B+W Positrol Und Positurn2, Englisch, 02 2022

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Positioner and 3-position control unit

-positrol and -positurn2

Sicher und flexibel –
die neue Antriebsgeneration actubar

Assembly, Mounting and Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Read these instructions care­­

fully and keep them near to
the device.
Read, understand and follow
the safety instructions.

In General:

These operating instructions are an inte­

gral part of the device. The operating in­
structions have to be kept with the device
for the whole of its service life.
If there is a change of owner, then the
operating instructions have to be handed
over with the device.
In addition to these operating instruc­
tions, all generally valid, legal and other
regulation & other relevant legislation –
even in the operator‘s country – as well
as valid environmental stipulations have
to be adhered to!
Locally valid stipulations from the trade
organisation or other governing bodies
are always to be adhered to!
bar pneumatische
Reference Documents: Steuerungssysteme GmbH
Auf der Hohl 1
These instructions, the so-called data D-53547 Dattenberg
and layout sheets, additional assembly Tel.: +49 (0)2644-9607-0
and maintenance instructions as well as Fax: +49 (0)2644-9607-35
further information and advice – even in E-Mail: [email protected]
other languages – are available from: www.bar-gmbh.de

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Safety instructions and warnings:

Before commissioning, read these instruc­­ Scope of validity:

tions carefully and follow all advice.
The afore-mentioned operating instruc­
In this documentation we use different tions are valid for bar-positurn2 / positrol,
types of instructions for safety and war­ a module of the new valve control sys­
ning signs: tem bar-vacotrol. They are intended for
the operator that means the person that
DANGER! works with the unit. This is not a techni­
cal handbook. For questions, arising from
Indicates a real and near dan­ the contents of this documentation, please
ger. To ignore this sign means contact our customer service department.
possible death or serious inju­
ry as consequence. Copyright:

The unit and this documentation are pro­

WARNING! tected by copyright. Their reproduction wit­
hout written permission will be contested
Indicates a threat of danger. in court. We reserve all rights to these
To ignore this sign means pos­ operating instructions and their contents
sible serious injury or material thereof, also for their reproduction and/or
damage as conse­quence. duplication in whatever imaginable form,
e.g. through photocopies, print, on what­
ever data carriers or in whatever translated
ATTENTION! form. The reprinting of this documentation
is only possible via the express written per­
Indicates a possible danger. mission of bar GmbH. The technical state at
To ignore this sign means the time of delivery of the unit and instruc­
pos­­sible material damage as tions is a deciding factor, in case no other
consequence. information is provided. We reserve the
right to technical changes without special
Stands for advice and tips notice in advance. Earlier instructions lose
for a better understanding of their validity. The General Terms and Con­
instructions or a better hand­ ditions for Sales and Delivery as prescri­
ling of the unit. bed by bar GmbH are to be adhered to.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Safety instructions and warnings:

Exemption from liability: instructions and warnings. We undertake

no liability for damage, resulting directly or
We guarantee the fault-free function of our indirectly from the use of accessories and/
product according to our advertising, the or consumable products, which have been
product information and this documentati­on neither delivered nor certified by bar GmbH.
issued by us. Further product features are The products manufactured by bar GmbH
not promised. We undertake no liability for are designed to give a long service life.
economy and fault-free function, when the They correspond to the state of the art for
product is used for other purposes, as de­ science and technology and are individually
scribed in the section „Designated Usage“. tested in all functions before dispatch. The
Damages are generally excluded, ex­cept in electrical and mechanical construction cor­
the case of criminal intent or gross negli­ responds to valid standards and guidelines.
gence committed by bar GmbH is proved, bar GmbH constantly carries out ongoing
or in the case of promised pro­duct features tests on the products and the marketplace,
being absent. If this product is exposed to to ensure the further development and im­
non-prescribed environ­ments,­for which it is provement of their products.
not suitable or does not correspond to the
technical standard as stipulated therein, we In case of faults and/or technical pro-
cannot and will not be held responsible for blems, please contact our service depart-
the conse­quences. ment. We can assure you, that immediate
We accept no liability for damages to sys­ appropriate measures will be initiated.
tems and equipment in whatever form in Valid here are the Terms of Warranty from
the surrounding environment around the bar GmbH, which we will send to you upon
product, which result from a fault of the pro­ request.
duct or in this documentation. We are not
responsible for injuries to patents and/or Designated Usage:
other third party rights outside the Federal
Republic of Germany. The bar-positurn2 / positrol is a positio­
ner for mounting onto pneumatic actua­
We cannot be held liable for damages, re­ tors of the series known as the actubar
sulting from the incorrect operation and series or actuators according to VDI/VDE
non-adherence to the instructions laid down 3845 with a pivoting angle of max. 180°.
in this documentation. We are not liable With the help of external solenoid valves
for losses in profit and resulting damage and compressed air, bar-positurn2 or bar-
thereof from the non-adherence to safety positrol converts analogue input signals

