1972 2 Eng
1972 2 Eng
1972 2 Eng
The circumstances leading to a Good Show for two DIRECTOR OF FUGHT SaFETY
air traffic controllers (page 4) also demonstrated
that DF equipment continues to retain a high degree Netefin ad orlysls IWe!?I~NM ~ /re11MIN
of usefulness in terminal approach control .
6 needles in a haystack
been, "the difficult we'll do now and the impossible will take just a little longer
tional orange .
and,'or a little extra effort" . This admirable if somewhat unreasonable attitude
8 more on graphite pencils demanded a great deal of everyone concerned yet for many many reasons the team
met the challenge most of the time . Is this true today? My impression is that we
Training Command's Transient Service Recognition
Program inspired 2845 reports during the last half of 9 close call-afte~ ejection can no longer give an unequivocal answer .
1911, the majority of which were submitted by per- Very rapid sociological change is one of the reasons, or excuses, given for
sonnel from other Commands . We're happy to pass 10 new role - new challenge today's more obvious problems, reflected in increased crime rates, drug usage and
along the appreciation of the SOFS to those who so on . Moreover, there is support for the contention that these sociological changes
have participated, and to encourage continued use of 12 the last mile result in problems that are less obvious but more insidious, such as, a decreased
14 helicopters IfR
these reports . sense of responsibility, and lower productivity and quality of work . I submit that
consciously or unconsciously military personnel adopt to some degree most of the
ventaYr the COH58A Kiowa. This aircraft will be diredives. Contributian, comments and aiticism~
used in severol roles, ir~cluding transport, air re- are welcome, the proTOtion of fli9ht soFety is best
ssrved by diueminotinq ideos ond on-the "~ob ex"
tonnaissance, pirborne command post, visual search
perience . Send wbmissions to : Editor, fliqht Com"
ond recce r and air observation ond control of ind~rect ment, CFHQ/DFS, Ottawa, Ontario, K 1 A OK?. Sub-
fire . When delivery is completed in lote 1972, the scription orders should be direded to Information
oircraft will be ,based at Lohr, Gagetown, Valcartier, Conodo, Publishinq Division, Clttowa KIA 059, I
Petawawo, London, Portage La Pratrie, Sht lo, Ed- Ontario. Mnual subscription rote is s1 .50 for
monton, Cold Lake and Victoria . Piroto courtesy Canoda and the USA.
5 1
N cy c~ c~
r r ~
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M w v_ tL l~ o! = = = ~ = o! H w Q ~ 3 O
I- U U U U Q IJ U U ~- U ~ O ~n ~ U F- I-
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Y LY - F-
1 1
B Cat 1 1 1 3 1 1
Analysis which should be off the press in
C Cat 1 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
mid March .
All Acc 39
Fatalities 4 1 3 8 16
For the second year in a row all attempted ejections were successful . One factor was common to three (Tracker, Dakota and Otter) of the four fatal
These included the escape of a CF104 pilot at supersonic speed and a accidents : evidence indicatcs that they occurred following the stalling of the
CFS pilot's ejection from an extremely low and slow situation . aircraft at low altitude .
There were no fatal accidents involving jet aircraft-for the first timc Ground Accidents and Incidents
since the introduction of jet aircraft into Canadian military aviation in The Canaaian Forces sustained five ground accidents and 239 ground inci-
1948 . dents . Of the reported ground occurrences, 146 resulted in damage to aircraft
and there were nine minor injuries . All told there were 36 vehicle strikes on
Air Accidents aircraft .
The chart shows a total of 39 accidents-two more than in 1970 . Our accident
rate was 1 .17 per 10,000 hours, up from 0.99 in 1970 . During 1971 there was a
Air Incidents
significant reduction in the total number of flying hours-a continuation of the
Reported air incidents increased in 1971 to 2574, an increase of 188 over
general downward trend aver the past 16 years .
1970. "1'his increasing use of the reporting system is important ; the reports often
Ai rcraft Destroyed enable preventive measures to be applied in time to prevent an accident .
