Gong 2010
Gong 2010
Gong 2010
Double-network (DN) gels have drawn much attention as an innovative material having both high
Published on 09 March 2010. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 23/11/2017 23:46:50.
water content (ca. 90 wt%) and high mechanical strength and toughness. DN gels are characterized by
a special network structure consisting of two types of polymer components with opposite physical
natures: the minor component is abundantly cross-linked polyelectrolytes (rigid skeleton) and the
major component comprises of poorly cross-linked neutral polymers (ductile substance). The former
and the latter components are referred to as the first network and the second network, respectively, since
the synthesis should be done in this order to realize high mechanical strength. For DN gels synthesized
under suitable conditions (choice of polymers, feed compositions, atmosphere for reaction, etc.), they
possess hardness (elastic modulus of 0.1–1.0 MPa), strength (failure tensile nominal stress 1–10 MPa,
strain 1000–2000%; failure compressive nominal stress 20–60 MPa, strain 90–95%), and toughness
(tearing fracture energy of 1001000 J m2). These excellent mechanical performances are comparable
to that of rubbers and soft load-bearing bio-tissues. The mechanical behaviors of DN gels are
inconsistent with general mechanisms that enhance the toughness of soft polymeric materials. Thus,
DN gels present an interesting and challenging problem in polymer mechanics. Extensive experimental
and theoretical studies have shown that the toughening of DN gel is based on a local yielding
mechanism, which has some common features with other brittle and ductile nano-composite materials,
such as bones and dentins.
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characteristic of hydrogels hinders the extensive use of this Then the first gel is immersed in an aqueous solution of a second
material. Thus far, hydrogels have been limited to the usage monomer with a low ratio of cross-linking agent and carrying out
where the mechanical properties are not highly concerned, such a second polymerization in the first network.37 Owing to the
as drug delivery devices,28 water-absorber.29 polyelectrolyte nature, the first polyelectrolyte gel highly swells in
One reason for the lack in mechanical strength of a hydrogel is the second monomer solution. As a result, the first gel network is
its solution-like nature, i.e., low density of polymer chains and highly extended in the final product and the amount of the
small friction between the polymer chains. Another reason is the second network in the final gel is in large excess to that of the first
heterogeneity of the network structure of the hydrogel formed network.
during the gelation.30,31 When a force is applied to a gel with Although this double network structure has been found
heterogeneous structure, stress is concentrated around the effective to many kinds of combination, among all the polymer
Published on 09 March 2010. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 23/11/2017 23:46:50.
shortest chain, and this leads to a failure of the sample at a very pairs studied so far, the one made of poly (2-acrylamido,
low force. Accordingly, many efforts have been made to 2-methyl, 1-propanesulfonic acid) (PAMPS) polyelectrolyte and
synthesize hydrogels with a homogeneous network structure, polyacrylamide (PAAm) neutral polymer stands out with
such as the slide-ring (SR) gels (a hydrogel with sliding cross- unusually properties.
linking points),32,33 and the tetra-PEG gels (a hydrogel from Hereafter, the DN gels are referred to as P1-x1-y1/P2-x2-y2,
tetrahedron-like macromonomers).34 These gels exhibit high where Pi, xi and yi (i ¼ 1,2 for the first and second network,
stretching ratio without fracture owing to the homogeneous respectively) are the abbreviated polymer name, in feed molar
structure. Nanocomposite (NC) hydrogels (a hydrogel from the concentration of monomer, and the cross-linker concentration
mixture of polymer and clay) have also been shown to effectively (in mol% with respect to the monomer for the i-th network),
improve the mechanical strength.35,36 respectively. Fig. 1 shows a photo of tough PAMPS-1-4/PAAm-
Different from the above approaches that concentrates on 2-0.1 DN gel against deformation. Fig. 2 shows compressive
developing a gel with a homogeneous structure, an alternate nominal stress-strain curves for the PAMPS-1-4/PAAm-2-0.1
approach, whereupon the heterogeneity of the hydrogel was DN gel, the PAMPS-1-4 and the PAAm-2-0.1 SN gels. The DN
incorporated preferentially, was discovered and has been devel- gel holds up to a nominal stress of 17.2 MPa, where the vertical
oped by the author’s group. This new class of hydrogel is known compressive strain 3 is about 92%. On the other hand, the
as double-network hydrogels (DN gels), in which a high relative PAMPS gel and PAA gel break at stresses of 0.4 MPa (3 ¼ 41%)
molecular mass neutral polymer network is incorporated within and 0.8 MPa (3 ¼ 84%), respectively.
