formed as a project by Japanese ODA loan to be contributing to the future
Kurdistan power system.
In October 15th, 2012, KRG Ministry of Planning have approved and submitted a project proposal report
to the Japanese Government for the implementation of the following power facilities;
a) Gomaspan 400/132kV substation with 2 x 250MVA transformer (Erbil)
b) Arbat 400/132kV substation with 2 x 250MVA transformer (Sulaymani)
As mentioned in 3.3.1 Situation of the Planned Power System (Figure 3.3.3), the analysis will be leading
the JICA Survey Team to the result of how the necessity and validity of these project formation can be.
The analysis is carried out with making an initial status based on the PSS/E data of 2020 Kurdistan power
system provided from RMEK.
This initial status will be assuming the period of the 400kV power facilities toward east from Harir and
that of Bazian is not yet constructed; presumably few years before 2020. These assumptions are made
from the fact that the substations of Harir, Khabat, Erbil and Bazian have already commenced of the
construction project.
The image of this initial status is shown in Figure 3.4.1. The heavy red-colored line shows the 400kV
transmission lines that have started their operation and the lines in tinted color shows the transmission
lines that would be under construction. Some red-colored lines that are arrowed at their end show the
connection to the other regions outside Kurdistan with the analysis model to be represented only by the
load model, for instance lines to Mosul and to Kirkuk. While the same lines to Turkey, Syria and Iran,
including the one from Bazian to Kirkuk is not considered in the analysis model due to very little
influence in the whole other power system (assumably, several tens MWs export).
When making the initial status, the following adjustments and arrangements were done to the original
PSS/E data by JICA Survey Team;
a) Regarding the base case as the peak load of the year 2020, the power plants (machine model) was
assumed of the critical situation as below;
No output from Dokhan Hydro Power Plant (due to severe drought period)
No output from Derbandikhan Hydro Power Plant (same as above)
Bazyan Power Plant still not constructed
b) Took off the substation models as “not in service” (the 400kV bus bar and 400/132kV
transformer models) in Gomaspan, Arbat and Bazyan.
*The transmission lines in Gomaspan substation connecting to 400kV bus bar had incoming and
outgoing lines which has been dis-connected and by-passed.
c) The 400kV transmission line below is still not constructed.
Bazian - Arbat (2cct)
Bazian - Bazyan (2cct)
Arbat - Bazyan (1cct)
Bazyan - Harir (1cct)
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Basically, when conducting power system analysis, the following study is considered.
a) Power flow analysis (check power flow, voltage, etc.)
b) Short circuit current analysis
c) Transient stability analysis
To conduct full analysis including checking of the transient stability, takes months on condition that the
integrity of the targeted power system data is confirmed with adequate set of sub data is available.
Due to the limitation of the framework, the transient stability analysis will not be conducted in this survey.
Nevertheless, this analysis will be necessary when the framework of the survey permits.
to Mosul 400
to Mosul
to Kirkuk to IRAN
to Kirkuk
Source: by the JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Having this initial status as the “base case”, the JICA Survey Team will be starting off with this case and
modifying it to reach the conclusion in the following procedure;
Note that at the point of having the issues cleared, the JICA Survey Team will stop the analysis to
conclude the case as the appropriate condition; static state.
If there are no issues from 2), the JICA Survey Team will consider further analysis method, such as
calculating short circuit current to confirm the stability and reliability of the power system up to 2020.
The power flow and the voltage condition for the planned 2020 power system of RMEK is shown in
Figure 3.4.2. There are no deviation of the voltage range from normal operation and neither of overloaded
transmission lines.
The planned 2020 power system of RMEK can obviously be said that it has the necessary conditions
fulfilled with the facilities to realize them. Needless to say, 400/132kV substation, Gomaspan and Arbat
is included in the power system, which the JICA Survey Team will be focusing upon to confirm its
validity and necessity.
