Iso 8529-1
Iso 8529-1
Iso 8529-1
First edition
Reference number
ISO 8529-1:2001(E)
© ISO 2001
ISO 8529-1:2001(E)
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Contents Page
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................2
3 Tests and definitions.....................................................................................................................................2
4 Reference radiations for the calibration of neutron-measuring devices .................................................5
5 Reference radiations for the determination of the response of neutron-measuring devices as
a function of neutron energy ........................................................................................................................9
Annex A (normative) Tabular and graphical representation of the neutron spectra for radionuclide
sources .........................................................................................................................................................13
Annex B (informative) Angular source strength characteristics of two radionuclide neutron sources .........20
Annex C (normative) Conventional thermal-neutron fluence rate .......................................................................22
Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................................23
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 8529 may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 8529-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 85, Nuclear energy,
Subcommittee SC 2, Radiation protection.
ISO 8529 consists of the following parts, under the general title Reference neutron radiations:
¾ Part 2: Calibration fundamentals of radiation protection devices related to the basic quantities characterizing
the radiation field
¾ Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosimeters and determination of response as a function of energy and
angle of incidence
Annexes A and C form a normative part of this part of ISO 8529. Annex B is for information only.
This part of ISO 8529 supersedes ISO 8529:1989. It is the first of a set of three International Standards concerning
the calibration of dosimeters and dose-rate meters for neutron radiation for protection purposes. It describes the
characteristics and methods of production of the reference neutron radiations to be used for calibrations.
ISO 8529-2 describes fundamentals related to the physical quantities characterizing the radiation field and
calibration procedures in general terms, with emphasis on active dose-rate meters and the use of radionuclide
sources. ISO 8529-3 deals with dosimeters for area and individual monitoring, describing the respective procedures
for calibrating and determining the response in terms of the International Commission on Radiation Units and
Measurements (ICRU) operational quantities. Conversion coefficients for converting neutron fluence into these
operational quantities are provided in ISO 8529-3.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8529 specifies the reference neutron radiations, in the energy range from thermal up to 20 MeV,
for calibrating neutron-measuring devices used for radiation protection purposes and for determining their response
as a function of neutron energy. Reference radiations are given for neutron fluence rates of up to 1 ´ 109 m–2×s–1,
corresponding, at a neutron energy of 1 MeV, to dose-equivalent rates of up to 100 mSv×h–1.
This part of ISO 8529 is concerned only with the methods of producing and characterizing the neutron reference
radiations. The procedures for applying these radiations for calibrations are described in ISO 8529-2 and
ISO 8529-3.
In view of the methods of production and use of them, these reference radiations are divided, for the purposes of
this part of ISO 8529, into the following two separate sections.
¾ In clause 4, radionuclide neutron sources with wide spectra are specified for the calibration of neutron-
measuring devices. These sources should be used by laboratories engaged in the routine calibration of
neutron-measuring devices, the particular design of which has already been type tested.
¾ In clause 5, accelerator-produced monoenergetic neutrons and reactor-produced neutrons with wide or quasi
monoenergetic spectra are specified for determining the response of neutron-measuring devices as a function
of neutron energy. Since these reference radiations are produced at specialized and well equipped
laboratories, only the minimum of experimental detail is given.
For the conversion of neutron fluence into the quantities recommended for radiation protection purposes,
conversion coefficients have been calculated based on the spectra presented in normative annex A and using the
fluence-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients as a function of neutron energy as given in ICRP Publication 74
and ICRU Report 57.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 8529. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 8529 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 8529-2:2000 Reference neutron radiations — Part 2: Calibration fundamentals of radiation protection devices
related to the basic quantities characterizing the radiation field.
ISO 8529-3:1998, Reference neutron radiations — Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosimeters and
determination of response as a function of energy and angle of incidence.
ICRP Publication 74, Conversion Coefficients for use in Radiological Protection against External Radiation, Annals
of the ICRP, Vol. 26, No.3/4 (1996).