Keeping pace with the trend of recent years, more than one-third of all acci-
dents resulted in a writeoff-39~i~ . The total of 15 aircraft destroyed was two Air Accident Causes
less than in 1970. The 39 air accidents in 1971 were assigned 82 cause factors . Fifty-three
causes, a slight reduction from 1970, were assigned to PERSONNEL . Next came
Fatal Accidents and Fatalities MATERIEL, with 17 followed by ENVIRONMEN'f with 10 . The remaining threc
There were four fatal accidents in 1971, the lowest number on record . How- cause factors were listed as UNDETERMINED, UNIDENTIFIED FOD and OPER-
ever, these accidents resulted in 16 fatatities, the highest number since 1967 . ATIONAL .
You Can't Get There From Here Let's See What's What-Garefvlly!
One of the more embarrassing things that can happen This instance underlines the need for frequent surveys All pilots involved in closely inspecting another airborne importance is "looking good" or sacrificing safety in
in an emergency is having the crash rescue vehicle crash . and up-dating of Crash Grid maps . If Grid maps aren't aircraft, for any reason, should not forget the continuous order to get close enough to pinpoint the trouble . Single-
One unit recently had one of its vehicles damaged to the kept up to date, crash rescue vehicles, especially some presence of wingtip or rotor blade vortices of the genera- seaters do not have any extra eyes to help see what's
tune of $23,000 when the vehicle, responding to an air- of the newer, bigger models, might not be there when we ting aircraft . The prime requisite in formation flying and wrong, but multiseaters should have one pilot flying and
craft crash, took off down an unserviceable road . More need them the most . inspection is the safety of the two aircraft, and of least another set of eyes or two trying to determine what's what .
important, the vehicle never reached the scene of the Ah:RO~PA( :f~: SAFF:T~'
accident! AP!'ROAC11
, -~ti ~ .
a' +
~, , ~x ;~ . 3
Photo ~t6
Properly designed Hercules main wheel tire . The
number of carcass plies was increased and three wire
It has been observed, with some concern, that the bundles were used in the bead instead of twa,
main wheel tires of a heavv aircraft f requentlL- praiuce
blue coloured smoke at touch down . Hi K h s lx'-.ed nic.rvie
film sliows that at touch down the non-rotatin K tire is
forced tc> attain, almost instantaneouslv,
. thc s F~ecd oE Photo ~ 1
the aircraft . I)urin~ this split second, when the hlue CF101 main wheel tire failure . The ribs of this tire
smoke is relcascd , the tirc loses its round sha pe , and were torn off during the first landing . The adhesion be-
becomes deformed . The deformations initiate wav`- (sin- tween the first reinforcing ply ond tread material was
uous ) curves on the crown and on the sidewalls .of the found to be low, and was probably the cause of failure . Photo ?t3
tircs, and as the wavea flatten, the tire reKains its In the latest procurement specifications the Canadian Buffalo main wheel tubeless tire failure . Interior
ori inal shax1 . These }~h~~sical
. deformatinns ~Kenerate Forces have stipulated minimum values for adhesion surface of the tire, which should be the air barrrer of the
unbelievablv eat forces in the tires, which tend to between the various components . tire and serves as a tube for the tire, shows air leakage,
tear thcm apart . During takeoff, landing, and taxiinX, Every group of air bubbles indicates a spot where the
the tires of an aircraft are ex ~osed to crther defonnations compound to make the tirc worth retreading . interior layer of the tire leaks . Tubeless tires which
all of which generate tremendous internal forces . r'~ good In some cases, however, such as hydro . P lanin g , (see show air leakage are unserviceable .
aircraft tire must withstand all these immense forces . Photo no . ~ ) the Rubber Laboratorv. is unable to hel P
I~nc of the main duties of the QE~~.TF. Rubbcr Lab- reduce tire failures . It is well known that hydroplaning
oratory is, in cooperation with Desi~n and lnspection is caused by a combination of factors, includin~ the
authoritica to assure to Pq ualitv. tires . These to 1-y
~ ualitv. s P eed and the thickness of the water laver . coverin ~ the
tircs arc obtainc:d only by thorou~h investi,Kation~: and runwav . llvdroplaning may be rcduced only by thc care
Pro Ex~r y ualifications . Sometimes the s xcifications used and skill of the P ilot .
