A Study On Different Compositions of Epoxy Resin Reinforced With Natural Fibers and Glass Fiber
A Study On Different Compositions of Epoxy Resin Reinforced With Natural Fibers and Glass Fiber
A Study On Different Compositions of Epoxy Resin Reinforced With Natural Fibers and Glass Fiber
Abstract— Today the usage of natural fibers as damage modes in the composite structures. One of them is
reinforcement in polymer composite material has increased the interlaminar fracture known as delamination, which is,
significantly. The natural fibers prove to have wide area of at the same time one of the most important failure mode.
research since it has low density, light weight and better Delamination growth remains a critical failure mode in
mechanical properties. They are also ecofriendly to certain
extend and also available abundantly. In this study testing
laminated composite structures. The interlaminar fraction
was done on taking three different combination of of composite material has been very intensively
composites, the first combination is the epoxy resin investigated. The delamination means degradation between
reinforced with bamboo fiber, linen fiber, palm fiber and adjacent plies of material. The composite materials exhibit
glass fiber. The second combination is the epoxy resin superior properties only in the fiber direction; hence the
reinforced with Bamboo Fiber, Linen fiber and Glass fiber. delamination of composite structures results in a significant
In the third combination the matrix is reinforced with Palm loss of stiffness and strength. The interlaminar crack
Fiber, bamboo fiber and Glass Fiber. The above three growth resistance of long fiber-reinforced composites can
combinations are also varied with the weight ratios of the significantly increase in the presence of fiber bridging,
matrix to fiber. All the samples were fabricated using Hand-
Layup Technique and the properties were analyzed. The
which induces tractions that act over an extended zone in
Impact Strength, Tensile Strength, the Flexural strength, the wake of the crack tip. The resistance to delamination is
hardness and absorbent test of the composites were one of the most important characteristics of laminate and
performed. The properties of all the specimens were unidirectional composites. One major drawback of
tabulated and compared with the cost analysis of each composite materials is delamination—separation of a
combinations are performed. laminate into layers. One major US Company, Kinetic,
failed partly because of delamination failure at the trailing
Keywords— Epoxy Resin, Palm Fiber, Glass Fiber, Flax, Bamboo edge. The size of the wind turbine blades, without the
Fiber, Mechanical Properties proper understanding of the material behavior, is likely to
produce failure due to delamination.
Many ways have been found to resist delamination, for
Composite material is a macroscopic combination of two or
example weaving the fibers increases the toughness, but
more distinct materials, having a recognizable interface
introduces micro-buckling modes, which is detrimental to
between them. Composites are used not only for their
the compressive strength; toughening the resin suppresses
structural properties, but also for electrical, thermal, and
delamination but often decreases the modulus, an inherent
environmental applications. Modern composite materials
trade-off in increasing toughness in the resins. Toughened
are usually optimized to achieve a particular balance of
resins are commonly used in aerospace pre impregnated
properties for a given range of applications. Given the vast
materials, to resist delamination. However, the cost of using
range of materials that may be considered as composites
prepreg materials in wind turbine manufacture can be high.
and the broad range of uses for which composite materials
Hence, low cost composite materials are sought for
may be designed, it is difficult to agree upon a single,
building wind turbine blades, such as fiberglass, where
simple, and useful definition. However, as a common
delamination has not been studied in detail. There are three
practical definition, composite materials may be restricted
fundamental ways delamination can happen: opening mode,
to emphasize those materials that contain a continuous
shearing or sliding mode, and tearing mode. More often
matrix constituent that binds together and provides form
than not, delamination occurs under mixed opening and
to an array of a stronger, stiffer reinforcement constituent.
shearing modes, which is the subject of this study. This
study is the extension of researches by Darrin Haugen and
The composites are heterogeneous materials, which is an
Robert More head, who studied delamination of the skin-
important feature compared for instance to the metal
stiffener intersection geometry which is common in
homogeneous plastics. There are many kinds of failure and
composite materials structures like wind turbine blades. a reinforcement material to manufacture lightweight and
This work combines, adds to, and revises their earlier work. relatively strong composite materials. Lightweight fiber-
reinforced polymer (FRP) composite material called glass
2. MATERIALS USED reinforced plastic (GRP), also popularly known as
Palm Fiber "fiberglass".
The palm fiber (Borassusflabellifer) is a natural fiber
obtained from various portions of palm tree which is found in Bamboo Fiber
abundance in the southern parts of India. The palm fibers are Traditionally, bamboo has been used in various living
composite material designed by nature, the fibers are facilities and tools, which owes to its high strength and
basically a rigid, crystalline cellulose microfibril- reinforced weight. This property is due to the longitudinal alignment of
amorphous lignin and/or with hemicellulose matrix. Most fibers. Bamboo has 60% cellulose with high content of lignin,
plant fibers are composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and its microfibrillar angle is 2–10 degree. In practice, it is
waxes and some water-soluble compounds. Generally, this mandatory to fabricate the bamboo-based composites in
fiber contains 60-80% cellulose, 5-20% lignin and up to 20% addition to the extraction of bamboo fibers in a controlled. Its
moisture. The fibers from various parts of the palm tree were structural variation, mechanical properties, extraction of
extracted either by retting process or mechanical processing fibers, chemical modification and thermal properties had
or hand processing. The fibers are soaked for two weeks and made it versatile for the use in composite. Despite its finer
then it is washed with water and allow it dry completely in mechanical properties, bamboo fibers are brittle when
natural sunlight to obtain long and dried long uniform fibers. compared with other natural fibers, which is due to the extra
The fibers are extracted from various parts of palm trees are lignin content.
