Gondwana Research: Scott A. Whattam, Camilo Montes, Robert J. Stern
Gondwana Research: Scott A. Whattam, Camilo Montes, Robert J. Stern
Gondwana Research: Scott A. Whattam, Camilo Montes, Robert J. Stern
Gondwana Research
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/gr
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The “subduction initiation rule” (SIR) (Whattam and Stern, 2011) advocates that proto-arc and forearc
Received 12 October 2018 complexes preserved in ophiolites and forearcs follow a predictable chemotemporal and/or chemo-
Received in revised form stratigraphic vertical progression. This chemotemporal evolution is defined by a progression from bot-
11 September 2019
tom to top, from less to more depleted and slab-metasomatized sources. This progression has been
Accepted 2 October 2019
Available online 9 November 2019
recently documented for other igneous suites associated with subduction initiation. The Sona-Azuero
forearc complex of southern Panama represents the earliest magmatic arc activity at the Central
American Volcanic Arc system. Comparison of new and existing geochemical data for the circa 82-40 Ma
Central American forearc
Sona-Azuero Proto-Arc/Arc, its underlying 89-85 Ma “oceanic plateau” of SW Panama and the 72-69 Ma
Subduction initiation Golfito Proto-Arc of southern Costa Rica with the 70-39 Ma Chagres-Bayano Arc of eastern Panama
Subduction initiation rule exhibits a chemotemporal progression as described above and which follows the SIR. Sona-Azuero lavas
Forearc are predominantly MORB-like, whereas those of the younger Chagres-Bayano complex are mostly VAB-
Volcanic arc like; lavas of the Golfito Proto-Arc typically show characteristics intermediate to that of the Sona-Azuero
Ophiolite and Chagres-Bayano proto-arc/arc complexes. On the basis of isotope evidence as shown in other studies,
lava types of all three complexes are clearly derived from a source contaminated by the Caribbean Large
Igneous Province plume; we term these “plume-contaminated” forearc basalts and volcanic arc basalts,
respectively. Apart from a plume-induced subduction initiation origin for the Panamanian forearc, these
insights suggest otherwise similar petrogenetic origins and tectonic setting to lavas comprising earliest-
formed forearc crust, and most ophiolites, which follow the SIR.
© 2019 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1342-937X/© 2019 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
284 S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300
(2010); b, is to indicate that this refers to a restricted segment of the Azuero Arc (the Río Quema Formation, Corral et al., 2011); c, Golfito also consists of basaltic trachyandesite and andesite according to Buchs et al. (2010) and
Age constraints for the Golfito, Sona-Azuero and Chagres-Bayano complexes. Abbreviations: A, arc; CR, Costa Rica; PA, proto-arc; PAN, Panama; OP, oceanic plateau. Superscripts: a, Azuero Arc includes the proto-arc of Buchs et al.
references therein; a TAS plot (not shown) does suggest this, however a plot of Nb/Y vs. Zr/Ti (not shown) suggests that designation of alkaline affinities is the result of alteration (addition of alkalis); d, similarly, the Nb/Y vs. Zr/Ti plot
suggests no alkaline affinities; e, Wegner et al. (2011) suggested alteration could account for the high K2O contents of some rock types which is confirmed by a Nb/Y vs. Zr/Ti plot; f and g, interpreted by Hauff et al. (2000) and Buchs
€ rner et al.
€rner et al.,
oceanic plateau
and proto-arc/
radiometric (40Ar/39Ar,
radiometric (40Ar/39Ar,
Biostratigraphic fossil
Biostratigraphic fossil
biostratigraphic fossil
(foraminifera) ID;
(radiolarite) ID
Fig. 1. (a) Present tectonic configuration of the Circum-Caribbean region. (b) Magni-
fication and detail of the boxed region in Fig. 1a showing the distribution of Late
Cretaceous to middle Eocene (~75-39 Ma) arc magmatism in Golfito, easternmost
Late Cretaceous to Early
Santonian (~89e85)
Maastrichian 82-40
Abbreviations in: (a) CR, Costa Rica,; GAA, Greater Antilles Arc; LAA, Lesser Antilles Arc;
late Campanian to
PAN, Panama; PR, Puerto Rico. (b) CB, Chagres-Bayano; CI, Coiba Island; Cord de Pan,
Cordillera of Panama; GF, Golfito; PC, Panama City; PCFZ, Panama Canal Fracture Zone.
(~72-69 Ma)
associated sub-volcanic
lavas flows, dykes, lava
domes, large intrusive
volcaniclastic breccias
Azuero Complex
Golfito Complex
(S. Panama)
Fig. 2. Geologic map of the Azuero peninsula showing the location of our samples. Map is modified from Direccio n General de Recursos Minerales (1991), Buchs et al. (2010) and
Corral et al. (2011). See Fig. 1 for broader location of the Azuero peninsula. Abbreviations: CB, Chagres-Bayano; G, Group: GI, Group I; GII, Group II; GIII, Group III; Nic, Nicaragua; SA,
Sona-AzueroSee text for definitions of these groups.
