Tac87 09
Tac87 09
Tac87 09
Angle of Attack
We've made tremendous progress in reducing again. That's what a tactical air force is all
the number of tactical aircraft destroyed and about--the ability to deploy and employ against
aircrews killed during Tactical Air Command enemy forces when the call comes. Take a look at
flying operations over recent years. Much of the the lost aircraft and aircrews shown on the T AC
motivation and impetus to do that has come from Tally. Each Class A mishap means one less
our senior USAF and T AC leaders. But, their aircraft that the bad guys will have to destroy if
emphasis, by itself, will not be enough to ensure we're called to go to war. It also means one less
that we're doing our jobs even smarter and safer aircraft available for us to use in destroying the
in the weeks and months ahead. That will require bad guys. Each crewmemher lost means one less
increased involvement and commitment, especially to fly an aircraft into combat. It's as simple as
from our middle-level supervisors, aircrews and that. Ten airframes and eleven aircrews lost at the
everyone else involved with TAC's day-to-day end of July is a significant amount of tactical
flying activities. It will take a concerted effort by airpower gone forever that could have been the
our squadron commanders, operations officers, necessary edge needed in some future conflict.
flight commanders and flight leads to ensure that That's a tradeoff we cannot afford to make.
we're operating smartly and training our younger My staff and I look forward to working with you
aircrews properly. Our ability to work together as any way we can to increase and enhance our T AC
a team requires the skills of everyone, from the survivability; to do our jobs smarter and safer. Let
crew chief working in the winters of Mountain us know how we can work together with you to
Home or the summers of Luke to our security accomplish that goal.
police, maintenance specialists, supply folks and Finally, we wish the very best to Colonel Coupe
administrative personnel. Each of us must look De Ville as he assumes the base commander's job
around every day at the way we're doing things in at Myrtle Beach. All of us appreciate the
the flight, ground and weapons areas and teach significant impact he made on T AC during his
our people how to say .. no" when they see tour here. Thanks, pardner.
something dumb happening.
The primary goal of safety is not a low mishap
rate; it's survivability. While we may be tempted
to focus on the statistical descriptions of how
we're doing in preventing aircraft crashes, what
really counts is the tactical aircraft, aircrews and
support people needed to get the maximum
number of successful sorties airborne and back
Tac Attack Department of the Air Force
4 The Decision is Yours 24 Getting Out: Have A Plan
Decisions-the basis of successful tactical Having a plan for handling an inflight
fighter operations. Brigadier General Billy emergency can be the key to surviving it.
McCoy shares his thoughts on the subject.
7 I Was There
Getting your priorities out of order can set
you up for a surprise. departments
8 TAC Tips
The Worst Experience I Ever Had 13,21 Safety Awards
A hard way to learn an important lesson. 14 Chock Talk
16 In The Center
It's Who Sees You That Counts 21,30 Quarterly Safety Awards
A few thoughts on how you can survive 22 Weapons Words
hunting season this year. 26 Fleagle Salutes
28 Down to Earth
TA C Attack is not direc tive in nature. Recomm enda tions a re intend ed to comply with existing directives. Opinions ex ·
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work a re representative and not necessa rily of the peo ple or eq uipment involved.
Contributions are enco uraged , as a re co mments and criticism . We rese rve the right to edit all manusc ripts for readab ility
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Volume 27 number 09
adjusting power in the final that they're around "To Fly,
turn to making a slight bank Fight and Win" another day.
change to prevent an overshoot; During those safety meet-
all those actions point to the ings, while expounding on the
countless, correct decisions that mistakes of others, we were led
result in a safe operation. to believe that we were there to
Our supervisors share in the listen to what we were doing
success or failure of these deci- wrong. In reality, we should
sions. Realistic training and have stressed the fact that
safety go hand in hand on a supervisors, pilots and crew
daily and continuous basis. members were doing things
From watching out for your right-the overwhelming ma-
wingman in flight to the spe- jority of the time. Safety, dis-
cial consideration afforded to cipline, thinking in the cockpit
deployments and exercises, all and using your head all point
of the actions taken point to to the basics of flying and fly-
dedication and involvement in ing smart.
making positive, correct deci- Our recent operations-related
Safety, di~iptine, thinking in sions so we won't repeat the mishaps: mid-air collisions,
the cockpit and wmg your mistakes of the past. controlled flight into the ter-
Looking back at all the rain, misorientation and out of
head are still as important safety meetings I've attended control are not new-they've
tOOay as they were twenty over the years, the theme, the all been around since day one.