to qualify tires are inadequate . 'I'he tires shown in photo ln the case of Hercules main whecl tircs, thc QI ;'I'F.
no . 1 and ? failed due to low adhesion between tire Ruhi~er Lahoratorv is faced with another task : To pro- Photo ~i7
components, but their speciJication had no requiremcnts Pose the redesi },~n of the tires . 1'hoto no . S shows a Sections of T33 main wheel tires . Both tires failed
lor adhc ~icin het:cecn componenr part ~, To overcome these section of an im pro 1~erlv: desi k>ned tire, which failcd in during dynamic test . The failure was caused by excessive
difficulties, the laboratorv, as another part of its function, service . Nhoto no . 6 shows a section of an improvcd heat which developed in the tread material of the tire .
develo~ed an adhesion test method, which led some manu- desi~n of the tire . The upper tire section was taken from a tire which failed
facturers to produce hi~hcr yualily tires and has helped Photo no . i shows scctions of 'C33 rnain w~heel tires because of inadequate ventilation provided by the narrow
the Canadian Forces to si R nificantlv. reduce the incidence which failcd the d~~namic test hecause of overheatin,~ of groove . The lower section was taken from a tire which
of tire failure . thc cro~sn area of the tires . duc to faultv. retreadin . ln had entrapped air bubbles initiating excess heat and
Similarlv to thc adlic~sion requirements, thc QETE this case the QETE Rubber Laboratorv, in close ec>- blowin 9 up the crown of the tire .
Rubher l .aboratorv has proposed air permeability tests o~eration
1 with the manufacturers, were ~ablc to su gK est
on tubeless tires ~ t o im prove tire y ualit`~, . Bv, tlre a pp li- corrective action and now the retreaders are able to
cation of this a i r leaka ~ e test , the air rctention charac- supply properl`~ retreaded tires .
teristics of a particular tubelcss tire were determined QETE Rubber I,aboratorv is equipped to tackle any Photo #4 Diplomacy
and the Rubber Laboratory was able to prove the inadc- tire problcm . Thcir services mav be obtaine.d throu~h one T33 main wheel tire damaged by hydroplaning . This
of this tire, (sec ~hoto Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you
qu a t e y ualit y~ of the inncr layer
, of three channcls : Desi Kn ( D,G?1~ ) , QuaGtv. Assurance phenomenon cannot be controlled by the quality or by the can find a rock, - Robert Phelps
no . 3) which must be replaced with ~ood qualrty rubber (D(;QA), or 19arntcnancc (DG11) . design of the tire . lnrerceptor
Due to prior commitments, the 1 Combat Group been gathered to pinpoint the accident cause and de-
Personnel had to return to Calgary before the search for termine necessarv corrective measures . A month's in-
vital evidenre was completed . Phone calls to Ottawa on tc,nsr~'ve e f for t s involvin g over 100 dedicated sear c hers
Easter Sunday ni~ht produced the welcome assistance of paid off. But even these efforts would have K_ one for
E~0 paratroopers from the Canadian Airborne Regiment at nou ght had it not been for a g encies at CFIi Cold I.ake
in a Haystack
I"'.dmonton . Their first task was to seek the rudder ; thcv and elsewhere . Their efforts indeed showed how Flir;ht
found it wit}rin fiftv. P aces from where the helico Pter Safct y~ is evervone's
, business . ®
/ Messages
flight 15000 feet over Primrose Lake Range
north of CFB Cold Lake last March, the pieces PkE-EXT~RNAL . . ."
scattered themselves over several square miles
Board President Maj S .G . Skinner (left), from CFB Bagot-
of snow-covered northern bush . To reliably "THE AIRCRAFT WAS DECLARED SERVICE-
vi Ile, plans an afternoon's search over (unch with Cpl
determine the cause of this disturbing accident, ABLE AND HAS SINCE BLOWN 3 .7 NIGHT
W . Careless, NCO i/c one of the CFB Cold Lake ground
it was necessary to recover all of these pieces . . . search parties.
