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Figure 2. Schematic geological map of NE Brazil showing the Parnaíba basin (blue line) and its Precambrian basement structures (red
lines) (adapted from de Castro, 2011, and Oliveira and Mohriak, 2003). Gray areas correspond to Mesozoic to recent sedimentary covers.
Labeled dark gray areas correspond to exposures of Cambrian–Ordovician troughs and their supposed prolongation beneath the sag basin: 1
– Jaguarapi; 2 – Jaibaras; 3 – Cococi; 4 – São Julião; 5 – São Raimundo Nonato; 6 – Correntes; 7 – Monte do Carmo. Brasiliano shear zones:
AR – Araguaia; PA – Patos; PE – Pernambuco; SP – Senador Pompeu; TB – Transbrasiliano; TG – Tentugal. Basins cited in text: Araripe
(Ar) and Tucano–Jatobá (Tu-Ja). Inset: the South American continent.
and internal geometry of the Parnaíba basin (Fig. 2). Fur- ∼ 1000 km long and ∼ 970 km wide and occupies a complex
thermore, 2-D gravity and magnetic joint modeling along the region of West Gondwana, which was subjected to crustal
seismic sections allowed us to understand how the basement collisions involving cratonic blocks, extensive fold belts and
heterogeneities interfere with the potential field anomalies. concealed basement inliers (Parnaíba block). The basement
Based on the new seismic data and geophysical models, we area stabilized when the late Proterozoic Brasiliano/Pan-
recognized at least three tectonic styles in the basin. These African orogeny (720–540 Ma) ceased (Cordani et al., 1984,
styles are related to the type and kinematics of faults (nor- 2009; de Castro et al., 2014).
mal, strike-slip, reverse or thrust) and intensity of deforma- The evolution of the Parnaíba basin involved five primary
tion (number and amount of fault offset and size of faults and tectono-sedimentary sequences, two magmatic pulses and an
folds). These tectonic styles have an influence on the final area that was at least 5 times larger than that affected by the
basin architecture. We discuss the influence of the Eopaleo- aborted rifts (Fig. 3 and Table 1). The present-day sag basin
zoic rifting process in the prolonged periods of subsidence consists of at least four tectono-sedimentary sequences sep-
experienced by the Parnaíba cratonic basin and the mecha- arated by regional unconformities, comprising distinct depo-
nisms for its formation. Finally, we assess the broad impli- sition history (Góes and Feijó, 1994). The sedimentary infill
cations for other sedimentary basins in South America and in the sag basin is up to 3.5 km thick and is primarily com-
West Africa. posed of early Silurian to Cretaceous sediments in the form
of several unconformity-bounded packages (Table 1). Recent
seismic sections reported by the Brazilian Petroleum Agency
2 Geological Setting (Alves, 2012; Ferreira, 2013) reveal graben-like structures
beneath the sag sequences that have been filled with ∼ 3.0 km
2.1 General features and main sedimentary–volcanic
of pre-Silurian sequences.
The basin is composed of thick, primarily siliciclastic, epi-
The Parnaíba basin is a large Paleozoic cratonic basin lo- continental sequences (Góes and Feijó, 1994). Sequences I to
cated in northeastern South America (Fig. 2). This basin is V are the Cambrian–Ordovician (Jaibaras Group), Silurian–
Table 1. Chronostratigraphic chart illustrating various divisions of the Phanerozoic stratigraphy of the Parnaíba basin.
post-Devonian tectonic inversion (Destro et al., 1994). These 3.1 Airborne magnetic and gravity data set
lineaments also form Precambrian lithospheric-scale bound-
aries. They were identified in a deep crustal, seismic reflec- De Castro et al. (2014) compiled several airborne and satel-
tion profile across the Parnaíba basin (Daly et al., 2014) and lite potential field data sets to determine the crustal domains
represent the collisional sutures of the Amazonian and the beneath the Parnaíba basin. In this study, we focus on map-
São Francisco cratons (de Castro et al., 2014). ping the aborted rift system buried by the sag sedimentation
Following the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny, tectonic using only the more recent aerogeophysical survey flown in
inversion generated elongated grabens controlled by Precam- 2005 and 2006 for the Brazilian Petroleum Agency (ANP).
