3 Rocha Et Al., 2019 SFP
3 Rocha Et Al., 2019 SFP
3 Rocha Et Al., 2019 SFP
Advance Access publication 2019 July 19
GJI Geodynamics and Tectonics
Accepted 2019 July 16. Received 2019 July 11; in original form 2017 October 1
The São Francisco Paleocontinental Block (SFPB) represents part of the Congo-São Fran-
cisco Paleocontinent (CSFP), amalgamated around 2 Ga. In the Neoproterozoic, a branched
continental rift system evolved to ocean basins around most edges of the SFPB that remained
only partially linked to the Congo Paleocontinent by means of the Bahia-Gabon Continental
Bridge. After the Brasiliano—Pan-African orogeny, two relatively preserved CSFP sectors
formed the São Francisco and Congo cratons, surrounded by Neoproterozoic orogenic belts.
Recent results of upper mantle P-wave seismic tomography allowed us to suggest a delimi-
tation in lithospheric depths of the Neoproterozoic SFPB, which comprise the São Francisco
Craton, and that this would have been connected with the Congo Paleocontinent along the
Araçuaı́ Belt. It is characterized by high-velocity anomalies and its boundaries with other
blocks are marked by low-velocity anomalies at lithospheric depths. We tested the resolution
of the tomographic results through synthetic models obtained by a ray tracing scheme using the
observed ray configuration. We observe that the lateral resolution is adequate, but the method
used was not able to set the depth reached by the SFPB. Our results indicate that the SFPB area
in lithospheric depths is larger than the surface area ascribed to the São Francisco craton, and
thus, the SFPB basement deeply extends beneath neighboring orogenic regions, suggesting
that these Neoproterozoic mobile belts, such as Araçuaı́ Orogen and the Brasilia Fold Belt,
reworked the continental crust. We observe a low-velocity anomaly in the SFPB central region,
corresponding to the Pirapora aulacogen. Our results have a good spatial correspondence with
the low Bouguer anomalies used to define the SFPB in previous studies. The limits of the
SFPB are consistent with deviation of the mantle flow, as suggested by SKS fast polarization.
Key words: Seismic tomography.
C The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society. 633
634 M.P. Rocha et al.
1999) rather than the classical cross-correlation. To perform the stations network to minimize the mapping of noise and inconsis-
pick, we used different combinations between the minimum and tencies as unrealistic structures into the central area. Further details
maximum frequencies of 0.01 and 4 Hz, where most of the events on the inversion and data processing procedures can be obtained in
were processed with frequencies between 0.5 and 1.5 Hz Schimmel et al. (2003), Rocha et al. (2011) and VanDecar et al.
The parameter space has been discretized in a dense grid of (1995).
1 167 080 knots: 40 knots in depth (depths between 0 and 1400 km), According to Sol et al. (2002), for the approach used in this
163 knots in latitude (latitudes between -43 and 10) and 179 knots work, the non-linearity can be adressed using travel time partial
in longitude (longitudes between –80 and –28) interpolated with derivatives with respect to the slowness parameter rather than ve-
splines under tension (Cline 1981; Neele et al. 1993). This interpo- locity. We used an iterative 3-D ray tracing, and a robust inversion
lation scheme provides a smooth slowness distribution and there- of the updated system of linearized equations, envolving a down-
fore permits an accurate ray tracing. The spacing between the knots weighting of the equations associated with high residuals, and also
at the central region of the model (0–30◦ S; 34–71◦ W; 0–700 km a conjugate-gradient algorithm (Paige & Saunders 1982) to con-
depth) was 0.25◦ and 25 km on horizontal and vertical directions, verge to the solution. We used for our results the 8th-interation of
respectively. This region is where we expect to obtain the best reso- downweighting of equations, where each one uses 2000 conjugate
lution and comprises our interpreted region. The spacing increases gradient steps. A regularization term (smoothness) was included
from the centre to the border of the grid to 0.5◦ and 50 km in an in the objective function to provide additional constraints on the
intermediate volume, and to 1◦ and 100 km at the edges of the model parameters, thereby reducing the non-uniqueness of the so-
model. The model parameterization extends outside the area of the lution. The correct level of regularization was determined somewhat
