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I. Subject Matter: Linguistic 3 Structures of English

Topic: Functions of Noun

Reference: PowerPoint Presentation

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Identify the functions of noun
2. Differentiate the functions of noun
3. Construct sentences using the functions of noun

III. Instructional materials:

Cartolina, Whiteboard Marker, Projector

IV. Methodology:

A. Motivation

The teacher will present sentences which contain nouns and let the students underline the words
which they think are nouns.

B. Presentation

After the activity, the teacher will now introduce to the students the topic which is about "nouns" and
will relate it to the samples given earlier. After introducing the concept of noun, the teacher will tell the
students that nouns can have several functions in sentences.

C. Discussion

The teacher will now state and discuss each functions of noun; subject, direct address, direct object,
indirect object, objective compliment, subjective compliment, object of the preposition, and appositive. The
teacher will also further explain the difference of each functions of noun in sentences.

D. Application

The teacher will ask the students to present in the class their answers to the given activity earlier in
which they are ask to underline the nouns. This time the teacher will ask randomly the students to identify
what function of noun is use in the nouns they have underlined.

V. Assessment:

The teacher will conduct an identification test at least 10 items.


I. Subject matter: English 2 Communication Arts

Topic: Common Figures Of Speech

Reference: PowerPoint Presentation

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Identify the common figures of speech.
2. Describe each common figure of speech.
3. Determine common examples of figures of speech used.

III. Instructional materials:

Flash cards, 1/8 Illustration board, Chalk, Whiteboard Marker, Projector

IV. Methodology:

A. Motivation

The teacher will divide the class into two (2). A set of title of songs will be presented by the teacher
in the class, and each group must identify what type of figures of speech it belongs.

B. Presentation

After the activity, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. Can you name some figures of speech?
2. Can you describe each common figure of speech?

C. Discussion

After the students answer the questions, the teacher will discuss the common figures of speech,
simile, metaphor, hyperbole, synecdoche, metonymy, irony, apostrophe and personification. The teacher
will also give description and examples in each common figure of speech for better understanding.

D. Application

The teacher will divide the class into 8 groups. Each group will be assigned to provide two (2)
example for each common figures of speech they are assigned. The students will be given (10) ten minutes
for this activity.

V. Assessment:

The teacher will conduct a matching type test at least 10 items.


I. Subject matter: Professional Education 2 Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching

Topic: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

Reference: Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching Book Edition 1

Module 6 page 61-64

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Explain the stages of moral development.
2. Answer situations to exercise the ability to use moral reasoning.
3. Connects how the theory of moral development can be applied in teaching.

III. Instructional materials:

Whiteboard Marker, Textbook

IV. Methodology:

A. Motivation
The teacher will divide the class into six (6) groups, each group will write their moral reasons
regarding the moral dilemma that the teacher will present in the class.

B. Presentation
After presenting an example of moral dilemma and hearing the groups moral reasons, the teacher
will now connect the given example to the topic. In this moment the teacher will now introduce the topic
"Kohlberg’s stages of moral development".

C. Discussion
The teacher will discuss about the six stages of moral development according to Kohlberg. The
teacher will further explain each stage including the level of each stage and their different descriptions.

D. Generalization
The teacher will now summarize the discussion to the students for clear understanding on how
individual make moral decisions based on their moral reasons. The teacher will also explain further how an
individual's ability to choose right from wrong is tied with the ability to understand and reason logically.

E. Application
The teacher will ask again the six groups, each will be assign respectively to the six stages of moral
development. Each group will provide a sample scenario connecting the moral development in teaching to
the stage they are assigned: stage 1 (punishment/ obedience), stage 2 (mutual benefit), stage 3 (social
approval), stage 4 (law and order), stage 5 (social contract) and stage 6 (universal principle). The students
will be given (10) ten minutes for this activity.