with the chemotemporal progression of other complexes associ- “plateau” that formed over the Galapagos hotspot prior to its
ated with subduction initiation (forearcs and ophiolites). northeasterly drift and insertion between North and South America
Crucial to our chemotemporal arguments is recognition that the (see Kerr et al., 2000) prior to subduction initiation. Relatedly, the
Sona-Azuero and Golfito proto-arc/arc segments in central Panama CLIP is interpreted by most as underlying younger arc segments not
and SW Costa Rica, respectively, began to form at least 5 M.y. prior only in Costa Rica and Panama but also along NW South America in
to establishment of the Chagres-Bayano Arc in central Panama (see western Ecuador and Colombia all the way to the Leeward Antilles
Section 2 for Regional setting and the Supplementary Document for in Curaçao and Aruba (see references in Whattam and Stern,
description of these complexes). We document the availability of 2015a). The ‘standard’ model holds that volcanic arc construction
absolute and relative ages which provides the basis of this recog- occurred upon the trailing edge of the CLIP in present-day Costa
nition in the Supplementary Document (Table S1, see also Table 1). Rica and Panama (Pindell and Kennan, 2009; Wo €rner et al., 2009;
Buchs et al., 2010; Wegner et al., 2011) and elsewhere in the
2. Regional setting Caribbean realm along the southern margin of the Caribbean Plate
in NW South America and the Leeward Antilles. In contrast, on the
As a result of detailed multidisciplinary studies of Late Creta- basis of collated geochemical, isotopic and radioisotopic age data-
ceous ‘oceanic igneous terranes’ (terminology of Hauff et al., 1997) sets of these ‘plume-and-arc-related’ complexes in Central America
and arc-related complexes exposed in the forearc of the Central and NW South America which exhibit compositional and temporal
American Volcanic Arc (Fig. 1a) in Costa Rica (e.g., Buchs et al., 2010) overlap between Late Cretaceous hotspot-derived CLIP magmatism
and Panama (Fig. 1b) (e.g., Hauff et al., 2000a; Tomascak et al., and the magmatic effects of subduction initiation, Whattam and
2000; Geldmacher et al., 2001, 2008; Lissinna, 2005; Gazel et al., Stern (2015a) suggested arc construction in a single, rapidly
2009, 2015; Wo €rner et al., 2009; Buchs et al., 2009, 2010; Wegner evolving hybrid plume- and subduction-related environment. By
et al., 2011; Montes et al., 2012a, 2012b; Whattam and Stern, ‘plume- and subduction-related’ we mean proto-forearc/forearc
2015a, 2015b) we can re-evaluate the chemotemporal evolution complexes that were generated synchronously or nearly so as a
of these oldest Central American Volcanic forearc complexes in the result of interaction between the plumehead and the (soon to be)
context of subduction initiation processes. Most researchers agree subduction-modified lithosphere that it interacted with; as a result,
that the bulk of the Caribbean Plate is composed of the Caribbean the complexes which constitute this study were generated from a
Large Igneous Province (CLIP) (Fig. 1a), an expansive oceanic mantle source that was plume-dominated at first and evolved with
286 S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300
Table 2
Whole rock ICP-AES analyzes of Groups I, II, and III Azuero lavas from this study. Abbreviation: bas-and, basaltic-andesite.
Sample No. 300070 300071 300075 300076 300077 300078 300079 300081 300082 300082 300084 300085 Sample No. 300086 300088
Lithology basalt basalt basalt basalt basalt basalt basalt basalt basalt (Rep) basalt basalt Lithology basalt basalt
Groupa Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I Group I basalt Group I Group I Groupa Group I Group I
Group I
Major element detection limits are about 0.001e0.4%. Other notes: Samples Group numbers in italics are samples with total oxide concentrations <96 wt % and which
were thus excluded from our chemical plots (see Section 4.3.2.).
NA ¼ Not analyzed. Rep ¼ Replicate (analysis). STD ¼ Standard.
Table 2 Whattam, 2019.
Group refers to classification on the basis of petrographic characteristics (see Supplementary Document) and trace element chemistry (see Section 5.1 and Supple-
mentary Document).
time to be modified by subduction. According to this model, arc the Central American forearc igneous complexes discussed in this
formation occurred subsequent to subduction initiation which was study (see Supplementary Document] suggest that subduction
catalyzed by plume emplacement (plume-induced subduction initiation began ~75-71 Ma with the magmatic arc growing on
initiation). A plume-induced subduction initiation mechanism has pre-existing oceanic plateau (CLIP) basement (Buchs et al., (2010);
recently been shown to be valid on the basis of numerical ther- Wegner et al., (2011))_. In contrast, Lissinna et al. (2006) suggest
momechanical modelling (Gerya et al., 2015). that the infant Panamanian island arc on the western side of the
Although the Farallon Plate has been subducting beneath the CLIP dates back to 89 Ma. The studies of Lissinna et al. (2006) and
western Americas since at least 200 Ma, subduction initiation at Wegner et al. (2011) did not posit a cause for subduction initia-
the Central American Arc was independent of Farallon Plate tion but Buchs et al. (2010) suggested this was tectonically
subduction. Central America subduction initiation began between induced, caused by compression of the thickened Caribbean Plate
90 and 75 Ma along the western periphery of the Caribbean Large during westward migration of the Americas and collision with
Igneous Province (CLIP), which was emplaced within the middle South America. As explained above, Whattam and Stern (2015a)
of the Farallon Plate beginning about 92 Ma (Sinton et al., 1997; in contrast suggested that subduction initiation was the result
Kerr et al., 2003 and references therein). Some previous studies of of plume emplacement and discuss why an induced subduction
S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300 287
300089 300091 300072 300073 300074 300083 300066 300067 300068 Sample No. 300069 300087 300090 STD STD STD STD
basalt basalt basalt basalt basalt basalt andesite basalt basalt Lithology bas-and basalt basalt SO- SO-18 SO-18 SO-18
Group I Group I Group II Group II Group II Group II Group III Group III Group III Groupa Group III Group III Group III 18 Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3
initiation scenario was unlikely (see Section 5.4; see also Section Marginal Complex of Buchs et al., 2010), 72-69 Ma Golfito, and 70-
5.5 for a discussion of different subduction initiation mecha- 39 Ma Chagres-Bayano complexes (Fig. 1b, see also Table 1, Table S1
nisms). We note that the timeframe of the Whattam and Stern and the Supplementary Document for description of these com-
(2015a) model, which posits subduction initiation as the result plexes). The Sona-Azuero and Chagres-Bayano complexes are
of plume emplacement at 90 Ma, is consistent with the conclu- interpreted as being floored by the 89-85 Ma CLIP (Wo €rner et al.,
sions of Lissinna et al. (2006) who suggest subduction initiation 2009; Buchs et al., 2010; Wegner et al., 2011; Montes et al.,
by 89 Ma. 2012a, 2012b) and the Golfito Complex has been interpreted as
The active Central American volcanic front stretches ~1100 km both CLIP oceanic plateau (Hauff et al., 2000) and more recently as
along the western margin of the Caribbean plate from Costa Rica arc (Buchs et al., 2010). Prior to the study of Buchs et al. (2010), it
through Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala to the Guatemala- was generally assumed that most oceanic forearc units along
Mexico border at the southern margin of the North American western Costa Rica and Panama represented uplifted segments of
plate (Fig. 1a). The locus of magmatic activity has shifted from east the CLIP. Similar interpretations have been made for many oceanic
to west after the Eocene. Early plume- and subduction related se- complexes along NW South America and the Leeward Antilles (see
quences in the east comprise the ~89-40 Ma Sona-Azuero (Azuero Whattam and Stern, 2015a).
