Uganda REFIT Stakeholder Consultation
Uganda REFIT Stakeholder Consultation
Uganda REFIT Stakeholder Consultation
Figure 1: A clear relationship between GDP and electricity consumption ....................................... 4
Figure 2: Electricity demand forecast for Uganda (MWh) ............................................................... 5
Figure 3: The science and art of determining REFiT levels .............................................................. 8
Figure 4: Forecasted avoided costs through 2023 (USD/kWh) ..................................................... 17
Figure 5: GET FiT SHP specific capex costs vs. installed capacity .................................................. 22
Figure 6: Capital structures of a corporate finance and project finance deal................................. 24
Figure 7: The science and art of determining REFiT levels ............................................................ 28
Figure 8: Comparative hydro tariff (Phase II and Proposed) in USDc/kWh .................................... 30
Figure 9: Proposed FiTs in relation to FiTs in the region (USD/kWh) ............................................. 31
Table 1: Phase II FiTs (revised July 2013) .................................................................................... 15
Table 2: Proposed return expectations for other technologies...................................................... 19
Table 3: CAPEX assumptions for all technologies ........................................................................ 22
Table 4: OPEX assumptions for all technologies .......................................................................... 23
Table 5: O&M Shares of Current vs. Proposed FITs...................................................................... 23
Table 6: Generation input for all technologies ............................................................................ 23
Table 7: Financing structure and cost assumptions ..................................................................... 25
Table 8: Financing assumptions for all technologies (for flat tariff approach) ............................... 25
Table 9: ERA Phase II 2013 FiTs vs. 2015 FS-LEI model output (USD/kWh) .................................. 27
Table 10: FiT recommendations.................................................................................................. 29
Table 11: Linear Tariff for hydro (>5 MW - 10 MW) in USD/kWh ............................................... 30
Table 12: Frontloaded vs. flat tariffs ........................................................................................... 33
Equation 1: LCOE calculation for REFiT ....................................................................................... 20
This document has been produced for the use of the Ugandan Electricity Regulatory
Authority (ERA) in its external feed-in tariff (FiT) consultations for the revision of its
Phase II FiT regime. It has been prepared by consultants from the Frankfurt School of
Finance & Management and London Economics International, and should facilitate an
informed discussion about FiT policy. Items and arguments presented below have
been discussed with and included comments and changes requested by ERA.
Funds for this assignment were provided by the GET FiT TA Facility and managed by
KfW under the Agreement of Delegated Cooperation with the Secretary of State for
International Development of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Source: Castellano, A. et al. (2015). Brighter Africa: The growth potential of the sub-Saharan electricity
sector. McKinsey & Company Electric Power & Natural Gas.
As such, as part of its national development objectives and the achievement of the Uganda Vision
2040, the country aims to dramatically increase its installed capacity, annual consumption, as well
as its access rates across the country, with ERA’s estimates on the order of more than 8,000MW,
14,000MW, and 40,000MW of installed capacity required over the next 5, 10, and 25 years
respectively. 2 Further, in light of the fact that Uganda is poised for a period of strong economic
growth – on account of oil discoveries and resulting industrialisation, regional integration, and
macroeconomic stability – electricity demand is forecast to increase substantially in the coming
OECD/IEA (2015). World Energy Outlook 2015 – Electricity Access Database.
ERA (2014). Strategic Plan 2014/15 – 2023/24.
2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
The costs of generation and distribution expansion are formidable, with the Government
estimating that over USD 9 billion will be required between now and 2030 to achieve 30%
electricity access (up from an estimated 15% in 2013); a substantial sum of which will require
significant private sector involvement. 3
Kreibiehl, S. and Miltner, S. (2013). GET FiT in Uganda: Observations & open issues from a financial
perspective. Deutsche Bank Research:
Electricity Regulatory Authority (2013). Uganda Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFIT) Phase 2
Electricity Regulatory Authority (2014). Strategic Plan 2014/15 – 2023/24:
Avoided cost
Source: FS-UNEP Centre (note that REFiT ranges are meant to be indicative only)
See for more information about the rankings and methodology.