~rs ago and will be twenty
words and the ideas haven't They will continue to haunt us
changed. Safety, discipline, because all the things we do in
~rs from now. thinking in the cockpit and our business are inherently
using your head are still as hazardous. Despite that, mis-
important today as they were hap rates that keep going down
twenty years ago and will be are certainly signs that the
twenty years from now. Those common ingredients in these
many meetings have stressed mishaps- poor judgement, loss
the experiences of the past, the of awareness and compla-
tragedies, the close calls, the cency-are being handled by
"what ifs." It doesn't matter our pilots and supervisors in a
that our aircraft are more com- more professional manner than
plex or that commitments and, before. Learning from the past
in some cases, our missions to make even better decisions,
have changed. The basic in- smarter decisions and more
gredient is still the same- the tactically sou nd decisions is the
man in the cockpit doing his key to flying the jet and flying
job and,trying to do it right. it right. ..->
That pilot or crew member,
calling on lessons learned, past
and present, in order to get the DeS/ OPERATIONS, HQ 2 ATAF.
mission accomplished; ensuring
6 September 1987
TAC tips
8 September 1987
Take it up
A n upgrading F-16 pilot and an IP were fly-
ing a low level in their B-model when the
upgrading pilot saw a large bird approaching just
ground. About a third of the way around the
route, the crew noticed the aircraft wasn't steer-
ing towards the target coordinates. So the pilot
above their flight path. The bird dived, hitting disengaged the autopilot and began manually
the aircraft just forward of the canopy rail, and banking the Aardvark toward the target. After
entered the cockpit. While both pilots were un- passing the target, he rolled into a 30-degree
harmed, the canopy flexed from the strike and right bank to get on the new course to the next
hit the IP on the helmet. turn point.
When it comes to a showdown between you and Suddenly the radar altimeter broke lock (indi-
a feathered friend, make it your habit pattern to cating the aircraft was in greater than 45 de-
pull up; but don't yank an overload of G's. Most grees of bank), and the aircraft began a TFR fly-
birds will tuck their wings and dive when they up. The pilot looked at his ADI (attitude director
sense an oncoming threat. By pulling up, hope-
fully you'll shield the more vulnerable parts of
your aircraft from being struck and give the bird
your sturdier underside for a target. Pulling up
to avoid a bird also reduces the chances of col-
lision with the ground or of running into other
unseen obstacles. But, remember, any pull up
should be made only if it makes sense. If you pull
up and miss the bird but depart the aircraft and
have to jump out ... that doesn't pass the test. If
the bird is too close for you to do anything, re-
main level and duck your head before you take
the strike. That way at least you'll have your
head on to help you get your crippled bird back
on the ground.
the worst experience I ever had
10 September 1987
to verify that it has functioned. another one as someone threw
Our first mistake was not one in and it struck the bomb
checking the bombs to ensure on top of the bucket. All I My face hurt so bad, all
they had fired; our second mis- heard was a loud, ear-shatter- I could think <i was
take was rushing the work so ing bang. Instantly, I was en- that my skin was
the range could be used for ad- gulfed in the fireball produced burned <if.
ditional missions. by this "practice" bomb.
My face felt extremely hot,
my arm was aching and my T- throbbing with pain, but I
I picked up an ahnost shirt was on fire. I ran away dropped like a rock, and tried
llllscratched bomb and with my eyes closed, not know- to roll. My face hurt so bad, all
tossed it into the ing what I was doing, but try- I could think of was that my
bucket of the loader. ing to tear the flaming, tat- skin was burned off. The
tered shirt from by body. red phosphorus
Through the ringing in my blown out
The first four days went ears, I heard my teammates of the
fairly well as we threw the screaming for me to
bombs into small piles for eas- roll on the ground.
ier loading and removal from My left arm and
the range later. The fifth day, the left side of
the day we were to leave, start-
ed at 8 o'clock in the morning.
After we arrived at the range, I
removed my shirt as I had on
each previous day. As it turned
out, this was my third mistake.