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Safety instructions and warnings:

into actuator pivoting movements. Usage or exchange of those parts with faultless
as a 3-position control unit with freely se­ parts. Send the units, for which the claim
lectable middle position and binary con­ against warranty is being made, carriage-
trol (without analog activation) is possible paid and with a copy of the invoice i.e.
as an alternative, just as application as the delivery note to bar GmbH. Please
position indicator without any activation. get in contact with our customer service
department before sending the goods.
Any other application of this device is to
be considered to be outside the designa­ Obligation of Customer:
ted use. If you have any questions, or
would like to use the unit for another pur­ The owner/operator of this device has to
pose, please contact our customer ser­ ensure that only persons who:
vice department. We will be pleased to • know the rules about safety at work
help with the necessary configurations. and prevention of accidents
• have been instructed in the operation
Guarantee: of this device
• have completely read and understood
For this device, we undertake the warran­ these instructions
ty of faultless condition for duration of six • can use and operate this device.
months within the framework of our Con­ Persons, who operate this device, are ob­
ditions of Warranty. Parts subject to wear- liged:
and-tear are excluded from this warranty. • to observe all rules pertaining to safety
The claim is invalidated, when tampering at work and the prevention of accidents
is carried out by persons who are hereby • to read these instructions thoroughly.
not authorised by bar GmbH.
Inside the warranty period of time, we Authorized Personnel:
will repair damage or faults without cost,
which can be provably traced back to a Persons to be seen as authorised, are
factory error, insofar as this is registered those with a successfully concluded pro­
by us immediately upon discovery, at the fessional training, technical experience,
latest however inside a time span of six as well as knowledge of the appropriate
months following the date of delivery. standards and guidelines, and who are in
The warranty cover will be made accor­ a position, to appreciate the tasks they
ding to our estimation, through cost-free are delegated, and lastly to recognise
repair maintenance of the faulty parts and act upon possible dangers arising.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Safety instructions and warnings:

Operator of positurn/positrol: portional allocation of the defined pivoting

Authorized persons are instructed how to angle to the set value (input) signal.
operate bar-positurn and bar-positrol af­ In a similar manner, the defined pivoting
ter they read and understood this instruc­ angle is allocated an analog positioning
tion completely. signal. Binary signals are formed additio­
nally at the start and end of the pivoting
Operator for installation and service: range. Electrical connection is made at ter­
Authorized persons are instructed in all minal blocks inside the unit.
points of the positioner after they read and Pneumatic connection is made directly at
understood this instruction completely. the external solenoid valves for positurn.
The pneumatic connection of the positrol
Functional Description: is made at the housing.

In its standard form, the bar-positurn2 / The bar-positurn2 is mounted

positrol is designed and manufactured for • with a bracket onto actuators with inter­
actuators with a closing direction for val­ face acc. to VDI/VDE 3845
ves in a clockwise manner (cw). The actu­ • or directly onto actuators type actubar.
ator undertakes the basic position with a Solenoid valves are fitted to standard inter­
closed valve. In the case of corresponding faces with type-related material.
units, the basic position corresponds to so-
called safety effect „current-free closed“. The bar-positrol is mounted
In the initialisation process, the positioner •directly onto actuators with interface
adjusts to the defined actuator pivoting acc. to VDI/VDE 3845 with a maximum
range. The analog activation is triggered shaft diameter up to 70 mm and a
from the control point and effects the pro­ shaft heigth of 30 mm.