Grace, R. et al. (2008). Exploring feed-in tariffs for California: Feed-in tariff design and implementation
issues and options. Sacramento, CA: California Energy Commission:
Mendonça, M. et al. (2010). Powering the Green Economy: the Feed-in Tariff Handbook. Earthscan:
Couture, T. et al. (2010). A Policymaker’s Guide to Feed-in Tariff Policy Design. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL):
For additional information, see the Feed-in Tariff Policy at,
RURA (2012). Regulations N°001/Energy/Rura/2012 of 09/02/2012 on Rwanda Renewable Energy Feed in
Electricity Regulatory Authority (2013). Uganda Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFIT) Phase 2
According to the standardised PPA, the average buy rate for each month’s invoice is calculated using “the
average of the daily published rate for the purchase of Dollars with Shillings as published by the Central Bank
of Uganda on each Business Day of the preceding calendar month.”
Solar PV 0.110 0% -- -- 50 -- 20
Notes: The linear hydro tariff increases from USD 0.085-0.115 as the plant size decreases from 9-1MW, and
cumulative capacity limits for solar were only established later (see discussion of solar tender below).
The current FiT provides further specifics about priority technologies and qualified bidders, the
calculation methodology (incl. investment costs, interconnection costs, O&M, fuel costs where
relevant, and financing costs), as well as the application and licensing process for developers to
follow. While this revision of Phase II represented an improvement, the response from developers
was initially underwhelming, and it appeared that slight modifications were in order for projects to
reach financial close.
The final figure depends on whether funding becomes available for Achwa III (9.9MW).
While these figures are listed on a per kWh basis, the support is structured to be disbursed over the first
five years of the plant’s operation: 50% on the commercial operations date, and 10% per year thereafter.
Meyer, R. Tenenbaum, B. and Hosier, R. (2015). Promoting Solar Energy through Auctions: The Case of
Uganda, Livewire 2015/49. World Bank Group.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Note: This forecast make several assumptions about plant commissioning dates, future tariff structures,
excess supply/demand, and dispatch structures. As such, there remains a great deal of uncertainty as many
exogenous factors could affect the outcome. That said, the specific figure is less important than the stability
and trend, as avoided costs are projected to level out at around USD 0.10/kWh.
In the discussion of avoided costs, the key drivers of economic viability for a new generation
project are also considered. For example:
Location is extremely important – in Western Uganda a significant gap has been filled,
and as such there may be areas in other regions (e.g. the North), in which economic
viability is easier to achieve.
Intermittency is a significant challenge – to the extent that strong seasonality exists, too
much hydro power in a system can be costly as excess supply needs to be managed and
emergency backup needs to be installed in drier periods. As such, a technological
differentiation is a driver of viability as well. In this respect, it is worth observing that for
intermittent sources of energy, the avoided cost is equivalent to the variable cost of
dispatchable energy – as fixed costs cannot be avoided, because it is needed for back up.
As such, the average avoided cost curve represents something of an oversimplification; however as
to provide a price signal as well and avoid an overly complex analysis, it should continue to be
borne in mind.
For further detail, see Eberhard, A. et al. (2014). South Africa’s Renewable Energy IPP Procurement
Program: Success Factors and Lessons. PPIAF.
Biomass (MSW)/
Biogas/ 18% Balance sheet
Landfill gas
Ceiling price. As described briefly above, it must be recognised that the avoided cost (or the
benefit) of intermittent energy is what it would have cost to generate the power that the new
renewable source has displaced. This avoided cost of renewable energy is equivalent to the
variable cost of dispatchable energy – as fixed costs cannot be avoided, because they are already
incurred and the extra capacity is typically needed for back up. Using this approach, one can
estimate when a project’s value to the system is greater than its cost. As such, the avoided cost,
calculated periodically (e.g. biennially), could be considered as an absolute ceiling.
