FLO-2D Reference Manual
FLO-2D Reference Manual
FLO-2D Reference Manual
The constitutive fluid motion equations include the continuity equation and the momentum equation:
wh w h V
+ = i
wt wx
wh V w V 1 w V
S f = So - - -
wx g wx g wt
where h is the flow depth and V is the depth-averaged velocity in one of the eight flow directions x. The
excess rainfall intensity (i) may be nonzero on the flow surface. The friction slope component Sf is based
on Manning’s equation. The other terms include the bed slope (So) pressure gradient and convective
and local acceleration terms. This equation represents the one-dimensional depth averaged channel
flow. For the floodplain, while FLO-2D is multi-direction flow model, the equations of motion in FLO-2D
are applied by computing the average flow velocity across a grid element boundary one direction at
time. There are eight potential flow directions, the four compass directions (north, east, south and
west) and the four diagonal directions (northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest). Each velocity
computation is one-dimensional and is solved independently of the other seven directions. Since the
flow is being shared with all of a given grid element neighbors, resolution of the velocity vectors is not
required. The stability of this explicit numerical scheme is based on strict criteria to control the
magnitude of the variable computational timestep. The equations representing hyperconcentrated
sediment flow are discussed later in the manual.
Understanding, the relative magnitude of the acceleration components to the bed slope and pressure
terms is important. Henderson (1966) computed the relative magnitude of momentum equation terms
for a moderately steep alluvial channel and a fast rising hydrograph as follows:
This illustrates that the application of the kinematic wave (So = Sf) on moderately steep slopes with
relatively steady, uniform flow is sufficient to model floodwave progression and the contribution of the
pressure gradient and the acceleration terms can be neglected. The addition of the pressure gradient
term to create the diffusive wave equation will enhance overland flow simulation with complex
topography. The diffusive wave equation with the pressure gradient is required to predict floodwave
attenuation and the change in storage on the floodplain. The local and convective acceleration terms in
the full dynamic wave equation are important to the flood routing for flat or adverse slopes or very
steep slopes or unsteady flow conditions. Only the full dynamic wave equation is applied in FLO-2D
model and the contribution of each term in the equation is computed regardless of an assumption of
The differential form of the continuity and momentum equations in the FLO-2D model is solved with a
central, finite difference numerical scheme. This explicit algorithm solves the momentum equation for
the flow velocity across the grid element boundary one element at a time. The solution to the
differential form of the continuity and momentum equations results from a discrete representation of
the equation when applied at a single point. Explicit schemes are simple to formulate but usually are
limited to small timesteps by strict numerical stability criteria. Finite difference schemes can require
lengthy computer runs to simulate steep rising or very slow rising floodwaves, channels with highly
variable cross sections, abrupt changes in slope, split flow and ponded flow areas.
The FLO-2D computational domain is discretized into uniform, square grid elements. The computational
procedure for overland flow involves calculating the discharge across each of the boundaries in the eight
potential flow directions (Figure 4) and begins with a linear estimate of the flow depth at the grid
element boundary. The estimated boundary flow depth is an average of the flow depths in the two grid
elements that will be sharing discharge in one of the eight directions. Non-linear estimates of the
boundary depth were attempted in previous versions of the model, but they did not significantly
improve the results. Other hydraulic parameters are also averaged between the two grid elements to
compute the flow velocity including flow resistance (Manning’s n-value), flow area, slope, water surface
elevation and wetted perimeter. The flow velocity (dependent variable) across the boundary is
computed from the solution of the momentum equation (discussed below). Using the average flow area
between two elements, the discharge for each timestep is determined by multiplying the velocity times
flow area.
The full dynamic wave equation is a second order, non-linear, partial differential equation. To solve the
equation for the flow velocity at a grid element boundary, initially the flow velocity is calculated with the
diffusive wave equation using the average water surface slope (bed slope plus pressure head gradient).
This velocity is then used as a first estimate (or a seed) in the second order Newton-Raphson tangent
method to determine the roots of the full dynamic wave equation (James, et. al., 1977). Manning’s
equation is applied to compute the friction slope. If the Newton-Raphson solution fails to converge
after 3 iterations, the algorithm defaults to the diffusive wave solution.