brian structural fabric, which is mainly marked by ductile This airborne magnetic and gravity survey was conducted
shear zones in the basement. The best examples of these along E–W-oriented 6 km spaced flight lines, with a 24 km
grabens are the Jaibaras basin and other smaller Cambrian– tie-line spacing in a N–S direction and a 1100 m nominal
Ordovician rift basins that are partially exposed at the north- flight height (Fig. 4). Data were recorded at intervals of
ern and eastern edges of the Parnaíba basin (Fig. 2). The 0.04 s (gravity) and 0.01 s (magnetic). ANP performed all
Jaibaras is the best known of these basins. It crops out at necessary magnetic and gravity data reductions and level-
the NE boundary of the Parnaíba basin (Fig. 2), forms a ing. The total magnetic field of the Earth was corrected for
NE-trending, 120 km long and 10 km wide graben generated diurnal variations, the main geomagnetic field (IGRF) and
by the reactivation of the Transbrasiliano Lineament in the leveling errors. The raw airborne gravity data correction in-
Cambrian–Ordovician basin (Oliveira and Mohriak, 2003). volved vertical and horizontal accelerations, latitude, free-air
and Bouguer reduction. The resulting total magnetic inten-
sity and Bouguer anomaly data were interpolated onto 500
3 Mapping Cambrian–Ordovician grabens and 1500 m cell size grids, using bi-directional and minimum
curvature methods, respectively. The bi-directional gridding
In sedimentary basins, gravity and magnetic lows are gen-
technique was developed to cope specifically with the prob-
erally related to depocenters because the sedimentary infill
lem of different magnetic data density along and across flight
is less dense and less magnetic than crystalline basement
lines (Redford, 2006). The minimum curvature interpola-
rocks. Based on this assumption, de Castro et al. (2014) iden-
tion algorithm fits a minimum curvature surface to the given
tified magnetic and gravity lows, which they interpreted as
data values nearest the coarse grid nodes (Briggs, 1974).
graben-like structures buried by the sag units of the Parnaíba
This method is best for gravity data that have no dominant
basin. These authors recognized a direct correlation between
trend direction. The data processing routine, which was opti-
a series of Cambrian–Ordovician grabens, partially exposed
mized by de Castro et al. (2014), was also applied to the cur-
at the E and SW edges of the basin (Fig. 2), and negative
rent data set to enhance short- to medium-wavelength nega-
pseudo-gravity anomalies. Thus, according to their interpre-
tive magnetic and gravity anomalies directly associated with
tation, two sets of troughs occurred in the basin, particularly
shallow causative features within the upper crust. The pro-
along the Brasiliano shear zones in the eastern portion of the
cessing stages include reduction to the magnetic pole (RTP),
basin. Two rift systems were active prior to the widespread
regional-residual separation and pseudo-gravity transforma-
sag deposition, likely in the late Neoproterozoic and early
tion for the residual magnetic data and regional-residual sep-
Paleozoic (Nunes, 1993; Cordani et al., 2009; de Castro et
aration for the gravity data (Fig. 5a to c). The RTP trans-
al., 2014).
formation is a standard magnetic technique that corrects for
However, the premise that magnetic and gravity lows indi-
shifts of anomalies from the centers of their magnetic sources
cate buried rifts can be easily violated by causative sources
related to the oblique orientation of the magnetic field with
within the basement (Blakely, 1996; de Castro et al., 2007).
respect to Earth’s surface (Blakely, 1996). The parameters of
The residual magnetic and gravity anomalies, after extrac-
the RTP filter include a magnetic inclination of −11.16◦ and
tion of the long-wavelength regional component associated
declination of −21.26◦ , which we calculated for the central
with the deeper crustal structure, depend on the combined
location of the aerogeophysical survey. A pseudo-inclination
effects of the basement units and the internal geometry of
factor of 60◦ was used to provide a stable RTP computa-
the sedimentary basin. In this study, we tested the hypothesis
tion in and near the declination direction at low magnetic
that negative anomalies represent either buried rifts or litho-
latitudes (absolute inclination less than 20◦ ). We removed
logical units in the basement using two different approaches.
the regional anomalies (wavelength more than 125 km) from
The first approach consists of carefully analyzing the mag-
the magnetic and gravity data (Fig. 5a, b) using a Gaussian
netic and gravity signatures of the outcropping Jaibaras basin
filter with a standard deviation of the Gaussian function of
and the Araguaia belt at the NE and W boundaries of the
0.008 cycles km−1 as the spatial cutoff.
Parnaíba basin, respectively. The second approach consists
Baranov (1957) proposed a pseudo-gravity transformation
of 2-D modeling potential field profiles constrained by new
to convert the total-field magnetic anomaly into the gravity
seismic data and well logs.
anomaly that would be observed if the magnetization distri-
bution were to be replaced with an identical density distri-
Figure 5. Residual reduced-to-pole magnetic (a), gravity (b) and pseudo-gravity (c) anomaly maps of the Parnaíba basin. Main pseudo-
gravity and gravity lows are highlighted in (d). Brasiliano shear zones: AR – Araguaia; PA – Patos; PE – Pernambuco; SP – Senador
Pompeu; TB – Transbrasiliano; TG – Tentugal. Labeled anomalies are discussed in the text. Magnetic and gravity anomalies along seismic
lines L304 and L507 are shown in Fig. 12.