636 M.P. Rocha et al.
subjectively by examining the trade-off between model complexity is a robust feature. With the installation of the new RSBR stations
and data misfit (Fig. S1), where the point of greatest curvature on a along the coast, it was possible to improve the ray coverage and ob-
trade-off curve is the optimal value which allows to improve the fit tain more robust anomalies. Thus, it was possible to observe that the
of the data without increasing the complexity of the model. high-velocity anomaly under SFC also extends eastward underneath
the entire Araçuaı́ Orogen. A low-velocity anomaly can be observed
in the SFC centre. It is apparently robust since it is in a relatively
3 R E S U LT S well-covered area by a local network that has operated for at least
1 yr (Montes Claros stations), and by the RSBR stations. Beneath
3.1 Tomographic results the Parnaiba Basin (PnB in Fig. 1) we can observe a tendency of
high velocities that extend from the coast to the Araguaia Fold Belt
Our results are horizontal (Fig. 4) and vertical (Fig. 5) tomographic (AFB), and probably is related to another cratonic block under the
sections, where the velocity perturbations, relative to the regional PnB. Due to the low station coverage it is not possible to image it
average, are shown in an interval between cold (high velocities) and properly, especially in its limit with the SFPB (at its north-western
hot (low velocities) colours. Areas without data (ray density less limit).
than 20 rays/100 km3 ) are shown in black. The first 50 km in the Fig. 5 shows a vertical profile crossing the southern SFC portion
vertical sections (Fig. 5) were not shown due to the low ray crossing (X–X’; Fig. 5a), and three others, almost in NS direction, crossing
just below the stations (in the crust). the central part of SFPB (Y–Y’; Fig. 5b), the western portion (Z–Z’,
Fig. 4 shows horizontal sections at intervals of about 50 km from Fig. 5c) and its coastal portion (W–W’; Fig. 5d). A figure with the
the surface down to 300 km (the first horizontal section is at 75 km ray density for each profile shown in Fig. 5 can be found in the
since there is no resolution in the crust). A figure with the ray den- Supplementary Material (Fig. S3). In Fig. 5(a) we can observe a
sity (hit count) for each section shown in Fig. 4 can be found in the large high-velocity anomaly that practically extends from one ex-
Supplementary Material (Fig. S2). We can observe a predominance tremity to another of the profile, with exception of the westernmost
of high-velocity anomalies under the SFC and beyond its surface portion where a low-velocity anomaly appears. This low-velocity
boundaries with the orogenic belts (low-velocity anomalies), to the anomaly is spatially correlated with the Brası́lia fold belt (BFB) and
west and to the east. The central part of the figure has low ray cov- the high-velocity anomaly with the limits of the SFPB proposed by
erage mainly for the sections at the shallowest depths (regions in Alkmim et al. (1993). This anomaly reaches depths of about 450 km
black), however a continuity of the high-velocity anomaly can be ob- from west to the central part of the profile, and depths of 900 km in
served, which suggests that it is a single structure. The least sampled the eastern portion of the profile, mainly off-shore. In Figs 5(b)–(d)
part is the SFC northern boundary due to lack of stations, however, we can observe a high velocity anomaly crossing the entire SFC.
we can observe that, next to the coast where the ray crossing is This anomaly extends to the Borborema Province (BP), and sug-
larger, the high-velocity anomaly passes from the SFC surface limit gests that, at lithospheric depths, the boundary between these two
and enters under the Borborema Province. As formerly discussed units would be further north than the surface limits. However, in this
by Rocha et al. (2011, 2016), the high-velocity anomaly under the region this anomaly appears to be sectioned (see Fig. 5), suggesting
western portion of BFB (in central part of the Tocantins province) that it is another structure separate from the SFPB. Unfortunately,
remains, beyond the western SFC surface limit, suggesting that it
Delimiting São Francisco Block with Seismic Tomography 637
Figure 4. Horizontal tomographic images for selected depths in the upper mantle. White squares are the stations and solid black lines the main geological
boundaries, highlighting the São Francisco Craton in the centre of the figures. The white lines are the profiles shown in Fig. 5.
despite being a region with relatively good coverage of stations and interpretation can be explored in the future, but not with the current
ray density (Fig. S2), we do not have resolution to fully interpret this station coverage.
