Dotted Lands Circular

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Memo No. REV01-LANA0LAND(PM)/8/2020-LANDS-I 23/03/2022

Sub Lands – Certain instructions/guidelines regarding ‘Dotted lands’ and deletion of

: lands from the list of prohibited Properties notified U/s 22-A (1) of Registration
Act, 1908 – Further instructions issued –Reports called for - Regarding.

Ref: 1. Government orders notifying the list of properties recommended under

Section 22-A(1)(e) of Registration Act, 1908 of all Districts.
2. A.P.Dotted lands (Updation in Re-settlement Register) Act, 2017 (Act
No. 10 of 2017)
3. G.O.Ms.No. 298, Revenue (Assgn.1) Dept., Dt.17.07.2017.

4. Govt.Circular Memo No.57443/Assn.I/2012, Revenue (Assignment-I)

Department, dated.06.11.2018.
5. Govt.Circular Memo No.57443/Assn.I/2012, Revenue (Assignment-I)
Department, dated.04.01.2019.
6. Govt.Memo.No.REV01-LANA0LAND(NOTF)/5/2019-ASSN.I,
Rev(Assn.I)Dept., dt.18.11.2019.
7. Memo.No.REV01/LANA/19/2020-SECY-LANDS-Endt. dt.21-12-2020.

8. Memo No. REV01-LANA0LAND(PM)/8/2020-LANDS-I,Dated:18-02-2021

1. The attention of the Spl. CS & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration,
A.P. and the District Collectors is invited to the subject and references cited. They are
informed that several representations were received by the Government from
members of the public that lands owned by them for long periods of time and with
documentary proof of the same, were erroneously notified under clause 22A(1) (a) to
(e), resulting in registration authorities refusing to register any documents pertaining
to the notified survey numbers. Government continues to receive multiple
representations on a continuous basis on the same subject.
2. In order to rectify the situation, the Government enacted “The A.P. Dotted
Lands (Updation in Re-settlement Register) Act, 2017 (Dotted Lands Act, for short)’’
and the same has come into force with effect from 14th June, 2017 (vide
G.O.Ms.No.210, Revenue (Assignment.I) Dept dt14-06-2017). In follow up,
Government have issued “The A.P. Dotted Lands (Updation in Re-settlement
Register) Rules 2017 vide G.O.Ms.No.298 Revenue (Assn.I) Department,

3. In the references cited 4th to 8th above, certain instructions/clarifications were

File No.REV01-LANA0LAND(PM)/8/2020-LANDS-I

issued from time to time to guide disposal of claims filed under the provisions of
A.P.Dotted lands (Updation in Re-settlement Register) Act, 2017.
4. This circular memo is issued in supersession of all previously issued memos
and circulars on this subject, including those cited in the references 4 th to 8th above.
5. Rule 7 of theDotted Lands Act reads as follows:
7. Deletion U/s 22-A (1) of the Registration Act,1908:
(a) The District collector shall furnish the list of lands to the Registering
officer concerned for deletion from the prohibitory lists already furnished to
the Registration Department u/s 22-A(1) of the Registration Act, 1908
within one month of the date of the order under section 7 (or) 8 of the Act
as the case may be.
(b) The Registering officer concerned shall delete the lands as furnished
by the District collector under rule 7(a) from the prohibitory lists furnished
under section 22-A(1) ofthe Registration Act, 1908.
After careful examination, Government hereby clarifies that cases for
deletion from prohibitory lists, under any of the sections 22-A(1)(a) to (e),
shall be dealt with and disposed by Collectors in terms of the A.P.
Dotted Lands (Updation in Re-settlement Register) Act, 2017 without
further reference to the CCLA or the Government. All pending cases at
the level of the CCLA and Government shall be returned back to
Collectors for disposal accordingly.
6. Section 4(3) of the Dotted lands act reads as below:
4. (3) The entry in Column No.(16) of Re-Settlement Register in respect of
Dotted Lands which are not covered under sub-section (1) and (2) and are in
possession of any person shall be replaced and updated by making an entry
in the name of the person, in terms of the orders issued under section 7 or
section 8 as the case may be;
Explanation:- Continuous possession for a period of twelve years or more
prior to the commencement of this Act by a person (present claimant or his
predecessor in interest), based on documents shall be sufficient for updation
of his name in column No.(16) of Re-Settlement Register in respect of Dotted
Lands covered under sub-section (3).
Documents as mentioned in the Explanation in Section 4(3) of the Dotted Lands Act
are defined in Section 2(a) of the Dotted Lands Act:
2. Definitions - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, -
(a) "Documents" means registered documents, entries in Register of
holdings maintained by the Registration department, 10(1) account and
Record of Rights maintained by the Revenue Department and order of
decree of any court of competent authority.
Government hereby clarifies once again that any one of the Documents
mentioned in Section 2(a) can constitute conclusive proof of continuous
File No.REV01-LANA0LAND(PM)/8/2020-LANDS-I

possession for a period of twelve years or more prior to the commencement of

this Act. Multiple documents shall not be insisted upon.
7. Section 6 of the AP Record of rights in Land and Pattadar Passbooks Act (RoR
Act, for short) reads as under:
6. Presumption of correctness of entries in record of rights. - Every
entry in record of rights shall be presumed to be true until the contrary is
proved or until it is otherwise amended in accordance with the provisions
of this Act…..
Government hereby clarifies that the Record of Rights maintained by the
Revenue Department, alone can constitute conclusive proof of continuous
possession for a period of twelve years or more prior to the commencement of
this Act, if the Record of Rights entry can be traced back for 12 years before
the critical date mentioned in the Dotted Lands Act 2017.
Government also clarifies that in terms of Section 6 of the AP Record of rights
in Land and Pattadar Passbooks Act, Collectors shall presume the correctness
of the existing Record of rights maintained by the Revenue department until
the contrary is proved or until it is amended in accordance with the provisions
of the RoR Act.
8. The District Collectors are directed to expeditiously dispose all pending cases
and cases that come up before them in future. The Spl. CS & Chief Commissioner of
Land Administration is directed to review this item of work on a weekly basis with
Collectors to ensure expeditious disposal of matters.
G Sai Prasad Ias

Chief Commissioner

The Special C.S. & Chief Commissioner of Land Administration
All District Collectors in the State
All Joint Collectors in the State
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