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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

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The collapse of the protoprecordillera and unification of the Paganzo and

Calingasta-uspallata basins: Retamito Formation a key in the integrative
biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental model
Gustavo Correa a, b, *, Juan Drovandi a, b, Arturo Taboada a, c, Carina Colombi a, b,
Osvaldo Conde a, b
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina
Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, CIGEOBIO, CONICET, Av. España 400 (norte), J5400DNQ San Juan, San Juan, Argentina
Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónicas (CIEMEP) CONICET-UNPSJB, Roca 780, Esquel, U9200, Chubut, Argentina


Keywords: The Retamito Formation is located at the southernmost of Oriental Precordillera, San Juan, Argentina. This
UPPER PALEOZOIC contribution defines eight facies associations: FA1 (breccias and conglomerates) linked to initial valley fills by a
Invertebrates chaotic basal colluvium fan and/or karst collapse. FA2 (sandstones and gravelly sandstones) is interpreted as
deposits of coastal shoreface systems. The FA3 (coal and coaly mudstones) could be attributed to a paralic
environment and represent the first record of plant remains of Argentina (NBG Biozone). FA4 (gravel-bed) is
interpreted as a proximal alluvial system. FA5 (shales) contains the first record of brachiopods and a new taxa
Komiellanetes cesariae sp. nov, probably representing an eastward extension of the TS fauna in a brief marine
incursion. FA6 (mudstones and sandstones) is deposited in a delta front system. The FA7 (red mudstones) are
linked to lagoons deposits, where they preserved a floristic assemblage of megaflora remains (Ferugliocladus
Superbiozone) composed of seeds, stems, and leaves that are most likely of Permian age. Finally, the FA8
(interbedded sandstones and mudstones) is interpreted as deposited by an anastomosed fluvial system. We
present paleoenvironmental and paleontological data of the Retamito Formation correlated with the neighboring
Andapaico and Ansilta formations in an east-west transect. This correlation parsimoniously linked the Paganzo
and Calingasta-Uspallata Basins in seven filling scenarios (temporal stages Ts). From Ts1 to Ts5, both basins were
separated by the Protoprecordillera. Common paleoenvironments on both basins suggest unification of them in
Ts6 and Ts7. These temporal stages are paleontologically controlled by two new fossil levels and the corre­
sponding sedimentary paleoenvironments that contain them. Thus, it could be demonstrated that the positive
element of the Protoprecordillera was active until the Upper Carboniferous and collapsed towards Early Permian,
unifying both basins in this sector of Gondwana.

1. Introduction there) from Middle Devonian. On the other hand, most Carboniferous
models that include the Protoprecordillera and the correlation of both
The Protoprecordillera was a mountain range that separated the basins are carried out from distant outcrops and located in stratigraphic
Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata basins during much of the Carbonif­ sections linked only by the Gondwanan glaciation (e. g. Henry et al.,
erous (Amos and Rolleri, 1965; Rolleri and Baldis, 1969; González 2008, 2010; Isbell et al., 2012). Nowadays, no models correlate different
Bonorino, 1976). The models by Ramos et al. (1984, 1986) explained stratigraphic formations and their geological evolution over time after
how the Protoprecordillera rose by compression and collision of the glaciations. However, on a large scale, it is already demonstrated that
microcontinent Chilenia against Gondwana during the Middle to Late the Paganzo Basin was part of the same depositional system as the
Devonian. Other recently proposed models are focused on explaining the Calingasta-Uspallata Basin, having areas of communication between
ascent of the Protoprecordillera (Ariza et al., 2018 and works cited them (Limarino et al., 2002). These communicating vessels between

* Corresponding author. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.

E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (G. Correa).

Received 14 June 2022; Received in revised form 18 August 2022; Accepted 18 August 2022
Available online 28 August 2022
0895-9811/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

basins through the Protoprecordillera allowed marine transgressions formations belong to the Paganzo Basin, and 3) the Ansilta Formation
toward the continent and fluvial systems drainage toward the sea (Occidental Precordillera), corresponding to the Calingasta-Uspallata
(Limarino et al., 2002). Basin (Fig. 1B). These formations have elements that allow strong cor­
The best place to visualize the role of the Protoprecordillera sepa­ relation among them, which help to clarify the paleogeographic recon­
rating both basins, leaving just shortened areas of communication until struction. The Retamito Formation is crucial in this analysis because it
its collapse, is in the South of the Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata has an element in common with the other two units, allowing the ac­
basins (Fig. 1A). In this area, three Neopaleozoic formations are stra­ curate correlation.
tegically located, equidistant from each other, and with comparable The study of the Retamito Formation, showed in this contribution,
stratigraphic sections. These are 1) the Retamito Formation (Oriental presents a sedimentary analysis of the most representative section of this
Precordillera); 2) the Andapaico Formation (Central Precordillera), both in the Río del Agua locality (Fig. 1C). The possible lateral gears with the

Fig. 1. A, interpretation of the Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata basins from Salfity and Gorustovich (1983), the box marks figure B. 1B, the numbers 1 (Retamito
Formation); 2 (Andapaico Formation); 3 (Ansilta Formation) show their current spatial arrangement. 1C, detailed location of the type section (Río del Agua) of the
Retamito Formation.