not be detected. Because the geomagnetic field is horizon- gravity and magnetic anomalies is violated in the survey
tal in this case, no magnetic boundaries are crossed along area. A possible explanation is the difference between the
the north–south direction with respect to the east–west edges contrasts of the physical properties combined with decay
(Murthy, 1998). rates of the gravitational and magnetic fields. Apparently,
The pseudo-gravity transformation attenuated the high- the pseudo-gravity anomalies reflect the contrast of the mag-
frequency content of the magnetic anomalies (Fig. 5a and c). netic susceptibilities between sedimentary and crystalline
It is noteworthy that pseudo-gravity lows coincide with pro- rocks, whilst the gravity anomalies are strongly influenced
longations of the Cambrian–Ordovician troughs, which are by deeper sources within the basement. This hypothesis is
partially exposed at the eastern and southeastern edges of tested by the 2-D magnetic–gravity joint modeling in Sect. 4.
the Parnaíba basin (Fig. 2). Based on this pseudo-gravity
anomaly pattern, we interpret the negative anomalies as main
candidates for the magnetic response of the concealed rifts
(Fig. 5d). The different gravity and pseudo-gravity signa-
tures indicate that the assumption of same source causing
Figure 6. Residual reduced-to-pole magnetic (a) and gravity (b) anomaly maps of the Jaibaras basin. Geological contacts were extracted
from Cavalcante et al. (2003). Tectonic domains: MC – Médio Coreaú; CC – Ceará Central. Geological units: E – granulites and eclogites;
G – granites; MS – low-grade metasedimentary units; V – volcanic rocks. TB – Transbrasiliano Lineament.
3.3 Magnetic and gravity anomaly patterns in the matic arc, the easternmost branch of the Tocantins province
Jaibaras basin (Fig. 2), beneath the Parnaíba basin. The westernmost grav-
ity lows (H in Fig. 5b) correspond to low-grade metamorphic
supracrustal sequences in the Araguaia belt, a marginal fold
We used the Jaibaras basin as an analogue of the graben sys- belt thrusted onto the Amazonian craton during the Brasil-
tem beneath the sag’s sedimentary cover. Figure 6 presents iano orogeny (Alvarenga et al., 2000). Thus, the gravity highs
the residual magnetic and gravity anomaly maps of the and lows reveal upper crustal undulations due to a colli-
Jaibaras basin. Elongated positive magnetic and gravity sional fold-and-thrust belt and lateral accretion associated
anomalies occur in the area of the Jaibaras basin. These with the closure of the Goiás–Pharusian Ocean between the
anomalies are associated with surface and near-surface, Amazonian and São Francisco cratons (Cordani et al., 2014).
moderate-to-high susceptibility, dense volcanic rocks within From this perspective, certain N–S-elongated and weakly ar-
the basin and with basement units, particularly high-grade cuate gravity lows (G in Fig. 5b) could be associated with
metamorphic rocks, such as granulites and eclogites, which supracrustal terrains involved in the collision that formed
crop out in both crustal domains (Cavalcante et al., 2003; West Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic.
Santos et al., 2009). The high-amplitude anomalies related The subsequent Cambrian–Ordovician rifting developed on
to basement causative sources conceal the relatively weak this tectonic framework, creating a complex pattern of grav-
magnetic and gravity effects associated with the shallow sed- ity anomalies.
