08-29-2023 LP

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Date: August 29, 2023 (Tuesday) Assessment Questions:

1. What was the most interesting response you heard from

I. OBJECTIVES: your partner during the chitchat cube activity?
1. Express thoughts, feelings & experiences; 2. How did the chitchat cube activity help you learn more
2. Interact/socialize with peers/classmates through active about your partner?
participation in the classroom activities; Elaborate:
3. Value the importance of getting to know their Class presentation - Students prepare short presentations
classmates/peers through building connections and interactions; about their hometown or a place they would like to visit.
4. Participate actively in discussion/activities. They include visuals and interesting facts to engage the
A. Topic: Getting to know each other “Kamustahan”
References: Evaluate:
C. Materials: Human Bingo card, Chitchat Cube, writing Reflection journal - Students write a reflection on their
materials experience during the class orientation activities. They
D. Strategies: Interactive games/activities discuss what they learned about their classmates and how
E. Learning across the curriculum: it can contribute to a positive learning environment.
1. Mathematics - Students can calculate and graph the
number of students in the class based on their gender and IV. Assignment:
age. Write a short paragraph introducing yourself to the class.
2. Social Studies - Students can create a map of the Include your name, hobbies, and aspirations. Be ready to
classroom, labeling each student's seat with their name and share it during the next class.
3. English - Students can write a short paragraph
introducing themselves and their interests. Prepared by:
Give me two claps if you’re ready. SST-I
B. Presentation:
Learners are grouped into 7 groups ( 4-5 members each)
C. Lesson Proper:

1. Icebreaker Game - "Two Truths and a Lie" - Students
take turns sharing two true statements and one false
statement about themselves. The class tries to guess which
statement is false.

Activity 1 - "Human Bingo"
Materials: Bingo cards with different characteristics or
hobbies in each square, pens
Instructions: Each student receives a bingo card and a pen.
They must walk around the classroom and find classmates
who match the characteristics or hobbies in each square.
Once they find a match, they can ask the classmate to sign
their bingo card in that square. The first student to fill their
entire bingo card wins.
Rubric: Criteria - Number of squares filled; Points - 5 points
per filled square

Assessment Questions:
1. How did you feel when you found classmates who
matched the characteristics or hobbies on your bingo card?
2. Did you discover any surprising similarities or differences
among your classmates?

Activity 2 - Chitchat Cube:

Materials: Chitchat cube (a cube with different conversation
starters on each face)
Instructions: In pairs, students take turns rolling the chitchat
cube and answering the question that corresponds to the
face that lands on top. They should have a conversation
based on their answers for a specified amount of time.
Rubric: Date: August 29, 2023 (Tuesday)
- Participation (10 points)
- Active listening and response (10 points) I. OBJECTIVES:
1. Understand and internalize school rules, classroom rules; Distribute index cards/papers to each student.
2. develop interpersonal skills for effective communication and On one side, students write down one thing they learned about
relationship building.; school rules and one strategy for following them.
3. Interact/socialize with peers/classmates through active On the other side, students write down one interesting thing they
participation in the classroom activities; learned about a classmate during the "getting to know each
4. Value the importance of following school rules and other" activity.
regulations/classroom rules; Collect the cards and review them to assess students'
4. Participate actively in discussion/activities. understanding of the material and their engagement in the
II. SUBJECT – MATTER: activity.
A. Topic: School Rules and regulations, Classroom rules
B. References: Student Handbook IV. Agreement:
C. Materials: Student Handbook, writing materials Assign a reflective journal entry where students describe how
D. Strategies: Interactive games/activities they will apply the classroom rules in their daily school life and
E. Learning across the curriculum: how they plan to use effective communication to build stronger
1. Mathematics - Students can calculate and graph the relationships within the class.
number of students in the class based on their gender and
2. Social Studies - Students can create a map of the Prepared by:
classroom, labeling each student's seat with their name and
3. English - Students can write a short paragraph SST-I
introducing themselves and their interests.
A. Motivation
Give me two claps if you’re ready.
B. Presentation:
Learners are grouped into 7 groups ( 4-5 members each)
C. Lesson Proper:
1. Engage (10 minutes):

Begin with a short discussion about the importance of rules in

various aspects of life, such as games, sports, and society.
Share a relatable scenario where following rules led to a positive
Pose the question: "Why do you think rules are essential in a
school environment?"