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

neighboring Neopaleozoic units in the Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata knowledge of the Carboniferous outcrops were listed.
basins were determined by eight facies associations.
Furthermore, the correlation is supported by two new fossil levels of 3.2. Andapaico Formation Harrington (1971)
biostratigraphic importance revealed for the first time in the Retamito
Formation (and all Oriental Precordillera). A level with brachiopod, It was defined by Harrington (1971) and assigned to the Pennsyl­
referred to as an eastward extension of the Tivertonia-Streptorhynchus vanian by Arrondo et al. (1986), dated using plant remains (Interval
Biozone (TS), was found at 52m from the base of the formation (Fig. 2). zone). Later, the Andapaico Formation was redefined by Correa et al.
The second fossil level, with biostratigraphic importance, described for (2012) as a 430-m thick succession characterized by seven facies asso­
the first time in the Retamito Formation (and all Oriental Precordillera), ciations: Lower shoreface (facies association I); anastomosed fluvial
is at 75m from the base of the unit (Fig. 2). It contains abundant remains system (II); high sinuosity fluvial system (III); upper shoreface (IV);
of plastyspermic seeds assigned to the Ferugliocladus Superzone. eolian system (V); barrier island (VI) and lagoon (VII). The first two FA
Therefore, an accurate characterization of the Retamito Formation are included in the correlation proposed in this work. The base of this
and the fossiliferous solid correlation with the Andapaico Formation unit overlies the Punta Negra Formation (Devonian) through an angular
(both in Paganzo Basin) and the Ansilta Formation (Calingasta-Uspallata unconformity. The first facies association (shoreface) preserved a rich
Basin) allowed recognition of the evolution of the two basins concerning paleobotanical association with well-preserved megafloristic remains of
the Protoprecordillera, its final collapse, and unification of both basins the Ferugliocladus Superzone: Ferugliocladus patagonicus, Eucerospermum
during the Early Permian. nitens, Cordaicarpus cesariae, Samaropsis nunezii, S. cuerdai, and a few
leaves of Cordaites riojanus and palynological assemblages. The paly­
2. Material and methods nofloras also contain taeniate pollen (Protohaploxypinus, Illinites),
together with spores such as Converrucosisporites confluens (Balarino
This contribution included the stratigraphic and sedimentological et al., 2012), a critical species of the late Carboniferous/early Cisuralian
analysis of the Retamito Formation in its reference section, Río del Agua boundary (Stephenson, 2009; Césari and Chiesa, 2017).
locality, South of San Juan, Argentina. Eight facies associations (FA)
were identified and correlated with those recognized in the Andapaico 3.3. Ansilta Formation Harrington (1971)
and Ansilta formations (Limarino et al., 2011; Correa et al., 2012).
All the fossil material presented was recently collected and deposited This unit was defined by Harrington (1971) as a succession of at least
in the “Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de 700 m thick and has a complete stratigraphic record of the
San Juan” under the acronyms PBSJ for the plant remains and PISJ for Calingasta-Uspallata Basin (López Gamundí, 1986). The first subdivision
invertebrate remains. into the lower, middle, and upper sections were made by Amos and
The fossil plants preserved as an impression–compression were Rolleri (1965). The lower and middle sections was studied in detail by
observed using an Olympus SZ30 binocular stereomicroscope and were López Gamundí (1986), covering the record of the Gondanic glaciation
photographed with a Nikon Coolpix P510 digital camera. Needles and a in the Calingasta-Uspallata basin. Subsequently, Taboada (2004)
microjack-type pneumatic micro hammer were used in mechanical divided it into sections 1 to 4, covering almost the entire unit. The first
preparation cases. integral study of the Ansilta Formation was carried out by Limarino et al.
Classification follows the proposal of Taylor and Taylor (1987), (2011), determining 10 FA, from glaciation to shales and sandstones
Archangelsky (1997), and Taylor and Taylor (2009) for for seeds and with Permian age. Finally, Malone (2020) focused on the glacial event of
axes remains. Suprageneric criteria adhere to Kenrick P., 1997. The the Ansilta Formation, obtaining ages compatible with the Guandacol
nomenclatural treatment is according to the “International Code of Formation (Table 1).
Nomenclature” for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code; Turland According to Limarino et al. (2011), the Ansilta Formation includes
et al., 2018). ten facies associations; the most studied facies association is the FA1,
Brachiopod remains were examined with a Leika EZ4 stereomicro­ which consists of diamictites deposits of glacial origin (or facies 4 of
scope and photographed with a Cannon ES digital camera. The speci­ López Gamundí, 1986 or stages 1, 2, and 3 of Malone, 2020). The FA2
mens were coated with magnesium oxide vapors before photographing. comprises shale deposits, most likely of marine origin (facies 1 by López
Linear measurements were made with Vernier calipers to an accuracy of Gamundí, 1986 or stage 4 by Malone, 2020). The FA3 represents a
0.1 mm. limited thickness of coarse-grained strata representing an isostatic
rebound product of deglaciation (facies 3 by López Gamundí, 1986 or
3. Geological and paleobotanical setting stage 5 by Malone, 2020). The facies associations 4 and 5 end with the
transgressive deposits forming coarsening-upward cycles (facies 2 by
This contribution is focused on the Retamito Formation and corre­ López Gamundí, 1986 or stage 6 by Malone, 2020). From FA 1 to 4, it
lations with the Andapaico Formation in Paganzo Basin and Ansilta comprises section I of Taboada (2004). The FA6 represents the first re­
Formation in Calingasta-Uspallata Basin to the West (Fig. 1B). cord of continental facies in the Ansilta Formation, probably of the
fluvial environment (upper section of facies 2 López Gamundí, 1986 or
3.1. Retamito Formation Polanski (1970) stage 7 of Malone, 2020). The FA 5 and 6 comprise section II of Taboada
(2004). FA7 would represent a new marine transgression with
This unit crops out in the Río del Agua locality, 90 km southwest of horizontal-or wavy-laminated fine-grained sandstones and mudstones
San Juan city, Argentina (Fig. 1). It has a total thickness of 245 m (Fig. 2) (facies 1 of the last part of the section by López Gamundí, 1986). The FA
and is divided into eight facies associations. From the base: (FA1 7 is equivalent to section III of Taboada (2004). The rest are two fluvial
(breccias and conglomerates); FA2 (sandstones and gravelly sand­ facies associations (8 and 10) separated by a shoreface environment (FA
stones); FA3 (coal and coaly mudstones); FA4 (gravel-bed); FA5 (shales); 9). Césari et al. (2014) revealed for the first time Ferugliocladus riojanum,
FA6 (mudstones and sandstones); FA7 (red mudstones) and FA8 Eucerospermun patagonicum, Eucerospermum sp, Glossopteris cf. G. wilsonii
(interbedded sandstones and mudstones). The Retamito Formation is and cf. Ginkgophyllum? Remains and assigning the FA9 to Cisuralian age.
considered a landmark for being the first site where fossils of Carbon­ Section IV, proposed by Taboada (2004), is equivalent to FA 8 and FA 9
iferous plants were found in Argentina (Szajnocha, 1891), confirming (Table 1).
the existence of Carboniferous rocks in the country (Berg, 1891a, b).
Correa and Cesari (2019) recently presented a detailed compilation
where the events of discovery and subsequent expansion of the

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

Fig. 2. Sedimentological section of the Retamito Formation (section type) in Río del Agua creek showing the stratigraphic distribution of the fossiliferous strata and
the facies associations (FA) along the formation.

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

Table 1
Different interpretations for partial sectors of the Ansilta Formation.