imentary basin infill. In fact, the expected magnetic and grav-
ity lows are observed outside the basin, where low-density 3.4 Seismic and well data set
granites and metasedimentary sequences are exposed. This
geophysical setting can be projected to the Parnaíba basin. In this study, we introduced seismic reflection data and well
Rather than the graben systems proposed by previous studies logs, which were acquired in the 1970s, 1980s and in recent
(Cordani et al., 1984; Nunes, 1993), the magnetic and grav- years (2006–2010) by ANP. ANP provided the seismic sec-
ity signatures in the Jaibaras basin suggest that lithological tions already processed and time migrated, which revealed
heterogeneities in the basement may be responsible for the the tectono-sedimentary sequence and basin architecture. We
negative anomalies in some degree. also used these seismic sections and well logs to constrain
Other clues along the western border of the Parnaíba basin the interpretation and modeling of the gravity and magnetic
can also be used to understand the sources of the gravity data. We analyzed 17 2-D stacked and migrated seismic pro-
lows. A series of N–S-striking negative and positive anoma- files to map key reflections and discontinuities using stan-
lies occupy a 200 km wide zone along the basin edge, par- dard seismic sequence stratigraphic criteria and lithological
allel to the Araguaia suture zone (F in Fig. 5b). Accord- calibration derived from two well logs and one exploratory
ing to Ussami and Molina (1999), this region is related to borehole, crossed by the seismic line L507 (Fig. 4). We in-
the northern extension of the Neoproterozoic Goiás mag- directly obtained seismostratigraphic information on Profile
2BAC, revealing different geological units in the central por- For this study, we used 17 seismic lines, selected from
tion of the basin. available data (Fig. 4), to characterize the tectonic styles in
The lower post-rift sequences II and III were deposited the Parnaíba basin (Figs. 9 and 10). The first style occurs
during the Silurian to Early Carboniferous (Table 1). They in the eastern part of the basin, where seismic line L507 re-
are widely distributed across the entire basin (Fig. 3) and veals a 120 km wide and 4.5 km deep rift zone. This rift zone
are almost 2000 m thick in wells 1FL and 2BAC (Fig. 7). is marked by a major graben and several secondary troughs
The SP values increase upwards, especially at the upper (Fig. 9a). The eastern part of the graben represents the brittle
part of sequence III. Shale layers have generally high GR reactivation of basement shear zones and coincides with the
value with bell-shaped curves, whereas box-shaped curves Transbrasiliano Lineament at the surface (Figs. 4 and 9). The
and low GR value and high IDL value match volcanic rocks. almost symmetric central graben is 25 km wide. Four ma-
The density log is available only in the last 1000 m of the jor sedimentary sequences overlie the Precambrian basement
well 2BAC (Fig. 7). The imaged siliciclastic layers have in- (Table 1). A sedimentary sequence that is up to 2.5 km thick,
creased bulk density, whose Rho value ranges from 2470 which is correlated to the Cambrian–Ordovician Jaibaras
to 2660 kg m−3 , indicating intense compaction. Rho value Group (Oliveira and Mohriak 2003), fills the lower part of
higher than 2900 kg m−3 reveals at least two more than 50 m the rift zone (I in Fig. 9a). The upper sequences extend be-
thick volcanic rocks in sequences II and III. The 110 m thick- yond the rift limits and were deposited between the Silurian
ness of the shallow sequence IV occurs at the top of well and the Early Triassic (II, III and IV in Fig. 9a). Large vol-
1FL. The thickness of this unit increases to 600 m to the canic sills and dikes were emplaced in the basin infill. The
west, toward the central part of the basin (well 2BAC in entire volcanic and sedimentary package is deformed by nor-
Fig. 7). Sequence IV has upwards increasing SP value and mal and listric faults. Several faults, which reactivated and in-
middle to high GR value, whose both curves are finger- verted ancient features, were active until the Early Carbonif-
shaped or zigzag (well 2BAC in Fig. 7). Interdigital GR erous (Morais Neto et al., 2013) and even formed Devonian–
and SP curves with high value are related to intercalation of Carboniferous grabens at the eastern edge of the rift zone
shales, siltstones, limestones and sandstones. The IDL curve (Fig. 9a). In summary, the seismic lines indicate that the
is dominated by low-resistivity lithology, but a few isolated basement faults deform the entire sedimentary sequence and
IDL peaks could be associated with layers of mixed sands that the offsets related to these faults decrease from sequence
and anhydrite in a sabkha plain, as interpreted by Góes and I to sequence IV. These observations suggest that post-rifting
Feijó (1994). The uppermost 530 m thick Mesozoic sequence tectonic episodes could reactivate faults, which partially af-
V is restricted to well 2BAC. Sandstones with fine intercala- fected the sedimentary sequences deposited during the sag
tion of pelites and shales deposited in continental to shallow period.
platform environments have high SP value, low GR value The second tectonic style occurs in the central part of
and middle IDL. Unfortunately, IDL log shows no meaning- the Parnaíba basin, where a different tectonic scenario is
ful data in the first 250 m. The thicker sedimentary infill in observed in seismic line L304 (Fig. 9b). No graben-like
well 2BAC indicates a considerably longer duration of subsi- structure occurs in this part of the basin, and the faults
dence, which lasted until the Cretaceous in the central part of are less abundant, suggesting that deformation was less in-
the Parnaíba basin. In contrast, the deposition ceased in the tense away from the Transbrasiliano Lineament. However,
Carboniferous at the eastern border of the basin (well 1FL in the compressional tectonic regime, which reactivated certain
Fig. 7). faults as reverse-related structures, is more evident in this re-
Interval velocities were calculated from time–depth curves gion (e.g., the deep fault highlighted in the inset of Fig. 9b).
