Edexcel Practice Paper 2F Nov-22 Calculator MarkScheme
Edexcel Practice Paper 2F Nov-22 Calculator MarkScheme
Edexcel Practice Paper 2F Nov-22 Calculator MarkScheme
12a 2
12b 2
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
13a 7𝑥 − 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥𝑦 2 Award 1 mark for two correct terms
36 + 8𝑥 Accept 8𝑥 + 36
13b 2 Award 1 mark for a correct unsimplified
e.g. Accept any three numbers with a sum of 27 not
• 15, 15, −3 including 9
14 2 Award 1 mark for clear indication that the sum
of the three numbers is equal to 27
15a £850 1
15b (4, 380) plotted on grid 1
15c Negative 1
Accept answers from 620 to 700 found from a line Award 1 mark for answer in the correct range
15d of best fit shown. 2 without line of best fit drawn OR line of best fit
15e Point (3, 210) clearly indicated 1
6𝑛 − 1 Award 1 mark for any expression of the form
16 2
6𝑛 ± 𝑘
e.g. Award 1 for each correct reason.
• The bars are not equal widths
17 • The vertical axis does not increase in equal 2
• The axes are not labelled
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
£5485.88 Award 2 marks for fully correct method e.g.
5200 × 1.0183 or complete ‘build up’ method.
18 3 Award 1 mark for finding the interest or total
after one year.
119.5 ≤ 𝑙 < 120.5 Award 1 mark for correctly identifying one
19 2 bound. i.e. 119.5 or 120.5 seen.
1 Accept 0.2
20 5
Award 1 mark for at least 2 correct values.
21a 2
Fully correct coordinates plotted and joined with Award 1 mark for plotting at least 5 points
one smooth curve. from their table of values
21b 2
Edexcel Year 11 Paper 2F Nov 22 Calculator Mark Scheme – Spring 2018
3.75 hours or 3 hours 45 minutes Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
22a 2 calculate the time taken. e.g. 3 × 5 ÷ 4
22b e.g. Each cleaner works at the same rate 1 Accept any valid reason
52.8 Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
23 2 calculate area of the sector e.g.
× 144𝜋
165 000 Award 1 mark for fully correct method to
24 2 calculate original price. e.g. 156 750 ÷ 0.95
28 Award 1 mark for correctly calculating the base
length of the triangle. e.g. 84 ÷ 12 = 7
25 3 Award 2nd mark for fully correct method to
find the area of the triangle using their base
length. e.g. ‘7’ × 8 ÷ 2 (= 28)
𝑥 = −5 and 𝑥 = 2 Award 1 mark for pair of factors found that
give at least two out of three correct terms e.g.
26 2 (𝑥 + 5)(𝑥 −2) or (𝑥 − 5)(𝑥 + 2) or correct
substitution into quadratic formula with no
more than one sign error
64.6° Award 1 mark for correct method to calculate
27 2 𝜃 seen or implied e.g. cos 𝜃 = or
𝜃= cos−1 ( )