4. Results sandstone beds up to 6 m thick. The contact with the previous facies
association is a net straight surface (Fig. 3 B). The lower portion of the
4.1. Facies associations of the Retamito Formation FA consists of gravelly sandstones with a massive structure. At one meter
from the base, there is a conglomerate with imbricated clasts of 4–15 cm
4.1.1. FA1 (breccias and conglomerates) with the same composition as FA1 Conglomerate gradually passes to
Description. sandstone with isolated clasts until they disappear at 5 m from the base
This facies association crops out at the base of the Retamito For­ of FA2. In general, the stratification at the base is diffuse to a massive
mation and is almost entirely composed of reddish breccias and con­ structure. Towards the middle and upper part of the FA 2 succession, the
glomerates (40 m thick), deposited unconformably over the Upper organization increases with coarse-grained and medium sandstones in
Cambrian La Flecha Formation (Ormeño, 2018). In the lower part of this amalgamated bodies with symmetrical ripples lamination, planar cross-
facies association are predominates chaotic deposits of breccias bearing stratification, and trough cross-stratification (Fig. 3 C).
large boulders up to 0,8m in diameter. Toward the top, chaotic breccias
alternate with lenticular beds of conglomerates with limestone clasts of 4.3. Interpretation
a few centimeters in diameter characterized by poorly organized four to
6 m thick strata with erosive bases. The stratified granule conglomerates, tabular layers, coarse-grained
In the middle to the upper part of this FA, conglomerates are mainly sandstones, and imbrication suggest moderate to high flow conditions
composed of sub-angular and sub-rounded chert clasts, up to 30 cm in (Ford et al., 2007). In addition, symmetric ripples in the upper part of
diameter with an average of 2 cm, with slight inverse gradation. It has a the FA2 would be consistent with coastal shoreface systems. In this
small amount of granule matrix and carbonate cement. context, cross-stratification suggests wave-influenced and
Finally, the FA1 shows amalgamated layers of 10–20 cm, maximum wave-reworked gravels in a shallow-marine shoreface setting (Hart and
of 60 cm thick of conglomerates with erosive bases and slightly irregular Plint, 1995).
tops (Fig. 3 A, B). Clasts are predominantly chert, and cement has a
carbonate composition. Scarce thin beds (up to 15 cm thick) of fine- 4.3.1. FA3 (coal and coaly mudstones)
grained sandstones occur interlayered with the conglomerates. Description.
The association begins with a net erosive boundary followed by
4.2. Interpretation fining-upwards succession, characterized by alternating beds of
horizontal-laminated very fine-grained sandstone with coaly mudstones.
The size of the large boulder breccias and conglomerates and the (Fig. 3 D). These strata continue transitionally to very fine sandstones,
exclusive limestone and chert composition with diffuse stratification of showing symmetrical ripple cross-lamination, and end in thin carbon
the lower part of FA1 would be evidence of the local contribution of layers. The FA3 presents several cycles that rich a total thickness of 4 m.
basement rocks (La Flecha Formation). This would probably be caused Abandoned mining shafts (Fig. 3 D and E) used to take out coal at the end
by karst collapse (Bercowski and Aráoz, 2002) and/or by initial valley of the XIX century are located on these levels. Megafloristic remains
fills chaotic accumulation by gravitational processes. This model is attributed to the Nothorhacopteris-Botrychiopsis-Gingophyllum Biozone
consistent with the beginning of the sedimentation of a chaotic basal (NBG) are also identified in the carbonaceous mudstones.
colluvium fan proposed by (Nemec and Kazanci, 1999) for highly
immature block deposits from one-sided rotting and broken cavities 4.4. Interpretation
(karts) filled with older calcitic precipitates. Once the valley was
initially filled, later channeled flows complete the succession of this The general fining-upwards arrangement of FA3 could be compatible
facies association (“Colluvium A′′ in Nemec and Kazanci, 1999). The with a tidally influenced estuarine environment, where abundant
upper part of FA1 is dominated by a superposition of amalgamated organic matter (coals and coaly mudstones) accumulates (Perez Loinaze
thick-bedded sandstone lobe deposits (Fig. 3 A, B). et al., 2014). The presence of symmetrical ripples would indicate bidi­
rectional flows, indicating the presence of tides (Davis, 2011). In turn,
4.2.1. FA2 (sandstones and gravelly sandstones) the preservation of megaflora, sometimes complete pinnae (Plate 2 in
Description. Correa and Cesari, 2019), in this FA would indicate short transport
This facies association mainly comprises tabular amalgamated (Gastaldo et al., 1987). All the evidence could be attributed to a paralytic

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

Fig. 3. A, shows in detail the upper layers of FA1. B, contact between FA1 and FA2 with a layover person. C, cros-bedding sandstones of FA2. D, detail photo of FA4
with a view of the abandoned mining hole. E, panoramic view of the first facies associations, the black circle is the hole to the mine. F, detail of FA4 and its contact
with FA3. G, The slightly erosive contact at the base of FA6 is shown in panoramic view.

environment, commonly interpreted for coal and coaly mudstones Formation coals and equivalent units from other parts of the Paganzo
developed in Paganzo Basin (Limarino et al., 2021a). Basin. Césari and Perez Loinaze (2021) characterized the Subzone B by
On the other side, these levels provided palynofloras analyzed by , the presence of Spelaeotriletes ybertii, Striatoabieites spp., Proto­
Gutiérrez and Césari (1987) and Vázquez et al. (2016) and referred to haploxypinus spp., Horriditriletes spp., among other species.
the Subzone B of the DM Biozone of middle to late Bashkirian age
(Vázquez et al., 2016). This biozone is characteristic of the Tupe

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

4.4.1. FA4 (gravel-bed) subangular shapes and comprise 90% of limestone and 10% of chert and
Description. quartz. The matrix is composed of fine-grained sandstone and siliceous
This facies association is a conglomerate deposit overlying a low- cement.
relief erosive surface (Fig. 3 D). It is a 1 m thick clast-supported
conglomerate tabular body, hundreds of meters wide (Fig. 3 F), con­ 4.5. Interpretation
sisting of smaller massive or with normal gradation strata (up to 25 cm),
lentiforms and lenticulates. Clasts are 5 to 3 cm in diameter with Horizontally persistent, tabular layers of conglomerates indicate

Fig. 4. A and B, the top of FA6, arrow show black shale with palinomorphs and green roots. C and D different ichnofossils. E general view of the FA7. F, detail of
herring bone structure. G, in the foreground floodplain and channel in the upper part. H, detail of a possible LA (Lateral Accretion) in FA 8.