In the full dynamic wave momentum equation, the local acceleration term is the difference in the
velocity for the given flow direction over the previous timestep. The convective acceleration term is
evaluated as the difference in the flow velocity across the grid element from the previous timestep. For
example, the local acceleration term (1/g*∂V/∂t) for grid element 251 in the east (2) direction converts
∆(Vt – Vt-1)251 ⁄(g * ∆t)
where Vt is the velocity in the east direction for grid element 251 at time t, Vt-1 is the velocity at
the previous timestep (t-1) in the east direction, ∆t is the timestep in seconds, and g is the
acceleration due to gravity. A similar construct for the convective acceleration term
(Vx/g*∂V/∂x) can be made where V2 is the velocity in the east direction and V4 is the velocity in
the west direction for grid element 251:
The discharge across the grid element boundary is computed by multiplying the velocity times the cross
sectional flow area. After the discharge is computed for all eight directions, the net change in discharge
(sum of the discharge in the eight flow directions) in or out of the grid element is multiplied by the
timestep to determine the net change in the grid element water volume. This net change in volume is
then divided by the available surface area (Asurf = storage area) on the grid element to obtain the
increase or decrease in flow depth ∆h for the timestep.
¦ i+1
Q x = Qn + Qe + Q s + Q w + Qne + Q se + Q sw + Qnw Asurf ∆h/∆t
Qx = discharge across one boundary
Asurf = surface area of one grid element
∆h/∆t = change in flow depth in a grid element during one timestep
The channel routing integration is performed in essentially the same manner except that the flow depth
is a function of the channel cross section geometry and there are usually only one upstream and one
downstream channel grid element for sharing discharge. The computational index is the flow direction
(1 of 8 directions) not the grid element. This simplifies and reduces the number of steps in the solution
algorithm. Each direction is visited only once during a sweep of the grid system domain and involves
two grid elements whereas a grid element index requires each grid element to be visited (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Flow Direction is the Computational Index not the Grid Element Number
To summarize, the solution algorithm incorporates the following steps:
1. For a given flow direction location in the grid system, the average flow geometry, roughness and
slope between two grid elements are computed.
2. The flow depth dx for computing the velocity across a grid boundary for the next timestep (i+1)
is estimated from the previous timestep i using a linear estimate (the average depth between
two elements).
i+1 i i
d x = d x + d x 1
3. The flow direction first velocity overland, 1-D channel or street estimate is computed using the
diffusive wave equation. The only unknown diffusive wave equation variable is the velocity.
4. The predicted diffusive wave velocity for the current timestep is used as a seed in the Newton-
Raphson method to solve the full dynamic wave equation for the velocity. It should be noted
that for hyperconcentrated sediment flows such as mud and debris flows, the velocity
calculations include the additional viscous and yield stress terms.
5. The discharge Q across the boundary is computed by multiplying the velocity by the cross
sectional flow area. For overland flow, the flow width is adjusted by the width reduction factors
The incremental discharge for the timestep across the eight boundaries (or upstream and
downstream channel elements) are summed:
and the change in volume (net discharge x timestep) is distributed over the available storage
area within the grid or channel element to determine an incremental increase in the flow depth.
where ΔQx is the net change in discharge in the eight floodplain directions for the grid element
for the timestep Δt between time i and i + 1. See Figure 5.
6. The numerical stability criteria are then checked for the new flow depth. If the Courant number
stability criteria is exceeded, the timestep is reduced to the Courant number computed
timestep, all the previous timestep computations are discarded and the velocity computations
begin again with the first computational flow direction.
7. The simulation progresses with increasing timesteps using a timestep algorithm until the
stability criteria are exceeded again.
Figure 5. Discharge Flux across Grid Element Boundaries
To accomplish the discharge exchange between grid elements based on the flow direction, the model
sets up an array of side connections at runtime as shown in Figure 4. These flow directions are only
accessed once during a timestep instead of the dual visitation required by searching for contiguous
elements. This approach facilitates additional parallel processing for model speedup and has the
additional benefits of:
x Reducing the required discharge computations by about 40% increasing model speed.
x Ignoring completely blocked sides.
x Eliminating NOFLOC assignment for channels.