(Fig. 8). The velocities rise downward from 2000 to These faults are consistent with the post-Carboniferous tec-
4800 m s−1 due to the natural compaction of the sedimen- tonic inversion that affected the entire Parnaíba basin. From
tary infill. Velocities up to 5100 m s−1 indicate the concentra- a stratigraphic perspective, the Paleozoic post-rift volcanic-
tion of volcanic sills intercalated in the sequences II and III sedimentary package is thicker in the central portion of the
(Fig. 8). The correlation between the well lithologies and the basin, where it is partially overlain by the upper Jurassic–
seismic reflections allowed us to characterize the four post- Cretaceous sequence V.
rift tectono-sedimentary sequences, as well as the basement The third tectonic style occurs in the western portion of
top and volcanic sills (Fig. 8). Although the syn-rift sequence the Parnaíba basin and is evident in the seismic line L103
I is not present in wells 1FL and 2BAC, its related seismic (Fig. 9c) and seismic sections in Fig. 10c. The imaged rift
facies can be identified by a section of discontinuous, in- zone consists of two main asymmetric grabens separated
clined, low-amplitude reflections, enclosing two sets of high- by basement highs and listric faults (Fig. 9). These grabens
amplitude reflections related to volcanic rocks (Fig. 9a). The are up to 100 km wide, are divided by smaller troughs, and
overlying sedimentary sequences II to V are characterized trend NW–SE (Fig. 10), roughly perpendicular to the NE–
by parallel reflections with low to middle amplitudes (Figs. 8 SW Transbrasiliano Lineament. As in the other basin regions
and 9). (Fig. 9), large volcanic sills occur in different stratigraphic
levels. However, the brittle deformation appears to be less
Figure 9. Seismic sections of lines L507 (a), L304 (b) and L103 (c), showing different structural settings within the Parnaíba basin. Inset in
Line L304 shows reverse-related structures affecting Late Carboniferous to Early Triassic sequences.
intense in the western portion of the basin. The different in- fects of the sedimentary load are necessary to obtain a re-
ternal basin architectures within the basin will be discussed liable subsidence history (Steckler and Watts, 1978). Since
in Sect. 5. providing a detailed modeling of basin subsidence is not the
The three tectonic styles described above based on intent of the present paper, due to lack of sediment ages from
the existing geophysical data indicate that the tectonic– the available wells, we constructed simplified subsidence
sedimentary evolution of the basin is diachronic in space and curves of the Parnaíba basin based on three exploratory wells
time. It follows that pre-sag rifting and post-rifting defor- and the seismic line L103 (Fig. 11). These curves include two
mations are not homogenous across the basin. For example, periods of accelerated subsidence rates, with amplitudes of
preexisting ductile fabric controls fault reactivation along the 3500 and 2000 m during the Cambrian–Ordovician and be-
Transbrasiliano Lineament, but fault reactivation is less evi- tween the Silurian and Carboniferous, respectively. Accord-
dent away from the lineament. In addition, reverse faulting, ing to Quinlan (1987), the rapid syn-rift sediment accumu-
not commonly observed in the Transbrasiliano Lineament lation certainly involves mechanical and thermal subsidence
area, clearly occurs in the central part of the basin. of the previously thermally uplifted lithosphere. During the
rift phase (sedimentary sequence I), the subsidence rate was
3.6 Simplified subsidence curves up to 47 m Myr−1 . After the rift became inactive, the Par-
naíba basin experienced less rapid subsidence during the long
The subsidence pattern of any sedimentary basin can be eval- period of subsequent cooling. The sedimentary sequences II
uated from plots of sediment age versus depth record in ex- and III (the Serra Grande and Canindé groups) featured a sed-
ploratory wells (Quinlan, 1987; Allen and Allen, 2005). Nev- imentation rate of approximately 22 m Myr−1 for 100 Myr
ertheless, some corrections for sediment compaction, varia- (Fig. 11). From the late Carboniferous onwards, the ther-
tions in paleobathymetry and the isostatic amplification ef- mal subsidence slowed to a rate of 6.5 m Myr−1 , the cratonic
Table 2. Bodies used in 2-D geophysical profile models. AMS: assigned magnetic susceptibility (mathematical representation that incorpo-
rates both magnetic susceptibility and a remnant component, if applicable).