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

deposition by an agent that acted uniformly over a broad area. A clast- deposits was reported by Limarino et al. (2011) at the base of FA 6
supported conglomerate with massive or normal gradation and a high (fluvial system) of the Ansilta Formation. Consequently, this surface will
percent of limestone and subangular clasts would indicate very high be used in this work as a correlation point between Ansilta and Retamito
energy conditions with a source of basement emerged areas (mainly formations.
limestone composition). The overall coarsening-upward (Fig. 4 A), with a marked increase in
This paleoenvironment is interpreted as a proximal alluvial system abundance of convoluted structures and fossil traces towards the upper
made up by a gravel-bed-braided system with sediment gravity-flow part, shows a continuous prograding record toward shallower facies in
deposits (Miall, 1996). FA4 is essential in the Retamito Formation this succession. FA6 shows abundant development of ichnofossils
because it allows the correlation of different isolated outcrops displaced interpreted as Cochlichnus anguineus and Palaeophycus tubularis? Similar
by faults in the Río del Agua locality. It also separates FA3 and FA5, traces were interpreted by Melchor (2003) as the upper part of the delta
which have similar lithological characteristics. front facies in the Los Rastros Formation. This work points out the need
for further detailed iconological work in this unit.
4.5.1. FA5 (shales)
Description. 4.7.1. FA7 (red mudstones)
This facies association starts with a laminar succession of 6-m thick Description.
dark-gray shales with a straight surface contact with the underlying The FA7 rests on the FA 6 through a net contact (Fig. 4B). Mudstones
facies association. It comprises coarsening-upward cycles from lami­ characterize this FA, with minor sandstone intercalations that become
nated or massive mudstones to very fine sandstones, with low-angle more abundant toward the top (Fig. 4 E). In the lower portion of the FA7
cross and horizontal laminations (Fig. 3 E and G). Occasionally, it is there are levels with cone-in-cone structures associated with syneresis
laterally interlayered with coal lenses. In the basal portion of FA5, cracks. Besides, in the first 10 m are light gray fine sandstones and
invertebrate fossils have been documented for the first time from Ori­ mudstones layers, and preserved seed remains appear (see systematic
ental Precordillera. Palynological assemblages were also recovered from paleobotany).
this facies association (Vázquez et al., 2016). Towards the middle to the upper part of the FA7 succession, the
colorations of the mudstones become reddish (5R 2/2), and laminated
4.6. Interpretation mudstones are rarely dark gray. These layers have sporadic slickensides
structures, millimeter root halos, and poorly defined A and B horizons.
The above-described features of this facies association could repre­ Although the mudstones dominate the entire association, they are
sent a marine transgression episode, including both the transgressive interspersed with up to 1 m of sandstones. These medium-grained
and highstand system tracks. This brief marine incursion in this sector of sandstones have trough cross-stratification and herringbone structure
the Paganzo Basin is confirmed by the brachiopod presence, probably (Fig. 4 F). The sandstone strata are highly bioturbated in the upper part.
representing an eastward extension of the TS fauna. The TS fauna is
registered in different areas of the Calingasta-Uspallata and Paganzo 4.8. Interpretation
Basins, allowing an accurate correlation. The position of this fauna in the
Tupe Formation and its equivalents suggest that it could correspond Herringbone structures predominately may indicate reflux condi­
with the Pennsylvanian transgression 2 (Limarino et al., 2021a). tions (Tankard and Hobday, 1977). The evidence could be interpreted as
deposited under shallow water conditions. Furthermore, poor soils
4.6.1. FA6 (mudstones and sandstones) (horizons A and B), root halos and slickensides structures, and fossil
Description. plant remains (seed accumulations) are compatible with mixed envi­
This facies association of 15 m thick begins with a slight incision ronments. Together these characteristics would indicate a lagoon
surface at the base (Fig. 3 G). This facies comprises medium-grained paleoenvironment.
sandstone horizontal-laminated and cross-bedded, which rest on the Moreover, syneresis cracks originating in the subaqueous situation
FA5. (Collinson and Thompson, 1989) could indicate environmental salinity
The lower portion of FA6 begins with a similar proportion of mud­ fluctuations (Canale et al., 2015).
stones and sandstones and is arranged in coarsening- and thickening-
upward packages (Fig. 3G). Light red sandstone predominantly occurs 4.8.1. FA8 (interbedded sandstones and mudstones)
in lenticular strata 3 or 5 m–thick (Fig. 4A). Mudstones are dark gray to Description.
black tabular layers and display horizontal lamination. The basal contact between FA8 and FA7 is transitional, while the
Towards the middle part of the FA6 succession, a color transition upper contact is characterized by an angular unconformity with El
towards reddish sandstones and mudstones begins in the Retamito Corral Formation (Cardó et al., 2020). The FA8 generally has a cyclical
Formation. A tabular layer of 1.5 m thick of dark red mudstones stands arrangement of red sandstone packages separated by thick red-bed
out by the abundant green roots halos in vertical arrangement (Fig. 4 A mudstones. Dark red horizontally laminated mudstone deposits consti­
and B). From this point, coarsening-upward tabular sandstones are tute more than 60% of the FA. They contain root halos, slickensides, and
predominant, with thicknesses of strata over 2 m. motts up to 40 cm in diameter.
In the last meters of the FA6 succession, red sandstone predomi­ On the other hand, sandstone deposits are of two types: amalgamated
nantly occurs in tabular strata interlayered with red tabular-bedded sandstones are 4–5 m thick tabular bodies and consist of multiple lenses
mudstones of up to 20 cm convolute bedding structures in massive or of 30 cm thick on average (Fig. 4 G). The sandstones have a medium to
horizontal sandstone stratification characterize this FA, together with coarse-grained size and planar cross-stratification, with quartz and po­
frequent tool marks. These strata have abundant ichnofossils (Fig. 4 C) tassium feldspar composition clasts. Frequently, the bases of the
parallel and perpendicular to the stratification up to 3 cm wide and more lenticular lenses are draped with muddy rip-up clast (15–20 cm).
than 50 cm long, while other traces are characterized by up to 1 cm wide Secondarily, tabular isolated sandstone layers up to 30 cm with epsilon
with a zigzag shape (Fig. 4 D). cross-stratification. These strata coarsening-upward into the mudstones.

4.7. Interpretation 4.9. Interpretation

The base of FA6 is interpreted as the record of a slight incision sur­ The red mudstone deposits are interpreted as floodplain deposits,
face on the marine deposits of FA5. A similar incision surface on marine interstratified by tabular minor sandstone bodies and thicker in upward