~1ost major items of wreckage were discovered within "TNIRTY MINUTES AFTER TAKEOFF ALL
, by~ air and ,~round search parties from
the Rase . However, the coek p~it section, vertical stabi- Most will agree that there is a certain art TRICAL FUMES ."
lizer, stabilizer servos, "kicker" unit, and tlrc: outer involved in message writing . Having mastered
portion of thc ri~ht wing toKether with its tip tank, could it, however, the drafter still can't be sure how "NORMAL BREAKING WAS APPLIED AFTER
not be found . Snowfalls, coupled with the small size nf his messa 9 e will look ot the other end for he is A NORMAL LANDING . A BANG WAS HEARD
the missing pieces, negated the use of infra-red air harossed by those same gremlins who bedevil AND A FEW SECONDS LATER A THUMPING
p hoto>ra
~, phv, . typographers . The following excerpts from recent
incident messages illustrate both problems : CRAFT WAS BROUGHT TO A HALT ON THE
1~'nrkin~ from the known positions of wrecka~e found
RUNWAY AND SHUT DOWN ." (Wc zcvndcr uhut
to date, and usin K the p ilot's best estimates ~f aircraft
hc "broke" to cause ull the repvrted .cyrnptoms .)
speed, height at brcakup, and mean wind, trajectories
were plotted which enabled cach piece to he "flown ERED THE FUMES BECAME STRONGER . THE "START CREW BUMPED THE JET PIPE ASSEM-
back" on paper to find the probable breakup position in MATCHES WERE OPENED AND THE FUMES BLY WITH THE RIGHT FRONT HEADLIGNT OF
space . Neights and draQ cocfficients were then estimated DISAPPEARED ." A D12 VEHICLE. . . CAUSE FACTORS : PERSON-
for the missin gP ieces, and their P robable tra'ectories
plotted outwards from the likelv breakup position to pre- "LT GEN CAME OFF LINE SHORTLY AFTER PROCEEDING WITH VEHICLE WITH UNDUE
dict areas of hi h search probabilitv . START-UP . . ." CARE AND AT'~ENT10N ."
Reinforccments for the hard-workin g Cold I,ake search The Technical Member of the Board, Capt G .P . Grant
team wcre obtained from 1 Combat (~roup at Calgary and (left), examines the cockpit section with Capt Rumbold .
450 (Helicopterl Sqn 1)etachment at !~amao, and the search
Close Call
ti1arker" and ~rease p encil showed verv little corrosion back to base .
after ?0., hours and were com parable to the unmarked con- As I told the controller that I intended to eject, I
trol panel (photo 1) . 'Che panel marked with reRular noted the master caution and master warning lights
g ra p hite l~ ncil, however, showed definite localized cor- glowing. I also thought-but I am not sure-that I saw
rosion alon,~ the marked lines (photo ?) . 1~7ren the period the fire waming light as well . The next time I glanced
of ex sure was extended to G4 hours the localized back at the panel there were no lights showing at all.
reaction rontinued while no general corrosion ocrurred I pulled the handles at approzimately 1000 feet above
(photo 3) . In terms of actual penetration, photo ~ shows ground .
the O.OOOS" penetration typical of the localized pitting Photo 3 After a brief period of tumbling I felt the seat sepa-
after ll? hours . After 300 hours ex~osure
> the corrosion Alodized Panel - Graphite Pencil - 64 hrs ex- rate and the chute open . I also felt my hatd 6at depart .