Overview of versions

Product Version Actuator type In case of power failuer

bar-positurn PN2-D double acting fail to stay

bar-positrol PL-D double acting fail to stay
bar-positurn PN2-S double acting fail to close / open
bar-positrol PL-S double acting fail to close / open
bar-positurn PN2-E single acting fail to close / open (depending of springs)
bar-positrol PL-E single acting fail to close / open (depending of springs)

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Technical data:

Device Type positurn positrol

Materials Housing GD-AlSi 10Mg (Aluminiumdruckguss)
Screws A2-70 (Edelstahl)
Viewing glass PMMA
Optical fibre TPE
Cable connection PA
Pivoting angle 10° to 190°
Protection Type IP65 IP67
Mounting position random
Ambient temperatur -10°C to + 50°C
Ambient humidity 10–90%, non-condensing
Weight Without valve ca. 0,65 kg /
Mini-valves: ca.1,0 kg
Variant D ca. 1,2 kg
Midi-valves: ca. 1,1 kg
Mini-valves: ca.1,2 kg
Variant S ca. 1,3 kg
Mid-valves: ca. 1,4 kg
Mini-valves: ca.1,2 kg
Variant E ca. 1,3 kg
Midi-valves: ca. 1,4 kg
Analog control signal Effective direction reversible by sliding switch
Signal Type selectable 4–20 mA, 0–10 V, 0–20 mA, 2–10 V;
proportional to pivoting angle
Dead-zone ± 2% of nominal pivoting angle
Travel speed Adjustable by throttles on Adjustable by throttles
solenoid valve on housing
Position signal Signal type selectable 4–20 mA, 0–10 V, 0–20 mA, 2–10 V nominal,
activ, proportional pivoting angle
System 4,75 kOhm at 0–10 V or 2–10 V;
0 Ohm at 2–20 mA or 0–20 mA
Resolution < 0,5% of nominal pivoting angle
Limit feedback Voltage 21–24 VDC
Output power 0,3 mA at 1 kOhm load
System Opto-coupler, short-circuit-proof
Indication 3% of nominal pivoting angle before initiated end position
Supply 24 VDC

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Technical data:

Mini-valves: 1,8 W
Power consumption Variant D 1,8 W
Midi-valves: 3,6 W
Mini-valves: 3,6 W
Variant S 3,6 W
Midi-valves: 7,2 W
Mini-valves: 3,6 W
Variant E 3,6 W
Midi-valves: 7,2 W
Terminal strip Clamping range up to 0,75 mm²
Cable to PCS Ø 7 to 13 mm, 0,5 mm2, random cable length
Binary input signals ON/OFF Valves < 10 V for „0“; > 18 V for „1“
Operating pressure 2,5 to 8 bar
Air quality Filtered air according to DIN ISO 8573-1/Class 4

The products bar-positrol and bar-posi­ (RoHS). The directive of conformity will
turn are complying with the directives be send on request.
2014/30/EU (EMC) and 2011/65/EU

Pneumatic Scheme:


Pneumatic scheme for PN2-E (single-acting) PN2-S (double-acting)

bar-positurn2 PN2-D Pneumatic schemes for the safety-orientated bar-positurn2

Please note the unit-specific safety descriptions.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Pneumatic Scheme:

Pneumatic scheme PL-E (single-acting) PL-S (double-acting)

for bar-positrol PL-D Pneumatic schemes for the safety-orientated bar-positrol

Please note the unit-specific safety descriptions.

