Year 9 Summer Foundation Markscheme

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Year 9 Summer Foundation Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018

Question Answer Marks Notes and guidance

1 Cone 1
£18 1
2 £162 1 Follow through 90% of their £180
£27 1 Follow through their £162 ÷ 6
Accept correct answer anywhere on the grid in
any orientation
Award 1 mark for correct enlargement with
different scale factor

3 2
Year 9 Summer Foundation Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
Award 1 mark for at least one correct match

4 2

e.g. “Yes, because all multiples of 5 end in a 5 or 0” Accept Yes with any correct explanation.
1 Do not accept Yes with no or incorrect
e.g. “Yes, because her number is even as it ends in 0” Accept Yes with a correct explanation.
1 Do not accept Yes with no or incorrect
e.g. “There should be six faces” Accept any correct explanation.
Do not accept incomplete explanations that do
6 1
not indicate that a cuboid should have six faces
e.g. “There aren’t enough faces”
Year 9 Summer Foundation Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
Accept any correctly placed 2 × 3 rectangular

6 ctd.

18 1
4 1
−8 1
8 500 2 Award 1 mark for 3000 ÷ 6 seen or implied.
9 69 2 Award 1 mark for 6 × 11.5(0) seen or implied.
Year 9 Summer Foundation Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018

Award 1 ft mark for correctly plotting all points

from their table of values


7 cm Award 1 mark for correctly finding scale factor

11 between DEFG and PQRS is 3
80 1
Year 9 Summer Foundation Paper Mark Scheme2 – Spring 2018
Any one of:
p and r, r and t, p and t, q and s
Any one of:
p and q, r and s, s and t, p and s, r and q, t and q
13 32 2 Award 1 mark for 40 × 0.8 seen or implied
( ) Award 1 mark for one of the horizontal or
14 5 2 vertical components correct, or fully correct
description in words e.g. “7 left and 5 up”
C with correct working Award 1 mark for finding one correct process
e.g. 3 kg of bag A = £5.25, 3 kg of bag = £5, 3 kg of so that a comparison can be made between two
bag C = £4.80 bags
OR Award 2nd mark for correct conversions so that
Bag A = 17.5 p per 100 g, Bag B = 16.6p per 100 g, all three bags can be compared.
15 3
Bag C = 16p per 100g Award full marks for fully correct answer with
OR correct justification shown in working.
Bag A = 5.7g per penny, Bag B = 6g per penny, Bag
C = 6.25g per penny
16 10 cm 2 Award 1 mark for √62 + 82 seen or implied.
1 1 Accept any clear indication, tick, circled
17 Indicates × 1
2 6 underlined etc.
c. −3.7 1 Allow ±0.1
c. −1.3 and c.−3.4 Allow ±0.1
2 Award 1 mark for either value found or 𝑦 = 1.5

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