a swollen heterogeneous polyelectrolyte network.37 The The strength of DN gel increases when the molar ratio of the
mechanical properties of DN gels prepared from many different second network to the first one increases (Fig. 3a). The
polymer pairs were shown to be much better than that of the mechanical behavior of the DN gel sensitively changes with
individual components. Under an optimized structure, the DN the cross-linker density of the second network, even if all the
gels, containing about 90 wt% water, possess hardness PAMPS/PAAm DN gels show almost the same elastic modulus,
(elastic modulus of 0.1–1.0 MPa), strength (failure tensile stress water content, and molar ratio of the second network to the first
110 MPa, strain 1000–2000%; failure compressive stress 20– network (Fig. 3b).36 For a long time, it had been a puzzle why the
60 MPa, strain 90–95%), and toughness (tearing fracture energy DN gel became the toughest when the 2nd polymer was
of 100–1000 J m2).38–43 These excellent mechanical performances synthesized without the cross-linker.37,39,41 A recent study42 has
had never been realized before in synthetic hydrogels, and are elucidated that when the first PAMPS gel was synthesized, some
comparable to and even exceed some soft load-bearing tissues.1 divinyl-crosslinker N,N0 -methylenebis(acrylamide) (MBAA) was
Similar enhancement in strengths by the double network concept reacted only on one side and un-reacted double bonds were still
have been observed in some other works, such as polyethylene- remained in the first PAMPS gel; when the second PAAm was
oxide/polyacrylic acid double network gels,44,45 and the modified- synthesized in the first PAMPS gel, AAm and the remained
hyaluronan/poly(N,N0 -dimethylacrylamide) DN hydrogels.46 double bonds were co-polymerized and then the second PAAm
Combination of bacterial cellulose (BC) with neutral polymers, was chemically cross-linked with the first PAMPS gel. Accord-
such as gelatin, or synthetic polymers as PAAm also exhibits an ingly, usual DN gels have inter-cross-linked (connected) double
enhanced mechanical performance.47
The DN gel shows that microstructure control can lead to
greatly enhanced strength and toughness in gels. The super
strength and toughness of the DN gels cannot be described by the
classic Lake–Thomas theory,26 and it is based on a local yielding
mechanism that has common features with other tough mate-
rials, such as metals, glassy polymers, rubbers, and even bone.
This paper reviews the optimized structure, mechanical behavior,
and toughening mechanism of DN gels.
2584 | Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 2583–2590 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
Published on 09 March 2010. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 23/11/2017 23:46:50. View Article Online
network structure (so named ‘c-DN’ gels in Fig. 4a), and usual
DN gels reached a high strength even without adding any cross-
linker of the second network by the inter-connection between the
two networks through covalent bonds. It was further clarified
that truly independent-DN gels (named ‘t-DN’ gels), which do not
have any covalent bonds between the first and the second
networks, cannot be toughened by the un-crosslinked second
network. Furthermore, it was found that the t-DN gels become
stronger than the c-DN gels when the second network is loosely
cross-linked at an optimal cross-linker density of 0.01 mol%, as
shown in Fig. 4b. This optimal cross-linker density indicates
that the PAAm partial chains between neighboring cross-
Fig. 3 Relationship between the mechanical strength of PAMPS/PAAm
linking points have a very high molecular weight (higher than DN gels and their structure parameters. (a) Relationship between the
106 g mol1). molar ratio of the 2nd network to the 1st network and the compressive
Therefore, the essential feature of DN gels is that it consists of nominal stress at fracture for the PAMPS-1-4/PAAm-x2-0.1 DN gels.
two kinds of polymers with strong asymmetric structure, as The different composition ratios of the 2nd to the 1st network were
summarized below, which is different from conventional inter- obtained by immersing the 1st network gel in monomer solutions
penetrated networks (IPN). constituting the 2nd network with various concentrations. Numbers in
(1) Rigid and brittle polymer, such as polyelectrolyte, as the the figures denote the value of the monomer concentration x2 for poly-
first network; soft and ductile polymer, such as neutral polymer, merizing the 2nd network. Data at zero molar ratios denote the values of
as the second network. single network gels. (Reproduced with permission from the literature37)
(b) Dependence of the fracture energy G at v ¼ 0.5 102 m s1 (B) and
(2) The molar concentration of the second network is 20–30
the compressive nominal fracture stress sm (,) of PAMPS-1-4/PAAm-2-
times the first network.
y2 on the cross-linking density y2 of the second component, PAAm.