Delivery and Unpacking:

Controlling the Delivery: ment all possible transport damage (e.g.

with photographs and a written report),
The unit is dispatched from bar GmbH before you unpack the unit. bar GmbH is
and transported by selected transport not responsible in any way for transport
companies i.e. parcel services. At the damage and cannot accept responsibility
point of arrival on your premises you or liability in any way whatsoever.
should check the following:
• Are the number of packages that arrived Scope of Delivery:
the same as on the bar delivery note?
• Is the packaging free from visible signs Carefully remove the transport packaging.
of damage? Please observe all laws and regulations
• Are the unit(s) and the accessories free for the disposal of packaging materials.
from visible signs of damage?
• Are there any signs of careless hand­ bar-positurn2 / bar-positrol comes sup­
ling during transport (e.g. burn marks, plied with the external or internal soleno­
scratches, paint)? id valve version D, S or E – depending on
the actuator type and safety concept.
To be able to present all claims against Check the scope of delivery with the de­
the transport companies, you should docu­ livery note and the order documentation.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Scope of Delivery:

Any differences should be registered im­ about incomplete or damaged deliveries

mediately to bar GmbH. Later complaints cannot be accepted.


Mounting positurn

WARNING! • Open the bar-positurn2 and set it onto

the actuator.
Mounting may only be carried • Take special care to avoid the entry of
out by suitably trained skilled dust, dirt and moisture getting into the
persons. Otherwise there is open housing of the bar-positurn2 duri­
the danger of an incorrect in­ ng mounting and commissioning.
stallation. • Guide the base of the positioner into the
corresponding groove at the actuator.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

• Fix in position the bar-positurn2 and • Take care to ensure the correct direc­
solenoid valves by making use of the tion when assembling the housing co­
mounting materials supplied. ver. The flexible fibre-optic light guides
• Place the position indicator on top and must be free from sharp bends and
take care to see that the symbol posi­ enter the lead-throughs of the protec­
tion coincides with the valve function. tive cover.


Mounting positrol

WARNING! • Remove or mount the attached hexagon

socket screw sealing plug acc. the re­
Mounting may only be carried quired drill template on the bottom of
out by suitably trained skilled the casing.
persons. Otherwise there is • If positrol should be mounted onto an
the danger of an incorrect in­ actuator type actubar with vacotrol-sur­
stallation. face please remove the screw sealing
plugs of the air ducts.
The positrol can be mounted • Remove the protective foil and glue the
onto quarter-turn actuators seal strip and the seal rings as shown
acc. VDI/VDE 3845 where the in the picture. To achieve optimum adhe­
shaft including washer disk is sion please clean and degrease the
not bigger than ø 68 mm. contact surface.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

drill template 80 x 30

vacotrol-air ducts

drill template
130 x 30

• Open the bar-positrol and set it onto the • Place the position indicator on top and
actuator. take care to see that the symbol positi­
• Take special care to avoid the entry of on coincides with the valve function.
dust, dirt and moisture getting into the • Take care to ensure the correct direction
open housing of the bar-positrol during when assembling the housing cover.
mounting and commissioning. The flexible fibre-optic light guides must
• Fastening the bar-positrol with the provi­ be free from sharp bends and enter the
ded mounting material. lead-throughs of the protective cover.

Pneumatic connection:

positurn: positrol:


supply Throttle
Air supply solenoid valve type M: G-1/4“ Positrol on actuator type actubar:
Air supply solenoid valve type S: G-1/8“ Air supply positrol G-1/8“

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Air supply positrol on actuator type according to
VDI/VDE 3845: Air supply positrol G-1/8“


Connect working channels according to

connection designation (2→2; 4→4).

Electric connection / Functional scheme:

WARNING! Otherwise there is a real

danger of electric shocks.
Electrical installation may only be carried
out by suitable qualified & skilled persons.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Elektrischer Anschluss:

Positioner Electric Connections:

model positurn: PN2-D; PN2-E und PN2-S
model positrol: PL-D; PL-E und PL-S
Refeeding of clamps Digital
1 Activate magnet A (counter-clockwise rotation)
2 Activate magnet B (clockwise rotation)
1, 2, 3 and 8 results Inputs

ccross clamp 14. 4 Counter-clockwise end position reached
Please take care that Outputs 5 Clockwise end position reached
6 Stand by
there is a potential equalisation
between voltage source for feed-in Analogue Inputs 8 Set value for pivoting angle (+)/( - ) to clamp 14
9 Actual value pivoting angle (+)/( - ) to clamp 14
and signal source. Analogue
10 Actual value diff. press. (+) (optional) /( - )
to clamp 14
Activation 11 Magnet C (+)
Safety valve 12 Magnet C ( - )