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

interlayered sandstones. This minor sandstone bodies has been inter­ by Archbold (1981, 1983), and Shi and Waterhouse (1990, 1996).
preted as crevasse channel and splay deposits (Fig. 4 G). These succes­ Among them, the most distinctive diagnostic characteristic of Komiel­
sions are interstratified with middle sandstones with epsilon cross- lanetes is the absence or poor development of brachial ridges.
stratification, interpreted as lateral accretion (LA) surfaces (Fig. 4 H) Komiellanetes cesariae sp. nov.
of typical point bars. These deposits are part of very coarse-grained Fig. 5, 1-13.
sandstone overlapped banks up to 5 m thick. On the whole, these Etymology. Dedicate in honor to the outstanding argentine paleo­
bodies are interpreted as multiepisodic channel complexes in anasto­ botanist Dra. Silvia N. Césari.
mosed river systems (Makaske, 2001). Material. Thirty regular to ill-preserved specimens, four exteriors of
dorsal valves, five interiors of dorsal valves, two interiors of ventral
valves, one exterior of the ventral valve, one butterflied interior of
4.10. Systematic paleontology ventral and dorsal valves, and sixteen fragmentary dorsal and ventral
valves. Holotype: PISJ 13; Paratypes: PISJ 05, PISJ 06, PISJ 06T, PISJ
4.10.1. Systematics invertebrate 09, PISJ 10b, PISJ 16, PISJ 17, PISJ 19; other material PISJ 01– PISJ 04,
Phyllum BRACHIOPODA Duméril (1806). PISJ 07– PISJ 08, PISJ 10a– PISJ 12, PISJ 14– PISJ 15, PISJ 18, PISJ 20–
Order CHONETIDA Nalivkin (1979). PISJ 28.
Suborder CHONETIDINA Muir-Wood (1955). Stratigraphic and geographic provenance. Retamito (=Río del
Superfamily CHONETOIDEA Bronn (1862). Agua locality) nearly 30 km from Media Agua Town, San Juan province,
Family RUGOSOCHONETIDAE Muir-Wood (1962). Argentina. Retamito Formation, the stratigraphic interval at the base of
Subfamily RUGOSOCHONETINAE Muir-Wood (1962). 5 facies association (see this work).
Subfamily SVALBARDINAE Archbold (1983). Diagnosis. Shell thin of weak concave-convex profile, subelliptical
Genus Komiellanetes nom. nov. to subcircular transverse outline, hinge line shorter than the maximum
Etymology. Combination of two chonetids former names: Komiella width. Maximum width up 17.1 mm and maximum length up 15 mm,
and Chonetes. with a W/L average of 1.38. Ventral valve is very gently convex and
Type species. Chonetes omolonensis Likharev (1934), from the Upper smooth. Dorsal valve slightly concave, flattened laterally. Ventral inte­
Permian (Kazanian) of the Kolyma-Omolon Massif, northeastern Siberia, rior with feebly median septum of one-third to half of valve length and
Russia. dorsal interior with thin breviseptum of half valve length and short, thin
Discussion. Chonetes omolonensis Likharev was selected as type lateral septa at 25◦ .
species of Komiella Barakhatova, 1970, but the generic proposition failed Description. Shell thin of weak concave-convex profile, subelliptical
to satisfy ICZN Article 13.1 (Archbold, 1981), a condition later stated as to subcircular transverse outline, hinge line shorter than the maximum
nomen nudum by Johnson (2006). The homonym Komiella was later used width, this located between the posterior third and mid-length of the
as a cyrtinoid spiriferinid (Liashenko, 1985). The new name Komiella­ valve. Maximum width up 17.1 mm and maximum length up 15 mm,
netes is proposed to replace Komiella Barakhatova to satisfy ICZN Article with a W/L ratio varying between 1.25 and 1.54 and W/L average of
67.8. 1.38. Ventral valve very gentle convex, umbonal angle near 95◦ , smooth,
The relationship and distinction of Komiellanetes to Svalbardia Bar­ with numerous tiny elongate dimples when decorticate, ears poorly
akhatova, 1970, Tivertonia Archbold, 1983, and Lissochonetes Dunbar differentiated, cardinal angle near 120◦ . Ventral interior with feebly
and Condra, 1932, and other comparable allied genera were discussed

Fig. 5. 1–13, Komiellanetes cesarie sp. nov.; 1, dorsal valve external mould PISJ01, 2, partially decorticate dorsal valve interior PISJ02, 3, fragmentary dorsal valve
interior PISJ 03, 4, dorsal valve interior PISJ06T, 5, butterflied ventral and dorsal valve moulds PISJ05, 6, dorsal valve external mould PISJ07, 7, dorsal valve
internal mould PISJ16, 8, ventral valve internal mould PISJ08, 9, silicone mould dorsal valve interior, 10, ventral valve internal mould PISJ09, 11, decorticate dorsal
valve in dorsal view PISJ07, 12, silicone mould of partially decorticate dorsal valve in dorsal view, showing taleolae toward the margins, PISJ19, 13, partially
decorticate ventral valve exterior showing minute dimples. Scale bar = 5 mm.

