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1. Teacher : Dara Safira (1042020021)

School : MAN 1 Langsa
Lesson : English
Class/ Semester : XI / I
Subject : Asking and Giving Opinion
Time Allocation : 1 x 15 Minutes ( 1 meeting )

2. Standard Competencies
Express meaning in formal transactional and interpersonal conversations and continue in
the context of everyday life.

3. Core Competencies
KI 1 : To live and practice the teachings of the religion he adheres to.
KI 2 : Living and practicing honest, disciplined, polite, caring (mutual cooperation,
cooperation, tolerance, peace) behavior, responsible, responsive and pro-active
in interacting effectively in accordance with the development of children in the
environment, family, school, community and natural environment
environment, nation, state, regional area, and international area.
KI 3 : Understanding, applying, and analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive knowledge based on curiosity about science, technology, art,
culture, and humanities with insights into humanity, nationality, statehood, and
civilization related to causes of phenomena and events, and applying
knowledge procedural in a specific field of study according to their talents and
interests to solve problems.
KI 4 : Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of concrete and abstract
realms related to the development of what one learns at school independently,
acts effectively and creatively, and is able to use methods according to
scientific rules.

4. Basic Competency and Achievement Indicators

1.1 Grateful for the opportunity to be able 1.
Students can determine the function and
to learn English as the language of purpose of expressions of expressing
international communication which is opinions and thoughts.
embodied in the spirit of learning. 2.
Students find information based on
expressions of expressing opinions and
2.3 Demonstrate responsible, caring,
cooperative and peace-loving behavior in
3. Students answer questions based on
carrying out functional communication
expressions of expressing opinions and
3.2. Analyzing Social Function, text thoughts.
structure, and Language Features in 4. In pairs students make a conversation
expressions of expressing opinions and expressing opinions and

thoughts, according to the context of their 5. In pairs students present the results of
use. the conversational text regarding
expressing opinions and thoughts that
4.2. Compose spoken and written texts to
have been made.
express and respond to expressions of 6. Students can use the expression of
opinion and thoughts, taking into account opinions and thoughts in everyday life.
Social Function, text structure, and
Language Features, correctly and in

5. Learning Objectives
The learning objectives in this meeting are as follows:
a. Students can determine the function and purpose of expressions to express opinions
and thoughts.
b. Students find information based on expressions of opinion and thoughts.
c. Students answer questions based on expressions of expressing opinions and thoughts.
d. In pairs students make conversational expressions of expressing opinions and
e. In pairs, students present the results of conversational texts regarding expressing
opinions and thoughts that have been made.
f. Students can use the expression of opinions and thoughts in everyday life.

6. Learning Materials

- Learning Materials :

Asking and Giving Opinion

a. Definition Asking and Giving Opinion

To ask and give suggestion to someone and give responses to the suggestion
whether accepting or refusing it.

b. Social Function
To help someone who needs any suggestion or advice by giving our personal idea
and opinion in our daily life.

c. Language Features

Expression of Asking for Opinions (Informal)

1. What do you think about …?
2. What’s your opinion on …?
3. How do you feel about …?
4. Any comment about …?
5. What about …?

Expression of Asking for Opinions (formal)

1. Would you give me your opinion on …?
2. What is your opinion about …?
3. What’s your view on …?
4. Please give me your opinion …?

Expression of Giving Opinion

1. I think ….
2. In my opinion ….
3. I personally believe that ….
4. As fas as I know ….
5. If you ask me, I feel ….
6. From my point of view ….
7. In my view ….
8. I personally think ….

Responding Opinion
1. I think so
2. That’s right
3. It’s true
4. I don’t think so
5. If I may say so, …
6. I disagree
7. I can’t say that

7. Teaching Method
a. Learning Approach : Scientific
b. Learning Model : Discovery Learning
c. Method : Questioning and Answering, discussion

8. Media, Tools And Learning Resources

a. Media : Book, Hand out
b. Tools/Materials : White Board, Marker
c. Learning resources : Book, Hand Out

9. Learning Activity

Activity Description Time

Introduction - Say hello and greet students in a friendly manner 3 Minutes
when entering the classroom (values instilled:
polite, caring)
- Check student attendance (values instilled:
discipline, diligent)
- The teacher gives a warmer up to stimulate
students' enthusiasm before starting the lesson.
- Teacher recalls last week's lesson
- The teacher gives an overview of the lesson that
will take place.

- The teacher explores students' prior knowledge
and asks questions about the lesson that will take
place with Questioning and Answering regarding
things and events they encounter in everyday life.
Core - The teacher explains about the material asking 9 Minutes
Activity and giving opinion.
- The teacher shows a picture to students, then
makes prompting questions about what they
know about the material to be studied.
- Students are given examples of dialogs about
asking and giving opinion
- Students identify asking and giving opinion in the
- Students practice the dialogue in pairs.
Closing - The teacher gives a review and explanation of 3 Minutes
what has been done
- Students are given homework as a follow-up to
the learning that has taken place.
- Provide motivation to students who are lacking
and have not been able to follow in the material
that has been studied.

10. Knowledge Assessment Guidelines

a. Assessment Techniques : Written test
b. Kind of Instrument : Essay
c. Instrument

Please make one conversation with your friend about asking and giving opinion and
perform in front of the class!

d. Scoring Guidelines

No. Answer Description Score

1. Write a text about asking and giving opinion 100
with complete information, good writing, and
correct tenses.
2. Write asking and giving opinion with complete 80
information and incorrect tenses.
3. Write asking and giving opinion with incomplete 60
information but correct tenses.

4. Write asking and giving opinion with incomplete 40

information and incorrect tenses.
5. Writing asking and giving opinion with 20
incomplete information and incorrect tenses and
no punctuation.
6. Do not fill the answers 0

Langsa, 9 March 2023


Dara Safira
NIM. 1042020021

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