13 24 VDC
supply 14 GND (for Supply, analog signals and
digital inputs)
15 Magnet A (+)
Activation 16 Magnet A ( - )
Solenoid valve 17 Magnet B (+)
18 Magnet B ( - )
Earthing Earthing point in the housing

3-position-controller Electric Connections:

Model positurn: PN2-3P-D; PN2-3P-E und PN2-3P-S
Model positrol: PL-3P-D; PL-3P-E und PL-3P-S
Refeeding of clamps Digital
1 Activate magnet A 24VDC (counter-clockwise rotation)
2 Activate magnet B (clockwise Rotation) 24VDC
1, 2, 3 and 8 results Inputs
3 Go to middle position 24VDC

ccross clamp 14. 4 Counter-clockwise end position reached
Please take care that Outputs 5 Clockwise end position reached
6 Stand by
there is a potential equalisation
7 Middle position reached
between voltage source for feed-in 8
9 Actual value pivoting angle (+)/( - ) to clamp 14
and signal source. Analogue
Outputs 10 Actual value diff. press. (+) (optional) /( -)
to clamp 14
Activation 11 Magnet C (+)
Safety valve 12 Magnet C ( - )

13 24 VDC
supply 14 GND (for Supply, analog signals and digital input

15 Magnet A (+)
16 Magnet A ( - )
17 Magnet B (+)
18 Magnet B ( - )
Earthing Earthing point in the housing

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol



Do not damage switches! 1 Operating

2 Potentiometer
3 Program switch:
1 analog = Positioner mode
3 3P = 3-Position mode
4 LED indication

5 Current / Voltage switches

7 6 Initialising switch
5 6 7 Button for automatic initialisation

5 Set current / voltage switches according to the signal type for the unit.

Analog signals Analog signals

5 4–20 mA 5 0–20 mA

Analog signals Analog signals

5 0–10 V 5 2–10 V

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Individual Settings:

Set operating direction switch according to the direction of actuation for the valve actuator.

Left-rotating actuator in switch position ccw (L)

Input and Output signal ccw increasing

Right-rotating actuator in switch position cw (R)

Input and output signal cw increasing

When initialising, the operating direction switch 1 must be set in accordance

with the operating direction of the valve actuator, in order to ascertain the
real function correctly. In real operation, the operating direction switch may
be adjus­ted when the increase in signal for special cases is to be changed.

Initialising / Commissioning:

Automatic initialisation of Positioner- and 3P-mode (Learning the end-positions and other
specific values). The automatic initialising is recommended. If it is not satisfying, initiate
the positioner manually.
1.  Check whether the 1 operating direction Choose between „analog“ or „3P“ (see
switch has been set in accordance with also „individual settings”) .
the operating direction of the actuator 4.
5 Choose type of signal.
(L/ccw or R/cw). 5.  Set
6 the initialisation
Make the electrical connection accor­ switch to „Init“.
ding to the connection diagram.
3.  Select program by the 3 program switch:

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

6.  Establish power supply. 9. Start up by switching back the 6
Initialisation switch from „Init“ to

7.   7 Press the red button for the automa­

tic initialisation longer than 2 seconds.
 Chaser light during the initialisati­
on process
 Both end-positions will be reached
two times automatically

8.  Initialisation is completed 10. Commissioning is completed.

successfully when all LEDs
illuminate permanently


• Please note that all safety functions are immediately available when swit­
ching the initialisation switch from „Init“ to „Run“. This can cause an im­
mediate switching of the actuator!