V. Assessment:
The teacher will conduct an identification test at least 10 items.

College/ Department: Education School Year: 2018-2019

Semester: Second


Name of Student: Darlito Y. Ablas Date: March 18, 2019

Subject : English 2 Time: 2:30- 4:00 Room: 1

I. Subject Matter (Contentual Scope):

Types of Research

Methods of Research

Value Items (VI): Mastery

II. Specific Objectives: After the learning activities, the students are expected to:

A. Cognitive :
Identify the Types of Research____________________________________

B. Affective :
Discuss the Types of Research and its use in Academic writings_________

C. Psychomotor:
Develop the ability to identify Academic Papers and Type of Research used._

III. Methodology:



IV. Instructional Reference / Materials:

Projector, Whiteboard Marker,_____________________________________ ____________

V. Lesson Proper:

A. Motivation:

Word Search Puzzle________________________________________________________

Activating Prior knowledge regarding "Types of Research"_________________________

B. Presentation:

Introducing the Types of Research_____________________________________________

Describing the types of research through discussion________________________________

C. Learning Activities/ Reinforcement:

Analyzing sample Academic papers_____________________________________________

Providing sample of Academic papers for each types of research______________________

Relating the value to the lessons________________________________________________

D. Evaluation:

Giving comments and feedback on the examples provided.___________________________

E. Assignment:

Write a sample scenario where a person uses one of the types of research in writings._______

Indicate what type/ types of research are/ are applied._______________________________


College/ Department: Education School Year: 2018-2019

Semester: Second


Name of Student: Darlito Y. Ablas Date: March 18, 2019

Subject : Linguistic 3 Time: 7:30-9:00 Room: 1

I. Subject Matter (Contentual Scope):

Syntactic Structure_____________________________________________________________

Structure of Modification_______________________________________________________

Value Items (VI): Cautiousness

II. Specific Objectives: After the learning activities, the students are expected to:

A. Cognitive:

Recognize the syntactic structure______________________________________

B. Affective:

Discuss the structure of modification as one of the syntactic structure__________

C. Psychomotor:

Develop the ability to identify modifiers in sample sentences_________________

III. Methodology:

Integrated ___________________________________________________________

Demonstration- Lecture_______________________________________________________

IV. Instructional Reference / Materials:

Visual aid, Whiteboard Marker, Chalk____________________________________________

V. Lesson Proper:

A. Motivation:

Review of the Parts of speech_________________________________________________

Activating Prior knowledge regarding “Modifiers"_________________________________

B. Presentation:

Introducing the structure of modification through demonstration______________________

Describing the structure of modification through lecture____________________________

C. Learning Activities/ Reinforcement:

Analyzing sample statements by identifying the head and modifiers___________________

Formulating sample statements using the structure of modification___________________

Relating the value to the lessons_______________________________________________

D. Evaluation:

Giving comments and feedback on the examples formulated_________________________

E. Assignment:

Arrange the given words and phrases into one sentence. Provide at least 2 or 3 sentences
using the given words and phrases. There must be a complete thought for each sentences

College/ Department: Education School Year: 2018-2019

Semester: Second


Name of Student: Darlito Y. Ablas Date: March 18, 2019

Subject : Prof Ed 2 Time: 10:30 - 12:00 Room: 1

9:00- 10:30

I. Subject Matter (Contentual Scope):

Principles of Learning__________________________________________________________

Value Items (VI): Understanding

II. Specific Objectives: After the learning activities, the students are expected to:

A. Cognitive:

Identify the principles of learning according to Horne and Pine______________

B. Affective:

Explain the principles of learning_____________________________________

C. Psychomotor:

Develop the ability to connect and apply the principles of learning____________

III. Methodology:

Cooperative Learning__________________________________________________________

Think- share- perform_________________________________________________________

IV. Instructional Reference / Materials:

Cartolina, Felt-tip pen, projector, Projector, Whiteboard Marker,______________________

A. Motivation:

Recitation asking students what are their principles in learning______________________

Activating Prior knowledge regarding "The Principles of Learning"___________________

B. Presentation:

Introducing the Principles of Learning__________________________________________

Explain the Principles of Learning through cooperative learning______________________

C. Learning Activities/ Reinforcement:

Analyzing scenarios related to each Principles of Learning through think- share- perform_

Relating the value to the lessons______________________________________________

D. Evaluation:

Giving comments and feedback on the scenarios provided.__________________________

E. Assignment:

Write an essay regarding the implications of the principles of learning to teaching.________

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