structure due to the low ray crossing in depth (Fig. S3). Similar di- At the beginning of the profile Y–Y’ (Fig. 5b) we can observe a
visions appear in the central region of the SFPB (Figs 5c and d) and, strong low velocity anomaly crossing all the upper mantle. This
if we do not take into account the low resolution for small-scale anomaly was interpreted by VanDecar et al. (1995) as a fossil
structures, we might have to propose internal limits that indicate plume related with the Tristan da Cunha hotspot. The high-velocity
the compartmentalization of the SFPB into smaller blocks. This anomaly reaches depths up to 700 km. In the southern portion this
638 M.P. Rocha et al.
high-velocity anomaly extends below the Araçuaı́ Belt, showing that that there is a good lateral recovery of the input feature for both
the basement of this orogenic belt has a ‘cratonic’ seismic response. models. The differences are mainly related to the intensity of the
anomalies, since the same inversion parameters of the real models
were considered (weight of regularization, number of iterations,
3.2 Resolution tests etc.). The anomalies obtained for Model 2 are slightly more intense
than those of Model 1. This can be explained because the thickness
To assess the lateral and vertical resolution of our results, we per- of the simulated structure for Model 2 is 50 km greater than in
formed resolution tests using synthetic models (Figs 6 and 7). We Model 1, causing the rays to travel a greater distance within the high-
inverted travel times calculated using a 3-D ray tracer for geometric velocity anomaly. It is also observed that both models are smoother
models based in the real/interpreted structure, and with the same than the input model, since strong spatial velocity gradients are
inversion parameters. The observed event/station configuration was reduced through the regularization of the inversion (e.g. Schimmel
used. A Gaussian residual time error component, with a standard et al. 2003).
deviation of 25 per cent of the RMS, was added to the travel times Some low-velocity anomalies appear around the synthetic SFPB
to simulate the noise of the data. The procedure of the synthetic test simulated in the input model. These are artefacts of the inversion
is the same used by Rocha et al. (2011), Azevedo et al. (2015) and since there are no low-velocity structures in any of the input models.
Schimmel et al. (2003). Rocha et al. (2011) observed a similar effect in synthetic tests made
We used two different models simulating the SFPB observed to test the resolution of the anomaly attributed to the slab of the
in the real results. The lateral dimensions were the same for both Nazca Plate observed in their results. In that work, the artefacts
models (Fig. 6a), but the depth reached for each model was different, were attributed to low resolution in the lower mantle. However,
where the SFPB extends down to 200 and 250 km depth for Model 1 a better explanation would be that, as the regularization of the
and Model 2, respectively. The difference in the vertical dimensions inversion algorithm seeks to make the overall mean of the model
was designed to estimate the vertical resolution. The maximum close to zero, it tries to compensate the presence of large structures
depths that were chosen to be modelled were based on the synthetic including artefacts with opposite anomalies. Also, the low-velocity
models used by Rocha et al. (2011), which suggest that the depth of anomalies might be due to the random noise added to the synthetic
the root of the SFC is 200 km, but considering a smaller block with input travel-times.
dimensions limited by the eastern border of the SFC. Profile X–X’ Fig. 7 shows the vertical profiles with the input models (Figs 7a
in the Fig. 7 are in same position of the profile X–X’ in Fig. 5. and b) and the results of the inversion of the synthetic travel-times
Fig. 6 shows horizontal cross sections at 150 km depth, resulting (Figs 7c and d). As for the horizontal figures, we can also observe
from the inversion of the synthetic travel times for Model 1and that the anomalies recovered for Model 2 are more intense than for
Model 2 (Figs 6b and c, respectively) and cross sections at the Model 1. For both models the recovered anomalies are smeared in
bottom of the Model 1 (200 km, Fig. 6d) and Model 2 (250 km, depth when compared to the input model, which might be due to
Fig. 6e), as well as the input model (Fig. 6a). We can observe
Delimiting São Francisco Block with Seismic Tomography 639
Figure 6. Geometric synthetic models (horizontal slices) built to analyse the resolution of the tomographic results. (a) Slice at 150 km depth for the input
models. (b) and (d) are, respectively, the reconstructions for depths of 150 and 200 km for Model 1 (maximum depth of 200 km), and (c) and (e) are, respectively,
the reconstructions for depths of 150 and 250 km for Model 2 (maximum depth of 250 km).
a high density of ray-paths (see Fig. S3) coming from a particular anomalies reach greater depths (up to 700 km) than in the western
direction (e.g. events from the Andes). This effect appears mainly portion (up to about 400 km). This is similar to what happens in real
in regions with lower ray coverage, as in the central and eastern data, except for the central portion (Fig. 5a), where the anomaly does
portion of the profile X–X’ (Figs 6c and d and Fig. S3a), where the not exceed 400 km. In fact, as mentioned in previous works (e.g.
