Microsoft Word Project Ideas: 1. Poster (8 X 11)

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Using Technology In The Classroom Presented by: Cheryl Maxwell, Potosi Elementary 1 st Grade Teacher Microsoft Word Project

Ideas: 1. Poster (8 x 11) a. o en a blan! doc"ment b. ha#e st"dent create oster on desired to ic c. ty e title and text $or oster d. add bac!gro"nd, boarder, and gra hics to oster e. rint %ow to add bac!gro"nds: a. clic! $ormat b. clic! bac!gro"nd c. select desired bac!gro"nd %ow to add borders: a. clic! $ormat b. clic! boarders and shading c. select desired boarder d. clic! o! &dding gra hics: a. clic! insert b. select insert ict"re c. select insert cli art or ict"re $rom $ile d. Insert into doc"ment Co y and aste $rom the internet: a. %ighlight the text or ict"re $rom the Internet yo" wish to "se by holding down the right mo"se b"tton and dragging across the ob'ect. b. Clic! the le$t mo"se b"tton and select co y. c. Go bac! to yo"r word doc"ment and le$t clic! the mo"se b"tton again.. d. (elect the aste o tion. 2. Creating a Hotlist: a. Ty e the title o$ yo"r %otlist at the to o$ the age. b. )ist the to ics yo" ha#e internet in$ormation to "se d"ring yo"r lesson.

c. %ighlight each to ic and go to the hy erlin! b"tton on the men" *world with a lin! "nder it+. d. In the box ro#ided yo" can ty e the U), address. e. (elect o!. $. -o"r text sho"ld t"rn bl"e. Clic! the text to access the website. or Ty e the U), address on the doc"ment age and ress enter. This sho"ld t"rn the address bl"e and lin! yo" directly to the web. 3. Printing on Stic ! "otes: 1. /. 0. 3. 6. . en a blan! doc"ment Go to Insert on tool bar. (elect TE1T 2.1. 4raw a text box on the age the si5e o$ the stic!y note. Ty e text.

I$ yo" wo"ld li!e to add a ict"re to yo"r note: 1. Go to Insert on the tool bar. 0. (elect C)IP &,T. 3. (elect a ict"re. 6. Insert and resi5e the ict"re. %ow to rint: 1. Print yo"r notes onto a iece o$ a er. /. Place a stic!y note directly o#er the rinted text. 0. Use Post7It gl"e or Mono&dhesi#e to hold sheet down d"ring rinting. 3. P"t a er with attached stic!y notes bac! in rinter and rint again. 8ow yo" ha#e a rinted message on a stic!y note9 #igital Ca$era Project Ideas: 1. 4is lay ict"res o$ yo"r class on a web age. /. E7mail ict"res to yo"r local news a er, arents, etc. (ocial (t"dies Ideas: a. City )andmar!s7 ta!e a to"r o$ yo"r town and ta!e ict"res o$ landmar!s. Then "se the ict"res to create a boo! or resentation abo"t yo"r town. b. )ocal Go#ernment 2"ildings and .$$ices7 same as abo#e. c. Economics7%a#e st"dents locate goods and ser#ices and ta!e a ict"re o$ each. )abel and categori5e these ict"res.

d. :amily Tree7 st"dents can ta!e ict"res o$ their $amily and create a $amily tree. (cience Ideas: a. (im le Machines: (earch $or sim le machines aro"nd the school or town and hotogra h them. .r ta!e ict"res o$ the machines on yo"r own and ha#e the st"dents determine what they are. b. Phases o$ the moon: Use the digital camera to trac! the hases o$ the moon o#er a eriod o$ time. c. (cienti$ic method: (t"dents can ta!e ict"res o$ stages in an ex eriment to trac! their rogress. d. Ty es o$ clo"ds: Photogra h a series o$ clo"ds or ha#e st"dents hotogra h di$$erent clo"ds and identi$y them. e. Matter: %a#e st"dents hotogra h solids, li;"ids, and gases. $. &nimals: 1. $oot rints /. habitat 0. classi$ication Math Ideas: -o" can hotogra h the $ollowing items in school, aro"nd town, or at home: a. Geometric sha es b. Colors c. Patterns d. Co"nting<n"mbers e. Telling Time $. Meas"rement g. :ractional Parts )ang"age Ideas: a. . osites b. I s y: hotogra h any item and ha#e the st"dents describe it. c. En#ironmental Print: Ta!e ict"res o$ signs aro"nd yo"r school and or town that st"dents will recogni5e when they see it to hel them read words. d. Com are<Contrast: Ta!e ict"res o$ two ob'ects, eo le, or laces. Ma!e a =enn diagram o$ their similarities and di$$erences. e. &d'ecti#es: Ta!e a ict"re o$ an ob'ect. %a#e st"dents describe it.

Many o$ these digital camera ideas and tons more were $o"nd at:<s"b"rb<mgilmer<digcam<general.htm %sing Microsoft Po&erPoint: 1. ,e#iew $or a test "sing PowerPoint. .ne great way is to "se game show tem lates to create a testing game. a.<lesson<misc<winnergame>//6>> has a ?@ho @ants to be a MillionaireA and ?Beo ardyA tem late that can be downloaded $or $ree. &ll yo" ha#e to do is ty e in yo"r ;"estion and create the $o"r answers to select $rom. *Created by: Mar! 4amon+ b. Create a slide show o$ ;"estions. /. Create a PowerPoint introd"ce or re#iew any s!ill ta"ght in yo"r classroom. These $iles can be sa#ed and "sed year a$ter year. They are also #ery easy to change as yo"r lans or c"rric"l"m change o#er the years *with #ery little wor!+. 0. %a#e st"dents create a slide show to show research $inding, teach a lesson, describe a erson, e#ent, lace, etc. 'reat Internet (eso)rces: Teacher )in!s on my web age: htt :<<www. otosi.!1/.mo."s<teacher ages<cmaxwell<teacherC/>reso"rces.htm Teacher ,eso"rces ("ccesslin! Ethemes ,"bi(tar Ed"cation Place *D71/+ htt :<<s"ccesslin!.org htt :<<<ethemes< htt :<<r"<index. h htt :<<ed" htt :<<<schroc!g"ide<

Dathy (chroc!Es Ed"catorEs G"ide P"55le Ma!er (cholastic

htt :<<www. "55lema! htt :<<

Teachers 8et Teachnet @ebF"ests

htt :<< htt :<< htt :<<www.web;"

(earch Tools $or (t"dents *D76+ &s! Bee#es $or Dids Dids Clic! -ahooligans htt :<<www.a'! htt :<<s"nsite.ber!eley.ed"<DidsClic!9 htt :<<

(earch Tools $or (t"dents *G71/+ &lta =ista Excite %ot2ot In$osee! )ycos Google -ahoo @eb (ites $or Dids o$ &ll &ges &&& Math htt :<<< *this site allows st"dents D71/ do drill tas!s on m"lti le math s!ills+ Class 2rain %omewor! ( ot %ow (t"$$ @or!s htt :<<< htt :<<homewor!s htt :<<www.howst"$$wor! htt :<< htt :<< htt :<< htt :<<$osee!.com htt :<< htt :<< htt :<<

8ational Geogra hic $or Dids Pics 3 )earning @hite %o"se $or Dids @ord Central -o"ng @riters @or!sho :"nschool Prongo (toc! Mar!et Game

htt :<<nationalgeogra<!ids< htt :<<www. htt :<<www.whiteho"se.go#<!ids htt :<<< htt :<<www.meddybem<HI>>.html htt :<<www.$" htt :<<www. htt :<<www.smg/>>>.org<

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