General reliability of power system called “N-1 criteria”; Among the N units of the power system, even when 1 unit is shut down by accident,
the remaining N-1 unit holds (enables) the situation of the power system for stable power supply. (Not applied when in planned outage or
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
to Mosul 400 Duhok
to Mosul
to Kirkuk to IRAN
to Kirkuk
Source: by the JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK
Figure 3.4.2 Power Flow and Voltage Condition of 2020 Planned Power System
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The power flow analysis results of the cases mentioned in the clause 3.4.2 Approach and Methodology is
shown below.
to Mosul 400 Duhok
to Mosul
to Kirkuk to IRAN
to Kirkuk
Source: by the JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK
Figure 3.4.3 Power Flow Result for Base Case
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
(2) Power Flow Results of the Case Adding Gomaspan, Arbat and Bazyan Substation with 400kV
transmission lines: Final Analysis Case (Figure 3.4.4)
to Mosul 400 Duhok
to Mosul
to Kirkuk to IRAN
to Kirkuk
Source: by the JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK
Figure 3.4.4 Power Flow Result for Case Adding Gomaspan,
Arbat and Bazyan Substation with 400kV transmission lines for Final Analysis Case
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Note that, the point of the final power flow analysis (Final Analysis Case) is almost the same as the
original planned 2020 power system, but with the difference of 400kV transmission line connection
between Bazian - Bazyan (2cct) and Bazyan - Harir (1cct).
When expanding the power system, the newly connected power generator will have to be considered as
the increase of short circuit current. As the planned 2020 power system of RMEK has a vast difference
compared to the current power system, especially, around Erbil and Chamchamal- Bazian -Bazyan, where
power plants of large capacity is to be constructed, the short circuit current is assumed to be rising up.
The short circuit current will be calculated by causing a symmetrical three phase line short fault.
The short circuit current of 2013 current power system is at maximum around 30kA for 132kV system
and this is supposed to have, within the current power facilities to have the circuit breakers with enough
rated breaking capacity of 40kA.
The short circuit current of planned 2020 power system is at maximum over 50kA for 132kV system as
shown in Figure 3.4.5 and in Table 3.4.1. According to the survey, 9 points exceed the 40kA and 7 points
exceed 50kA. The actual maximum value of the short circuit current is 56.33kA seen at Erbil Substation
132kV side. Including Erbil Substation, buses at Erbil Gas Power Plant, Chamchamal and Bazian
Substation has the same condition, with short circuit current exceeding 50kA.
This short circuit current exceeding 50kA is practically an abnormal case where there is no manufacturer
capable of supplying 132kV circuit breaker with breaking capacity exceeding this value. Even if 50kA,
only few manufacture can provide 132kV switchgear equipment as special design.
However, this result from the analysis of a critical case assumed by the JICA Survey Team as mentioned
in clause 3.4.2 Approach and Methodology.
From this situation, the JICA Survey Team conducted a further study by changing the models in PSS/E
data as follows;
a) Disconnecting the bus tie in the 132kV side of the above substations
b) Separating the bus in the 132kV side of the above substations
This is based on the fact that standard configuration of 400/132kV substations of REMK is consisting of a
double bus bar.
The result of this study is shown in Figure 3.4.6 and Table 3.4.2.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Source: by the JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK
Figure 3.4.5 Short Circuit Current Distribution Map of 2020 without Measures
Source: by the JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Source: by the JICA Survey Team based on PSS/E data of 2020 provided from RMEK
Figure 3.4.6 Short Circuit Current Distribution Map of 2020 with Measures
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Note that the separation of the bus bars drastically decreases the short circuit current. As from Table 3.4.2
there are no short circuit exceeding 50kA. Still, 8 points exceed 40kA. The Bus No. 61 and 62 are the
separated buses from Bazian substation and Chamchamal substation respectively for 132kV side,
modified by the JICA Survey Team.
Although still with the fact that the short circuit current is over 40kA, up-grading of the circuit breakers
will be necessary in this future stage.
At the moment this is not a level of an issue since, as mentioned before, the JICA Survey Team regards
the base data of the analysis as a critical case. Moreover, the active demand towards construction of
400kV transmission line will allow more options of 132kV transmission line to be separated, which will
contribute to decreasing the short circuit current. Also, as the power facilities are built, detailed study and
design will be done to avoid these short circuit current situations.
Based on this conclusion and with the following facts, constructing the 400/132kV substation; Gomaspan
and Arbat will be the most suitable project formation by the Japanese ODA loans.
a) Within the candidate substations, Bazyan which is to be, at the moment, constructed by RMEK’s
own resources and in future, Kalar which will be connecting a large capacity power plant not yet
fully planned, will rather be far from linking it to credit from abroad.
b) As mentioned in 3.4.1 Objective, KRG Ministry of Planning have approved and submitted a
project proposal report to the Japanese Government for the implementation of Gomaspan and
Arbat substations.
