POTA Exec Instructions

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File No.

REV02-22021/263/2022-LA SEC-CCLA

Office of theie Chiheifef Chioiifiifonomerom of landnomi Andiifnomfitromandtfonom,ti

Mandnomgandlandgfromf,ti And.P.,ti Gunomturom Dfitromfct.


Sub Lands- Assignment of Government lands – Ordinance No.9 of 2023,

: dated 31.07.2023 - Freehold rights for assigned lands- executive
instructions- issued – Reg.(e fle No.1171215)
Ref: 1.CCLA’s Lr.No.Assn.I(1)/162/2015, dated 11.09.2022
2.G.O.Rt.No.122, Revenue(Lands-I)Department, dated 30.09.2022.
3.Minutes of the meeting held on 21.10.2022,dated 30.10.20223.
4.CCLA’s Lr.No.Assn.I(1)/162/2015, dated 21.03.2023.
5.Meeting of the Committee held on 06.04.2023.
6.CCLA’s Lr.No.Assn.I(1)/162/2015, dated 03.05.2023.
7.Ordinance No. 9 of 2023, dated 31.7.2023

Attention of the District Collectors is invited to the reference 7 th

cited, wherein the Government have issued Ordinance No. 9 of 2023 to
provide freehold rights to original assignees of government lands, where
assignment was done more than twenty years before the date of the
Gazette and where the land is recorded in the name of the original
assignee or legal heir of the original assignee and the original assignee or
legal heir of the original assignee continues to be in physical possession of
the assigned Land on ground.

Accordingly, the following instructions are hereby issued to all the

District Collectors to confer freehold rights to such assignees (except lands
assigned in Lanka lands and water bodies) and the procedure to be
followed for deleting such lands from the list of prohibited properties under
section 22-A of the Registration Act, 1901.

I. Role of the VRO:

a) As part of PoLR, the Tahsildars have previously identifed lands which

have been assigned for the purpose of agriculture and for house sites.

b) For such survey numbers which have previously been identifed by

Tahsildars, VROs shall provide details as required in the online application,
after verifying the DKT registers,1B, Adangals and other revenue records
and conducting 100% feld inspection.

c) The primary questions that will need to be answered by the VROs for
each Survey number are:

i) Whether the person recorded as the pattadar is the original

assignee/Legal heir.
File No.REV02-22021/263/2022-LA SEC-CCLA

ii) Whether the original assignee/Legal heir continues to be in possession

on ground.
iii) Whether the land is a Lanka land or water body as per the revenue
iv) Year of assignment

d) The following may be kept in mind by the VRO while entering the
information: To the extent possible, records available in the ofce shall be
used to gather the information. (Records like DKT registers/Assignment
Register/1B register/Adangal/existing 22-A list etc. may be used)

II. Role of the Tahsildar:

a) The Tahsildar shall verify all the entries submitted by the VRO and
shall ensure that information on all the assigned lands is provided and no
assigned land is left out.
In case any assigned land is left out, the same may be informed
to the CMRO section by way of e-fle for inclusion in the exercise.

b) After thorough verifcation, a public notice along with the list of

assigned lands shall be published in the Village/Ward Secretariat, calling
objections within 7 days. Objections any received, shall be enquired and
disposed as per rules.

c) The fnal list shall be submitted online to the RDO/Sub-Collector.

III. Role of the RDO/Sub-Collector:

5% of the records will be randomly pushed into the login of the RDO, who
shall then proceed to verify them.

IV. Role of the Joint Collector:

a) 1% of the records will be randomly pushed into the login of the Joint
Collector, who shall then proceed to verify them.

b) The Joint Collector shall closely supervise the exercise in the District
and take all steps to ensure that the same is carried out in a thorough and
transparent manner.

c) On completion of the verifcation, the Joint Collector shall submit a

draft letter to the Collector, requesting the District Registrar to delete the
qualifying survey numbers from the list of prohibited properties 22 A list.

d) After this frst time exercise, the Joint Collector shall annually (5-
August) submit the list of assigned lands qualifying for removal from the
list of prohibited properties under section 22A of the Registration Act,1901
to District Collector for communication to the District Registrar.

V. Role of District Collector

File No.REV02-22021/263/2022-LA SEC-CCLA

The Collector shall closely supervise the exercise and ensure the integrity
and transparency of the process.

After the exercise is completed for a Village, the District Collector shall
communicate the list of qualifying lands to the District Registrar and
ensure that the list is published in the District Gazette.

All the District Collectors are requested to adhere the instructions


G Sai Prasad I A S

All the District Collectors in the State.
Copy submitted to the Spl. Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue
(Lands) Department, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi, Amaravati for

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