CBSE Worksheet-75 CLASS - VIII Mathematics (Introduction To Graphs)

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CBSE Worksheet-75
CLASS VIII Mathematics (Introduction to Grahs!

Choose the correct otion"

1. In which quadrant does the point Q (2, 6) lie?
a. I b. II
c. III d. IV

2. On which axis does the point (1, !) lie?
a. "axis b. xaxis
c. ori#in d. none o$ these

%. &he percenta#e o$ 'ar(s obtained, in di$$erent sub)ects b" *sho( +har'a (in an
exa'ination) are #i,en below. -raw a bar #raph to represent it.
.n#lish /indi 0aths +cience +ocial +cience
12 6! %2 2! 3!

4. &he approxi'ate speeds o$ so'e ob)ects are #i,en below. -raw a bar #raph to
represent the'.
5a'e o$ ob)ects 6ic"cle +cooter 7ar 6us &rain
+peed (in ('8hr) 1! 4! 6! 2! 1!

2. 9arul is dri,in# a car constantl" at a speed o$ %! ('8h. -raw a distanceti'e #raph in
this case. *lso, $ind the ti'e ta(en b" 9arul to co,er a distance o$ 12! ('.

6. :ro' the #raph write the coordinates o$ the *, 6, 7 and -.

3. 0a(e a table o$ ,alues $or the $unction " ; %x. :ro' the table $ind the ,alues o$ " when
x ; 4 and x ; 2.

1. Draw the line passing through (2, 3) and (3, 2). Find the coordinates of the points at which
this line meets the x-axis and y-axis.

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Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks

Ans#er $e%"

1. a

2. b



2. +peed o$ car ; %! ('8h
-istance co,ered in 1 hour ; 1<%! ; %! ('
&able $or distanceti'e is #i,en below=
&i'e 1 2 % 4
-istance %! 6! >! 12!
?raph $or distance ti'e is #i,en below=

:ro' #raph, 9arul ta(es 4 hours to co,er 12! (' distance.

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Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks

6. Coordinate of A = (3, - 1)
Coordinate of B = (2, 3)
Coordinate of C = (1, - 1)
Coordinate of D = (- 4, -4)

x ! 1 2 % 4 2
" ; %x ! % 6 > 12 12

@hen x ; 4," ; 12
@hen x ; 2," ; 12


(2, %) and (%, 2) 'eets the xaxis at (2, !) and "axis at (!, 2) .

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