• In case of every (even accidental) switching to „Init“, the whole initialisation
process must be carried out anew, because the previously learned values
will have been lost.
• After every change of the end position and reassembling the actuator, do not
forget to make a new initialisation.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Manual initialisation of Positioner mode (learning the positions and other specific values):

1.  Check whether the 1 operating direction with power for more than 10 seconds
switch has been set in accordance with after the end positions are reached.
the operating direction of the actuator
(L/ccw or R/cw). 8. Initialisation is completed successfully
2.  Link electrical connections according to when all LEDs illuminate permanently.
the connection diagram.
3. Select program by the 3 program switch:
Choose „analog“ (see also „individual
4. 5 Choose type of signal.
5. 6 Set the initialisation switch to „Init“.

9. Start up by switching back the 6 Initiali­

sation switch from „Init“ to „Run“.

6.  Establish power supply.

  chaser light illumiates

10. Commissioning is completed.

7.  The actuator has to be driven to each

end position at least two times by ma­
king use of the emergency manual over­
ride of the solenoid valve. Alternatively,
terminals 1 and 2 can be connected
alternately with terminal 13 (24 VDC).
Terminal 1 and 2 have to be supplied

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol


• Please note that all safety functions are immediately available when switching
the initialisation switch from „Init“ to „Run“. This can cause an immediate
switching of the actuator!

• In case of every (even accidental) switching to „Init“, the whole initialisation
process must be carried out anew, because the previously learned values will
have been lost.
• After every change of the end position and reassembling the actuator, do not
forget to make a new initialisation.

Manual Initialisation of 3-Position mode (learning end positions and other specific values):

1.  Check whether the operating direction 6.  Establish power supply.

switch 1 has been set in accordance   chaser light illumiates
with the operating direction of the actu­
ator (L/ccw or R/cw).
2.  Link electrical connections according to
the connection diagram.
3. Select program by the 3 program switch: 7.  The actuator has to be driven to each
Choose „3P“ (see also „individual set­- end position at least two times by ma­
­tings”). king use of the emergency manual over­
4. 5 Choose type of signal. ride of the solenoid valve. Alternatively,
5. 6 Set the initialisation switch to „Init“. terminals 1 and 2 can be connected
alternately with terminal 13 (24 VDC).
Terminal 1 and 2 have to be supplied
with power for more than 10 seconds
after the end positions are reached.

8. Initialisation is success­
fully completed when all
LEDs are illuminating

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Manual Initialisation of 3-Position mode (learning end positions and other specific values):

9. Start up by switching back 6 initialisa­

tion switch from „Init“ to „Run“.

10. Set the middle position by terminal 3 (24

VDC) and adjust via the 2 Potentiometer.

11. Subsequently drive to the desired end


or or

  The green status-LED illuminates and

a yellow LED illuminates depending on
the particular end position.

12. Commissioning is finished.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol


• Please note that all safety functions are immediately available when switching
the initialisation switch from „Init“ to „Run“. This can cause an immediate
switching of the actuator!

• In case of every (even accidental) switching to „Init“, the whole initialisation
process must be carried out anew, because the previously learned values will
have been lost.
• After every change of the end position and reassembling the actuator, do not
forget to make a new initialisation.

Explanation of digital signals an status-LEDs

6 7 5 4 Digital output terminal no.


Clockwise end position reached
Counter Clockwise end position reached
Intermediate position reached

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Description of Safety Functions:

Positioner mode 4–20 mA:

Unit type: PN2-D / PL-D

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve persists in last position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve persists in last position
• Analog input Terminal 8 < 2 mA  Valve persists in last position

Unit type: PN2-S / PL-S

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 < 2 mA  Valve moves to safety position

Unit type: PN2-E / PLE

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 < 2 mA  Valve moves to safety position

Positioner mode 0–10 V:

Unit type: PN2-D / PL-D

•C urrent supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve persists in last position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to 0 Volt-position

Unit type: PN2-S / PL-S

•C urrent supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to 0 Volt-position

Unit type: PN2-E / PL-E

•C urrent supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to 0 Volt-position

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Description of Safety Functions:

Positioner mode 0–20 mA:

Unit type: PN2-D / PL-D

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve persists in last position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to 0 Volt-position

Unit type: PN2-S / PL-S

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to 0 Volt-position

Unit type: PN2-E / PL-E

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to 0 Volt-position

Positionermodus 2–10 V:

Unit type: PN2-D / PL-D

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve persists in last position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve persists in last position
• Analog input Terminal 8 < 1,5 V  Valve persists in last position

Unit type: PN2-S / PL-S

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 < 1,5 V  Valve moves to safety position

Unit type: PN2-E / PL-E

• Current supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 missing  Valve moves to safety position
• Analog input Terminal 8 < 1,5 V  Valve moves to safety position

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Description of Safety Functions:

3-Positions mode:

Unit type: PN2-3P-D / PL-3P-D

 igital input Terminal 1, 2 and 3 missing  Armatur verharrt
 urrent supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Armatur verharrt

Unit type: PN2-3P-S / PL-3P-S

 igital input Terminal 1, 2 and 3 missing  Valve moves to safety position
 igital input Terminal 1, 2 and 3 missing  Valve moves to safety position
longer than 3 seconds
 urrent supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position

Unit type: PN2-3P-E / PL-3P-E

 igital input Terminal 1, 2 and 3 missing  Valve moves to safety position
 igital input Terminal 1, 2 and 3 missing  Valve moves to safety position
longer than 3 seconds
 urrent supply Terminal 13 + 14 missing  Valve moves to safety position

Setting the End Positions and the Actuating Speed:


Danger of crushing by moving • If so required, shorten the

actuator and valve compon­ cable in the solenoid valve
ents! Set and secure the me­ wiring or coil it together in
chanical end positions of the a tidy manner and bind to­
actuator. gether with cable ties.

Use throttles at the pneumatic valves to •D

 o not close the throttle
set the actuating speed of the actuator. completely; the conse­
quence will be that no ac­
Standard setting: minimum 5 seconds pi­ tuator function will follow.
voting time for 90° pivoting angle.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Setting the End Positions and the Actuating Speed:

positurn: ATTENTION!

• When using manual operati­

on at the pneumatic valves
you have to return them to
the initial position afterwards.

• After every change in the end

position and reassembling
the actuator, do not forget
Throttles Air supply to make a new initialization.

• Imminent danger by moving

positrol: valve and actuator parts! Set
and secure the mechanical
end positions of the actuator.

 Do not close the throttle
completely; the consequen­
ce will be that no actuator
function will follow.

• When using manual operati­

on at the pneumatic valves
Air supply Throttles you have to return them to
the initial position after­

Use throttles at the pneumatic valves to • After every change in the end
set the actuating speed of the actuator. position and reassembling
Standard setting: minimum 5 seconds pi­ the actuator, do not forget
voting time for 90° pivoting angle. to make a new initialization.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Changing the safety position:

positurn: positrol:

Only unit type Only unit type

PN2-S-S or PN2-S-M! PL-S!


 efore loosening any screws, • Before loosening any screws,
make sure there is no more make sure there is no more
pressure on the valve! pressure on the valve!

In order to change the safety Canal 2 becomes vented in general. The­

position, turn the valve-unit by 180° and fix refor the safety position needs to be the
it to the actuator. Afterwards a new initiali­ basic position of the actuator, while using
sation is inevitable! the actuator type actubar.
If you want to change the safety position,
flip the rear monostable safety valve by
180 degrees and fasten it again. After­
wards a new initialisation is inevitable.

In general the safety

valve is mounted
for venting the inner

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Faults and their Correction:

Description Possible Cause Correction

Actuator does not move. 1. Air supply not correctly 1. C
 heck air pressure and
connected supply line
2. Solenoid valves not 2. Check valve connections.
correctly connected
3. Control air inside ac­ 3. Open throttles
tuator cannot escape;
throttles closed too

End position not indicated Faulty initialisation of the Initialise anew


Actuator moves to the Solenoid valve block Loosen solenoid valve block,
wrong end position for wrongly mounted. rotate 180° clockwise and re-
safety position (just PN2-S tighten. Re-wire the coils.
and PL-S)

Unit oscillates around the Too-high actuating speed. Throttle-back actuating speed.
set intermediate position.