Stratigraphic sequence Geological unit Lithology Density (kg m−3 ) AMS (SI)
V Mearim sandstones, pelites and shales 2250 0.0001
Mosquito basalt 2690 −0.006–0.055
IV Balsas shales, siltstone, limestones, sandstones 2400 0.0001
III Canindé siltstones, shales and sandstones 2450 0.0001
II Serra Grande fluvial and deltaic sandstones, pelites 2530 0.0001
I Jaibaras conglomerates, sandstones, phyllites and shales 2570 0.0001
Precambrian basement – Unknown basement rocks 2569–2792 −0.010–0.041
ical properties of each layer. Synthetic magnetic and grav- Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic syn-rift granite and volcanic
ity data, as described below, show that differences of a few bodies (Oliveira and Mohriak, 2003).
dozens of meters in the seismic horizons provide variations in We applied a semi-automatic source detection method to
the magnetic and gravity signatures lower than 0.05 nT and guide the location of the vertical prism boundaries in the
0.5 mGal, respectively. In turn, the regional airborne mag- geophysical models. The chosen analytic signal technique
netic and gravity anomalies exhibit amplitudes on the order computes discrete depth solutions at a moving spatial win-
of 40 nT and 25 mGal. Thus, we assume that uncertainties dow along magnetic and gravity profiles (Phillips, 1997).
of seismic horizons should cause no measurable effect in the After fixing both the seismic basin internal architecture and
magnetic and gravity anomalies due to the regional scale of prism geometry, a non-linear Marquardt inversion procedure,
data acquisition (flight height of 1100 m and flight line spac- implemented in the GM-SYS inversion routine, iteratively
ing of 6 km). obtained the densities and magnetic susceptibilities of the
Before performing the joint modeling, we calculated the prisms (Table 2). The base of all prisms was fixed at a depth
theoretical magnetic and gravitational effects of the seismic- of 10 km. Figure 13 shows the final 2-D models along pro-
derived models along lines L304 and L507 (Figs. 5 and 12). files L304, L507, L103 and L001, which were used to inves-
The flight elevation of 1100 m was properly incorporated into tigate different rift geometries and tectonic styles within the
the anomaly calculation. Considering the magnetic suscepti- basin (Fig. 4). Profile L001 is the only profile not constrained
bilities and densities of the basin infill listed in Table 2 and by seismic data. Nevertheless, to ensure that the modeling
assuming that the basement possessed constant magnetic sus- will provide a geologically reasonable result we used the fi-
ceptibility of 0.041 SI units and density of 2750 kg m−3 , the nal model of profile L507 as the initial model of the profile
calculated anomalies related to the basin internal geometry L001. In this way, based on the seismic data (Fig. 9a) we as-
(purple curves) do not match the residual reduced to pole sumed the premise that the rifting style should be the same
magnetic and residual gravity anomalies (green curves). The along the Transbrasiliano Lineament, changing only in lat-
difference between observed and calculated anomalies (red eral extent and depth. Thus, we performed the joint modeling
curves) represents the magnetic and gravity contribution of of this profile by carefully modifying these variables until the
unknown basement rocks, which have no obvious expression calculated anomalies were adjusted to the observed data. We
in the seismic sections (Fig. 12). The basement causative opted to not introduce volcanic rocks into this model due to
sources yield high-amplitude anomalies, partially masking the lack of seismic constraints.
the geophysical signatures of the basin internal architecture.
Interestingly, the volcanic contribution to both potential field 4.2 Basin tectonic styles revealed by 2-D joint modeling
anomalies (blue curves) is almost negligible, which means
that mapping of the magmatic events is difficult in the Par- In the north-central part of the basin, where no rift-related
naíba basin using airborne geophysical data collected at a structures were observed in the seismic lines, the gravity
flight height of 1100 m with a spacing of 6 km. lows at both edges of profile L304 indicate the existence of
To create a 2-D joint magnetic–gravity model along the less dense basement blocks rather than a steady westward in-
seismic profiles, we were required to introduce vertical crease in basin thickness (Fig. 13). The assigned magnetic
prisms beneath the basin to correspond to the geotectonic susceptibilities (AMS) and densities vary between 0.00214
units within the basement. In fact, a heterogeneous struc- and 0.00385 (SI) and between 2594 and 2704 kg m−3 , re-
tural framework is expected from the geological setting in spectively, within the basement. In the other tectonic do-
the Jaibaras basin (Fig. 6), whose basement consists of sev- mains of the basin, the rift zones are over 150 km wide and
eral deformed Precambrian metasedimentary sequences and feature a main central symmetric graben and a set of sec-
ondary troughs (Figs. 10 and 13). Anchored by the Trans-
Figure 12. Observed and calculated residual reduced-to-pole magnetic and gravity anomalies along seismic lines L507 (left) and L304 (right)
(location in Fig. 4). The basin anomalies are calculated from the seismic basin geometry. The theoretical basement curves were obtained by
subtracting the basin anomalies from the observed data.