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

median septum of one-third to half of the valve length, and taleolae cuneiform. Seeds have 5.36 mm length and 4.36 mm within average;
more developed on lateral and anterior margin. Dorsal valve slightly LT/AT 1.23 on average. Apex extends over the nucellus in an extension
concave, flattened laterally, smooth. Dorsal interior with thin brevi­ divided into two short spreads that bend towards the nucellus. The base
septum of half valve length and two short, thin lateral septa at 25◦ , is rounded or with a small notch. Endotesta have a 0.75 mm width, and
socket ridge short, thin, parallel to hinge line, valve floor with radially sarcotesta is preserved as an impression with a maximum width near the
aligned taleolae. Alveolus shallow, thin cardinal process bilobed apex (1 mm).
internally. Affinities: The seed recovered from the Retamito Formation (PBSJ
Discussion. The outline, ornamentation, internal structures, and 1745, 1746) shows shape and size similar to those described by Arch­
mainly the absence of brachial ridges in the specimens from Retamito angelsky (2000) for the species Eucerospermum nitens, such as the
collectively assign them to Komiellanetes and propose the new species K. cordiform shape, the apex bifurcated, and a small spine near the base
cesariae. The type species K. omolonensis was widely recognized in the that could correspond to its attachment to the cone.
uppermost Carboniferous–Upper Permian of the Kolyma-Omolon Massif Genus SAMAROPSIS Goeppert 1864
(Likharev, 1934; Kashirtsev, 1959; Zavodovsky and Stepanov, 1970; Samaropsis cf. S. nunezii García emend. Archangelsky (2000).
Afanasjeva, 1977) and west Taimyr (Einor, 1946), Russian Siberia, as Fig. 6: E, F.
well as east Kazakhstan (Sokolskaya, 1968) and the lower Permian of the Studied specimen: PBSJ 1750 A and B.
Canadian Yukon Territory (Shi and Waterhouse, 1996). It shares with Locality: Retamito Formation, type section Río del Agua FA7.
K. cesariae sp. nov., a thin shell, size-average, transverse outline, Description: Platyspermic, bilateral, and oval to sub-oval outline
numerous tiny ventral dimples (pseudospinose ornamentation when seed. The seed has a maximum of 5.2 mm near the base and a length of
unworn) on the ventral valve, and diverging angle of lateral septa. 5.7 mm; LT/AT 1.1. Apex is partially present and has an acuminate cone
However, the Argentine species differs by its less pronounced shape with an extended base. The base is rounded with an incomplete
concave-convex profile and weaker and shorter median and lateral basal spine. There is no differentiation of layers due to their poor
septa. A closer species to K. cesariae sp. nov. is K. omolonensis (Likharev) preservation.
by Afanasjeva (1977), from the Magar Horizon (Viséan–Bashkirian ac­ Affinities: Gutiérrez et al., 1992 described Cordaicarpus acuminatus
cording to Klets, 2005 and Ganelin, 2010) of the Kolyma-Omolon Massif. for the Agua Colorada, Andapaico, Libertad, Solca, and El Imperial
The Afanasjeva’ specimens were considered non-co-specific to the type formations. Diagnostic features described by Gutiérrez et al. (1992)
material by Shi and Waterhouse (1996), mainly due to having a shorter include oval to sub-oval shape, apex cone-like, and a small, often
ventral median septum. These specimens are similar in size and shell incomplete, spine at the base of the seed. Later, Archangelsky (2000)
outline to K. cesariae sp. nov., although they exhibit a stronger synonymized the Cordaicarpus acuminatus specimens described by
concave-convex profile and more robust internal septa. Gutiérrez et al. (1992), reassigning them to S. nunezii for Samaropsis
K. cesariae sp. nov. is characterized by weak internal septa, a feature seeds without wings.
that could respond to a restricted marine environment where nutrient Genus CORDAICARPUS Geinitz (1862).
availability could have been limited. Nevertheless, the growing process Cordaicarpus cesariae Gutiérrez, Ganuza, Morel, Arrondo. emend.
in shell size of the species was enough to fit well with widely known Archangelsky (2000).
shells of the genus, not supporting this last possibility. The delicate in­ Fig. 6: G, H.
ternal septa appear inherent to the specific identity of K. cesariae sp. nov. Studied specimen: PBSJ1749 A and B.
Chonetes ostiolata Girty (1910) from the Phosphoria Formation Locality: Retamito Formation, type section Río del Agua FA7.
(Guadalupian) of Idaho, USA, was interpreted as Svalbardia ostiolata Description: Platyspermic seed, with bilateral symmetry, circular to
(Girty) by Weldon and Shi (2000) but later relocated in Komiella (Wel­ an elliptical, emarginated apex, and cordiform. The base is subrounded
don and Shi, 2003; see also Clapham, 2010). Unfortunately, no interior and ends in a slight projection. The seed has a maximum width of 8 mm
of the dorsal valve was figured by Girty (1910), and neither afterward and a total length of 9 mm; LT/AT 1.12. Sclerotesta with emarginate
discussed its generic relationship. Nevertheless, the specimens from apex and a mid-crest near the apex and the base. Sarcotesta is present as
Idaho differ from K. cesariaei sp. nov. by possessing a robust an impression. It has a maximum width near the apex (1.2 mm) and
concave-convex profile, less transverse outline, variable ventral sinus, resolves in the apical sector in a rounded extension against the
and coarse and less numerous dimples on the ventral valve. Allied sclerotesta.
specimens to those from the Phosphoria Formation were described as Affinities: Archangelsky (2000) emended the species C. cesariae of
Lissochonetes aff. ostiolatus by Waterhouse (in Bamber and Waterhouse, the Andapaico Formation (among others) for seeds with bilateral sym­
1971), from the unnamed Permian unit (Ufimian) of the Richardson metry and emarginated apex where the sarcotesta widens towards the
Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada. Although exhibiting an uneven apex that ends with two rounded to acuminate extensions. A new
development of brachial ridges, these Canadian specimens differ from specimen (PBSJ 1749) collected from the Retamito Formation (Fig. 6 E
K. cesariae sp. nov. possessing the maximum width at hinge-line, ventral and F) is very similar to the specimens illustrated by Archangelsky
sinus, and dorsal fold. (2000) and Gutiérrez et al., (1992).
In central-western Argentina, records of Svalbardinae include the Genus PATAGOSPERMA Archangelsky (1995).
Moscovian Tivertonia jachalensis (Amos, 1961) and Svalbardia sp. Patagosperma cf lubeckense Archangelsky (1995).
Cisterna and Sterren (2007), as well as the Sakmarian–Artinskian Fig. 6: I, J.
Tivertonia leanzai Taboada (2006) (ages from Césari et al., 2011). They Studied specimen: PBSJ 1751 A and B.
all have strong brachial ridges that set them apart from Komiellanetes. Locality: Retamito Formation, type section Río del Agua FA7.
Likewise, Tivertonia, Svalbardia, among others, Komiellanetes docu­ Description: Platyspermic seed, bilaterally symmetric and oval. The
ment another chonetid genus of bipolar paleogeographic record. seed has 12.4 mm in length and 7 mm with its maximum in the middle;
LT/AT 1.8. Apex is 1.7 mm long and bifid at the end. The base ends in a
4.10.2. Systematics paleobotany small spine, probably incomplete. A mid ridge (channel?) ranges from
Genus EUCEROSPERMUM Feruglio emend. A. Archangelsky (2000). the center to the end. The surface is slightly wrinkled. There is no clear
Eucerospermum nitens Feruglio emend. A. Archangelsky (2000). differentiation between layers due to preservational bias.
Fig. 6: A, B, C, D. Affinities and remarks: The seed described for the Retamito For­
Studied specimen: PBSJ 1745 A and B; 1746; 1747; 1748. mation has many diagnostic features outlined by Archangelsky (1995)
Locality: Retamito Formation, type section Río del Agua FA7. for the genus Patagosperma. This seed has a bifid apex, a mid ridge
Description: Platyspermic seeds are bilateral and cordiform to (channel?) in the middle line, probably where the nucellus develops,

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

Fig. 6. A-D, Eucerospermum nitens: A Specimen PBSJ 1745 to 1747. A, note the impression of the sarcotesta (yellow triangles) and the endotesta (A–D); E and F,
Samaropsis. Cf nunezii: Specimen PBSJ 1750 exhibiting an incomplete basal spine (F) (black arrow) and partial impression of the sarcotesta. G and H Cordaicarpus
cesariae: Specimen PBSJ 1749 showing the impression of the endotesta (G, H) (yellow triangle); I and J, Patagosperma lubeckense: Specimen PBSJ 1751, notice the
bifid apex of the sarcotesta; K, Paracalamites cf. australis: Specimen PBSJ 1752 articulated preserving two nods and internodes, and parallel ribs; Scale: A-J = 3 mm
and K = 10 mm.