became lcss localized and pittinK depths reached as posure showing more severe Iocalized corrosion When the chute opened I looked up and saw a wide-
much as 0 .004 inches . and minin~al general corrosion . open canopy, but I was surprised to find the ejection
Thc results of the tests performed at Qh;TE. can ~ r-T .~ ~ r. ~ : seat right in front of me . Somehow one of the seat
hardly be directly related to field experience, houever barricr laver duc to the hardness of thc pencil ; or some handles had become tangled with a shroud line and the
thcy do indicate that a definite hazard exists . It is a combination of these effects . The QETE'~. conclusion : seat had pulled one of the risers down to a position
matter of record that authoritative references universallv Rraphite pencils do represent a corrosion hazard when 90° in front of me . Quickly I grabbed my knife Erom the
notc that there is no corrosive reaction between graphite used on hi gh stren gth aluminum allovs knife pocket and cut the shroud line, allowing the seat
, ; accordin lv .
and aluminum alloys . The QETE results do not neces- their use should be forbidden . to fall away . Moments later I landed, still clutching the
_ . __
sarilv negate these references since Rraphite pencils knife. While I was still lying on my back I put the knife
contain more than J~ust K ra P hite ~ and the P redominatin g Amendments to EO OS-1-2AU and EO 05-1- back in its pocket and got rid of the chute . I got up and
corrosive influence in the tests was the salt s Prav. en- 3/21, are being printed, stating that grease checked if I had broken anything, then I sat on the seat
vironment (no reaction occurs in dry air) . It remains, pencils are to be used . Meanwhile, all aircraft pack to await the arrival of the helicopter from Base
therefo re, somewhat con'ectural as to whether the adverse publications are being reviewed in order to delete Rescue . The helicopter made one pass but didn't see me
reaction with pencil markings is electrolytic, ratalytic any reference to the use of graphite pencils for so I put the red Elag out over my chute and was picked up
or ~ust
J tlre result of mechanical damaRe
_ to the alodized marking out repair areas . within minutes .
. .
~+T r` ~ e b0
~ -`~ , p
~r, .- - -
~'r a` *
~T .Y
Normal height
Opticaf illusions can cause some mighty embarrass-
ing landing errors . "Eyc balling" the approach, particu-
larl Y at ni K ht or under stran ge field conditions, is akin
to sticking one's neck out .
hlany optical illusions are intentionally deceptive . Runway - NO slope Terrain " NO slope
created b Y sli ght of hand ~ misleadin g arran g ement of
lines, Pe rs Pe ctives, or Kaud Y colors . Knowin g the Y
exist is usuall Y enou g h to reveal their various as Pects . Figure 2. When the runway has an upslope, the nor- Normal glide path
Iiowever, illusions are so subtle that thev. g o unsus- mal glidc path will seem too steep. Flying what looks
more normal could result in a low, Flot approoch and
pccted, and since we've learned to P ut great tn~st in landing short of the runway . '--
our visual scnse it is difficult to override our inter- ,,
T ~~
pretat~ons of what we see unless we know better . In ;Possible flight poth
~ 3° ~
flying, falling victim to an optical illusion would expose
us to more than eye-strain, so we believe the following
Actuol height ;
collection on the subject has real value . ~ ' " ~ ~ ~ l°
_ _ ~ _ ~ A pparent height
Sloping terrain or Sloping Kunways (we have sever- Runway - UP slope
Terrain - NO slo Pe ' 't -
al ) can P la Y tricks with depth or height pcrccption during :
normal approaches . Four of the five conditions shown Normal glide path
in figures 1 through S have misled more than one experi- Figure 3 . When the runway has a downslope, the
enced pilot . Avoid these pitfalls by knowing the condi- normal glide path will look flat and there will be .
o tendency to overshoot.
tions on the approach to your airfield ; maintaining proper ~ ~ ~~ A pparent h e i gh t
power, airspeed, and position on VASI or ILS, and using -
the precision glide path rate of descent from minimum Possible flight path ~
altitude to flare will keep you out of trouble . -
i ~ Actual height
Various illusions in depth and heiqht may occur as Runwoy - DOWN slope Terrain - NO slope
a result of runway characteristics :
~ The narrow runway may appear to be farther away
and longer, creating the illusion of being too low Figure 4, When there is an upslope in the approach
and P~' oducin g the I~ ssibilit Y of an overshoot . zone, the aircraft may appear to be above the normal
Apparent height ~
glide path .