My fourth one came several
moments later as we were load-
ing the bombs, "lobbing" them
horizontally into the front-end
loader, so we would not initiate
any possible duds. We were
working on the first pile when
I picked up an almost un-
scratched bomb and tossed it
into the bucket of the loader. It
the worst experience I ever had
bomb was imbedded in my face WHY ME? How did it happen? second degree burns on the up-
and burning. Would I be all right? Would I
My teammates put shirts, be permanently scarred? What
per left part of my body; the
good news was my eyes were
dampened with muddy water, would my wife think? WHY undamaged. They cleaned me
on my face and upper body to ME? I thought of the last time up, bandaged me and got me
stop the burning. All I wanted I was in a hospital, a month ready to go.
was relief, and a helicopter from and a half earlier to witness When I finally arrived home,
the nearby military installation the birth of my daughter. That I was bandaged from the waist
rushed me to the hospital. My was great. If only I could go to my shoulder, my entire left
eyes had been covered because back to that time. arm bandaged and I looked aw-
the flight medics feared I had The doctors decided my burns ful. What followed was count-
eye damage. My upper body could be treated better in the less days of indescribable pain
was also covered with cold nearby community hospital. and suffering as I underwent at
dressings by the time we least twenty-seven scrapings to
arrived at the Army remove the dead skin from my
hospital. burns in order to allow proper
After two years, the only
physical signs remaining from
the whole incident are scars on
12 September 1987
W hile Capt Oscar Sordo
was driving along the
flightline , he saw smoke paral-
Fearing a possible life-threat-
ening situation, he swiftly
scaled the eight-foot security
lel to the runway but outside fence . While running to the
the main base compound. When building to render assistance,
he identified the source of the he asked Job Control to contact
fire as the runway approach the hospital for possible sup-
light building, he immediately port.
notified Job Control to dispatch As he reached the burning
the fire department. building, Capt Sordo was able
While waiting for the first to determine that the truck
dispatched fire fighter to open was unattended and no one was
the perimeter gate, Capt Sordo in danger. However, a trailer
spotted a truck parked along- containing two acetylene tanks,
side the burning building. Con- two oxygen tanks and a gener-
cerned about possible danger to ator was attached to the truck. Capt Oscar Sordo
life, he accompanied the as- Seeing the immediate danger 347 CRS, 347 TFW
sistant fire chief through the from the tanks and the extreme Moody AFB, GA
perimeter gate to the fence sur- heat, he entered the truck
rounding the generator build- through the passenger's door
ing. Impeded by a locked gate and moved it away from the able Air Force assets and pos-
and waiting for the fire rescue flame-engulfed building. sible injury to firefighting per-
team to arrive with bolt cut- Capt Sordo's timely response sonnel. His actions have earned
ters, Capt Sordo noticed the to a dangerous situation pre- the TAC Outstanding Achieve-
truck's passenger door open. vented the destruction of valu- ment in Safety Award.
chock talk
Incidents and
Incidentals with a
Maintenance Slant
14 September 1987
lished signals correctly, the whole process of mov-
ing aircraft on busy ramps full of AGE and other
aircraft is made much simpler and safer. The
time to know those signals is before you hit the
flight line, not when you've got the pointy end of
a jet coming your way.
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18 September 1987
TSgt Barry Kendrick
other folks who don't wear
BDUs, they're readily available
lesson for you: the retina of the
human eye is made of rods and
Langley AFB, VA through your average "G.I. cones. The rods pick up light
Joe's" military surplus store. and transform it into signals
BDUs are great. They're which the brain interprets as
it's who sees you that counts
Use precaution, not
P recaution. Look at that word a little closer.
Pre-caution-something you do in advance
to protect against possible failure or danger. If
we would use a little more precaution, then many
safety investigations, accident reports and trips
to the hospital could be avoided completely.
One weapons load crew was putting inert
MK-82s on an A-10 during a steady rain. Using
an MJ-1 , the driver lifted the bomb about six
inches above the bomb trailer while the load
crew chief checked the bomb's position on the
bomblift table. Determining that the bomb was
situated properly, the crew chief cleared the
driver to back up. Even though the members of
the team tried to steady the bomb by hand, it slid
off the bomblift when the driver stopped the ve-
hicle. The nose fuse and tail fins were damaged
in the fall.
The load crew was using the proper tech data,
and everyone was fully qualified to do the job.