288 S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300
3. Methods
3.1. Petrography
3.3.1. Data compilation Fig. 3. MgO vs. SiO2 for all lavas of this study superimposed with the fields of MORB
and lavas of depleted arc systems (see text). Abbreviation: enr, enriched.
For comparison with our 25 new whole-rock geochemical an-
alyses of Azuero lavas (Table 2), we also compile geochemical data
of lavas of the Sona-Azuero (Buchs et al., 2010; Wegner et al., 2011), 4. Results
Golfito (Hauff et al., 2000; Buchs et al., 2010) and Chagres-Bayano
complexes (Wegner et al., 2011; Montes et al., 2012b). For further Our lavas are subdivided into three chemical groups on the basis
comparison with these Central America forearc complex datasets, of chondrite-normalized La/Yb concentrations (see section 4.2.1
we also compile data of global MORB (Gale et al., 2013) and volcanic and Fig. 5). Groups I, II and III are analogous to those interpreted
arc basalts (VAB) of depleted arc systems (PetDB, https://www. by others as plateau basalts, (volumetrically subordinate) enriched
earhchem.org/petdb and GEOROC, (http://georoc.mpch-mainz. basalts and proto-arc or arc basalts (Buchs et al., 2010; Wegner
gwdg.de/georoc/; see Hawkesworth et al., 1997, for definition of et al., 2011), respectively. As shown by Wegner et al. (2011) and
‘depleted arc systems’); Late Cretaceous to Eocene ‘plume and arc Whattam and Stern (2015a,b), Group I are tholeiitic, Group III range
related’ units (Whattam and Stern, 2015a) in Panama and Costa from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline and Group II are analogous to
Rica; lavas from complexes around the circum-Caribbean region oceanic island tholeiites (Supplementary Fig. 2).
interpreted as CLIP; SIR ophiolite lavas (Whattam and Stern, 2011);
Izu-Bonin forearc basalts (Reagan et al., 2010; Shervais et al., 2019; 4.1. Petrography
and Izu-Bonin ‘forearc-like’ basalts (Arculus, 2015)). The MORB
dataset (Gale et al., 2013) is mostly basalt (mean of 50.4 wt % SiO2) Most Group I MORB-like (see Section 5) Azuero lavas are fine-
but ranges from 44.9 to 70.4 wt % SiO2. Volcanic and plutonic grained tholeiitic basalts. Textures are typically intergranular to
samples comprising Late Cretaceous to Eocene (~85-39 Ma) ‘plume intersertal or subophitic and mineralogy is primarily plagioclase,
and arc-related’ units (Whattam and Stern, 2015a) in Panama and clinopyroxene and alteration products (Supplementary Fig. S1a, b).
southernmost Costa Rica are considered as either oceanic plateau In other very fine-grained varieties, clinopyroxene is not obvious
or proto-arc and arc constructed upon the CLIP (e.g., Buchs et al., and the mineralogy is dominated by thin, wispy, highly altered
2010) or hybrid plume- and arc-related (Whattam and Stern, plagioclase laths. Other samples are coarser-grained and some of
2015a). Basalts interpreted as CLIP (n ¼ 192 tholeiitic and 7 these, with large, sericitized plagioclase laths and fresh, subhedral,
enriched oceanic-island-like basalts) are compiled from GEOROC interstitial clinopyroxene, are texturally similar to Group III arc-like
and are from the Caribbean Sea; the western margin of the Carib- (see Section 5) basalts. The crystallization sequence of plagioclase
bean Plate in Costa Rica (Nicoya, Herradura, Tortugal); the western followed by clinopyroxene is typical of MORB (Bryan, 1983; Pearce
margin of NW South America in western Ecuador (Pin ~o
n Formation
et al., 1984).
and the Pallatanga and Pedernales-Esmeraldas unit) and western Group II oceanic island basalt-like (see Section 5,
Colombia (Gorgona Island, Serrania de Baudo Formation and the Supplementary Fig. S1c, d) lavas are subordinate, making up
Western Cordillera); the Lesser Antilles in Aruba (Aruba Lava For- ~10e20% of the total Azuero samples in our dataset and the com-
mation); and the Caribbean Sea (Colombian and Venezuelan bined datasets of Buchs et al. (2010) and Wegner et al. (2011).