2. Explore (15 minutes):

Present a visually appealing poster displaying the school's core

rules and regulations.
In pairs, students examine the poster and note down questions
they have about the rules.
Facilitate a class discussion where students share their
questions and clarify any misconceptions.

3. Explain (15 minutes):

Introduce the concept of classroom rules as specific guidelines

to ensure a productive learning environment.
Show a slide presentation outlining the classroom rules, along
with brief explanations for each rule.
Explain the rationale behind each rule, connecting it to the
class's overall learning experience.

4. Elaborate (10 minutes):

Divide students into small groups.

Provide each group with a scenario involving a potential rule
violation (e.g., using phones during class, talking out of turn).
In their groups, students discuss the scenario, brainstorm
consequences, and suggest possible solutions.
Each group presents their scenario and solutions to the class,
fostering critical thinking and collaborative problem-solving.
Date: August 29, 2023 (Tuesday)
5. Evaluate (10 minutes):
1. Understanding feelings/emotions; Rubric:
2. developing empathy, sympathy and resilience through positive - Comprehensive and accurate representation of the topic:10
response/actions on struggles/problems; points
3. Interact/socialize with peers/classmates through active - Clear and organized presentation: 10 points
participation in the classroom activities;
4. Value the importance of developing empathy, sympathy and Assessment Questions:
resilience; 1. How can self-care practices contribute to psychological first
4. Participate actively in discussion/activities. aid?
II. SUBJECT – MATTER: 2. Why is social support important in promoting psychological
A. Topic: Psychological First Aid well-being?
B. References: PSAP Modules
C. Materials: TV, writing materials 3. Explain:
D. Strategies: Interactive games/activities 1. Conduct a lecture on the principles and techniques of
E. Learning across the curriculum: psychological first aid, emphasizing the importance of active
1. English - Writing a reflective essay on the importance of listening and empathy.
psychological first aid. 2. Facilitate a class discussion on real-life examples of
2. Social Studies - Researching and presenting on the psychological first aid interventions, encouraging students to
historical context of psychological first aid. share their thoughts and experiences.
3. Health - Creating a poster on the different techniques
and strategies of psychological first aid. 4. Elaborate:
1. Role Play Extension: Have students create their own scenario
III. PROCEDURE: cards and perform role plays showcasing psychological first aid
A. Motivation techniques. This activity will allow students to apply their
Give me two claps if you’re ready. understanding creatively. Translate to English: "Role Play
B. Presentation: Extension: Have students create their own scenario cards and
Learners are grouped into 7 groups ( 4-5 members each) perform role plays showcasing psychological first aid techniques.
C. Lesson Proper: This activity will allow students to apply their understanding
1. Engage:
1. Show a video clip of a person experiencing a traumatic event 5. Evaluate:
and discuss the possible emotional and psychological effects. Written Reflection: Ask students to write a reflection on their
2. Conduct a class discussion on the importance of mental learning experience regarding psychological first aid, including
health and well-being in dealing with stressful situations. their understanding of its principles and techniques.
3. Share personal anecdotes or stories related to psychological
first aid and its impact. IV. Agreement:
Write a reflective essay on the importance of psychological first
2. Explore: aid in promoting mental health and well-being. Include personal
experiences or examples to support your ideas.
Activity 1: Role-Play

Materials: Scenario cards, props (optional) Prepared by:

Instructions: Divide the class into groups. Provide each group SITTI MAYMUNA L. HARUN
with a scenario card that describes a situation requiring SST-I
psychological first aid. Instruct the group to role-play the
scenario, applying the principles of psychological first aid.

- Demonstrates understanding of psychological first aid
techniques: 10 points
- Effective communication skills: 10 points
- Creative use of props (if applicable): 5 points

Assessment Questions:
1. What are the key steps in providing psychological first aid?
2. How can active listening contribute to psychological first aid?

Activity 2: Group Discussion

Materials: Chart paper, markers

Instructions: Divide the class into small groups. Provide each

group with a topic related to psychological first aid (e.g., self-
care, resilience, social support). Instruct the groups to discuss
the topic and create a mind map or concept map to visually
represent their understanding.

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