𝐸𝐸𝑡 × 𝑃𝑡 − 𝐼𝑡 − 𝑀𝑡 − ∆𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷
𝑁𝑁𝑁 = � 𝑡
�1 + � 𝐶𝑡 × ���
𝑟𝐷 × (1 − 𝜏) + 𝐶𝑡 × 𝑟�𝐸 ��
𝑡 𝑡
Note that that this methodology need not apply to technologies that are normally financed on balance
sheet in Uganda – namely bagasse. For those technologies, one could calculate the FiT using a more
traditional corporate finance approach with a constant cost of capital.
3.4.3 CAPEX
Unlike conventional thermal generation, renewable energy projects are highly capital intensive –
that is, they are characterised by substantial up-front costs and relatively low and stable operating
costs (though to a lesser degree with biomass projects). As such, the capital expenditure
assumption for each technology is an extremely important driver of cost, and therefore of the
required tariff for investors to achieve their required returns.
As can be seen in the accompanying cost database, CAPEX data has been collected from a wide
variety of sources covering all relevant technologies, and further analysed to extract to what extent
factors such as plant size play a role in role in increasing or reducing costs on a per unit of
Figure 5: GET FiT SHP specific capex costs vs. installed capacity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Source: GET FiT small hydro power project proposals.
Hydro (10-20MW) 2,200 – 2,800 Construction costs split 30/30/40 over three years
Hydro (0.5-10MW) 2,500 – 3,100 Construction costs split 30/30/40 over three years
3.4.4 OPEX
Though a smaller cost driver than capital expenditures, operating expenditures are also an
important consideration in calculating fully cost-reflective tariffs. As above, international cost
estimates as well as regional and national project data sources were used to estimate OPEX both
in absolute terms per unit of generation capacity and as a proportion of overall costs. This latter
figure will prove important as this percentage of the tariff be indexed to inflation over the lifetime
of the project, in keeping with ERA’s current treatment. Indeed, ERA will maintain its O&M
inflation adjustment approach from its Phase II FiT revision, in which the operations and
maintenance portion of the feed-in tariff is indexed to inflation, measured by the US Core Producer
Price Index. For most of the technologies the O&M share has increased in revised model.
Hydro (>10-20MW) 42 – 56
Hydro (0.5-10MW) 48 – 54
Note that for biomass, bagasse, biogas, and landfill gas technologies, a plant factor is used rather than a
capacity factor, as it takes into consideration the number of operational days per year.
In terms of financing assumptions, indicative concessional loan terms are used, which are likely to
continue to be available for small and medium-scale renewable projects in Uganda, with
commercial bank terms also included as a senior tranche for the frontloading modality (for the
tariffs that remain flat over 20 years, a single debt tranche is used). Indeed, almost all debt
provided to small and medium-scale renewable projects in Uganda to date has been provided by
DFIs rather than commercial banks.
In terms of equity returns, technology-specific assumptions are used based on track record,
perceived risk, and anticipated financing structure. 15% is the benchmark, which is adjusted
slightly in the case of bagasse cogeneration up to 18% on account of their higher opportunity cost
of capital.
This would most likely apply for other biomass technologies, though a FiT for them is not recommended at
this stage.
Parameter Assumption
Table 8: Financing assumptions for all technologies (for flat tariff approach)
3.4.8 Taxes
In the financial model, a standard corporate tax rate in Uganda of 30%, applied equally across
technologies, has been assumed. No additional taxes are added onto capital expenditures – such
as customs duties or VAT. Harmonised tax treatment is expected to come into effect in 2016. Note
that much of the CAPEX data in the benchmark cost database is not disaggregated to the level in
which one can easily identify and isolate tax effects, and as such individual points are to be treated
Technology ERA base Technology FS/LEI low FS/LEI high
FiT top-up
Note that the top-up figure is an average of the four 5MW projects that were selected by the auction.
Hydro (10-20MW) Hydro (0.5-5MW) Bagasse
Range Avoided costs Societal Costs
A key message to come out of this is that the priority technologies appear to be viable against
avoided costs. However, this does not mean that ERA will provide blanket approval for all
ostensibly viable projects. Indeed, the generation gap in Uganda may not be sufficiently large in
the coming years to justify a blanket interest in small and medium-scale renewable energy projects.
