Edexcel Practice Paper 2F Nov-22 Calculator MarkScheme

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Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

1a 30 042 1
1b 1078, 1087, 1708, 1807 and 1870 2 Award 1 mark if only one value misplaced.
7 Award 1 mark for an equivalent fraction that is
2 20 2 not simplified e.g.
3a 3 500 1
3b 62.8 1
e.g. Accept any correct reason
3c • “1 hour 45 minutes = 1.75 hours” 2
• “1.45 hours = 1 hour 27 minutes”
£107.75 Award 1 mark for a fully correct method to
4a 2 find total cost. e.g. 32.50 × 2 + 14.25 × 3
7 Award 1 mark for a fully correct method to
4b 2 find the number of tickets.
e.g. 145.25 ÷ 20.25
7.8 cm Accept answer in cm or mm
5a 1
Allow 7.7 to 7,9 cm or 77 to 79 mm
5b 115° 1 Allow ±1°
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
Fully correct ordered stem-and-leaf diagram. Award 1 mark for a fully complete unordered
e.g. stem-and-leaf diagram.
e 1 5 me ns 15 Award 1 mark for a correct key.
6a 3
1 5 788
2 14
3 17

19 Award 1 mark for clear identification of the

median being the 6th value.
6b 2
Follow through from their ordered stem and
leaf diagram
e.g. “No because the median is 19 so adding in 25 Accept “No” with any valid reason.
6c will increase the value of the median” 1
2.75 oe Award 1 mark for a correct first step to find 𝑦.
7 2 3
e.g. 4𝑦 = 11 or 𝑦 – 2 =
e.g. Award 1 mark for fully correct method to find
3 3
of £320 because this is £120 but 17% of £600 is either 17% of 600 or of 320
8 8 3 8
only £102 Award 2nd mark for both values correctly found

9a 4𝑓 − 7𝑒 2 Award 1 mark for one correct term.

−8 Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
9b 2 substitute the value for ℎ. e.g.
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
1 2 1 8 5 Award 1 mark if only one value misplaced or
, , , ,
3 5 2 15
for fully correct method to compare e.g. finding
10 2
equivalent fractions with a common
7.20 Award 1 mark for correctly finding the value of
11a 2 one sandwich. e.g. 12 ÷ 5 (= 2.40)
14 Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
11b 2 calculate the number of sandwiches.
e.g. 35 ÷ 2.4 (= 14.5…)
Award 1 mark for correct diagram in incorrect

12a 2

Award 1 mark for correct diagram in incorrect


12b 2
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
13a 7𝑥 − 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥𝑦 2 Award 1 mark for two correct terms
36 + 8𝑥 Accept 8𝑥 + 36
13b 2 Award 1 mark for a correct unsimplified
e.g. Accept any three numbers with a sum of 27 not
• 15, 15, −3 including 9
14 2 Award 1 mark for clear indication that the sum
of the three numbers is equal to 27
15a £850 1
15b (4, 380) plotted on grid 1
15c Negative 1
Accept answers from 620 to 700 found from a line Award 1 mark for answer in the correct range
15d of best fit shown. 2 without line of best fit drawn OR line of best fit
15e Point (3, 210) clearly indicated 1
6𝑛 − 1 Award 1 mark for any expression of the form
16 2
6𝑛 ± 𝑘
e.g. Award 1 for each correct reason.
• The bars are not equal widths
17 • The vertical axis does not increase in equal 2
• The axes are not labelled
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
£5485.88 Award 2 marks for fully correct method e.g.
5200 × 1.0183 or complete ‘build up’ method.
18 3 Award 1 mark for finding the interest or total
after one year.
119.5 ≤ 𝑙 < 120.5 Award 1 mark for correctly identifying one
19 2 bound. i.e. 119.5 or 120.5 seen.
1 Accept 0.2
20 5
Award 1 mark for at least 2 correct values.
21a 2

Fully correct coordinates plotted and joined with Award 1 mark for plotting at least 5 points
one smooth curve. from their table of values

21b 2
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
3.75 hours or 3 hours 45 minutes Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
22a 2 calculate the time taken. e.g. 3 × 5 ÷ 4
22b e.g. Each cleaner works at the same rate 1 Accept any valid reason
52.8 Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
23 2 calculate area of the sector e.g.
× 144𝜋
165 000 Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
24 2 calculate original price. e.g. 156 750 ÷ 0.95
28 Award 1 mark for correctly calculating the base
length of the triangle. e.g. 84 ÷ 12 = 7
25 3 Award 2nd mark for fully correct method to
find the area of the triangle using their base
length. e.g. ‘7’ × 8 ÷ 2 (= 28)
𝑥 = −5 and 𝑥 = 2 Award 1 mark for pair of factors found that
give at least two out of three correct terms e.g.
26 2 (𝑥 + 5)(𝑥 −2) or (𝑥 − 5)(𝑥 + 2) or correct
substitution into quadratic formula with no
more than one sign error
64.6° Award 1 mark for correct method to calculate
27 2 𝜃 seen or implied e.g. cos 𝜃 = or
𝜃= cos−1 ( )

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