Figure 13. Joint modeling of residual reduced-to-pole magnetic (a) and gravity (b) anomalies along seismic profiles. Final adjusted mag-
netic (c) and gravity (d) models. HDB: high-density crustal block; LDB: low-density crustal block.
brasiliano Lineament at its eastern flank, the main graben average contrast of −375 kg m−3 , which may represent the
crossed by lines L507 and L001 is up to 25 km wide and low-grade metamorphic sequences and/or granite bodies of
4.5 km deep (Fig. 13). A low-density and low-AMS base- the Jaibaras basin structural framework (Fig. 6). No expres-
ment block either occurs to the west of or beneath the rift sion of the LDB is observed in the seismic profiles (Figs. 9a
zone, as evidenced by profiles L507 and L001, respectively, and 10a), making it difficult to identify its geological nature
and this block serves to conceal the gravity effect of the rift and internal geometry.
geometry. The low-density crustal block (LDB) exhibits an
5 Discussion
Following the Late Carboniferous, the thermal subsidence the overall amalgamation of West Gondwana and possibly
slowed to a rate of 6.5 m Myr−1 , the cratonic basin stabilized, causing an elongated supracrustal strip to be thrusted over
and the thin volcano-sedimentary sequences IV and V were the Parnaíba block, similar to the Araguaia Belt, which was
deposited in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. However, fault ac- emplaced onto the Amazonian Craton to the west (Fig. 15).
tivity was not absent during this period of basin evolution. We interpret the low-grade metamorphic rocks and felsic in-
We have identified for the first time folds related to a post- trusive rocks to be the most likely candidates for the LDBs
rift inversion phase. This type of fold affected post-Permian that have been modeled within the basement (Fig. 13).
to pre-Albian units and has already been identified in a deep Between the Ediacaran and the Ordovician, the
seismic transect at the western margin of the basin (Daly et widespread post-orogenic extensional tectonic regime
al., 2014). (blue arrows in Figs. 14 and 15) led to the onset of post-
orogenic magmatism accompanied by the intrusion of
5.4 Mapping pseudo-graben granite bodies and continental rifting along the Brasiliano
shear zones, particularly along the Transbrasiliano Linea-
The second question to be discussed involves the causes of ment (TB in Figs. 14 and 15) (Brito Neves et al., 1984;
the different trends in the pseudo-gravity and gravity lows, Oliveira and Mohriak, 2003; Cordani et al., 2013). Examples
which do not spatially match the grabens identified in the of post-orogenic granite intrusions occur along both the NE
seismic data (Fig. 9). The new seismic lines revealed not and SW edges of the Parnaíba basin in the vicinity of the
only the internal architecture of the basin but also a mis- TB. Additional granite bodies, emplaced along the TB, are
match between the graben locations mapped from potential likely concealed beneath the basin, contributing locally to
field and seismic data (Fig. 14). In the Parnaíba basin, base- pseudo-gravity and gravity negative anomalies, in addition
ment causative sources severely modify the magnetic and to the supracrustal sequences (Fig. 15).
gravity patterns, concealing the anomalies directly related
to the rift structures (Fig. 12). Analyzing the geological set- 5.5 Broad implications for other basins in West
ting in the Jaibaras basin, we infer that the causative bodies Gondwana and elsewhere
responsible for the gravity lows beneath the Parnaíba basin
could also be Neoproterozoic supracrustal sequences of low- The evolution of the Parnaíba basin has implications for other
grade metasedimentary rocks and anorogenic granites that basins in both South America and Africa. The questions as-
surround the Cambrian–Ordovician Jaibaras rift (Fig. 6). Fur- sociated with the development of these basins appear to be
thermore, the N–S-elongated gravity lows are parallel to the related, and their answers have important implications for
Araguaia Suture Zone along the western edge of the basin the origin and development of the long-lived and extensive
(Fig. 14). In this region, low-density and low-grade metamor- Parnaíba cratonic basin.
phosed successions, sparse ophiolite mafic and ultramafic The rifting process related to the breakup of Pangea in the
rocks and granitic intrusions represent the Neoproterozoic Jurassic and Cretaceous does not appear to have played a ma-
Araguaia Belt (Moura et al., 2008). This belt formed as the jor role in the generation of accommodation space in the Par-
result of the oblique collision of the Amazonian and São naíba basin. This process, however, has been described as
Francisco cratons, which also involved the Parnaíba block the primary tectonic event responsible for several sedimen-
and the Tocantins and Borborema provinces (Alvarenga et tary basins along the eastern margin of South America (de
al., 2000; de Castro et al., 2014) (black arrows in Fig. 14). Castro et al., 2007; de Castro and Bezerra, 2015). Therefore,
The metasedimentary sequences were thrusted over the east- several basins in northeastern Brazil exhibit both Paleozoic
ern edge of the Amazonian Craton, forming thick packages and Jurassic–Cretaceous sedimentary units (e.g., Araripe and
of low-density rocks in the upper crust. Tucano–Jatobá basins, Fig. 2). In these cases, the Paleozoic
Based on the N–S-oriented gravity lows, we hypothesize units have been described as undeformed pre-rift units gen-
that these supracrustal sequences were also deposited to the erated by a sag deposition (e.g., Matos, 1992; Assine, 2007).