ICRU Report 57:1998, Conversion Coefficients for use in Radiological Protection Against External Radiation.
neutron fluence
quotient of dN by da, where dN is the number of neutrons incident on a sphere of cross-sectional area da
. =
NOTE The unit of the neutron fluence is m–2; a frequently used unit is cm–2.
neutron fluence rate
neutron flux density
quotient of dF by dt, where dF is the increment of neutron fluence (3.1) in the time interval dt
dF d2N
j = =
dt da × dt
spectral neutron fluence
energy distribution of the neutron fluence
quotient of dF by dE, where dF is the increment of neutron fluence in the energy interval between E and E + dE
.E =
NOTE The unit of the spectral neutron fluence is m–2×J–1; a frequently used unit is cm–2×eV–1.
spectral neutron fluence rate
spectral neutron flux density
quotient of dFE by dt, where dFE is the increment of spectral neutron fluence in the time interval dt
dF E d 2F
jE = =
dt dE × dt
NOTE The unit for the spectral neutron fluence rate is m–2×s–1×J–1; a frequently used unit is cm–2×s–1×eV–1.
absorbed dose
quotient of dA by dm, where dA is the mean energy imparted by ionizing radiation to matter of mass dm
D =
NOTE The unit of the absorbed dose is J×kg–1 with the special name gray (Gy).
dose equivalent
product of Q and D at a point in tissue, where D is the absorbed dose and Q is the quality factor at that point
H = QD
NOTE The unit for the dose equivalent is J×kg–1 with the special name sievert (Sv).
dose-equivalent rate
quotient of dH by dt, where dH is the increment of dose equivalent in the time interval dt
H =
NOTE The unit for the dose-equivalent rate is J×kg–1×s–1 with the special name sievert per second (Sv×s–1).
neutron fluence-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient
quotient of the neutron dose equivalent, H, and the neutron fluence, F, at a point in the radiation field, undisturbed
by the irradiated object
h. =
NOTE Any statement of a fluence-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficient requires a statement of the type of dose
equivalent, e.g. ambient dose equivalent or personal dose equivalent. Their specific definitions and respective conversion
coefficients are given in ISO 8529-3.
activity of an amount of radioactive nuclide in a particular energy state at a given time
quotient of dN + by dt, where dN + is the expectation value of the number of spontaneous nuclear transitions from
that energy state in the time interval dt
dN +
A =
NOTE The unit of the activity is s–1 with the special name Becquerel (Bq).
neutron source strength of a neutron source at a given time
quotient of dN* by dt, where dN* is the expectation value of the number of neutrons emitted by the source in the
time interval dt
dN *
angular source strength
quotient of dB by dW, where dB is the number of neutrons per unit time propagating in a specified direction within
the solid angle dW
B9 =
spectral source strength
energy distribution of neutron source strength
quotient of dB by dE, where dB is the increment of neutron source strength in the energy interval between E and
E + dE
BE =
NOTE 1 The unit of the spectral source strength is s–1×J–1; a frequently used unit is s–1×eV–1.
B = BE dE
At a distance l from a point source, the spectral neutron fluence rate jE (3.4), due to neutrons emitted isotropically from the
point source with a spectral neutron source strength BE (neglecting the influence of surrounding material), is given by
jE =
4pl 2
fluence-average neutron energy
neutron energy averaged over the spectral neutron fluence
. ò E × . E ( E ) dE
dose-equivalent-average neutron energy
neutron energy averaged over the dose-equivalent spectrum
E = ò E × h. ( E ) . E d E
NOTE In the above equation, H = ò h. ( E ). E dE.
quotient of the reading, M, of a measuring instrument and the conventional true value of the measured quantity
NOTE The type of response should be specified, e.g. “fluence response” (response with respect to . ):
R. =
RH =
4.1 Introduction
In this clause, reference radiations produced by radionuclide neutron sources are specified which are particularly
suited for the calibration of neutron-measuring devices (see ISO 8539-3).
4.2.1 Types
The neutron sources given in Table 1 shall be used to produce reference radiations. The numerical values given in
Table 1 are to be taken only as a guide to the prominent features of the sources. The neutron source strengths and
the dose-equivalent rates may vary with the construction of the source, because of scattering and absorption of
neutrons and g-rays, and with the isotopic impurities of the radioactive material used. Hence details of the source
encapsulation are specified (see 4.2.2), and the method for determining the anisotropy of the neutron emission is
specified (see 4.4). For 252Cf, the specific photon dose-equivalent rate is dependent upon the age of the source
because of the build-up of g-emitting fission products. However, the increase is not more than 5 % during the first
20 years.