Actuator reaches travel Casing not mounted Check if pinion or shaft of the
stop but valve stays in correctly leads to faulty actuator have to much play to
switch position and keeps initialisation of the unit. each other and initialise anew.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

Cleaning and Maintenance:

Cleaning: Maintenance:


 ever use aggressive clea­ •N
 ever open the protective
ners or materials to clean cover above the delicate
the housing of the bar-posi­ electronics. This can lead to
turn2. This can lead to da­ damage to the unit and the
mage to the viewing glass loss of all warranty claims.
or paintwork.
• bar-positurn2
 / bar-positrol works main­
• Clean
 the housing of the bar-positurn2 tenance-free.
with a clean, slightly moistened cloth. •In case of defects, which take place
• In the case of hardened-on dirt, use a inside the warranty time, remove the
normal household cleaner according to positioner, and after telephoning us,
the instructions on the packaging on send it to the address as shown on the
the cleaner. rear side.

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol


We guarantee the fault-free function of our are the Terms of Warranty from bar GmbH,
product according to our advertising, the which we will send to you upon request.
product information and this documentati­
on issued by us. Further product features bar pneumatische
are not promised. We undertake no liability Steuerungssysteme GmbH
for economy and fault-free function, when Auf der Hohl 1
the product is used for other purposes, as D-53547 Dattenberg
described in the section „Designated Usa­ Tel.: +49 (0)2644-9607-0
ge“. Damages are generally excluded, ex­ Fax: +49 (0)2644-9607-35
cept in the case of criminal intent or gross E-Mail: [email protected]
negligence committed by bar GmbH is pro­ www.bar-gmbh.de
ved, or in the case of promised product
features being absent. If this product is
exposed to non-prescribed environments,
for which it is not suitable or does not
correspond to the technical standard as
stipulated therein, we cannot and will not
be held responsible for the consequences.

The products manufactured by bar GmbH

are designed to give a long service life.
They correspond to the state of the art for
science and technology and are individual­
ly tested in all functions before dispatch.
The electrical and mechanical construc­
tion corresponds to valid standards and
guidelines. bar GmbH constantly carries
out ongoing tests on the products and the
marketplace, to ensure the further develop­
ment and improvement of their products.

In case of faults and/or technical problems,

please contact our service department. We
can assure you, that immediate appropri-
ate measures will be initiated. Valid here

Operating Instructions
bar-positurn2 and bar-positrol

The bar products are comprehensively tested. The company bar therefore only guarantees the replacement or –
at its sole discretion – the free repair of those components of the delivered products which, in the opinion of bar,
have demonstrable manufacturing defects. Warranty claims due to defects or defects of title can be asserted within
one (1) year from delivery/transfer of risk. Excluded from the warranty are damages due to normal product use or
friction as well as damages due to changes or unauthorized repairs to the products for which bar rejects any claim
for damages (direct or indirect). (Please refer to our website for detailed information.) All deliveries are subject to the
General Conditions of Sale which can be found at www.bar-gmbh.de.

The descriptions and images contained in this product data sheet are for informational purposes only
and are not guaranteed. bar GmbH reserves the right to make technical and constructive changes to its
products without prior notice.

Warranty: All purchases and sales contracts expressly require the Purchaser to accept the General Terms and
Conditions of Sale and Delivery which can be found on www.bar-gmbh.de/agb. bar GmbH hereby objects to any
deviating or additional condition to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery which has been
communicated to the Purchaser in any form without the written consent of a bar GmbH representative.

bar pneumatische Steuerungssysteme GmbH

Auf der Hohl 1 • 53547 Dattenberg • Deutschland
Tel. +49 (0)2644 96070 • Fax +49 (0)2644 960735
[email protected] • www.bar-gmbh.de

PL/PN-IM-DE-B-E-02-22-Rev.0 © 2022 Watts

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