~ The wide runway may appcar to be closer and
shorter, creating the illusion of being too high,
i Actuol height
possibly producing an undcrshoot . r
~ After landing, the humped ninway may appcar to ~~a 3o r
be shorter because the far end may not always bc --- ------f--------
in sight, possibly producing very heavy bcaking,
blown tire, and loss of directional control . refraction problem caused by the water on the wind Terrain - UP slope
Runwa Y - NO slope
screen . This would cause the horizon image to appear
RUNWAY LIGHTING below the true horizon .
Actual height
Similar illusions in depth and height may result Figure 5. When there is a downslope in the approach
under varying conditions or runway lighting : RUNWAY CONTRAST zone, the pilot will believe the oircraft to be on a low,
~ The dimlY-lit runwa Y may appear to be farther lllusions are also created by the contrast of thc flat approach, assuming the slope is not re°dily dis- ,
away, crcating the- illusion of being too low . This runway and the surrounding terrain : cernible . 'r APPa rent height
again introduces the possibility of an overshoot . ~ A snow covered runway or a dimly-lit runway may T
~ The bri ghtl Y -lit runway may appcar to be closer, lack sufficient contrast to provide good depth
creating the impression of being too high . An perception . Not only is there a possibility of an ---- --------f-----
undershoot is the possible result . overshoot or undershoot, a hard landing can [
Terrain - DOWN slope
~ The absence of lighting in the approach zone result from an improperly judged altitude at flare . Runway - NO slope
mcreases the strength of the illusion created ~ A concrete runwa Y on a sand surface or a macadam
by the other two lighting problems . runway surrounded by dark foliage will provide
similar difficulties . action can be disastrous . "Eye balling" the approach ~ The use of the precision glide path rate of descent
VISIBILITY RESTRICTIONS path is something the professional pilot resorts to only fram minimums to flare .
Encountering visual illusions under conditions of CONCLUSIONS when the aids that will give him glide slope guidance ~ Careful study of the approach plate including
restricted visibility from haze, smoke, dust, fog, dark- lllusions and their effects can be minimized by the are not available . lighting systems, runway lengths and slopes .
ness, glare, ram or snow ~s also a poss~bil~ty . V~s~6il~ty p~lot who ~s aware of the factors wh~ch produce them . The safe smooth execution of the "last milc" usually ~ Full em PYlo ment of all Possib}e aids such as
restrictions reduce or eliminate many of the visual cues Simply think about these things before each flight and involves all of the following: 1LS, GCA, VASI and flight ~nstruments .
used in perception . When flying in rain, in addition to just before each approach . The consequences of not ~ Maintenance of proper power, airspeed and position If it doesn't look right - Take the bird around .
the reduction in visibility there is the likelihood of a considering these illusions and not taking appropriate on the 1'ASI or ILS . AIRSCOOP
For at least six months of the year in Canada we are How good are your terminal procedures? Can you
by Capt Baz Lawlor,450 Sqn unable to fly helicopters in actual cloud conditions be- handle any type of approach that ATC may give you?
cause of icing problems . On the other hand, clouds in the Just how good is your heading control? Is your RT pro-
summer often pose a hazard because of thunderstorm cedure getting just a little bit rusty? How about lost
activity and the turbulence associated with cumulus orientation? If you become IFR unintentionally will you
build-ups . Add to this the inherent instability of our be able to orientate to the dials immediately? How do
"Well now that we have seen each other" said the unicorn machines, our lack of fuel to guarantee alternate require- you recover from an unusual attitude caused by vertigo
"If Y ou'll believe in me " ~'~ `'°~ ~~" - ments, a dearth of appropriate instrumentation, and I am or disorientation? Can you fly IFR safely with one or
almost ready to agree with my jet jockey friend that the more emergencies to handle?