Chapter 4
4.1.1 Substation
The substation is designed and constructed based on the Design Condition of Substation, such as
Topographical conditions, Electrical criteria, Standards and Technical Specification etc., which are
descried in Chapter 6.
The sizing of the substation is basic factor to select the construction site and the typical layout drawing of
the Substation is shown in Figure 6.1.3 (Chapter 6). The layout drawing includes the temporally working
area and storage area etc. considering site construction works. The substation sites shall be selected to
suite the accommodation of the whole substation facilities.
400kV and 132kV transmission lines routes, regardless existing or planned, also shall be considered to
select the site of the substation which shall be connected/diverted the new Substation.
Access road from existing main road to the new substation shall be constructed during the project
implementation and then, the location of the main road shall also be taking into consideration.
Environmental and social issues for the substation sites are described in Chapter 5.
The transmission line is designed and constructed based on the Design Condition of Transmission Line,
such as Topographical conditions, Electrical criteria, Standards and Technical Specification etc., which
are descried in Chapter 6.
The scale of transmission towers are shown in Figure 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. The typical conductors/ground
wires, insulators, foundation are also shown in Chapter 6.
The transmission line route shall be selected to pass though straight and to become minimalized distance
as possible as it can.
Access road to each tower site shall be constructed during the project implementation and then, the
transportation method for materials and equipment to mountainous tower site shall also be taking into
consideration by individual site conditions.
Environmental and social issues for the transmission line routes are described in Chapter 5.
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
(1) Gomaspan
The site is in Erbil Gomaspan, where is outside rural area of Erbil city, in Northern east. The
substation site is the direction of south and south east from the GPS coordinate point of N 36°15’
15.50’’, E44°19’4.01’’.
a) The area is agricultural area owned by Ministry of Agriculture with a total area of 900,000m2
without any obstruction.
b) The difference in elevation for the site is not more than 1 to 1.5m over the distance of 1500m.
c) Existing main road is near to the site, less than 500m northern direction.
d) A double 132kV overhead transmission line is crossing the southern end of the site.
e) Future 400kV overhead transmission line is expected to be crossing near the site.
The following Google Map Figure 4.2.1 shows the Gomaspan area and the location of the substation
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
The following Photographs of Figure 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 show the site views;
Fig. 4.2.2
Fig. 4.2.3
(2) Arbat;
The site is in Sulaymani Arbat, where is outside rural area of Sulaymani city, in southern east. The
substation site is the GPS coordinate point of Lat 35.39772 and Long. 45.57553.
a) The area is agricultural area owned by Ministry of Agriculture with a total area of 300,000m2
without any obstruction.
b) The difference in elevation from existing main road to the site is not more than 3m over the
distance of 1750m.
c) Existing main road is near to the site, less than 1700m north east direction.
d) 132kV overhead transmission line observed northwest of the site.
Future 400kV overhead transmission line is expected to be crossing near the site.
The following Google Map Figure 4.2.4 shows the Arbat area and the location of the substation site
and photographs of Figure 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 show the site views;
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Fig. 4.2.5
Fig. 4.2.6
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
Since the planned transmission line route between Bazian Substation and Arbat Substation has been
already selected by RMEK, local consultants hired by the JICA Survey Team conducted a site survey
along the route. The total length of the route is around 69 km.
The outline of the route is described in Clause 5.4.4.
The route passes though mountainous areas, and then there are sites where the maximum altitude
difference is more than 600 m (Figure 4.2.7, 4.2.8). Therefore, transportation and construction methods at
these sites shall be examined carefully by detail site survey at the project implementation stage.
Bazian S/S
Arbat S/S
Preparatory Survey on Electricity Sector Reconstruction Project (II) In Kurdistan
From the site survey, both two sites, i.e., Gomaspan and Arbit, are suitable for the construction of the
substation. RMEK indicates that Ministry of Agriculture will compensate the area, including temporally
access road for the construction by giving contracts for other lands to farm. The detailed study results
related to environmental and social consideration issues are shown in Chapter 5.
The overall transmission line route between Bazian S/S and Arbat S/S is shown in Figure 5.4.16 in
Chapter 5. From the study shown in Chapter 5, the selected routes are suitable for the construction of the
transmission line.