The steady downpour of rain acted as a lubricant
between the metal casing of the bombs and the
aluminum support rollers of the bomblift. EveR
though not required by the TO, use of the tie-
down strap would have prevented any movement
of the bomb during starts and stops of the lift
and associated vibrations. In this instance, a
little precaution could have prevented the need
for corrective actions later.
22 weapons words September 1987
It just gets in the way
T he A-7s had had a great day on the range
with live Maverick deliveries and strafe
passes using high explosive incendiary ammo.
door. Whether the panel came open due to a bad
fastener or improper closure was impossilJle to
determine. We can keep on top of such pr~blems
Later, during the postflight dearming, the ground by ensuring that panels are cinched down prop-
crew noted that armament panel F-7 was open erly and shaky fasteners are replaced before the
and wouldn't close. Back in the chocks, the crew airplane is released to fly.
chief noticed a one-inch square puncture on the
nose gear door. Further examination of the panel
and skin puncture showed that the two were di-
rectly related.
Watch this
The armament panel apparently came open
during flight and, in the fully open position, ex-
tended into the path of the aft nose gear landing
T he flight of A-10 Warthogs taxied to the end
of the runway for quick-check and arming
prior to takeoff. Mter one of the jets was cleared
for arm up, the ground crew started removing the
safing pins from the triple ejector racks. When
the team chief removed the pin from station 2 of
the TER, the practice bomb fell to the ground; the
spotting charge didn't go off.
The culprit turned out to be a mechanical mal-
function in the TER, but that's not the reason for
this story. The importance of this item is that
"the spotting charge didn't go off." Why not? Be-
cause the arming crew was following approved
technical procedures. These procedures require
the TER rack safety pins to be pulled before re-
moving the BDU-33 safety blocks. Why? To pre-
vent some of the horror stories usually reported
here about second- and third-degree burns from
practice bomb spotting charges functioning.
This story had a happy ending because the
arming procedure was done "by the book." Fol-
lowing the script provided does prevent mishaps.
Makes for a nice story and a happy ending.
24 September 1987
ing" feeling can cause a cold fore you ever walk out of the
sweat on the coolest of jocks. squadron and by establishing
The trick to coping with the personal guidelines on when
situation, as with an emer- you will initiate an ejection.
gency procedure, is to pre-plan Making this commitment to
a course of action. Obviously, get out of a jet when it becomes
the actual causes of a flameout, necessary gives you a frame-
or any other significant loss of work and backup plan to use in
power, and the resulting flight formulating your recovery at-
patterns are unlimited; but tempt. Now you can apply the
your decision process can be procedures for handling the
greatly aided by pre-planning situation within workable con-
and studying the actions avail- straints that allow a margin for
able to you. survival. Deciding early on
The first step of this mental ejection is probably the biggest
game plan should be to estab- step towards living to fly
lish when you are going to another day.
eject. Probably the hardest part
of any ejection is making the
decision to get out of the air-
craft. It's not easy for a pilot to
Deciding early on
voluntarily leave the warm and ejection is
seemingly safe surroundings of
his cockpit. Every fighter pilot probably the
believes in his capability to re-
cover an aircraft, but it is biggest step
equally important to be able to
recognize a bad situation, and
towards living to
commence the ejection, when
necessary, as early as possible.
fly another day.
This recognition process can be
sharpened by reviewing pos- Once you've mentally pre-
Captain Mike Crider sible emergency situations be- pared for ejection and know
177 FIG/SEF (NJANG) your personal limits for staying
Atlantic City Airport, NJ with a crippled jet, you can be-
Probably the gin concentrating on the ap-
propriate approach and
hardest part of
Y ou're cruising along in
your single engine fighter ,
finding it hard to believe that
any ejection is
The same need to pre-plan
when you'll get out applies to
somebody is paying you to do
this. Suddenly, fate decides
making the any crippled fighter: single
seat, single engine or multi-
that your number is up and
pulls the plug on your sole
decision to get crew, multi-engine. Waiting
until it's time to pull the
source of thrust. out of the handle is too late to start seri-
Whether it's an immediate ously considering the possibil-
loss of thrust or an impending aircraft. ity. You've got to plan and
flameout, the resulting "sink- think ahead.
