NewUnit4 - 2022
NewUnit4 - 2022
NewUnit4 - 2022
Unit 4
And Process
*These lecture notes are prepared as a book to be used with the Strategic Manufacturing
Management Course. Any part of the material should not be copied or reproduced without
the permission from the author.
Process Choice
Generic Types of Process
The Product-Process Matrix
Use of the Product-Process Matrix
The second section examines the different types of generic processes that a
manufacturing company may use, and how many companies may use
combinations of such processes.
Learning Outcomes
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
high risk
involve high stakes
are irreversible
have major impact on other important elements of the company (eg
human resources)
Many successful companies (e.g., 3M, Intel) have attributed their success to
the fact that they have developed and centred their business around a “core”
technology and avoided diversification into technologies about which they
know little. The following quotation illustrates this point:
In fact, being entirely technology driven and being entirely market driven
represent two extreme situations that can be equally undesirable. In the
market driven situation, a firm runs the risk of having unrealistic or
impossible demands being placed on engineering and manufacturing
functions by marketing. In the technology driven situation, the firm runs the
risk of products that are over-engineered and not sufficiently responsive to
the customer’s real needs. In reality, some form of iterative dialogue
between technology and marketing perspectives is required. An example of
a company in which these two alternative perspectives have been reconciled
is given below
Exercise 4.1
Try to think of an example either from your direct experience, or from you
reading, of a company whose business performance has severely suffered
through lack of integration of technology and make notes on this in the
space below.
Cash Cow - a business unit that has a large market share in a mature,
slow growing industry. They generally constitute products in the mature
phase of their life cycle. Cash cows require little investment and
generate cash that can be used to invest in other business units.
Question Mark (or Problem Child) - a business unit that has a small
market share in a high growth market, often at the very beginning of its
life cycle. These business units require resources to grow market share
but whether they will succeed and become stars is unknown.
Dog - a business unit that has a small market share in a mature industry.
These may often be products nearing obsolescence and at the end of
their life cycle. A dog may not require substantial cash, but it ties up
capital that could better be deployed elsewhere. Unless a dog has some
other strategic purpose, it should be liquidated if there is little prospect
for it to gain market share.
Exercise 4.2
1. For a company with which you are familiar, try to classify some of their
products in the relevant quadrants of the BCG growth/share matrix
Choice of the appropriate way to manufacture ones products will involve the
following steps:
1. Deciding how much of the product to buy out, which in turn determines
how much will be made in.
2. Identification of the technology alternatives to complete the tasks
involved in the made-in sections of the product.
3. Choosing between these alternatives in such a way that best satisfies
current and future market needs.
Often, projects will involve the offsite production of parts or assemblies for
use on the project site, and these can often be produced using a different
choice of process than project.
Jobbing Production
Job shops are flexible producers of one-off products and will require
interpretation of the customer’s design and specification, followed by the
use of appropriate knowledge and skills in the type of area in which the job
shop may specialise. Different jobs may be quite different in size and type,
and the order in which operations are performed may be different between
one job and the next. Equipment must be general purpose and flexible and
human resources must be skilled at working to constantly varying
specifications. A particular product will either not be manufactured again in
the same form, or a long period of time will elapse before it is ordered
again. Any investment in specialist plant jigs, fixtures etc. is therefore rarely
Small Batch
Small batch producers provide similar items on a repeat basis and in larger
volumes than is associated with jobbing. Small batch manufacture is
generally associated with substantial product variety, but with sufficient
frequency of repeat orders and similarity of individual products that some
specialisation of plant and equipment can occur, and individual products can
Large Batch
Some production lines may be batch and line hybrids. For example, a
production line may operate for a certain amount of time producing one
product, and then reset to produce another batch of slightly different items.
Alternatively, a certain amount of flexibility might be built into the line so
that a product mix can be produced. For example, a car plant might produce
the same model of car but of different colour and body continuously on the
same line (although it would not be feasible to produce a totally different
model on that line). A critical decision in setting up a line operation is very
often the degree of flexibility that should be built in, and this must be
addressed simultaneously with capacity and volume/variability
considerations. Once an assembly line has been set up, there is generally
little scope for volume changes.