(3) The first network is tightly while the second network is (Revised with permission from the literature.41 For the correct values of
loosely cross-linked, which requires a very high molecular weight the fracture energy G, the data in the original figure were multiplied by
of the second polymer. a factor of 2 in this figure.)
By adjusting the structure parameters of the two networks, one
can reach a wide range of the mechanical performance of the DN fracture surfaces, U is a bond dissociation energy, and n is the
gels (Fig. 5).48 This makes it possible to tailor the modulus, average number of monomer units between cross-linkers.26 This
strength, and toughness of hydrogels in order to fit mechanical equation means that when a general cross-linked polymer is
performance into any functional matrix. broken, only the polymer chains located at a crack tip are cut off.
Recently, it has been further found that ultrathin double- The energy is dissipated to break the chemical bond, and before
network (UTDN) hydrogels, of ca. 100 mm thickness, show the chemical bond failures, the energy is stored elastically and
a high strength and toughness comparable to that of the bulk DN there is no hysteresis in the stress–strain curve. This well explains
hydrogels, indicating that the double network concept is appli- the fracture of various single network hydrogels at a moderate
cable even at a hundred micrometre dimension.49 fracture velocity.24,33,34
On the contrary, the fracture behavior of the DN gels is
distinctly unusual. Systematic loading and unloading experi-
III. Mechanical behavior—necking and hysteresis
ments in uniaxial tension and compression show a significant
The classical Lake–Thomas theory predicts that the ideal frac- hysteresis during the first loading cycle, increasing very strongly
ture energy Gc of cross-linked polymer systems can be calculated with the applied maximum deformation (Fig. 6).50 Such a large
by Gc ¼ rnU, where r is the area density of polymer chains on hysteresis was velocity-independent and never observed during
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2586 | Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 2583–2590 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
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the tearing test revealed that the fracture energy G ranges from
Fig. 8 Illustration of the network structure of the DN gel before (a) and
after (b) necking. Above a critical stress, PAMPS fractured to clusters
102–103 J m2, which is 100–1000 times larger than that of normal
and the PAMPS clusters behave as a sliding cross-linker of PAAm. The PAAm gels (100 J m2) or PAMPS gels (101 J m2) with similar
DN gel becomes soft after the necking. polymer concentrations to the DN gels.38–42 Furthermore, G
shows weak dependence on the crack velocity V.41,52
in water, the typical size x of the PAMPS clusters in terms of These behaviors of DN gels are inconsistent with general
macroscopic observables, i.e., the critical stress sc (¼0.7 MPa), mechanisms that enhance the fracture strength of soft polymeric
the strain at the point where the necking finishes 3c (¼11), and the materials, i.e., viscous dissipation for chain-pulling processes
fracture energy of PAMPS in water, GPAMPS(z1 J m2), can be around crack tips,56,57 and bulk viscoelastic losses accompanying
estimated, xzGPAMPS/sc3c ¼ 0.1 mm. The value of x may reflect crack propagations.58 Several theories for the origin of the high
quenched inhomogeneity of the 1st network of DN gels found in fracture energies have been developed.59–63 Among them, the
neutral scattering study.53 The SANS measurements further local yielding and hardening model at the crack tip is considered
indicate that deformation of DN-gels results in a periodic and as the most promising.60,61
mesoscale (1.7 mm under a uniaxial stretching strain of 50%) Based on the necking phenomena39 and the large hysteresis of
compositional fluctuations in both PAMPS and PAAm.54 Recent DN gels,50 Brown60 and Tanaka61 have independently proposed
studies on the surface of ultra thin DN gels films (ca. 100 mm) at a similar phenomenal model for explaining the extra-ordinary
the necking region reveals a network-like morphology that might high fracture energy of DN gel: the model assumes that on the
be related to this fracture structure.55 strongly stretched region in front of the crack tip, necking similar
The softened gel after necking is a fascinating system. First, the to the tensile test occurs, and the gel transform into a very soft
PAMPS clusters, playing a role of cross-linker, are not chemi- one with an intrinsic fracture energy G0, and then the crack tip
cally bonded (except for a few inter-cross-linked points for passes through the softened (damaged) zone by further stretching
‘c-DN’ gels) to the PAAm chains; thus, the ‘‘molecular weight (Fig. 10). Using the energy balance concept of fracture
between cross-linking’’ can be adjusted by chain sliding in mechanics, a scaling level expressions has been proposed, in
response to deformation. The capability of chain sliding is in which the effective fracture energy of DN gel, G, is expressed in