east of the Araguaia Suture Zone within the Parnaíba block. This type of hypothesis is based on the assumption that the
These sequences in places assume a NW–SE orientation and deposits in the Parnaíba basin, which encompasses the ma-
are limited by the Transbrasiliano Lineament to the south jor Paleozoic sequence in the region, were formed through
and east (Fig. 14). In fact, comparing basement rocks drilled sag-related deposition. This study indicates that at least two
in exploratory wells in the Parnaíba basin (available in Cor- rift phases preceded the sag stage. In addition, the geophys-
dani et al., 1984) with the interpreted residual gravity map ical data from our study show that the sag-related depo-
(Fig. 14), we observe a close correlation between the neg- sition was also controlled by the reactivation of rift faults
ative anomalies and the low-grade metamorphic rocks and (Fig. 9). In a few basins, such as the Araripe and Tucano–
felsic intrusive rocks. Cordani et al. (1984) described these Jatobá basins, Paleozoic sedimentary units are intensively
rocks as phyllites, quartzites and syenites. Rb–Sr dating has deformed, and this deformation has been attributed to Meso-
provided ages that range from 670 to 504 Ma. At that time, zoic rifting (Magnavita et al., 1994; Assine, 2007; Kuchle
the Brasiliano–Pan African orogeny was active, leading to et al., 2011). However, early Paleozoic rifting episodes may
also have affected these basins, which have been subjected to rifting, and the post-rift deformation within the basin is re-
rifting in the Early Paleozoic and in the Jurassic–Cretaceous. stricted to rare subtle normal and reverse faults.
This hypothesis should not be ruled out and should be inves- The simplified subsidence curves from boreholes and seis-
tigated in further studies. mic lines reveal periods of accelerated subsidence in both
syn- and post-rift phases. During the rifting phase, the com-
bined mechanical and thermal subsidence rapidly generated
accommodation space, resulting in a sedimentation rate of
6 Conclusions 35 m Myr−1 . After the rifting became inactive in the Late Or-
dovician, the subsidence rate decreased, although it remained
The Parnaíba basin is a large, sag-type cratonic basin with relatively high during the Silurian and Carboniferous. Man-
a saucer and roughly circular shape. Its history of long-term tle flow regime may provide a plausible process for cratonic
accumulation of terrestrial and shallow-water marine sedi- subsidence, but geological and geophysical evidence pre-
ments started following the final assembly of the Amazon– cludes this type of mechanism in the Parnaíba basin. Addi-
West African block in an overall collisional scenario involv- tionally, secondary mechanisms affected the prolonged ther-
ing the Araguaia and Transbrasiliano megashear zones. Post- mal subsidence established by changing tectonic stresses as-
orogenic tectonic inversion occurred during the late Neopro- sociated with plate motion and mantle dynamics. Following
terozoic and early Paleozoic, forming a set of troughs. The the Late Carboniferous, the thermal subsidence slowed, the
sag-related deposition in the failed rift system was similar cratonic basin stabilized and thin volcanic–sedimentary se-
to that of many coeval cratonic basins scattered throughout quences were deposited during the Jurassic and Cretaceous.
North America, Africa and South America. The deposition of these units is likely related to lithospheric
A large geophysical data set, involving airborne poten- deformation during the opening of the equatorial Atlantic be-
tial field, seismic and well log data, was used to map the tween the latest Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous.
buried graben-like structures to shed light on the driving
mechanisms of the prolonged subsidence of the Parnaíba
cratonic basin. The combined analysis and 2-D joint mod- Acknowledgements. We thank two anonymous reviewers and Solid
eling of the geophysical data revealed a complex basement Earth Special Editor Frederico Rossetti for their comments and
framework that includes elongated Neoproterozoic intraplate suggestions, which greatly improved our work. We acknowledge
the Brazilian Agency of Petroleum and Natural Gas (Agência
aulacogenic-type basins. These approximately N–S-oriented
Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis - ANP),
low-grade metasedimentary strips were formed in the ancient which provided the seismic, borehole, gravity and magnetic data
Parnaíba block during the oblique continental collision be- used in our study. We also thank Brazilian oil company Petrobras,
tween the Amazonian and São Francisco cratons. The base- as part of the Transbrasiliano Project, and INCT – Estudos Tec-
ment heterogeneities strongly interfere in the magnetic and tônicos funded this work. The authors are grateful to the Conselho
gravity anomaly patterns; thus, the basin internal geometry Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for
can only be correctly mapped when the potential field data their research grants.
are constrained by seismic profiles and well logs. Addition-
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ity effects of the basin in the vicinity of the rift zone. Similar
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