Main Paper B Answers
Main Paper B Answers
Main Paper B Answers
1a 1 202
1b 1 904
2 1 0.509
6 0 1 9
4 1 − 3 6 2 8 1 mark for both correct.
2 3 9 1
6a 1 30 hours
7 1
8b 1 £2.75
561 × 1 = 561
9 1 561 ÷ 1 = 561 All 3 correct for 1 mark.
561 × 0 = 0
5 2 9
10 2 × 6 1 mark for each digit correct.
3 1 7 4
27 ÷ 10 =
11 1 2.7 1 mark for both correct.
27 ÷ 100 = 0.027
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Year 5 Reasoning Test Set 3 Paper B Answers
15a 1 12°C
A shape cannot have equal sides and angles and not No marks for only writing about sides or angles.
have equal sides and angles.
The third statement “A shape cannot have equal
sides and angles and not have equal sides and
angles” is not required for 2 marks.
2 marks for correct answer.
17 2 3.793 1 mark for a correct method with only 1 mistake
in calculation.
There are 26 books with more than 150 pages out of Award marks for a correct explanation and
18b 1 120 pages altogether. 26 is less than one quarter of reasoning with different totals caused by the
120 (which is 30). reading of the graph.
2 marks for correct answer.
19 2 51° 1 marks for correct method with 1 mistake in
20 1 (9,7)
Total 35
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