Basins). Overall, these basalts are moderately to heavily altered and
distinguished by their chocolate brown coloration and ubiquitous
3.3.2. Data manipulation calcite- and chlorite-filled amygdales in the coarser-grained,
In order to assure that suitable quality analyses of least altered weakly porphyritic and medium-grained plagioclase phyric sam-
samples of Sona-Azuero, Golfito and Chagres-Bayano were used in ples. Fine-grained varieties of these basalts exhibit micro-
our study, only samples which yield oxide totals of 96e102 wt % porphyritic texture defined by ~1 mm clinopyroxene and
(excluding loss on ignition, LOI) are plotted. In our geochemical 2e5 mm plagioclase phenocrysts. Apatite is an accessory phase
plots using major elements, oxides are recalculated on an anhy- (typically <5%).
drous (volatile-free) basis and normalized to 100%. However, our Our Group III arc-like (see Section 5) Azuero lavas are rare
geochemical plots and arguments rely primarily on trace elements (n ¼ 3) and in contrast to lavas of Groups I and II, usually display
known to be non-mobile up to greenschist-facies metamorphic micro-porphyritic or unique to this group, robustly porphyritic
conditions. textures defined by large (1.5e2.0 mm), commonly euhedral, fresh
S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300 289
Fig. 4. MgO vs. (a) TiO2, (b) Al2O3, (c) FeOt, (d) K2O, (e) Ce, (f) Yb, (g) Y and (h) Zr for all lavas of this study superimposed with the fields of lavas of MORB and depleted arc systems
(basalts only)Abbreviation: enr, enriched.
clinopyroxene phenocrysts (Supplementary Fig. S1e, f). The crys- Buchs et al. (2010), Wegner et al. (2011) and our dataset are sub-
tallization sequence, in contrast to the Group I MORB-like lavas, is divided into three groups on the basis of chondrite-normalized La/
clinopyroxene followed by plagioclase which is typical of hydrous Yb concentrations. Group I are interpreted by Buchs et al. (2010)
(i.e., arc) magmas in which early plagioclase crystallization is sup- and Wegner et al. (2011) as plateau basalts; Group II as enriched
pressed (Pearce et al., 1984; Cameron 1985; Sisson and Grove 1993). basalts (Buchs et al., 2010); and Group III as proto-arc or arc vol-
canics (Buchs et al., 2010; Wegner et al., 2011). These groupings are
4.2. Major element chemistry referred to below.
A plot of SiO2 vs. MgO (Fig. 3) shows that lavas considered in this
4.2.1. MgO vs. TiO2, Al2O3, FeOt and K2O study range from basaltic to rhyolitic with MgO concentrations of
As developed below in Section 4.3, the Sona-Azuero lavas of 1.06e11.68 wt%. Fractionation patterns for MORB (n ¼ 14, 782) and
290 S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300
Table 3
Mean and range of La/Yb normalized to chondrite ([La/Yb]CN) of our Group I, II and III
Sona-Azuero lavas vs. Sona-Azuero lavas of other studies (Buchs et al., 2010; Wegner
et al., 2011). Chondrite abundances normalized to are from Sun and McDonough
Notes: The Group I of others comprise the Azuero and Sona ‘CLIP’ basalts of Wegner
Fig. 6. N-MORB-normalized plots of Sona-Azuero lavas with 52 or less wt. SiO2 from
et al., (2011) and the Group I Azuero Plateau basalts of Buchs et al., [2010]; the Group
this study vs. Sona-Azuero, Golfito and Chagres-Bayano lavas with less than 52 wt %
II of others comprise the Group II basalts of Buchs et al. (2010); the Group III of
SiO2 from other studies. N-MORB abundances are from Sun and McDonough (1989).
others comprise arc basalts of Azuero, Sona and Coiba Island of Lissinna (2005) and
Abbreviations: (a, e) PAR, plume- and arc-related; (g, i) OP, oceanic plateau. The grey
the basalts of the proto-arc and arc of Buchs et al., (2010). Chondrite abundances are
region in (b) to (f) represent the data presented in (a) and the dashed regions in (d) to
from Sun and McDonough (1989).
(f) represent the data presented in (c).
Table 3 Whattam 2019.
292 S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300
Although the rare earth element patterns of Golfito and 5.1. Evidence of adherence of the early central American volcanic
Chagres-Bayano basalts are similar to those of Sona-Azuero there arc system to the subduction initiation rule
are some significant differences. Rare earth element patterns of
proto-arc lavas of the Golfito Complex (Fig. 5d) generally fall within We focus here on elements that are not mobilized by hydro-
the range of the Group I and Group III Sona-Azuero lavas inter- thermal alteration and metamorphism for the purpose of con-
preted as oceanic plateau and proto-arc/arc respectively, but range straining mantle source fertility, degrees of partial melting and
to very low absolute rare earth element abundances (mean rare mantle source fugacity. Ratios of Zr/Y, Nb/Y (and Nb/Yb) are useful
earth element of 32) and light rare earth element fractionations as these decrease with mantle depletion and as partial melting
(e.g., [La/Yb]CN of 0.81). These values are higher only than that of increases. Because of the compatibility of Y and Yb in garnet, these
the Chagres-Bayano Arc (mean rare earth element ~30) and the ratios can also reflect if garnet was present during melt generation
lone Chagres-Bayano basalt interpreted as oceanic plateau ([La/ but this may be the case only in Group II enriched oceanic island
Yb]CN of 0.47) (Fig. 5e and f). Relatedly, this [La/Yb]CN ratio of the tholeiite-like basalts which exhibit low Y and heavy rare earth
lone Chagres-Bayano basalt interpreted as oceanic plateau (0.47) is element relative to middle rare earth element (Fig. 5b). In Figs. 7e9,
much lower than that of the mean of Sona-Azuero oceanic plateau in addition to plotting Panamanian and Costa Rican samples from
and arc basalts (with mean [La/Yb]CN of 0.93 and 1.54, respectively). this study, we also plot SIR ophiolite basalts and basaltic andesites
Although the Chagres-Bayano Arc exhibits mean [La/Yb]CN inter- for comparison. We do this because SIR ophiolite lavas are (i)
mediate to that of the Sona-Azuero oceanic plateau and proto-arc/ thought to have formed during SI in a proto-forearc environment
arc (mean [La/Yb]CN of 1.18 vs. 0.93 and 1.54, respectively), the and show a distinctive chemotemporal (change in chemistry with
absolute rare earth element abundances of Chagres-Bayano Arc time) trend from less-to more-depleted and subductionemodified
lavas range to much lower concentrations (mean rare earth el- compositions with time (i.e., MORB- to VAB-like) (Whattam and
ements of 30) of ~ 3 chondrite (Fig. 5f). Stern, 2011) which (ii) along with other chemical criteria (see
In terms of N-MORB-normalized incompatible element pat- below), are critical for understanding the evolution of the mantle
terns, the most conspicuous differences between our Azuero sources for Sona-Azuero and Chagres-Bayano.