In this computation sequence, the grid system inflow discharge and rainfall is computed first, and then
the channel flow is computed. Next, if streets are being simulated, the street discharge is computed and
finally, overland flow in 8-directions is determined (Figure 6). After all the flow routing for these
components has been completed, the numerical stability criteria are tested for every floodplain, channel
or street element. If stability criteria of any element are exceeded, the timestep is reduced by various
functions depending on the previous history of stability success and the computation sequence is
restarted. If all the numerical stability criteria are successfully met, the timestep is increased for the
next grid system computational sweep. During a sweep of the grid system for a timestep, discharge flux
is added to the inflow elements, flow velocity and discharge between grid elements are computed and
the change in storage volume in each grid element for both water and sediment are determined. All the
inflow volume, outflow volume, change in storage or loss from the grid system area are summed at the
end of each time step and the volume conservation is computed. Results are written to the output files
or to the screen at user specified output time intervals.
FLO-2D Timestep
Incrementing and Decrementing Scheme
Channel, Overland
or Street
Incremental Reset Hydraulics, Restart
Depth Criteria Routing
Numerical Stability
Criteria Satisfied Increase Timestep
The FLO-2D flood routing scheme proceeds on the basis that the timestep is sufficiently small to insure
numerical stability (i.e. no numerical surging). The key to efficient finite difference flood routing is that
numerical stability criteria limits the timestep to avoid numerical surging and yet allows large enough
timesteps to complete the simulation in a reasonable time. FLO-2D has a variable timestep depending
on whether the numerical stability criteria are not exceeded. The numerical stability criteria are
checked for the every grid element on every timestep to ensure that the solution is stable. If the
numerical stability criteria are exceeded, the timestep is decreased and all the previous hydraulic
computations for that timestep are discarded. Most explicit schemes are subject to the Courant-
Friedrich-Lewy (CFL) condition for numerical stability (Jin and Fread, 1997). The CFL condition relates
the floodwave celerity to the model time and spatial increments. The physical interpretation of the CFL
condition is that a particle of fluid should not travel more than one spatial increment Δx (grid element
side) in one timestep Δt (Fletcher, 1990). FLO-2D uses the CFL condition for the floodplain, channel and
street routing. The timestep Δt is limited by:
Δt = C Δx / (βV + c)
While the coefficient C can vary from 0.2 to 1.0 depending on the type of explicit routing algorithm, a
default value of 0.6 is recommended in the FLO-2D model. When C is set to 1.0, artificial or numerical
diffusivity is theoretically zero for a linear convective equation (Fletcher, 1990). If the simulation has
some numerical surging identified by unreasonably high velocities or spikes in an outflow discharge
hydrograph, the Courant number should be reduced by 0.1 until a value of 0.2 or 0.3 is reached. The
Courant number is spatially variable by grid element within a small range. With a successful completion
the cell Courant number is permitted to increase by 0.0001 up to a value 0.05 greater than the assigned
value. If the Courant number is exceeded, the value is decrease by 0.002 until the assigned value is
reached. The assigned Courant is the minimum value allowed.
It may not be possible to completely avoid the artificial diffusivity or numerical dispersion using the
Courant number to limit the timestep (Fletcher, 1990). Timesteps generally range from 0.1 second to 30
seconds with a typically timestep on the order of 1 second during the highest discharge flux. The model
starts with the a minimum timestep equal to 5 seconds and increases it until the numerical stability
criteria exceeded, then the timestep is reset to the computed Courant number timestep. If the stability
criteria continues to be exceeded, and the minimum timestep is not small enough to conserve volume
or maintain numerical stability, then the input data must be modified. The timesteps are a function of
the discharge flux for a given grid element and its size. Small grid elements with a steep rising
hydrograph and large peak discharge require small timesteps. Accuracy is not compromised if small
timesteps are used, but the runtime time can be long if the grid system is large.
The timestep incrementing and decrementing functions were designed to support the role of the
Courant number in the model stability. It was determined that varying the Courant number within a
certain range of the original value reduced the number of ineffective timestep decreases. In addition,
the timestep increments and decrements were reduced to enable the computational timestep to more
gradually adjust to numerical stability criteria. This replaced the method of a large timestep decrease
followed by more numerous small timestep increases. Results show there was a significant increase in
runtime model speed up from 15 to 40%. The stability criteria is applied as follows:
x Separate Courant number assignment for floodplain, channel and street flow.
x Automated spatial variation in the floodplain, channel or street Courant number within a
specified range depending on the whether the Courant number criteria was exceeded or not
It should be noted that the obsolete stability parameters DEPTOL (% change in flow depth) and
WAVEMAX (dynamic wave) stability criteria has been eliminated.