In addition to the sources listed in Table 1, sources such as Pu-Be(a,n) and Am-Li(a,n) are also used. However, it
is recommended that laboratories should not start using plutonium-beryllium sources if they are not already doing
Ratio of
photon to
Dose-equivalent- Specific fluence-to-
Half- Fluence-average neutron
average source dose-
Source life energya,b dose-
energya,b strengthc equivalent
ad MeV MeV s––1 pSv × cm2
2,65 0,55 2,1 2,1 ´ 1015 0,18 105
moderated) e
252Cf 2,65 2,13 2,3 2,4 ´ 1015 0,05 f 385
241Am-B(a,n) 432 2,72 2,8 1,6 ´ 10–5 < 0,20 g 408
241Am-Be(a,n) 432 4,16 4,4 6,6 ´ 10–5 < 0,05 g 391
a Definitions of the fluence, and dose-equivalent-average energies are given in 3.13 and 3.14 respectively.
b Calculated on the basis of the neutron spectra given in annex A and the conversion coefficients given in ICRU Report 57.
c For 252Cf sources, the specific quantities are related to the mass of californium contained in the source (see normative
annex A). For the other sources, they are related to the activity of the 241Am contained in the source. Information on the
sources is given for moderated 252Cf in the Bibliography [1], [2], [3] and [5], for 252Cf in [1] and [4], for 241Am-B in [6], and
for 241Am-Be in [7].
d 1 a = 1 mean solar year = 31 556 926 s or 365,242 20 days.
e Heavy-water sphere with a diameter of 300 mm, covered with a cadmium shell of thickness approximately 1 mm. Of the
source neutrons, 11,5 % are moderated below the cadmium cut-off and captured in the cadmium shell (see annex A).
f For approximately 2,5 mm thick steel encapsulation.
g For a source that has been enclosed within an approximately 1 mm thick lead shield.
The shape of the source should be spherical or cylindrical and, in the latter case, it is preferable that the diameter
and length are approximately the same. The thickness of the encapsulation should be uniform and small compared
to the external diameter. For a 241Am-Be(a,n) source, the spectral distribution, mainly in the energy range below
approximately 2 MeV, depends, to some extent, on the size and the composition of the source. Sources should
comply with the encapsulation requirements in ISO 2919.
The 241Am-Be(a,n) source may be wrapped in a 1 mm thick lead shield. This reduces the photon dose-equivalent
rate to less than 5 % of the neutron dose-equivalent rate. The lead shield produces a negligible change (less than
1 %) in the neutron dose-equivalent rate. In the absence of the lead shield, the photon dose-equivalent rate (mainly
from g-rays having an energy of 59,5 keV) will depend upon the source construction, but may be comparable with
the neutron dose-equivalent rate.
4.3.1 Types
Preferably 241Am-Be (a,n) and/or 252Cf spontaneous fission sources should be used for routine calibration (see
ISO 8529-3). 252Cf sources generally have a high specific source strength and are therefore comparatively small.
Because of their half-life of 2,65 years, they need occasional replacement. The americium-based neutron source
shall consist of an americium alloy or a homogeneous, compressed mixture of americium oxide and beryllium or
boron as appropriate. americium alloys may also be used.
The energy distributions of neutron source strength for 241Am-Be (a,n), 252Cf, 252Cf(D2O-moderated) and
241Am-B (a,n) sources are given in annex A (Tables A.1 to A.4 and Figures A.1 to A.4). The energy distribution of
the neutron source strength, BE, of 252Cf, is given in annex A. In the energy range from 100 keV to 10 MeV, it can
be described by the following formula:
BE = ´ E ´ e -E/ T ´ B
p T 3/2
where T is a spectrum parameter given by T = 1,42 MeV )[4] (see Figure A.1).
The neutron spectra given in annex A are those recommended for lightly encapsulated sources (see 4.2.2). The
spectrum-averaged fluence-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients contained in Table 1 and in ISO 8529-3
have been calculated for these spectra. For the cases of heavy encapsulation, or special construction of the
D2O-moderated 252Cf source, spectra may change significantly. If such source strength spectra, BE, or fluence
spectra, .E, are known from calculation or measurement, specific spectrum-averaged conversion coefficients
should be calculated using:
h. =
. ò h. ( E ). E dE
The fluence rate produced by a neutron source is determined primarily from the neutron source strength and the
distance between the source centre and the point of test. Neutron sources generally show anisotropic neutron
emission in a coordinate system fixed in the geometrical centre of the source. For cylindrical sources, the angular
source strength, B9, in a direction 9, which is characterized by the angles G and = (see Figure 1), does not depend
noticeably on the azimuth angle =, but only upon angle G. As the angular source strength dB/d9 varies least for
G = 90°, this direction should be used for calibrations.
The neutron source strength, B, and the angular source strength, dB/d9, for G = 90° shall be determined (see also
informative annex B).
For this, DG shall not be larger than 4°, corresponding to a solid angle D9 = 3,8 ´ 10–3 sr. The neutron fluence rate,
at a distance l from the centre of the source in a direction for which G = 90°, may then be taken as:
dB 1
j = ´
( l ,90 o ) dW l2
The neutron fluence rate obtained from this expression still has to be corrected for air attenuation, and inscatter
from air and the surrounding material. These corrections, which are only negligible in exceptional circumstances,
are described in detail in ISO 8529-2.
The 241Am-Be (a,n), 252Cf and 241Am-B (a,n) sources should be supplied by the manufacturer with a certificate of
their isotopic composition, and the source strength shall be calibrated by a reference laboratory before use.
Reference laboratories can generally calibrate these sources to within a relative standard uncertainty of about
1,5 %.
There is the possibility, however, that, with time, the constituent components of the americium-beryllium and
americium-boron powder sources may shift with respect to each other, with a resultant change in the neutron
source strength. It is therefore recommended that these sources be recalibrated every five years.
The source strength of a 252Cf source shall be corrected for radioactive decay on a day-to-day basis. It is important
to take into account the decay of all the constituents of the source including the 250Cf in nominal 252Cf . At the
present time, the relative standard uncertainty in 252Cf half-life is 0,5 % to 0,7 %. After about two half-lives (i.e.
approximately five years), the uncertainty in the half-life will thus result in a relative standard uncertainty in the
source strength of about 1 %, which is comparable to the initial calibration uncertainty. It is therefore recommended
that 252Cf sources also be recalibrated every five years.
In general, irradiation rooms have thick walls (for example concrete) for shielding. In this case, the inside
dimensions should be as large as practically possible. The magnitude of the correction for room- and air-scattered
neutrons, and the resulting uncertainty in the irradiation-field quantities, depend critically on the size of the room. In
all cases, the effects of scattered neutrons shall be determined. Details of the recommended calibration procedures
are dealt with in ISO 8529-2.
5.1 Introduction
In this clause, reference radiations are specified for the determination of the response of neutron-measuring
devices as a function of neutron energy. These reference radiations may also be used to determine dose-
equivalent rate dependence and directional dependence. Radiations specified in this clause may also be used for
the calibration of neutron-measuring devices.
Since these reference radiations are available only at specialized laboratories, only the general principles on their
method of production and characterization are given.
The recommended neutron energies and the methods used for their production are given in Table 2, along with
relevant references.
For calibration purposes, unidirectional beams of neutrons shall be used. If the diameter of the beam is small
compared to the dimensions of the measuring device under investigation, broad beam irradiation may be simulated
by appropriate sweeping of the measuring device across the beam [1], [16].
For the purposes of this part of ISO 8529, neutrons in the energy range below the cadmium cut-off energy
(corresponding to approximately 0,51 eV for 1 mm of cadmium [17]), are called “thermal”. The “true thermal-
neutron fluence rate”, jth is the required quantity from which the dose-equivalent rate may be derived using the
appropriate conversion coefficient, h..
The true thermal fluence rate shall be determined either directly from a measurement of the spectral fluence rate
(for example by time-of-flight spectrometry) or from the “conventional neutron fluence rate” (see normative
annex B), as defined in [17] and measured, for example, by the activation of gold foils [18].
In the special case of a Maxwellian spectrum of thermal neutrons of known temperature, the true neutron fluence
rate may be derived directly from the measured activation for a 1/v detector (see annex B).
The neutron beam may be filtered to improve the ratio of dose equivalent produced by thermal neutrons to dose
equivalent produced by unwanted radiation (neutrons with energies above the cadmium cut-off energy and
The thermal-neutron fluence rate should be carefully monitored, for example by means of a fission chamber, to
correct for any variation with time.
5.3.3 Filtered neutron beams from a reactor [9], [10] and [19]
The production of quasi-monoenergetic neutron radiation by means of filtered reactor neutron beams makes use of
the existence of deep relative minima in the total cross-sections of certain materials at distinct energies (for
example 2 keV in scandium, 24 keV in iron and aluminium, and 144 keV in silicon). There also exist further so-
called “neutron windows” at other energies. Hence, neutron spectrum measurements of the beams shall be made
to determine the relative intensity of these neutron groups. In the case of scandium (2 keV), the filters shall be sited
in a beam tube tangential to the reactor core [9], [10] . The same geometry may also be advantageous for the other
filtered reactor beams. Even then, the influence of other neutron groups shall be taken into account.
Recoil-proton proportional counters and 3He proportional counters may be used for the spectrometry of the neutron
beam. A boron trifluoride or a 3He proportional counter may be used to measure the absolute fluence rate of the
lower energy beams (neutron energies of En u 24 keV) and a recoil proton counter for higher energy beams
(neutron energies of En > 24 keV). Boron trifluoride proportional counters or 3He proportional counters may be used
as monitors and transfer instruments.
An accelerator providing protons and deuterons up to an energy of 3,5 MeV is required to generate neutrons of all
the energies given in Table 2 [2]. For the production of neutrons with energies of 2,8 MeV and 14,8 MeV, however,
a small accelerator with a potential of a few hundred kilovolts is sufficient. When these neutrons are used for
calibrating instruments, the following parameters shall be assessed:
¾ neutron fluence;
¾ neutron spectrum;
Details on the reaction kinematics determining the neutron energy and the corresponding charged particle energy
are given in the Bibliography [12] and 13].
The energy of the incident charged particle beam should be determined. A stabilised analysing magnet calibrated
by means of a few known nuclear reaction thresholds may be used in order to select the momentum of the particle
beam The energy loss of the charged particles in the target shall be taken into account in the calculation of the
bombarding energy needed to produce the required neutron reference radiation energy. Recent values of the
stopping power for protons in different materials are given in the Bibliography [20].
Due to energy losses in the target, and other influences, accelerated charged particles generate, at a given angle,
neutrons with a narrow, but finite, width in energy around the stated reference energy. As a rule, it is not necessary
to consider this energy spread when applying the fluence-to-dose-equivalent conversion coefficients in order to
calculate the dose-equivalent quantities. Invariably, the conversion coefficients for the “monoenergetic” neutrons at
the stated energy are used.
With endothermic reactions, two neutron groups are produced near the threshold relative to the incident proton
beam. This is the case for the T(p,n) 3He reaction if it is used to provide neutron energies of either 144 keV or
250 keV at 0°. In order to obtain monoenergetic neutrons of these energies, larger angles of neutron emission
should be used with charged particles of correspondingly higher energies. For the exothermic T(d,n) reaction,
account must be taken of neutrons produced by the lower energy D(d,n) reaction, especially for thin targets.
Excited states of the residual nuclei are formed for scandium and lithium for neutrons produced at 0° with energies
above 53 keV and 650 keV, respectively. These higher particle energies should only be used if the response of the
instrument to the resulting additional neutron energy group, as well as the relative intensity of the secondary group
to that of the primary group, are known.
Measurements with a shadow cone and investigations of deviations from the 1/l 2-relationship (where l is the
distance between the neutron source and the detector) may be of help.
In order to reduce the influence of the background on a measurement, a reaction angle of 0° should be used
wherever possible. In order to reduce the effect of scattered neutrons, the room used for the measurements shall
be as large as possible (see 4.6), and the target assembly should have as low a mass as possible.
Neutron reference laboratories shall provide practical guidance on the measurement of neutron fluence.
Appropriate methods and instruments may include:
a) counters measuring recoil protons (hydrogen-filled proportional counters, recoil-proton telescopes, scintillation
The neutron fluence shall be determined at the location of the instrument to be calibrated. A fluence monitor at
another position shall be used during the calibration. The monitor will then indicate the fluence at the location of
Annex A
where BE is the spectral source strength. The Bi were calculated by numerical integration using the analytical
function given in section 4.3.2 for 252Cf spontaneous fission neutrons. For the 241Am-Be(a,n) and 241Am-B(a,n)
sources, experimental data were used; the neutron source strengths below the measurement threshold were
estimated by extrapolating the spectral source strength linearly from the value at minimum quoted energy to zero at
En = 0 MeV. For the D2O-moderated 252Cf neutron spectrum, Monte Carlo calculations were used at a distance
> 15 cm from the surface of the source [2].
