B1 Unidad 5 & 6.2
B1 Unidad 5 & 6.2
B1 Unidad 5 & 6.2
Man: People are always asking me how old I am and how much money I make. I never know what to
say. He is uncomfortable.
Woman: Every time I go out the door, there’s something new to see or hear or taste. The culture is so
rich and complex. I learn something every day. It’s great! She is fascinated
Man: I speak the language, I’m comfortable with the culture, I’m good at my job, and people usually like
me. I think I’ll do well here. He is confident.
Woman: People are people everywhere, of course. But here, people react differently from the way we
do at home. I wish I could understand them better. She is curious
Man: I never know what they’re thinking. A couple of people at work seem friendly, but I don’t know if
they want to be friends. He is uncertain.
Woman: I’m not having any problems. I speak a little of the language, and I’ve made a couple of
friends. It’s not that different, really. she is comfortable
Tyler: I’m so glad you came to visit, Liv. What do you think of Georgia?
Liv: I love it, Tyler! You know, the southern part of the United States is different from the northern part.
Tyler: How do you think it’s different?
Liv: Well, it’s a lot slower.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Liv: Things just take longer here, Tyler. People take longer to serve you in restaurants, for example.
Even the fast-food places can be slow!
Tyler: That’s true. I remember things being fast when I visited you in Pennsylvania. But, I think people
in the South are more patient.
Liv: You’re right. People in the North can be impatient. However, they are very punctual in the North.
People aren’t always on time here.
Tyler: Yeah, when there’s a meeting, it’s expected it will start a little late.
Liv: I think the people are really friendly here. Strangers always say “hi” to each other! That doesn’t
happen as much in the North.
Tyler: I agree. People are friendly here, and they’re very polite. I mean, people in the North aren’t rude...
They just aren’t always as polite as people are here.
Liv: I know what you mean. There’s good and bad about both parts of the United States.
Tyler: Do you think you could ever live in the South, Liv?
Liv: I don’t think so. I mean, I like it here, but I’d miss home too much.
Tyler: What would you miss?
Liv: One thing that I’d really miss is my family. I could get used to the customs here. I just couldn’t be
away from my friends and family.
Unid 6
Dented: abollado
Torn: Rasgado
Stained: Manchado
Scratched: Rayado
Leaking: Fugas
Cracked: Agrietado
Chipped: Astillado
Dropping cleaned flickering jamming chipped sticking torn leacking scratch freeze fixed dying
Flickering- parpadeando- tv scren it keeps
dying-muriendo- Battery
i'b be worried about not knowing how to get around in a new city
Scratch, stain,