Amn Larry J. Arceneaux, Sgt Scott R. Eisen hauer, 2 that the F-15 parked in the ad-
34 7th Supply Squadron, 347th TFTS, 325 TTW, Tyndall AFB, jacent spot had caught fire
Tactical Fighter Wing, Moody Fla., was performing runway from a secondary power system
AFB, Georgia, was dispatched operations monitor duty. It was malfunction. He immediately
to refuel an F-16 for an FTD his first solo duty since he had informed the pilot in the air-
class. When he arrived at the completed his training pro- craft he was launching of the
aircraft, he observed the gram. During his duty period, hazard and quickly completed
trainee draining the aircraft Sgt Eisenhauer saw that a T-33 taxi checks and marshalled the
sump for the visual fuel on final approach was gear up. aircraft to a safe location.
sample. When the sump valve He immediately fired the flares Later, during an integrated
stuck in the open position, JP-4 and made a radio call on Guard combat turnaround, SSgt Har-
jet fuel splashed into the frequency, sending the T-33 ris was performing duties at
trainee's eyes. Amn Arceneaux around and preventing a the #1 APG position when he
quickly reacted by taking the gear-up mishap. observed another member of
emergency eye wash bottle the ICT team approaching the
from his refueling unit and danger zone of an F-15's
flushing the individual's eyes. engine intake. SSgt Harris en-
He then called for the fuels ex- tered the danger zone and
peditor to ensure the victim pulled the individual to safety
was transported to the hospital just as he was entering the en-
for further care. Amn Ar- gine inlet vortex area.
ceneaux's quick and precise ac- On more than one occasion, SSgt Harris' outstanding per-
tions saved the FTD trainee SSgt Joel F. Harris' (116 formance displays the skill and
from eye injury or possible CAMS, 116 TFW, Dobbins ingenuity of a dedicated profes-
sight loss. AFB, Georgia) alertness and sional. His alert actions
prompt actions have saved per- have saved valuable
sonnel and valuable aircraft re- resources and possibly
sources from hazardous the life of a co-worker.
While launching his aircraft,
SSgt Joel F . Harris noticed
26 . September 1987
Second Lieutenant Steven G. takeoffs. At 0700, SSgt Clar- Second Lieutenant Bernhard
Masters, F-16 student pilot, ence C. Brooks noticed the Tantarn (German Air Force),
and Major Wolfgang Marr cotter pin and six inches of the student pilot, and Captain
(German Air Force exchange connecting chain were missing Glen J. Plaisted, instructor pi-
officer), instructor pilot, were from the pintle hook of their lot, 35 TTS, 35 TTW, George
performing a fuel check fol- trailer. He promptly verified AFB, CA, had just finished
lowing their first intercept that the chain and pin had night formation work, during
when they noted only 3,000 been in place prior to moving the lieutenant's first local night
pounds of fuel remaining, 2,000 the signs. He then alerted the flight in the F-4E, and had re-
pounds less than at the start of EWS Dispatcher and Job Con- turned to the airfield for in-
the intercept. Suspecting a ma- trol of the problem and ini- strument patterns and touch
jor fuel leak, they immediately tiated a search. He and 11 and gos. After the third touch
reduced power and turned other people searched and and go (IP demo), aircraft con-
toward the nearest suitable backtracked the one-half mile trol was returned to the stu-
runway. Noting abnormally distance from the shop to dent in the front seat. When he
high fuel flow for the selected where the sign was placed as raised the gear handle and slat/
thrust setting, Major Marr di- well as the immediate taxiway flap switch, the master caution
rected a flight rejoin, then ob- without success. and check hydraulic warning
tained a visual inspection SrA Christopher Ryberg, lights came on indicating a
which confirmed a massive fuel not satisfied with the results of total utility failure . With ap-
leak in the aft fuselage. their search, continued to proximately 3,300 pounds of
While they referenced the search a 10-foot corridor of the fuel remaining, they declared
emergency procedures checklist taxiway. He finally located the an emergency and Lt. Tantarn
and directed the chase aircraft black cotter pin hidden in the made a rl.ght climbout to set up
to watch for any change in the asphalt slab divider in suf- for a 15-20 mile straight-in.