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

and a wrinkled surface that probably corresponds to the sclerotesta. Biozone (Vázquez et al., 2016).
Besides the fact that our material is incomplete, it would probably Over the coal deposits, the FA4 (proximal alluvial system) corre­
correspond partially to the nucellus and the sclerotesta of the species spond to coarse laterally extensive conglomerate. These monomictic FA
P. lubeckense described by Archangelsky (1995) for the Río Genoa For­ could be the result of a small tectonic pulse or may be related to relative
mation. Patagosperma cf lubeckense corresponds to the first mention of sea-level fall (border basin?). This conglomerate is covered by gray shale
the genus outside the Tepuel-Genoa basin, extending its paleobiogeog­ layers of the FA5 that contain the first record of brachiopods and a new
raphy to the Paganzo Basin. taxa Komiellanetes cesariae sp. nov, belonging to a chronozone that could
Class EQUISETOPSIDA be partially linked to Tivertonia jachalensis-Streptorhynchus inaequiorna­
Order EQUISETALES tus (TS Biozone) recognized for the first time in the Precordillera Ori­
Paracalamites cf. australis Fig. 6: K. ental. These invertebrates are correlated with the transgressive deposits
Studied specimen: PBSJ 1752. recorded in Tupe Formation and equivalents (e.g., Sabattini et al., 1990:
Locality: Retamito Formation, type section Río del Agua FA7. Cisterna, 2010; Cisterna et al., 2002; Dineen et al., 2013; Limarino,
Description: Impression of an articulated stem fragment. The frag­ 2018; Taboada et al., 2021). The stratotype of the TS Biozone was also
ment is 56 mm in length and 0.8–1.2 mm in width, with parallel lon­ assigned to the last transgression of the Tupe Formation and is dated as
gitudinal internodal ribs. Up to 8 ribs are seen without alternation 312.82 ± 0.11 Ma (Gulbranson et al., 2010; Perez Loinaze et al., 2014).
through the nodes. Nodes without the presence of foliar scars and This facies association preserves palynological assemblages containing
continuous ribs. Raistrickia cephalata, Vittatina sp., and Navifusa sp., (Césari pers. com­
Comments: Initially, Argentinian “sphenopsids” stems were mun.) which were interpreted as diagnostic taxa of the Subzone C of the
assigned to Calamites peruvianus recovered from Retamito and Río Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata (DM) Biozone (Césari and
Francia formations (Cuerda and Furque, 1981). However, Calamites is a Gutiérrez, 2001; Césari and Perez Loinaze, 2021). The recognition of
northern genus characterized by leaves and reproductive structures in Navifusa, acritarch representative of marine conditions, is consistent
organic connection. Paracalamites are the most common genus recog­ with the finding of invertebrates. The FA6 (mudstones and sandstones)
nized in the upper Paleozoic of Argentina. This genus has been described lies on a slightly incised surface, representing a delta front system, and
in Arroyo Totoral; Solca; Bajo de Véliz; Tasa Cuna and La Colina for­ ends at the top with an interlayered of dark greenish-gray and reddish
mations (Coturel, 2014). Paracalamites was defined by Zalessky (1927) layers. The top of the succession becomes entirely red, representing a
as stems without leaves or fertile organ, with usually continued ribbing. transition to more arid climates. This change in coloration has usually
Recently Correa and Cesari (2019) reassigned leafy stems from the coals been recorded in the basins of central-western Argentina and generally
of the Retamito Formation to Gondwanites subtilis Césari & Perez Loi­ marks the passage from Tupe to the Patquía Formations and its equiv­
naze. Nevertheless, the lack of characters makes us classify our remains alents (Limarino and Spalletti, 1986).
as Paracalamites cf australis. The FA7 represents the last return to coastal facies in the Retamito
Formation, interpreted as lagoons deposits. The shales and sandstones
5. Discussion are light gray in the first 10 m, and the unit turns reddish towards the
top. At 8 m from the base of FA7, another fossiliferous layer was found
5.1. Correlation and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Retamito for the first time in Precordillera Oriental. This new fossiliferous layer is
Formation becoming a milestone for the stratigraphy of the Retamito Formation
and consists of several seeds of Eucerospermum nitens; Patagosperma
The Retamito Formation is typified by 245 m of Carboniferous- lubeckense. Cordaicarpus cesariae, Samaropsis cf nunezii, and a few leaves
Permian strata (Fig. 2). They comprise eight facies associations that of Equisetales. This megafloristic assemblage (Ferugliocladus Super­
respond to the paleoenvironment evolution of the succession. The FA1 biozone) has been assigned to the Cisuralian by correlation with other
begins with coarse-grained limestone blocks, breccias, and conglomer­ formations of the Paganzo and Tepuel Genoa Basins (Archangelsky and
ates deposited by chaotic processes. The accumulation of this FA could Cúneo, 1984, 1987; Archangelsky et al., 1996). The new finding in the
result from karst collapse and/or initial valley fills chaotic accumulation Retamito Formation completes a former correlation with the southern
by gravitational processes of local provenance. Towards the upper part, Paganzo Basin by Césari et al. (2014) among the Andapaico, La Deheza,
the depositional system shows an increase in organization, presenting and Ansilta formations.
metric banks of lobular conglomerate channels. An essential modifica­ Finally, an anastomosed fluvial system is recorded in FA8, charac­
tion of the system can be recognized at 40 m from the base, with FA2 terized by thick floodplain deposits that entombed lenticular multi­
accumulation, characterized by coarse-grained sandstone deposits with episodic channels. An angular erosive unconformity covers the FA8 by
thin conglomerate lenses representing the progradation of coastal facies. the Cenozoic deposits of the El Corral Formation.
This accumulation is a breaking point where sandstones are the domi­ The Retamito Formation has multiple control points to indepen­
nant lithology deposited in a shoreface paleoenvironment. Immediately dently support the biostratigraphic correlations that allowed establish­
after, coals and coaly mudstones are registered in the FA3, representing ing this unit at least between Bashkirian and Cisuralian age range.
deposits of paralytic environments. This facies association can be
correlated between mostly continental sectors to the east in Paganzo 5.2. Evolutionary model and correlation
Basin and marine facies corresponding to the west in the Calingasta-
Uspallata Basin. Coal and coaly-mudstone deposits were extensively The new information presented in this contribution about the Reta­
studied (Limarino et al., 2021a and references therein). Also, contains mito Formation is fundamental for understanding the Paganzo and
floristic assemblages described from Szajnocha (1891) and were later Calingasta-Uspallata basin filling evolutions and the role of the
included in the widespread NBG Biozone of Argentina (Correa and communicating vessels throughout the Protoprecordillera (Fig. 7).
Cesari, 2019). Recently, palynological assemblages were found in the Correlations between the Retamito (Precordillera Oriental), Andapaico
Retamito Formation in Río del Agua area in the FA3 (Vázquez et al., (Precordillera Central), and Ansilta (Precordillera Occidental) forma­
2016). These palynological assemblages are characterized by Striatoa­ tions were firstly based on marine transgressions. Marine transgressions
bieites and spore species such as Striatosporites heyleri with worldwide are a valuable tool for correlating basins because of their allogenic na­
records from the middle Bashkirian, constrained by a U/Pb radiometric ture (Limarino et al., 2002; Perez Loinaze et al., 2014; Limarino, 2018).
age obtained by Gulbranson et al. (2010) of 315,46 + 0.07 Ma (Césari Thus, recognizing marine transgressions in the different geological for­
et al., 2011). This information allowed us to correlate the FA3 to the mations is the first control point of correlation. However, a more precise
Subzone B of the Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata (DM) correlation based on the new paleontological evidence and similarities

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

Fig. 7. Hypothetical plan view of the Upper Carboniferous communications

between the Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata basins. Not to scale.