Groups are: the lack of large ion lithophile element enrichment in
fluid-mobile elements (e.g, Rb, Ba, K, Pb) in Group II, which is well 5.1.1. Source fertility
developed in both Groups I and III; the lack of a negative In Fig. 7, we plot Zr vs Zr/Y. As demonstrated by Whattam and
Nb-anomaly (with respect to Th and Ce) in Groups I and II, but Stern (2011) and shown in Fig. 7a, whereas the older lavas of the
which is obvious in Group III; and the pattern of Y and the heavy earliest-formed lower subduction initiation rule ophiolite units are
rare earth elements (Yb, Lu), which are flat in Groups I and III but mostly MORB-like (84% of the lower unit basalts plot as MORB),
which decrease with decreasing incompatibility in Group II those of the younger, uppermost unit in contrast plot completely
(Fig. 6aec). The differences between the N-MORB-normalized within the VAB field.
patterns of the Sona-Azuero basalts interpreted as CLIP plus our These relations show that forearc units progress from tapping/
Group I basalts interpreted as segments of the earliest hybrid, melting of a less to more depleted source or lower to higher degrees
plume-dominated unit and basalts interpreted as arc are modest, of partial melting over the course of seafloor spreading during
apart from the prominent Nb depletion and the slightly more, fluid- subduction initiation. Notably, all tholeiiitic Group I Sona-Azuero
modified compositions of the latter. For example, although the CLIP basalts interpreted as CLIP (Fig. 7b) plot within the compositional
basalts exhibit no obvious negative Nb-depletion, they do exhibit field defined by all (Group III) Sona-Azuero and most Chagres-
modest negative Zr and Ti anomalies and contain only slightly less Bayano and Golfito basalts interpreted as proto-arc (Fig. 7c) sug-
Ba and Pb (Fig. 6a). gesting a similar source or degrees of partial melting for Sona-
N-MORB normalized plots of Golfito and Chagres-Bayano basalts Azuero oceanic plateau and arc. As well, Fig. 7c confirms what
are provided in Fig. 6def. Golfito proto-arc basalts fall completely was shown by the N-MORB and rare earth element plots, i.e., that
within the range of Sona-Azuero oceanic plateau and proto-arc/arc Chagres-Bayano arc basalts were derived from a more depleted
basalts but range to lower concentrations of large ion lithophile el- source, or one that has undergone higher degrees of partial melting
ements (Ba, K, Pb and Sr) (Fig. 6d). Although a negative Nb anomaly is than Sona-Azuero. Similarly, the Golfito basalts exhibit evidence of
not well developed in the lone Golfito sample interpreted as oceanic derivation from a source intermediate in composition to that of
plateau (Hauff et al., 2000) it does exhibit a subtle negative Zr Sona-Azuero and Chagres-Bayano and Sona-Azuero Group III ba-
anomaly and concentrations of U, Pb, K and Sr higher than or similar salts are more similar in composition to Sona-Azuero Group I than
to Golfito basalts interpreted as arc (Buchs et al., 2010); the Golfito to Chagres-Bayano. Geochemical relations demonstrate a MORB to
proto-arc samples of Buchs et al. (2010) exhibit subtle but clear VAB transition from the Sona-Azuero to the Chagres-Bayano unit
negative Nb anomalies (Fig. 6d)). The N-MORB-normalized incom- and demonstrate adherence to the SIR for the early Central Amer-
patible element plot of the lone Chagres-Bayano sample interpreted ican Volcanic forearc.
as oceanic plateau (Fig. 6e) is somewhat anomalous as it lacks the
high LILE enrichments exhibited by most other arc (e.g., Chagres- 5.1.2. Degrees of partial melting
Bayano Arc, Fig. 6f) and oceanic plateau samples. Fig. 7 shows that the source(s) of the Chagres-Bayano basalts
and our Group III Azuero basalts were either more depleted or
underwent higher degrees of partial melting than the Sona-Azuero
5. Discussion source. These plots however, don’t distinguish between the two
possibilities, and if the latter is accurate, provide estimates of the
In the following sections, we explore the significance of our new relative degrees of partial melting.
geochemical data and that of other workers to address the Cr vs. Y (Fig. 8) can be used to determine relative degrees of
following questions: (1) Do Late Cretaceous e Paleogene igneous partial melting of basalts (Murton 1989). Superimposed on Fig. 8
rocks of Panama and Costa Rica follow the “subduction initiation are sources 1, 2 and 3 (S1, S2, S3) which represent a MORB
rule” promulgated for the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc and many source, a more depleted source after 20% MORB extraction, and a
ophiolites?; (2) What is the nature of the contact between “oceanic most depleted source after ~12% extraction of S2, respectively. We
plateau” and arc and chemotemporal evolution of magmatism?; caution that the F values discussed below are model dependent and
and (3) What was the nature of the early arc system? we are interested not in absolute degrees of partial melting but
S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300 293
Fig. 7. Zr vs. Zr/Y (Pearce and Norry, 1979) relations of (a) subduction initiation rule
ophiolite (SIRO) basalts, (b) Sona-Azuero, Golfito and Chagres-Bayano basalts inter-
preted as oceanic plateau and our Group I and II Azuero basalts and (c) Sona-Azuero,
Golfito and Chagres-Bayano basalts interpreted as arc and our Group III Azuero basalts.
All Central American samples are basalts only (i.e., no intrusives). Abbreviations in: (a)
bas-and, basaltic andesite; DM, depleted mantle; EM, enriched mantle; WPB, within-
plate basalts. (b) Ha, Hauff et al. (2000). (c) B, Buchs et al. (2010).