flow from the fuel leak, Lt ficient time to avoid delaying The SOF was contacted and
Masters flew the aircraft while the taxi of the morning's first notified of their problem as
Major Marr coordinated with sorties. they planned for an approach-
ATC and provided guidance on Immediately upon returning end barrier engagement and
heading, altitude and thrust to their shop, SSgt Brooks and completed all applicable check-
setting to maximize range and SrA Ryberg inspected all cotter lists. When the aircrew had ex-
minimize fuel consumption. pins and chains on EWS ve- treme difficulty in obtaining
The pilots subsequently per- hicles and trailers. Deciding visual contact with the runway
formed a straight-in SFO and that nylon-reinforced steel cord due to ramp lighting, Capt
safely landed the aircraft with would be a safer alternative, Plaisted took control of the air-
only nine minutes of they subsequently replaced all craft to allow the student to
fuel remaining. the metal chains and pins in pick up the runway. When the
use. runway environment was fin-
The safety consciousness and ally picked up at 3 miles, air-
diligent efforts of SSgt Brooks craft control was returned to Lt
and SrA Ryberg avoided the Tantarn who made a successful
possible FOD of an F -4E air- approach end barrier engage-
craft and prevented similar ment at night.
In preparation for the morning problems from occurring
flying schedule, the Electronic in the future.
Warfare System (EWS) End-of-
Runway Crew, 347 CRS, 347
TFW, Moody AFB, Georgia,
had placed the lighted signs on
a taxiway prior to the first
swing. As a result, we got the treated in hospital emergency
motorcycle, motorbike, motor rooms in the first nine months
scooter, moped and now the of 1985, up from 8,600 in 1982.
latest development-the ATV. That frightening statistic
Invented in the early 1970s showed 22% of the injuries and
by Honda, the ATV was de- deaths from ATV use have in-
signed to track through rugged volved riders between the ages
down to earth terrain and was used for a va- of 5-12 and 46 percent of the
riety of tasks, including ag- riders were under 16. Appar-
ricultural use, ski patrolling, ently many of those accidents
crowd control and rescue work. occurred because of care-
The Air Force is planning the lessness. Although ATVs were
use of ATVs by maintenance designed for off-road jaunts
EMS THAT CAN AFFECT YO and security forces to support over rough and uneven sur-
ND YOUR FAMILY HERE ON the Over-the-Horizon Back- faces, they are capable of
THE GROUND scatter (OTH-B) Radar system. speeds of up to 50 mph. As
It wasn't until 1979 that the many drivers are children rid-
general public discovered the ing on slick, hard surface
machine and the popularity of roads, accidents involving ex-
ATVs: Using ATVs as off-road recreational cess speed are commonplace.
Other accidents involved drink-
them safely vehicles escalated. Unfor-
tunately, ATV-related acci- ing and driving, riding double
dents also exploded at an or "popping wheelies" (rearing
Leonard A. Sorrentino, P.E. alarming and accelerated rate. back and pulling up the front
24 AD/SEG In 1982, the Consumer Product wheel).
Griffiss AFB, NY Safety Commission (CPSC) re- Three-wheelers look in-
ported 22 deaths from ATV- herently safe and stable. How-
Government safety ex- related accidents; compared ever, they have a high center of
66 perts say manufac- with 324 deaths occurring from gravity and tip over very eas-
turers should voluntarily stop 1983 to 1985. The most star- ily. In an effort to promote safe
selling motorized all-terrain- tling statistic reported was the use of ATVs, the Specialty Ve-
vehicles (ATVs) for use by chil- 78,000 ATV-related injuries hicle Institute of America
dren or face the threat of a fed- (SVIA) was formed. The insti-
eral ban." This was the head- tute trains instructors to teach
line in a recent New York a four to six hour course for
Times article. Although this first time riders. A toll-free 800
strong criticism is a recent number (1-800-447-4700) has
occurrence, this vehicle traces been established so riders can
its ancestry back many years. find out where the nearest
In 1839, a blacksmith by the course is taught. The SVIA also
name of Kirkpatrick Macmillan publishes several pamphlets on
completed work on the first ATV safety material which ad-
self-propelled two-wheeler in dress safety measures and rid-
Scotland. After that came the ing techniques and helps par-
tricycle which was designed for ents decide if their children can
a woman to ride instead of a handle ATVs.
bicycle. Finally, someone got If you or your kids ride an
really daring by adding a motor ATV, here are some helpful
and the evolution was in full tips which can make you a
28 September 1987
safer rider: supervision. population. Information on how
- Choose an ATV that is the - Do not exceed speeds that to establish such a program is
right size for you. Your dealer are safe for the terrain. Many available by writing to: Spe-
can help you make this accidents happen when a rider cialty Vehicle Institute of
decision. attempts a turn or hits a rock America, 3151 Airway Avenue,
- Before riding, read and fol- or other small obstacle and Building K107, Costa Mesa,
low manufacturer's guide for loses control. California 92626.
