08-29-2023 LP
08-29-2023 LP
08-29-2023 LP
1. Icebreaker Game - "Two Truths and a Lie" - Students
take turns sharing two true statements and one false
statement about themselves. The class tries to guess which
statement is false.
Activity 1 - "Human Bingo"
Materials: Bingo cards with different characteristics or
hobbies in each square, pens
Instructions: Each student receives a bingo card and a pen.
They must walk around the classroom and find classmates
who match the characteristics or hobbies in each square.
Once they find a match, they can ask the classmate to sign
their bingo card in that square. The first student to fill their
entire bingo card wins.
Rubric: Criteria - Number of squares filled; Points - 5 points
per filled square
Assessment Questions:
1. How did you feel when you found classmates who
matched the characteristics or hobbies on your bingo card?
2. Did you discover any surprising similarities or differences
among your classmates?
Instructions: Divide the class into groups. Provide each group SITTI MAYMUNA L. HARUN
with a scenario card that describes a situation requiring SST-I
psychological first aid. Instruct the group to role-play the
scenario, applying the principles of psychological first aid.
- Demonstrates understanding of psychological first aid
techniques: 10 points
- Effective communication skills: 10 points
- Creative use of props (if applicable): 5 points
Assessment Questions:
1. What are the key steps in providing psychological first aid?
2. How can active listening contribute to psychological first aid?