Fig. 9. Ti/V (Shervais, 1982) of (a) subduction initiation rule ophiolite (SIRO) basalts, (b) Sona-Azuero, Golfito and Chagres-Bayano basalts interpreted as oceanic plateau and our
Groups I and II Azuero basalts and (c) Sona-Azuero, Golfito and Chagres-Bayano basalts interpreted as arc and our Group III basalts. All Central American samples are basalts only
(i.e., no intrusives). Note that two of our enriched Sona-Azuero basalts fall off the plot to the right with 4.7e4.8 wt % TiO2 (~28000e29000 ppm Ti) and ~460 ppm V (Ti/V of ~53) in
Fig. 9b, e within the within-plate basalt field. The Izu Bonin Mariana FAB and Expedition 352 FAB are from Reagan et al. (2010) and Shervais et al. (2019), respectively and the
Expedition 351 FA-like basalts are from Arculus (2015). Abbreviations in: (a) BON, boninite; LU, lower unit, UU, upper unit. (b) alk, alkaline; Ha, Hauff et al. (2000); LU, UU, as in (a).
(c) B, Buchs et al. (2010).
ratio) of arc environments vs. the more reduced nature of MORB forearc basalts. Similarly, the vast majority of the younger Chagres-
sources (Shervais, 1982). We plot SIR ophiolite lavas vs. the older and Bayano Arc basalts also plot within the field defined by forearc
younger segments of the Sona-Azuero, Chagres-Bayano and Golfito basalts (Fig. 9f), whereby most (77%) of the older Sona-Azuero
complexes in Ti/V space in Fig. 9aec to demonstrate that the features basalts interpreted as arc plot outside the fields defined by Izu-
developed above in various incompatible and immobile elements Bonin Mariana (Ishizuka et al., 2006; Reagan et al., 2010) and Exp.
hold true when considering source fugacity; i.e., whereas the older 352 forearc basalts (Expedition 352 Scientists, Preliminary Report,
Sona-Azuero suite (basalts interpreted as oceanic plateau and proto- 2015) within the MORB field. This again demonstrates a SIR che-
arc/arc) is consistent with derivation from a MORB-like source, ba- motemporal evolution from early MORB-like lavas to later arc-like
salts from Chagres-Bayano on the other hand are clearly more lavas, this time on the basis of oxygen fugacity, in the early Central
consistent with derivation from a more arc-like source. American forearc.
In Fig. 9def, we also plot FAB from the Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc
system (Reagan et al., 2010), Exp. 352 forearc basalts from the outer 5.2. Isotopic constraints on the plume-contaminated nature of the
Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc system (Shervais et al., 2019), and Exp. 351 source
Site U1438 (Arculus, 2015) forearc basalt-like lavas (which pres-
ently occupy the rear arc of the Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc system). A myriad of studies show the plume-contaminated nature of
Lowermost basalts of the Izu-Bonin Mariana forearc were first Central American forearc lavas as the result of emplacement of the
interpreted as trapped Phillipine Sea Plate (DeBari et al., 1999), a CLIP which immediately preceded and instigated subduction
similar interpretation of which was applied to the Tonga forearc initiation (plume-induced subduction initiation, Whattam and
(Meffre et al., 2012). However, these first-formed lavas (forearc Stern (2015a) and references therein). In terms of source compo-
basalt) are MORB-like and instead mark the first magmatic nents and source mixing, it was shown by Allibon et al. (2008) that
expression of subduction initiation (Reagan et al., 2010). As shown the isotopic compositions of Ecuadorian arc or arc-like lava se-
in Fig. 9e, the vast majority of the older MORB-like Sona-Azuero quences (which according to Whattam and Stern, 2015a are
and the lone Chagres-Bayano basalt (all considered as oceanic essentially analogous to arc lavas in Sona-Azuero, Golfito and
plateau) and Golfito basalts plot within the fields defined by the Chagres-Bayano) built upon CLIP oceanic plateau fragments could
S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300 295
be explained in terms of tripolar mixing of three components: a of lower unit subduction initiation ophiolites exhibit weak primitive
dominant depleted MORB mantle component; a high m (where m is mantle normalized negative Nb-anomalies, others do not; a robust
a238U/204Pb ratio of an Earth reservoir) component carried by the negative Nb-anomaly and associated large ion lithophile enrich-
CLIP; and a subducted pelagic sediment component. It was further ment is typically seen only in younger lavas and intrusives. We agree
shown by Allibon et al. (2008) that an average contribution of with the interpretation of Whattam and Stern (2015a) that the
70e75% depleted MORB mantle, 12e15% high m, and 7e15% pelagic earliest magmatic activity at the Central American Arc system in
sediments (cherts) is required to explain their composition. Panama and Costa Rica was the result of tapping of a hybrid, plume-
Furthermore, Whattam (2018) showed that the Central American subduction source as the result of plume-induced subduction initi-
lavas in this study also plot within the 143Nd/144Nd vs 206Pb/204Pb ation. As shown in Sections 5.1.1.-5.1.3, whereas lavas of both Sona-
field defined by the Galapagos Plume at 90 Ma similarly to the Azuero units - i.e., those interpreted as oceanic plateau and those
western Late Cretaceous Ecuadorian lavas in the study of Allibon interpreted as arc - are ‘MORB-like’, the lavas of the Chagres-Bayano
et al. (2008). It is for these reasons that we use the term ‘plume unit are mostly ‘arc-like’. We conclude on this basis that magmatism
contaminated’ to describe the forearc basalts of Sona-Azuero and evolved continuously from plume-contaminated MORB- to VAB-like
the VAB of Chagres-Bayano. with time consistent with the SIR.