use, maintenance and pre-use -Do NOT use ATVs on paved
checks. roads or streets. It's illegal in Editor's Note: Both the 347
-Always wear protective most states and extremely TFW (Moody AFB , GA) and the
clothing (helmet, goggles and dangerous. Tactical Fighter Weapons Cen-
protective clothing). - DO NOT RIDE DOUBLE. ter (Nellis AFB, NV) have very
-Get professional instruction Three-wheeled ATV s are de- active ATV training programs.
before you begin riding. ATV s signed for one rider only. For T AC bases interested in
have unique handling charac- -Do NOT operate an ATV developing a program, please
teristics. Practice on a level when under influence of alco- contact Mr. Green at Moody
area and then in a more diffi- holic beverages. (AV 460-3968) or CMSgt. Pau-
cult, but controlled, environ- Base safety offices may want pard at Nellis (AV 682-2140)
ment before tackling all-out, to consider forming an ATV for additional information. They
rough terrain. Club or establishing a hands-on are proud of their successful
- If children are allowed to ATV off-road practice program programs and are willing to
ride, provide training and adult if they have a high ATV riding share them with you.
Taking chances
I nterested in playing a game
in which the odds are 5 to 1
in your favor?
Not many of us are foolish
enough to bet our lives on the
pull of a trigger. But there is a
The game is called Russian variation of this game that too
Roulette-and it's one of the many of us play every day,
most exciting, but dangerous, both on and off the job. Like
gambling games there is. The Russian Roulette, it's a form of
odds are always 5 to 1 in your "beat the odds."
favor, but that 1 is a real We play this game when we
killer. ignore a safety rule ... or take
Soldiers in the Russian army a shortcut .. . or refuse to wear
started the game when they seat belts . .. or fail to put the
became bored with service on machine guard on ... and in
some far-flung frontier where scores of other ways as well.
nothing ever happened. One Taking chances is like bet-
bullet was put into a six-shooter, ting against the odds. But even
the cylinder was spun and the when you do win, you don't end
soldier would put the revolver up with anything you didn't
to his temple and pull the have in the first place . . . like
trigger. your fingers, your eyes or your
The chances were 5 to 1 life. So why take the chance?
there would be a click and no The stakes just aren't worth it.
explosion. -Author Unknown
T Sgt Scott E. Westfahl was
tasked to develop a
weapons safety program for Air
TSgt Westfahl's exceptional
abilities, coupled with strong
command support, have re-
Forces Iceland (AFI). This was sulted in a superior weapons
no easy task since AFI is com- safety program. His program
posed of squadrons and de- was rated "best seen" by a 1 AF
tachments from TAC, MAC and staff assistance team and
SAC and also routinely hosts "outstanding" during the TAC
units from the Air National IG's UEI. His program has also
Guard, Air Force Reserve and received safety award recogni-
various NATO countries. TSgt tion at both the TAC and
Westfahl designed the program USAF levels. The direct results
from scratch and ensured that of TSgt Westfahl's know ledge,
all appropriate directives of the dedication and leadership have TSgt Scott E. Westfahl
services and organizations in- earned him the TAC Weapons Air Forces Iceland
volved were included. Safety Award of the Quarter. Keflavik NAS, Iceland
30 September 1987
thru Jul thru Jul thru Jul
1987 1986 1987 1986 1987 1986
CLASS A MISHAPS 3 10 16 0 4 4 0 3 0
AIRCREW FATALITIES 4 11 7 0 5 0 0 4 0
TOTAL EJECTIONS 1 6 11 0 2 6 0 2 0
SUCCESSFUL EJECTIONS 1 6 11 0 2 6 0 0 0
C 1986 4.8 6.8 5.4 4.4 4.1 3.7 3.6 3.2 3.4 3.9 3.9 3.8
AN 1987 0.0 0.0 4.4 3.2 2.6 2.8 2.4
G 1986 4.3 2.4 3.1 2.3 2.7 3.0 2.5 2.2 2.4 2.6 3.2 3.0
1986 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 4.6 4.2 3.9