common with the slide-ring gels that are ductile.32,33 Further- terms of the yielding stress sc, the size of the softened zone h, the
more, the PAMPS cluster can be re-divided; when a cluster in intrinsic fracture energy G0, and the strain where the necking
a deformed sample suffers a larger stress than other ones, the finishes 3c.61
inequality of stress can be corrected by the re-division. Owing to
these effects, the resultant network structure has less mechanical G ¼ G0 + sc 3c h
defects. Due to the above structural features, the softened DN gel
showed an excellent extensibility (fracture strain 3f ¼ 19), which
is much larger than that of a usual single network PAAm gel The critical width h above which the crack can propagate at
(fracture strain 3f ¼ 8) of the same PAAm concentration and given G0 and sc is determined by balancing the surface energy
elastic modulus, as shown by Fig. 9.39 cost and the elastic energy release U(sc) for a crack propagation
at a unit length.61
G0 Est
h ¼ G0 =Uðsc Þz 2
IV. Toughening mechanism—formation of local sc
damage zone
Here, Est is the modulus at 3c where the necking finishes.61 An
The fundamental toughening mechanism of DN gels is of great order estimation of G using the numerical data from the necking
interest to researchers. Measurement of the fracture energy G by gel predicts that the necking zone is in an order of 100 mm.61
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2588 | Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 2583–2590 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
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scattering (DLS) study shows that fluctuation dynamics of both without strong physical association between molecules, the
PAMPS and PAAm components is tightly coupled,40 indicating fracture energy of the gel is consumed only by bond scission on
the strong entanglement between the two polymers, which may the fracture surface that is not higher than several 10 J m2, as
account for the force transmission from PAAm to PAMPS to described by the Lake–Thomas theory. Accordingly, once the
form the mesoscale softened zone. Furthermore, SANS size of a flaw is larger than the critical value determined by the
measurements on PAMPS/PAAm DNgels and their solution Griffith fracture criterion,66 the crack will grow catastrophically.
blend counterparts indicate that the two polymers interact Although there is no report on the study of fracture, such as
favorably with each other while in water.53 This favorable a tear test, for slide-ring gels and tetra-PEG gels, it is reasonable
PAMPS/PAAm interaction given by the condition, cPE-NP to assume that these gels have a low resistance against the frac-
cPE-water < cNP-water, where c is the Flory-Huggins interaction ture propagation, and therefore, are easy to break once a crack is
Published on 09 March 2010. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 23/11/2017 23:46:50.
Fig. 12 SANS from (a) 2M PAAm linear chains in water and in DN Acknowledgements
gels; (b) PAMPS network in pure water and in DN gels. Data show that
the dense, inhomogeneous structure of PAAm and PAMPS (schematics c This research was financially supported by a Grant-in-Aid for the
& e respectively) polymerized in water gets homogenized when in the Specially Promoted Research (No. 18002002) from the Ministry
presence of each other (schematics d & f respectively). (Reproduced with of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan. The author
permission from the literature.54) thanks T. Kurokawa, Y. Tanaka, H. Na, H. Furukawa,
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Y. Osada, and the graduate students in LSW for their contri- 38 H. Tsukeshiba, M. Huang, Y.-H. Na, T. Kurokawa, R. Kuwabara,
butions. The author also thanks C. Creton, W. L. Wu, H. Brown, Y. Tanaka, H. Furukawa, Y. Osada and J. P. Gong, J. Phys.
Chem. B, 2005, 109, 16304.
and M. Shibayama for useful discussions and contributions to 39 Y.-H. Na, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kawauchi, H. Furukawa, T. Sumiyoshi,
this work. J. P. Gong and Y. Osada, Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 4641.
40 M. Huang, H. Furukawa, Y. Tanaka, T. Nakajima, Y. Osada and
J. P. Gong, Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 6658.
References 41 Y. Tanaka, R. Kuwabara, Y.-H. Na, T. Kurokawa, J. P. Gong and
1 Y. C. Fung, in Biomechanics: Mechanical properties of living tissues, Y. Osada, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109, 11559.
2nd edn, Springer-Verlag Inc, New York, 1993. 42 T. Nakajima, H. Furukawa, Y. Tanaka, T. Kurokawa, Y. Osada and
2 J. D. DeRossi, K. Kajiwara, Y. Osada, and A. Yamauchi, in Polymer J. P. Gong, Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 2184.
gels-Fundamentals and Biomedical Applications, Plenum press, New 43 Y.-H. Na, T. Kurokawa, Y. Katsuyama, H. Tsukeshiba, J. P. Gong,
Published on 09 March 2010. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 23/11/2017 23:46:50.
2590 | Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 2583–2590 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010