Rather, the country can be more selective in which kinds of projects they would like to support,
and in which sites. As such, it may be that the next step following the publication of the next
round of FiTs would be to use geospatial analysis to calculate the location-specific economic value
proposition of each project, and then adjust the FiT up or down based on that. 22 As project
development and investment occurs on a successful, sustained basis, enabling Uganda to make
progress toward its energy sector objectives, FiTs may begin to be offered on a more selective
Increasing selectivity will be beneficial for the Ugandan economic environment, as only the most
valuable projects will be supported. Reduced or more stringent FiTs will not be sufficient to make
all projects financially viable, which will likely be frustrating for some developers. However,
adopting such a process would create transparency and avoid shocks. Indeed, a clear methodology
or set of selection criteria should be developed in order for ERA to screen projects in the future,
which could then be made clear to developers and investors.
Based on these considerations, ERA will continue to offer FiTs for hydro, biomass, and bagasse
projects (see
For a recent analysis of this kind in the United States, see Brown et al. (2015). Estimating Renewable
Energy Economic Potential in the United States: Methodology and Initial Results. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL):
FS/LEI ∆ incl. ∆ excl.
Technology ERA GET FiT Technology
recom. top-up top-up
Linear +
Hydro (1-9MW) Linear Hydro (>5-10MW) Linear
The proposed tariff structure for hydro is similar to the previous round with a modified flat tariff
range for relatively small hydro (≤ 5MW) projects. The figure below shows the proposed tariff
structure for hydro plants in green. The blue lines represent the existing Phase II hydro tariff
structure, including both the base tariff (only) and including the GET FiT top-up. For small hydro
projects with a size of less than 5 MW, the linear tariffs do not provide the overall realistic tariffs
because of high capacity factors (see section 3.3.2). For projects in the range of 5-10MW, a linear
tariff is the optimal solution as for these projects the required revenues decrease linearly as plant
size increases. The tariff comes in lower than the base plus GET FiT support tariff. The tariff for
medium sized projects >10MW remains flat as before and comes in lower than the base plus top-
up tariff.
The linear tariff range for projects between 5 and 10 MW has also been detailed in the table
Kenya Ghana Tanzania Uganda Kenya Ghana Tanzania Uganda
Hydro Bagasse
Note: The Ghana REFiTs only cover a 10-year period, and as such as somewhat higher than they would be if
levelised over 20 years. For bagasse technology in case of Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania, the biomass FiTs
have been taken as they are the most representative technology for bagasse and in some cases comprise of
variety of fuel types including bagasse.
4.1.1 Generation gap and the future role of small and medium-scale
renewable energy
Key messages:
ERA should be careful with general FiTs. It is important to slow down development while
remaining transparent.
The generation gap in Uganda may not be sufficiently large in the coming years to justify a blanket
interest in small and medium-scale renewable energy projects. Rather, the country can be more
selective in which kinds of projects they would like to support, and in which sites.
4.2.1 Storage
Key messages:
While storage increases the economic value of an intermittent project, such considerations
will be omitted for the time being on account of flexibility, lack of data, and the site-specific
nature of economic viability.
While some FiTs differentiated on the basis of whether or not the power source is dispatchable (i.e.
whether or not it is accompanied by storage or a grid stability system), ERA will omit this
distinction in the revised FiT. As indicated previously, simplicity is an essential component to a
successful FiT scheme, given the necessity of communication and clarity between stakeholders.
Further, there is little useful and universally applicable data that could be used to justify an
additional payment for a storage scheme, many of which would in any case make projects
economically unviable despite their added value. As such, storage has been intentionally left out of
the recommendations.
This consideration may become more appropriate at such a point in the future when ERA can
calculate the site-specific economic value of a power plant (see 4.2.3).
For a recent analysis of this kind in the United States, see Brown et al. (2015). Estimating Renewable
Energy Economic Potential in the United States: Methodology and Initial Results. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL):