General Chemistry 2 Reviewers + Notes

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MODULE 4 process of vaporizing plant water is called

Properties of Water (Molecular transpiration

5. It has a high surface tension. This allows
Structure and Intermolecular Forces) water to move from the roots to the top of a very
tall tree.- Surface tension in water owes to the
STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF fact that water molecules attract one another, as
WATER- The formation of hydrogen bonds each molecule forms a bond with the ones in its
among water molecules causes water to vicinity.
possess unique properties. These different - Due to the surface tension, small objects will
properties are significant for life on earth. "float" on the surface of a fluid, as long as the
object cannot break through and separate the top
Properties of water that is consequence of the layer of water molecules. When an object is on
hydrogen bonding; the surface of the fluid, the surface under tension
will behave like an elastic membrane.
1. It has high boiling point and exists as liquid
at room temperature. - Water has a high RELATIONSHIPS
boiling point because its molecules are bound Kinetic Energy ∝TEMPERATURE
together by hydrogen bonding, which is a very
strong intermolecular force. Temperature ∝1/ IMF
- It requires more kinetic energy or temperature
to break the bonds of water molecules as they
escape as steam.
2. It has high specific heat which requires MODULE 5
large amounts of heat before it vaporizes. This Crystalline and Amorphous Solids
explains why the earth has minimal temperature
variations that can affect the climate.- the
majority of heat energy is concentrated on
breaking the hydrogen bonds, the water
molecule itself heats up after the bonds are
broken. Significant energy is likewise required
to re-form them, low temperature allows the Solids have definite shape and volume due to the
bonds reforms. compact arrangements of their particles.
3. It is the only substance that contracts when
cooled because of its more open structure in They can form a regular repeating three-
the solid form. The density of ice is less than dimensional structure called a crystal lattice,
liquid water, hence, it floats on water. - when thus producing a crystalline solid, or they can
water is cooled molecules are brought closer aggregate with no particular long range order,
together. and form an amorphous solid.
- This gives most solids more density than their
liquid form.
- in the case of water, the negatively-charged CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS
oxygen atoms repel each other (when brought - regular, highly ordered arrangement
together in a smaller space) to prevent the ice - Arranged in fixed geometric patterns or
from becoming any denser. lattices. The ordered arrangement of their units
4. It has high heat of vaporization. This causes maximizes the space they occupy and are
a large drop in temperature during evaporation.- essentially incompressible. In other words, the
Liquid water has a boiling temperature of 100°C arrangement of atoms, molecules, or ions in a
and freezes at 0°C at 1 atmospheric pressure. crystalline solid is such that the net attractive
When it boils, the hydrogen bonds are broken intermolecular forces are at their maximum.
and the molecules separate from each other. - have a sharp melting points
- Eventually, the speed of movement of some - have covalent, molecular, ionic and mettalic
molecules becomes so fast allowing them to bonds.
overcome the intermolecular attraction, detach AMORPHOUS SOLIDS
from the multimolecular water, form bubbles, - random, disordered arrangement. (gradually
and leave the water surface in gas state. soften when they heated and melt at a wide
- . In humans, body heat is used to vaporize range of temperatures. )
sweat; in plants, heat is likewise used in - have a random orientation of particles.
converting liquid water to water vapor which Examples of amorphous solids are glass, plastic,
then escapes into the atmosphere. This natural coal, and rubber. They are considered super-
cooled liquids where molecules are arranged in a
random manner. These substances do not show a
sharp distinction between the solid and liquid
-do not have a sharp melting point
-have only covalent bonds
Crystal lattice - is the symmetrical three-
dimensional structural arrangements of atoms,
ions or molecules (constituent particle) inside a
crystalline solid as points. (made of unit cells)


Isomorphism - similarity of crystal structures on
different compounds
Polymorphism - difference of crystal forms or
structures of the same compound

Phase Diagram of Water and Carbon

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