640 M.P. Rocha et al.
Rocha et al. 2011; VanDecar et al. 1995; Schimmel et al. 2003), basement at lithosphere depths, and that the SFPB extends far from
the method used here does not have a good vertical resolution. the northern limit of the SFC. This interpretation agrees with the
Finally, in the central part of the structure there are no low-velocity limits proposed by Pereira & Fuck (2005) based on gravimetric
anomalies, which suggests that the low-velocity anomaly observed anomalies. The northern boundary of the SFC, which borders the
in the central part of the SFPB in the real inversion results is not an PB, is defined by a complex system of orogenic belts comprising
artefact. the Rio Preto Belt, in its western portion, the Riacho do Pontal Belt
in the central portion and the Sergipano Belt in the eastern portion,
closer to the continental margin. This orogenic system, together
4 DISCUSSION with the Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain, forms the Southern Sub-
From the results obtained in this work, the limits of the SFPB in province of the BP (Brito-Neves et al. 2001) and was formed by
the lithospheric mantle were interpreted as the limits of the high- the convergence between the CSFP and the West Africa/São Luis
velocity anomaly under the SFC, which extends beyond the surface Craton during the formation of Gondwana in the Brasiliano-Pan
limits of this craton both to the west and to the east (cf. Alkmim et al. African orogeny (Cruz et al. 2014). According to our interpreted
1993), but also to the north. The high-velocity signature is common limit, this orogenic system could be formed over the northern SFPB
for regions with cratonic characteristics once they are more stable edge, which could represent its basement, however, as mentioned
and older, and thus colder and stiffer. Fig. 8 shows a proposal for the above, there is a tendency of splitting the high-velocity anomaly,
SFPB lithospheric limits based on our results. For this interpretation, which could indicate that there would be a smaller block under the
we consider the limits of the high-velocity anomaly and the regional Sergipana Belt separate from the SFPB. Unfortunately, there is not
geological information. enough resolution to state this, and to be consistent we use the limits
The northern boundary of the SFPB includes a region with a of the high-velocity anomaly for our interpretation.
lack of stations; however, part of this limit could be imaged in the The high-velocities observed under the Araçuaı́ orogen suggest
region closest to the coast. The high-velocity observed in our re- extensions southward of both the São Francisco and Congo palao-
sults exceeds the surface limits of the SFC and practically reaches continental blocks. In fact, the Archean and Paleoproterozoic ter-
the Pernambuco Lineament (orange solid line in Fig. 8a). This ranes of these blocks amalgamated around 2 Ga, as a result of a
lineament represents an important tectonic boundary within the complex collage of magmatic arcs formed in continental margins
Borborema Province (PB), limiting its transversal and southern do- and intra-oceanic settings (Noce et al. 2007). After this Paleopro-
mains (Neves et al. 2008). The high-velocity anomalies under the terozoic event of continental amalgamation, the region remained
Borborema Southern subprovince would imply that it has a cratonic preserved from oceanic opening until ca. 650–600 Ma, when an
Delimiting São Francisco Block with Seismic Tomography 641
ephemeral and narrow oceanic branch formed within the southern and one would expect a low-velocity signature in the tomographic
segment of the Araçuaı́-West Congo basin system. Even during results. However, this structure is displaced to the south in relation
this stage, the Bahia-Gabon Continental Bridge remained unbro- to the observed low-velocity anomaly (Fig. 8a). In this case, if both
ken, to the north, linking the São Francisco Paleopeninsula and are related, we could interpret that the Pirapora Aulacogen has a
the Congo Paleocontinent (Fig. 1). The resultant basin system deep expression, however, this region does not have a density of
was similar to a large gulf (an inland-sea basin) only floored by a stations enough to resolve properly a structure with the dimensions
narrow oceanic lithosphere along its southern axial zone (Pedrosa- of this aulacogen.