Continuous Process
A second aspect of the product life cycle that has a direct impact on
manufacturing has to do with the nature of industry competition and the
firms as major competitors. The maturation of a market generally leads to
fewer competitors, increasing industry concentration, and competition based
more on price and delivery than on unique product features. As the
competitive focus shifts during the different stages of the product life cycle,
the requirements placed on manufacturing (in terms of cost, quality,
flexibility, and delivery dependability) also shift. A third aspect has to do
with the nature of the product itself. The stage of the product life cycle
Manufacturing Strategy: Unit 4 - Product Technology and Process Choice 4-13
© Sami Kara February 2022
affects the product design stability, the length of the product development
cycle, the frequency of engineering change orders, and the commonality of
components, all of which have implications for the manufacturing
technology process. In short, the product life cycle concept (Figure 4.4)
provides a framework for thinking about both the product evolution through
time and the kind of market segments that are likely to develop at various
points in time. It also highlights the need to change the priorities that govern
manufacturing behaviour as product and markets evolve. These priorities in
turn have important repercussions for the process technology employed. As
products move through different phases of their life cycle so processes need
to be changed in order to satisfy the required characteristics at each
particular phase of the life cycle.
Figure 4.4 Product life cycle concept and its relation to product volume,
industry, and form of competition.
In the same way that the product life cycle concept has been used for
analysing manufacturing requirements in relation to product evolution,
manufacturing processes also have life cycles. A process generally starts as
one which is flexible but not very cost efficient, then moves into increasing
degrees of standardisation and cost efficiency towards a highly automated,
capital intensive, repetitive production line.
type of product
market requirements
competitive positioning
product variety
product volumes
Reading 4.1
Now read the extract from Chapter 7 of “Restoring our Competitive Edge”,
Robert H. Hayes and Stephen Wheelright, New York, John Wiley, 1984
Step 1 involves plotting two axes, one for the product families which the
firm currently make and one for the processes which it uses. This effectively
defines the area within which the firm is operating in terms of its
technological competence.
Step 2 involves asking whether the new proposal fits somewhere within this
space or lies outside it, in other words, somewhere which will require the
acquisition of new competence.
If it does, then it implies that the new development will require new
combinations of existing knowledge and the challenge is one of internal
learning. But if it lies outside current competence, then it will be necessary
to think about how the gap will be closed, and whether it represents a high
risk jump into completely new territory or an incremental advance in the
firm's knowledge base.
Much innovation involves progress along one axis, keeping the other
constant. For example, developing a new product family using processes
with which the firm is familiar is relatively low in risk. Similarly employing
a new process to make a well-understood product is relatively low risk.
Where the change involves both product and process, the risks are high. The
basic principle can be applied in a number of ways. First the axes can be
changed, for example, to explore the space around products and markets, or
processes and materials. And the matrix can be extended to three, four or
five dimensions, although by this time it becomes difficult to work with. But
in each case the principle is the same, the axes represent 'knowledge space'
within which the firm has experience and outside of which will involve
higher risk learning of new competence. As with all tools of this kind its
main purpose is to focus thinking and discussion, to help firms 'look before
they leap'.
Reading 4.2
Now read the further extract from Chapter 7 of “Restoring our Competitive
Edge”, Robert H Hayes and Stephen Wheelright, New York, John Wiley,
Exercise 4.4
1. Develop some examples from a company of your choice of a
situation for situations in which process choice has evolved over
time or has move “off” the diagonal of the Product Process Matrix.
The underlying factor used for choosing the most appropriate process is
volume, which we define as quantity x work content. As volume increases,
the justification for investing in processes dedicated to make that product
increases as shown in Figure 4.6.
Reading 4.2
Stop now and read pp116-130 from “Manufacturing Strategy, Text and
Cases” by Terry Hill, McGraw-Hill, 2000
Exercise 4.5
Consider the case of a manufacturing company that has been heavily
involved in large batch production product of a very limited range of
products, but which is increasingly being asked for customized or on-off
variants. As a result, the company is thinking of changing its technology to
small batch or jobbing production. Use the relevant material in Reading 4 to
develop business-based (as opposed to technology-based) arguments as to
why this might be a bad move.
Reading 4.4
Stop now and read Thomas J. Crowe and Jose Pablo Nuno “Deciding
Manufacturing Priorities: Flexibility, Cost, Quality and Service” Long
Range Planning, Vol. 24, No6, pp 88-95, 1991.
Exercise 4.6
From companies known to you, develop one example for each of the four
cubes where a company has succeded in operating to advantage on the front
face of each cube
Analysis Question
Analyse the issues faced by Fastflo Pumps in relation the material covered
up to this point of the subject.