A timestep accelerator parameter (TIME_ACCEL) was coded into the model. Several adjustments of this
variable have been made over the years. The default value was changed from 0.1 to 1.0. A higher value
of TIME_ACCEL will result in larger timestep increments. When the computational timestep is less than
1.0 second and a simulation timestep loop was successfully completed without exceeding the stability
criteria, the timestep is incremented by the TIME_ACCEL (default 1.0) + 0.001. So if the timestep was
0.5, then the next timestep would be increased to 0.501 seconds. If the timestep is greater than 1
second, then the timestep increment is:
This algorithm increases the timestep uniformly until the timestep DSEC is greater than 1 second. When
DSEC > 1.0, successive increases in DSEC result in a larger values of XFAST which begins to slow down the
timestep rate of change. The maximum timestep is limited to 30 seconds.
A review of any flood model simulation results begins with volume conservation. Volume conservation
indicates accuracy and numerical stability. The inflow volume, outflow volume, changes in storage and
losses (infiltration) are summed at the end of each time step. FLO-2D volume conservation results are
written to the output files or to the screen at user specified output time intervals. Data errors,
numerical instability, or poorly integrated components may cause a loss of volume conservation. Any
simulation not conserving volume should be revised. It should be noted that volume conservation in
any flood simulation is not exact. While some numerical error is introduced by rounding numbers,
approximations or interpolations (such as with rating tables), volume should be conserved within a
fraction of a percent of the inflow volume. The user must decide on an acceptable level of error in the
volume conservation. While volume conservation with 0.001 percent is considered very accurate, most
FLO-2D simulations have a volume conservation accuracy within a few millionths of one percent.
3.1 Assumptions and Special Conditions
FLO-2D flood routing scheme moves around blocks of fluid on a discretized flow domain consisting of a
system of square tiles. FLO-2D numerically distributes the volume in finite fluid blocks to mimic the
floodwave progression and timing over the discretized surface. Conceptually FLO-2D is not a Lagrangian
particle dynamics model but rather a finite volume model that moves discrete parcels of fluid around on
the grid system in eight directions with realistic flow velocities.
Spatial Resolution
The spatial and temporal resolution of the FLO-2D model is dependent on the size of the grid elements
and rate of rise in the hydrograph (discharge flux). The rate of change in flood discharge results in an
incremental change in the flow depth when distributed over the available grid element surface area for
a given timestep. Smaller grid elements may improve the resolution of the flood distribution at the cost
of increased computational time, more extensive data files and boundary conditions. A balance must be
achieved between the number of grid elements and an acceptable computational time. A grid size of 20
ft (8 m) to 500 ft (130 m) is usually appropriate for most simulations. Smaller grid elements will not only
significantly increase the number of grid elements (the number of grid elements is quadrupled each time
the grid element size is divided by two), but the rate of discharge flux per unit area of the grid element
also increases.
FLO-2D was developed to simulate large flood events on unconfined surfaces. The discretization of the
floodplain topography into a system of square grid elements to accommodate large discharges can
obscure some topographic features such as mounds and depressions. This topographic variability will
not affect the water surface when the entire valley is flooded, however, when simulating shallow flow,
smaller grid elements should be used. Grid element rating tables can also be applied to reflect the
variable topography within the grid element. Map resolution and accuracy should be considered when
selecting the grid element size. Topographic contour resolution of plus or minus 1 ft (0.3 m) may not
support grid elements less than 30 ft (10 m).
For one-dimensional channel flow, the spatial representation and variation in channel geometry is
usually limited by the number of cross sections that are surveyed or cut from a DTM data base.
Generally one cross section represents 5 to 10 grid elements. The relationship between flow area, slope
and roughness can be distorted by having an insufficient number of surveyed cross sections. Abrupt
channel transitions can result in numerical surges if the choice of the roughness values is representative.
The objective is to eliminate any discharge surges without substantially reducing the timestep so that
the model runs as fast as possible. This can be accomplished by having gradual transitions between
wide and narrow reaches.