I'll believe in Y ou .
value of Instrument Flying in helicopters is questionable . The point of all these merciless questions is that
Is that a bar9 ain?" (Alice) Throu 9 h the Lookin 9 Glass . instrument flying in helicopters is not an area for com-
Why not just fly ESVFR (Extra Special VFR)? That's a
euphemism for the old sneak and peek trick . Well, for placency or "we don't need it" attitudes . The U .S . has
"IFR in a helicopter! ~'ou must be joking!" saic] a jct those of you who need convincing, rare occasions do discovered from bitter experience how important instrument
flying can be in what is essentially a VFR operation .
J'ockev. friend as he watched me fill out an IFK Fli~ht arise when an IFR Flight Plan allows a mission to be
Plan for a C1I113A Voyageur . I assessed the remark as flown which would otherwise stay on the ground . As Let's profit from their experience, use our excellent
tv:p ical of fixed win g i gnorance and p roceede d to p oi nt pilots we are trained to exploit the capabilities of our training and common sense by making ptoper use of our
out that mv trustv, sleed had as much ri g ht to the airwavs aircraft and to deny instrument practice is to lose an instrument time .
as any. stiff win g and was 9 uite ca 1 ~ablc of fl ~~in g ADF, important facet of the pilot's art . Finally, there is always Finally, if you are having a little trouble when . . .
Radar, T~~CAN, and all that g ood stuff - J'ust like his that slight chance of rnadvertently entering IF conditions - "under the bag", take heart from the White Queen's
raunchv old T-Rird . a mistake made by even the most seasoned rotary wingers . words to Alice :
Since this incident 1 have been in many situations Paradoxically, it is because we only fly IFR so rarely "1 daresay you haven't had much practice, When
wherr demonstrated i g norance of helico Pter ca P abilities that our level of instrument f lying must always be at 1 was your age, 1 always did it ~or halJ-an-hour
and limitations on the part of non-rotarv wingers has peak . On those few occasions when we are required to a day. Why, sometimes 1've believed as marcy as
E~rom p ted me to sa Y "Yo~i must be J'okin g '." However file are we always certain that our IF procedures and six impossible things beJore breakf ast."
some of these situations have been P otential}v hazardous
and with the increased use of hclico~ters
F in the Canadian
Forces this "communications gap" will tend to increase
-~ J '
~- .
18 19
gation revealed that several other aircraft had been fitted
with similar cables and it was found that stocks held by
that his previous checks on the aircraft were complete
an overhaul contractor were also unacceptable . Had this
and thorough, as he was immediately aware of even a condition remained undetected, the sheathing may have
small discrepancy . come loose during flight, jamming the stabilizer controls .
Si ificantl 5~
~ the ins pection of these cables was
CPL R .S. BUCKINGHAM made on Cpl Shepherd's own initiative, as it was not part " . . . In those days, the average pilot could expect
approximately one crash per flying hour, and only the
of the acceptance check . This was the second occasion
4y'hile conducting a routine check on a 707 engine exceptional pilot survived more than fiftti~ hours before
in little over a year in which his thorough inspection
following completion of the periodic inspection, Cpl killing himself . . .
resulted in a timely discovery which prevented the de-
Buckingham spotted what appeared to be a crack at " . . I would like to den y~ one rumour , to thc effect
velopment of a potentially dangerous situation . For Cpl
the weld in the upper mounting suphort of the fuel/oil that I tested the structure for strength by placing a
She E~herd his second Good Show .
cooler . This support is located in an area where it chicken between the wings and if the chicken was able
is very difficult to determine the presence of cracks to free itself from the maze of struts and wires, we added
without removing the existing lines, oil cooler, and tank . CPL M .E . RAMSDEN more sttucture . . . - it generated great clouds of dust ;
After discussing the situation with maintenance " . . . To prove the safety and controllability of the - it had one minor technical problem-it would
W'hile carrying out a routine daily inspection on a
technicians-who expressed doubt that the area was multi-motor concept, a motor would be deliberately shut not fly-but otherwise it was a good helicopter ;
CUH1N helicopter, Cpl Ramsden noticed excessive play
cracked-Corporal Buckingham was still not satisfied, down in flight while the mechanics would climb out on - control and stability were serious problems . 'I`he
in a flight control . Pursuing the inspection further he
so he wrote up an unserviceability against the aircraft . the wings and change the spark plugs as a demon- first motion pictures showed such an unstable
found worn bearings in the scissors lever assembly . He
The cooler, tank, and lines were subsequently removed stration . . . A number of stimulating incidents occurred, and erratic machine that we never showed the
then checked the same item on three other aircraft and
and a non-destructive testing check revealed not one, including an engine fire in mid-air (put out by two men films to outsiders except in slow motion, which
found discrepancies that led to the replacement of a total
but two cracks in the mount . climbing out on the wings and beating out the flames slowed the darting and bobbing into graceful
of seven bearings .