5.3. Nature of the contact between “oceanic plateau” and arc and 5.4. Subduction initiation mechanisms
chemotemporal evolution of magmatism
As explained by Stern (2004) and later by Stern and Gerya
Buchs et al. (2010) present a synthetic ‘tectonostratigraphic’ (2018), subduction initiation can be either spontaneous or
chart (their Fig. 3, reproduced in part in our Fig. 10a) but there is a induced. In the case of the former, there are three possible types:
~10e12 M.y. hiatus between inferred termination of oceanic transform collapse, passive margin collapse, and plume head
plateau construction at 85 Ma and incipient arc construction at 75- margin collapse (i.e., plume-induced subduction initiation). In
73 Ma (timing of SI as interpreted by Buchs et al., 2010) at both the contrast, induced subduction initiation is triggered by continued
Azuero marginal and Golfito complexes. The only study we know of plate convergence following collision, for example of an oceanic
that documents the nature of the contact between the lower plateau with a subduction zone. There are two types of induced
“oceanic plateau unit” and the upper arc unit in the Sona-Azuero subduction initiation: a new subduction zone of similar dip to the
Complex is that of Corral et al. (2011) (their Fig. 2, reproduced in original subduction zone can initiate behind the collision (trans-
our Fig. 10b). They (Corral et al., 2011) show a conformable contact ference) or in front of the collision and (polarity reversal).
between the oceanic plateau basement and the overlying proto-arc The earliest workers to propose spontaneous subduction initi-
sequence, which in turn is conformably overlain by the arc ation at a lithospheric weakness (transform separating older,
sequence (the Rio Quema Formation, see Fig. 10b). This bolsters the denser lithosphere from younger, warmer lithosphere) was
supposition of Whattam and Stern (2015a) of a continuous, unin- Matsumoto and Tomoda (1983). This idea of spontaneous subduc-
terrupted magmatic succession between underlying lavas inter- tion initiation along a transform fault was adopted by Stern and
preted as plateau and overlying ones interpreted as proto-arc/arc. Bloomer (1992) to explain the early evolution of the Izu Bonin
Lissinna et al. (2006) report that earliest arc activity commenced Marianas arc system and by others for other regions of forearc
at 88.3±5 Ma but unfortunately, no further details are available. If formation (e.g., Whattam et al., 2006, 2008; Shafaii Moghadam
earliest formation of the Panamanian Arc was indeed ~90-89 Ma, et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2018). Other studies have focused on
this supports the model of Whattam and Stern (2015a) that plateau forced convergence across fracture zones (e.g., Hall et al., 2003).
and arc magmatism overlapped beginning about 90 Ma. We also Subduction nucleation along a passive margin (Marques et al.,
note that Buchs et al. (2010) remark that some earliest supra- 2014; Ueda et al., 2008; Burov and Cloetingh, 2010; Van der Lee
subduction zone proto-igneous rocks are indistinguishable from et al., 2008) is implied in the Wilson (1966) cycle but until very
those of ‘typical’ oceanic plateaus which also hints that plateau and recently (Pandey et al., 2019), there are no known Cenozoic ex-
arc magmatism overlapped (or that earliest SI lavas tapped a amples (Stern, 2004). Pandey et al. (2019) recovered forearc basalts
strongly plume-contaminated source). Corral et al. (2011) provide a and overlying boninitic-like forearc basalts in the Laxmi Basin,
stratigraphic section though the Rio Quema Formation (Azuero), western Indian passive margin, which record geochemical and
showing that the Azuero proto-arc group simply overlies the isotopic attributes identical to first formed lavas of the Izu Bonin
Azuero (oceanic plateau) igneous basement which, if the ages of Marianas and supra-subduction zone ophiolites and may provide
Lissinna et al. (2006) are accurate, suggest a continuous, uninter- the first evidence for subduction initiation along a passive margin.
rupted interval from oceanic plateau to proto-arc/arc magmatism. Perhaps the best example of a induced subduction initiation po-
This, coupled with the complete compositional overlap between larity reversal event is that caused by collision of the Ontong Java
Sona-Azuero lavas and intrusives interpreted as oceanic plateau Plateau, the world’s largest igneous province, which attempted to
and those interpreted as proto-arc and arc suggest that both are subduct to the SW at the Vitiaz Trench ~10-4 Ma (Phinney et al.,
related in space and time. Clearly, more stratigraphic and 1999; Cooper and Taylor, 1985). Thick, buoyant lithosphere of the
geochronologic investigations are needed but the data in hand Plateau jammed the subduction zone and caused a subduction
support a model whereby the evolution from earlier CLIP-like ba- polarity flip to the NE. As explained in the Introduction, Buchs et al.
salts to younger arc-like lavas was continuous and uninterrupted (2010) suggested that subduction initiation at the Central American
(Fig. 11a) as opposed to a scenario whereby arc construction Arc was tectonically induced and resulted from compression of the
occurred upon a pre-existing plateau (Fig. 11b). thickened Caribbean Plate during westward migration of the
It is increasingly clear that the subdivision between oceanic Americas and collision of the thickened Caribbean Plate with South
plateau and arc magmatic sequences in Central America are grada- America. As explained above in Section 5.3, on the basis of a
tional. We recognize that the subdivision is based on lavas and in- comprehensive set of geochemical, isotopic and geochronologic
trusives with negative primitive-mantle normalized high-field data and tectonic considerations, we concur with Whattam and
strength element anomalies (particularly Nb) being assigned as arc Stern (2015a, 2015b) that arc construction in Central America
and those without as oceanic plateau. However, it was shown by began instead about 90 Ma as the result of plume-induced sub-
Whattam and Stern (2011) that the first magmatic expression of duction initiation. A second example of plume-induced subduction
some subduction initation systems is MORB-like, and some basalts initiation has been recently proposed for the Cascadia subduction
296 S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300
Fig. 10. (a) Chemotemporal relations between the Golfito, Sona-Azuero and Chagres-Bayano as shown on the ‘synthetic tectonostratigraphic chart’ of Buchs et al. (2010). Unit
acronyms (from left to right): AP, Azuero (oceanic) Plateau (89-85 Ma); GA, Golfito Arc (75-66 Ma); SA, Sona-Azuero Arc (75-39 Ma); CBA, Chagres-Bayano Arc (70-39 Ma). (b)
Stratigraphy of an Azueru section (the Rio Quema Formation) reproduced from Corral et al. (2011) which provides relations between the Azuero oceanic ‘plateau’, proto-arc and arc.