In Tables A.1 to A.4, the energy given for each group source strength value, Bi, is the lower limit, Ei, of the energy
interval, i; the last energy given in each table is the upper limit of the last energy interval. The group source
strength values are normalized to a total source strength B = 1 s–1, i.e.
å Bi = 1 s –1
i =1
for the 241Am-Be(a,n), 241Am-B(a,n) and 252Cf sources. For the D2O-moderated 252Cf source, 11,5 % of the
source neutrons are moderated below the cadmium cut-off and captured in the cadmium shell; hence, for this
source group, source strengths sum to 0,885 s–1.
The numbers in Tables A.1 to A.4 permit calculation of the portion of the source strength between energies Ea and
Eb by simply summing up the respective group source strengths:
b –1
BE b =
a å Bi
If spectra are given as a continuous (analytical) function, the most common graphical representations are spectral
source strength, BE = dB/dE, vs. energy, E, if the E-axis is linearly scaled, or dB/d(ln E/E0), if the E-axis is
logarithmic. (The latter was historically known as “lethargy plots”; the arbitrary parameter E0 is needed to make the
argument of the logarithm of dimension 1.) Since d(ln x) = dx/x, it follows that dB/d(ln E/E0) = E×dB/dE = E×BE. With
these adoptions, spectra can be plotted in such a way that equal areas under curves represent equal source
strength proportions
E2 E2
ò B E ( E ) × dE = ò E × B E ( E ) × ( dE / E )
E1 E1
In Figures A.1 to A.4, the spectra are represented as plots of E×BE (on a linear scale) versus the neutron energy, En
(on a logarithmic scale). The curves are histograms reflecting the restricted knowledge of the spectral shape.
Whereas in a plot with a linearly scaled abscissa the ordinate values would be derived as BE = DB/DE = Bi/(Ei+1-Ei),
for the plots in Figures A.1 to A.4 they have been calculated by
En × BE = Bi / ln (Ei+1/Ei)
Annex B
Radionuclide neutron sources generally show anisotropic emission in a coordinate system fixed in the geometrical
centre of the source. The coordinate system is shown in 4.4, Figure 1. In general, the variation of the angular
source strength with angle is specific to each individual neutron source, with measurable differences between
radionuclide neutron sources of the same type, and supposedly, identical encapsulation. Figures C.1 and C.2
indicate the variations that have been observed for two differently encapsulated californium spontaneous fission
Dimensions in millimetres
Figure B.1 — Angular source strength of a small size 252Cf spontaneous fission source
(approximate dimensions of active volume: 4,6 mm diameter by 6 mm long)
normalized to the angular source strength B/4p of the equivalent point source
Dimensions in millimetres
Figure B.2 — Angular source strength of a high intensity 252Cf spontaneous fission source
(approximate dimensions of active volume: 3 mm diameter by 30 mm long)
normalized to the angular source strength B/4p of the equivalent point source
Annex C
The “conventional thermal-neutron fluence rate” or “conventional thermal-neutron flux density”, j 0, is given by the
following formula:
E Cd 1/2
æ E0 ö
j0 = ò çè E ÷ø j E ( E ) dE
E0 = 0,025 3 eV (v = 2 200 m×s–1) is the reference energy for which cross-section a values s0 for 1/v
detectors are tabulated.
50 = H NA I 0
in which,
For a Maxwellian velocity distribution at a thermodynamic temperature of 20 °C, with the energy parameter,
E0 = 0,025 3 eV, the true thermal fluence rate, j th, is given by:
j th = j 0 = 1,128 j 0
where the conventional neutron fluence rate used here does not include neutron energies above ECd.
[1] ING, H. and MAKRA, S. Compendium of Neutron Spectra in Criticality Accident Dosimetry, Technical Reports
Series No. 180, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 1978.
[2] ING, H. and CROSS, W.G. Spectral and Dosimetric Characteristics of a D2O-Moderated 252Cf Calibration
Facility. Health Phys.,46, No. 1, (1984): pp. 97-106.
[3] SCHWARTZ, R.B. and EISENHAUER, C.M. The Design and Construction of a D2O-Moderated 252Cf Source for
Calibrating Neutron Personnel Dosimeters Used at Nuclear Power Reactors. NUREG/CR-1204, U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., (1980).
[4] SMITH, A.B. Proc. of the IAEA Consultants’ Meeting on Neutron Source Properties, Debrecen, Hungary,
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