The key point in this incident was Cpl Buckingham's with their coats) . . . weaving . . .
Cpl Ramsden's professional approach to his job
P ersistence . Had the materiel breakdown not been found, " . . . The unusual configuration of my S-38 soon " . . . After one of our early demonstrations to a few
demonstrates the high quality of CF tradesmen . His
it is likely that the aircraft would have experienced earned it a variety of descriptions, one of which was guests, one of them said : `It's a remarkable machine . It
discovery of the worn bearings averted the possibility of
engine failure as a result of oil starvation . `a collection of aviation spare parts flying in loose hovers, flies sideways and even backwards . But I haven't
an in-flight bearing failure and its attendant hazards . seen it fly forward' . I was forced to answer ; `Yes . ., for-
formation' . . .
This is the second Good Show awarded to Cpl Ramsden . ward fli (~ t is a minor technical P roblem we have not
" . . . My first helicopter demonstrated many of the
MCPL C.S. LLEWELLYN characteristics of modem helicopters : solved yet' . In fact for some time the helicopter flew
MCpI Llewellyn was assigned as Flight Enginecr for - it cost considerable money ; better backwards than forward . However, by steady,
a niAht training flight on a Buffalo . As he was conducting - it made a great deal of noise ; patient work we solved these problems . . ."
the P re-fli ¬,h t ins P ection (in darkness ) he discovered a - it had much vibration ; from a lecture by Igor $ikorsky
Cpl R .S . Buckingham
Cpl Shea was watching from a towing tractor at Line
The "Remarks" portion of an hourly weather report may
Servicing as a llercules was being started some distance contam valuable Informatton . Test your knowledge by
away . When number one engine started he noticed exces-
matching the abbreviation on the left with its meaning on
sive smoke emission from the turbine area and quickly
the right .
drove across the ramp towards the aircraft, signalling the MCpI C.S . Llewellyn
crew to shut down the engine . All cockpit indications had
been normal to this time.
Theinvestigation uncovered an internal oil leak which l . COTRA A . frost on the indicator
2 . VIRGA B . cold transitional air
was causing oil to spill overboard through air valves into
the turbine area, where high engine temperatures during 3 . PKH;sSx>z C . lightning cloud to cloud
Cpl N.A. Shepherd 4 . FROIN I) . dri ftinR snow
takeoff could possibly have ignited the oil . The turbine
area has no fire fighting capability . S . KOCT}' E . frozen index
Cpl Shea's recognition of the problem and his quick b . I,TGCC F . balloon ceiling overcast
i . BINOVC precipitation not rcaching ground
reaction probably saved the Hercules crew from the hazard
8 . DRFTG SN41' H~ cold air over citv
of an in-flight fire .
I . contrails
J~ breaks in the avercast
CPL N .A . SHEPHERD K. pressure rising rapidly
L. smoke over citv
While carrying out an acceptance check on a CF104,
Cpl M .E . Ramsden Answers on page 23
Cpl Shepherd observed that the stabilizer cable sheathing
was crimped at one end rather than swaged the entire
length . As a result of his observation a further investi- Cpl J .A . Shea
off in a direction which differs by at least ~5° from approach the aircraft shall not be permitted to devi- to issue the rzcommended altitudes if
{ 1) Outside Right
{2) .Over Right Parachute
{3) To Life Jacket Lanyard whim
routed under Right P~