Soares et al. 2001; Alkmim et al. 2006, 2008, 2017). Therefore, The high-velocity anomalies considered to be related to a cratonic
the Araçuaı́-West Congo Orogen evolved in a highly ensialic sector, signature, especially in relation to the SFC, have a good spatial cor-
with the outstanding and widespread influence of the Archean- respondence with the low Bouguer anomalies, which have been used
Paleoproterozoic lithosphere of the CSFP. This important ensialic for the delimitation of the SFPB (Alkmim et al. 1993; Ussami 1993;
influence is clearly shown by the chemical and isotopic signatures Pereira & Fuck 2005). An exception is in the coastal region where
of ophiolites and orogenic granites found in the Araçuaı́ Orogen Bouguer anomalies appear significantly larger when compared to
(Pedrosa-Soares et al. 1998; Gonçalves et al. 2016; Tedeschi et al. its innermost part, which can be explained by the increase of den-
2016). This scenario can explain the ‘cratonic’ signature shown by sity of the oceanic lithosphere. Some minor differences between the
our studies within the Araçuaı́ Orogen, that is this signature reflects seismic and gravity anomalies can be observed in the southeast and
the ancient lithosphere of the CSFP (today SFPB), preserved in the west portions of the SFPB. In the southeast part this discrepancy
basement of the orogen. This interpretation would have implica- must be related to the presence of the low-velocity anomaly, inter-
tions in the models that explain the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. preted by VanDecar et al. (1995) as the result of the impact of a
One implication could be that the SFPB would be connected to plume on the edge of the SFPB. Although this effect is not evident
the Congo Craton along its length (along the coast following the in the gravimetric maps, we can observe a tendency of segmentation
Araçuaı́ Belt) during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and not only of the Bouguer anomaly in the same place where the low velocity
by the Bahia-Gabon Bridge, as is generally indicated in the littoral, anomaly is. In the western part, the low velocity anomaly in BFB,
serving as a barrier to this process. as observed by Azevedo et al. (2015), would be segmented into
The low-velocity anomaly at the SFC central region is well- two parallel structures, one related to the Goiás Magmatic Arc and
correlated spatially with the northern limit of the Pirapora Aulaco- the other to the Goiás Massif. The crust under these two structures
gen (Alkmim et al. 2017). Low-velocity anomalies normally have is thinner, suggesting that there is also a lithospheric thinning (see
been interpreted as weakness zones or lithospheric thinning (e.g. Rocha et al. 2016). In this case, with the rise of the asthenosphere,
Assumpção et al. 2004b; Azevedo et al. 2015; Rocha et al. 2016), the resulting effect would be to increase the Bouguer anomaly and
and since the Pirapora Aulacogen is an aborted rift channel (Alkmim decrease the velocity anomaly. This is the pattern observed in the
et al. 2007), it is an area of weakness due to lithospheric thinning, region of the Goiás Magmatic Arc, but not in the region of the
642 M.P. Rocha et al.
Goiás Massif. The Bouguer anomalies in the Goiás Massif are basin only floored by oceanic crust in a relatively narrow and short
smaller compared to the Goiás Magmatic Arc, suggesting that this zone (see references in previous sections). This result suggests that
would have a similar gravimetric behaviour to that of the SFC, but the SFPB would be connected to the Congo Craton along the coast
due to its smaller lithospheric thickness, the Bouguer anomaly is following the Araçuaı́ Belt during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean
slightly larger than the rest of the SFC. With respect to tomographic and not only by the Bahia-Gabon Bridge, as is generally indicated
anomalies, the low-velocity anomalies would be in agreement with in the Paleogeographic reconstructions of the Gondwana, serving
the region of lithospheric thinning. This interpretation supports the as a barrier to this process.
possibility that this massif could be part of the SFC, as suggested The southern limit of the SFPB defined with seismic tomography
by Alkmim et al. (2001), but we prefer to follow the limits of the has, generally, a good spatial correlation with the limits of the
tomographic anomaly to define the SFPB limits, given that the study Bouguer anomaly, which has been used to define its limits. However,
presented here has no resolution at shallow depths. one of the exceptions is an intense low-velocity anomaly at the limits
The vertical similarity between the results of real data and Model between SFC and BFB.
2 suggest that the roots of SFPB reach depths of 250 km, mainly The western limit of the SFPB defined with seismic tomogra-
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