of facies associations among the units have allowed a more accurate

This work defines seven temporal stages (Ts1 to Ts7), interpreting
different filling moments of the Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata basins
based on three correlation pieces of evidence described above (Fig. 8).
Thus, analyzing the three units, the temporal stage 1 (Ts1) would be
represented by diamictites and dropstones only in the Ansilta Formation
(FA 1 Limarino et al., 2011 or facies 4 of López Gamundí, 1986 or stages
1–3 of Malone, 2020). This glacial event has ages between 335.99 ±
0.06 Ma and 319.57 ± 0.086 Ma (Gulbranson et al., 2010) and would
most likely come from higher areas in the East (Fig. 8). The Ts2 com­
prises a well-represented marine transgression (with the development of
FA 2 to 5 of Limarino et al., 2011 or facies 1 and 3 of López Gamundí
(1986) or stages 3–6 of Malone, 2020), observed in the Ansilta Forma­
tion. Along the Retamito Formation, the Ts2 is recorded by the initial
karst collapse and filling by proximal facies as well as shoreface sand­
stones, coals, and coaly mudstones (FA 1, 2, and 3, related transitional
paleoenvironments in this work) (Fig. 8). Fig. 8. Block diagram showing the seven Temporal stages (Ts); from Ts1 to Ts5
The temporal stage 3 (Ts3), represented by sandstones and con­ the Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata basins would be joined by communi­
cating vessels and from Ts6 they would be completely unified. In Ts4 the bra­
glomerates of fluvial environments, is preserved in the Ansilta Forma­
chiopods Komiellanetes cesarie sp. nov. and in Ts6 the three levels with
tion (FA6 from Limarino et al., 2011 or stage 7 from Malone, 2020). The
Ferugliocladus Superzone.
Retamito Formation preserved clast-supported fine conglomerate (FA 4
this work). A new marine transgression (Ts4) is recorded by shales and
The Retamito Formation is represented by shales, coarsening, and
very fine sandstones in the Ansilta Formation (FA7 from Limarino et al.,
thickening-upward sandstones from the deltaic environment (FA 6 this
2011). In the Retamito Formation, this transgression (Pennsylvanian
transgression 2 in Limarino et al., 2021a) is represented by thin black
From this point, the regional scheme is completed with the beginning
and gray shales with marine invertebrates (TS Fauna) in FA 5 (Fig. 8).
of the sedimentation of the Andapaico Formation. The Ts6 is represented
The area of study could represent the most eastern reach of this
in the Ansilta Formation by a predominance of fine sandstones and
shales from the shoreface environment (FA 9 from Limarino et al., 2011)
The Ts5 represents an episode of sandstones and conglomerates of
with the preservation of the Ferugliocladus Superzone (Césari et al.,
fluvial origin (FA 8 from Limarino et al., 2011) in the Ansilta Formation.

G. Correa et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 119 (2022) 103997

2014). Andapaico Formation (FA1) is represented by shales and minor that could be partially related to Tivertonia jachalensis-Streptorhynchus
sandstones from the shoreface environment. This also preserves the inaequiornatus (TS Biozone), dated as 312.82 ± 0.11 Ma in correlate
Ferugriocladus Superzone Flora (Correa et al., 2012). Similarly, in the level in Tupe Formation (Gulbranson et al., 2010; Perez Loinaze et al.,
Retamito Formation, this stage is represented by FA7, which includes 2014). The FA 6 has abundant development of ichnofossils interpreted
shales and fine-grained sandstones with seeds and leaves of Fer­ as Cochlichnus anguineus and Palaeophycus tubularis?
ugliocladus Superzone, which corresponded to a lagoon palaeoenviron­ FA5 and FA6 also preserve palynological assemblages containing
ment. The Ts6 covers both basins completely, thus burying the positive Raistrickia cephalata, Vittatina sp., and Navifusa sp., (Césari pers. com­
element of the Protoprecordillera. mun.) which were interpreted as diagnostic taxa of the Subzone C of the
Finally, the Ts7 corresponds to sandstones and mudstones deposits of Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata (DM) Biozone (Césari and
fluvial origin (Fig. 8) in all units. In the Ansilta Formation (FA10, Gutiérrez, 2001; Césari and Perez Loinaze, 2021).
Limarino et al., 2011), Andapaico Formation (FA2, Correa et al., 2012), The FA7 contains a floristic assemblage of megaflora remains (Fer­
and the Retamito Formation (FA8). The Ts7 would show a con­ ugliocladus Superbiozone) composed of seeds and stems: Eucerospermum
tinentalization in both basins unified for this sector. nitens emend. Archangelsky; Cordaicarpus cesariae emend. Archangelsky;
Samaropsis cf. S. nunezii emend. Archangelsky; Patagosperma cf lubeck­
5.3. Implications of the collapse of the protoprecordillera ense Archangelsky and Paracalamites cf. australis are most likely
Cisuralian. (e.g. Archangelsky, 2000; Césari et al., 2014)
Based on the recently exposed evidence, the Protoprecordillera Strong biostratigraphic correlations were established with the
collapsed around the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, probably before neighboring Andapaico and Ansilta formations in an East-West transect
the Cisuralian (Fig. 8). Similar subsidence patterns have been found in (Figs. 1 and 8). These correlations allowed us to define eight different
different point between de basins with different techniques and methods temporal stages (Ts), where from Ts1 to Ts5, the Paganzo and
described below. Calingasta-Uspallata basins would be evolved separated and connected
Paleocurrent studies determined communication patterns North- by communicating vessels (Fig. 7). From Ts6, the basins would
South to East-West shifts near the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, communicate above the Protoprecordillera area (Fig. 8), becoming in a
which could indicate connections between the Paganzo and Calingasta- single sedimentary basin.
Uspallata basins (López Gamundí et al., 1994). At the North of the The correlation model presented here provides another methodology
Paganzo Basin, Limarino et al. (2014; Fig. 15) demonstrated continuous that allows recomposing the paleogeography of the Neopaleozoic and its
subsidence of the Protoprecordillera from Bashkirian, based on the evolution over time.
balance between the equilibrium-line altitude (ELA). Also, from the
Bashkirian age, the equilibrium-line altitude (ELA), until disappearing CRediT authorship contribution statement
in the Upper Pennsylvanian (Isbell et al., 2012). This subsidence could
explain the melting of the glacial masses towards the Upper Carbonif­ Gustavo Correa: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original
erous, although the final collapse of the Protoprecordillera as a moun­ draft, Conceptualization. Juan Drovandi: Writing – original draft,
tain chain would be in the Early Permian (Net and Limarino, 2006; Investigation. Taboada Arturo: Writing – original draft, Investigation.
Heredia et al., 2012; Limarino et al., 2014). Colombi Carina: Writing – original draft, Investigation. Osvaldo
Besides, the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, which is evidenced Conde: Visualization.
by an interruption in the stratigraphy of the Paganzo Basin, is charac­
terized by an angular unconformity at the base of the Patquía Formation
(Caselli and Limarino, 1993, 2002). Or an erosive surface between the Declaration of competing interest
Tupe and Patquía formations (Perez Loinaze et al., 2014) could be linked
to the final collapse of the Protoprecordillera. Limarino et al. (2006, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
2021b) interpreted these unconformities and their correlative confor­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
mities in the contact in several places and attributed them to the Ata­ the work reported in this paper.
cama tectonic phase.
The model presented here support this hypothesis by the direct Data availability
correlation among Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata basins after Ts6 in
the Cisuralian (Fig. 8). At this conspicuous level of basin flooding No data was used for the research described in the article.
(shoreface-lagoon, with Ferugliocladus Superzone), they are covered by
strata of sandstones and mudstones of fluvial origin (Fig. 8-Ts7),
definitively unifying both basins.
The authors thank for the constant support from Dra. Silvia Césari for
6. Concluding remarks
her generosity and the fruitful exchange of ideas, and Dr. Oscar Limarino
for his input in field discussions. Thank Lic. García Gonzalo for field
The stratigraphy of the Retamito Formation is reviewed, determining
work assistance. Limarino and an anonymous reviewer resulted in major
eight facies associations: FA1 (breccias and conglomerates); FA2
improvements of the original manuscript and Francisco J. Vega, PhD
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