Other acronyms: PISI, plume-induced subduction initiation. References for ages are provided in Table 1.
zone in the Pacific NW, USA (Stern and Dumitru, 2019) and plume- Wegner et al. (2011) suggest that arc magmatism began in the Sona
induced subduction initiation has shown to be viable on the basis of and Azuero peninsulas at ~71 Ma (Sona-Azuero Arc), then shifted to
numerical thermomechanical modelling (Gerya et al., 2015). the Chagres-Bayano region at 66 Ma; Wegner et al. (2011) also
apparently consider these as two distinct arcs. We disagree with
5.5. Physical nature of the early arc system and tectonic these notions for several reasons. Firstly, arc lengths are typically
considerations not at the 100s of km scale but rather 1000s of km scale. For
example, the modern-day Central American Volcanic Arc system is
In their study of Panamanian magmatism circa 75 Ma to present, ~1500 km long and the Izu-Bonin Marianas Arc system is ~2800 km
S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300 297
Fig. 11. Two alternative tectonic models to reconcile subduction initiation at the Central American Volcanic Arc system. (a) The earliest stages of subduction initiation were
catalyzed by plume emplacement (modified from Whattam and Stern, 2015a). This event began to first form the Sona-Azuero complex which was then followed by incipient
formation of the Chagres-Bayano complex, subsequent to slab rollback and hinge retreat. (b) Collision-induced subduction initiation (see Buchs et al., 2010 for details) and sub-
sequent arc construction upon a ~10 m.y. oceanic plateau (based on the ideas of Buchs et al., 2010 and Wegner et al., 2011).
long. The magmatic arc ‘belts’ along the Sona-Azuero peninsula and magmatism that is also seen for Sona-Azuero circa 71 Ma (Wegner
the Chagres-Bayano region are only ~200e250 km long, but et al., 2011) (Fig. 7). In other words, the Chagres-Bayano arc
restoration of paleomagnetically derived vertical-axis rotations segment may represent the carapace of the early established Cen-
(Montes et al., 2012a) suggests that the combined length of the tral American Arc system.
Campanian to Eocene Central American arc was at least 1000 km. If Chagres-Bayano does indeed represent the latest phase of
Furthermore, combined geochemical and geochronological evi- early Central American Arc magmatism, the present position of the
dence suggests that the nascent Central American arc stretched Chagres-Bayano arc segment indicates that it is offset to the north.
westwards from the Nicoya peninsula in western Costa Rica some In the tectonic model of Whattam et al. (2012), the early (pre-
200 km south of Nicaragua, to either present-day western Ecuador 40 Ma) Central American Arc was shut down at about 40 Ma as the
or Colombia some 1400 km to the east (Whattam and Stern, 2015a). result of collision of an oceanic plateau with the arc system (see also
Secondly, the age constraints of Lissinna (2005) indicate that Sona- Kerr and Tarney, 2005). As explained by Montes et al. (2012a,
Azuero magmatic activity was contemporaneous with Chagres- 2012b) and Whattam et al. (2012), this collision caused left-lateral
Bayano magmatism between 70 and 40 Ma. Thirdly, unequivocal offset of the originally contiguous early (pre-40 Ma) Central
‘arc’ magmatism at the Sona-Azuero and Golfito complexes began American Volcanic Arc system which stretched from at least
by at least 75 Ma (Buchs et al., 2010) but the 89-85 Ma Sona-Azuero western Costa Rica in the NW to western Ecuador or Colombia in
CLIP MORB-like oceanic plateau basalts are largely indistinguish- the SE (Whattam and Stern; 2015a) and resulted in a >100 km
able from the younger Sona-Azuero arc and proto-arc basalts. displacement to the north between 40 and 30 Ma (Lissinna, 2005;
Furthermore, Lissinna et al. (2006) suggest arc magmatism began Montes et al., 2012a, 2012b). Alternatively, left-lateral offset may
by ~90 Ma. Finally, as shown by Whattam and Stern (2015a), most have been caused by a shift in the subducted plateau from Azuero to
(~90-85 Ma) oceanic plateau basalts from the western edge of the a region to the east (Lissinna et al., 2006) or as the result of collision
CLIP (Costa Rica, e.g., Nicoya, Herradura, Tortugal) including those of South America with the Panamanian Arc system (Farris et al.,
of Sona-Azuero and the NW segment of the South American Plate in 2011; Barat et al., 2014). Regardless of the mechanism of displace-
Ecuador and Western Colombia, exhibit subduction modified ment or the nature of the colliding body, we suggest that the
compositions. Although a lateral west to east transition in chem- Chagres-Bayano arc segment was translated to the north after
istry cannot be categorically ruled out, the relations in the chem- originally forming the carapace and rear of the early arc system
istry of Sona-Azuero vs. Chagres-Bayano basalts are more subsequent to slab rollback but prior to displacement (Fig. 11).
consistent with a vertical/stratigraphic transition, although erup-
tions may have become more arc-like as magmatism retreated from 6. Conclusions
the trench. This chemostratigraphic progression can also be
considered as chemotemporal as the change in magmatic affinities An unambiguous chemotemporal transition from early-formed
is largely vertical and hence a record also of change in chemistry plume-contaminated MORB-like to VAB-like lavas is seen in Late
with time; this chemotemporality is identical to that recorded by Cretaceous-Paleogene magmatic arc sequences in Panama as
the slightly older Sona-Azuero and the younger Chagres-Bayano revealed by incompatible trace element compositions which illus-
complexes. Thus, we suggest that the Chagres-Bayano arc trate fundamental differences between the older Sona-Azuero
segment represents a vertical as well as lateral migration of arc complex and the younger Chagres-Bayano complex. While the
298 S.A. Whattam et al. / Gondwana Research 79 (2020) 283e300
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