Palm leaf stalk, Palm leaf sheath, Palm fruit, and Palm
petiolar respectively. Through research experimental, the 3.MANUFACTURING METHOD USED
palm fruit fiber has good mechanical properties like specific
strength, tensile strength, and hardness etc. The palm fiber Hand-layup Process
extracted from palm fruit gives more strength, the tensile The composite materials used for the present investigation is
behavior of the palm fibers increases with long sized fibers fabricated by hand layup process. In this work, Initially, the
extracted from palm fruit. Glass fiber and carbon fibers have fiber mats of uniform thickness were prepared with flax and
more density than palm fiber, therefore, the specific strength palm fibers. The composite laminate consists of multilayers.
is better for the palm fiber compared with other fibers. The mats were impregnated with epoxy resin then; the fibers
Through the various experimental investigations, it has been are dried under the hot sun to remove their moisture for more
found, the palm fiber especially the fiber from palm fruit than 24 hours. Now, the fiber layers are washed in the
gives more tensile strength and young’s modulus compared acetone thinner before they are used for fabrication. Acetone
with other natural fibers. The major compositions present in removes the impurities and makes them ready for binding
the palm fiber are cellulose, lignin and pectin. The palm with the resin releasing agent is applied on the top of the
fibers normally have more percentage of cellulose content table. The Flax fibers are spread on the base plate of the
which enables the fiber with better mechanical strength. molding box which is placed on the table. It is then
completely spread with epoxy resin and hardness mixture is
Flax Fiber applied on the flax fiber with brush and smoothens with a
Flax fiber is extracted from the best beneath the surface of the roller. Then, a layer of GFRP is placed on the resin-hardener
stem of the flax plant. Flax fiber is soft, lustrous, and flexible; mixer above which next layer of flax fiber is spread.
bundles of fiber have the appearance of blonde hair, hence Similarly, multiple layers are placed to prepare the composite
the description flaxen hair. Flax fiber is the strongest fiber in (3-layer Flax/palm and 4 Layer GFRP). In this review, it is
cellulosic fibers (plant fibers), two to three times stronger planned to prepare 3 types of composite. Type 1 composite
than cotton fiber, therefore it is more resistant to wear and contains all fibers arranged inclined at 45˚ to each other in all
abrasion. Flax fiber is extracted from the skin of the flax stem the 3 layers which resemble inclined orientation. Type 2
plant. Flax has the best heat resistance and conductivity. Flax composite contains flax-fiber. Type 3 contains all fibers
material has the potential of load-bearing constituents in except flax fiber. In each layer, both fibers are tilted at
composite materials due to their adjective properties such as 45degree in the subsequent layer (45degree orientation). In
high stiffness to weight ratio. all the types, the top and bottom most layers is GFRP.
A lot of research has been done on natural fiber reinforced
polymer composites but research on palm-based polymer [1] K. L. Pickering, M. G. AruanEfendy, T. M. Le, (2016) A review
of recent developments in natural fibre composites and their
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research work has been undertaken. Palmyra individual fiber [2] Malhotra, N., Sheikh, K. and Rani, S. (2012) A Review on
is a better choice than other different fiber composites Mechanical Characterization of Natural Fiber Reinforced
because it shows highest ultimate tensile stress under various Polymer Composites. Journal of Engineering Research and
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tests performed. From table 1 it has been noted that the palm
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mechanical properties. This review deals with an objective to Composites”, Journal of Minerals and Materials
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hardness of the composites. The experimental investigation Mechanical Characterizations of Natural
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properties test in the future work. In future, there are
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[8] Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and
Applications, Applications and Properties of Fibre Reinforced
In recent day’s lots of researchers progressed to improve the Concrete ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5(Version 1), May
mechanical characteristics of natural fiber composites. The 2014, pp.123-131
improvement is been made by fiber selection, extraction and [9] Holbery, J., Houston, D., Natural-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
Composites in Automotive Applications, JOM, 2006, 11, 80-86.
treatment given to the fibers as well as processing of
composite by proper selection of coatings over it. Comparing
natural fiber and glass fiber reinforced composites found that
natural fibers were superior in industrial application.
Moreover, due to the usage of natural fibers in different
engineering application and construction industries, it
provides a way for economic development in rural areas. This
paper reviewed the research that has mainly focused on
improving strength, stiffness and impact strength. The major
objective of the review paper is increasing the tensile strength
of natural fiber composite by coating it with glass fiber. Since
glass fiber have the adequate tensile strength and impact
strength nature the mechanical properties of natural fiber
composite (Palmyra-spout and flax fiber) reinforced with
glass fiber is increased. Applications of natural fiber
composites have extended dramatically including load
bearing and outdoor applications such as automotive exterior
underfloor paneling, sports equipment, rooftops and marine
Further, the experimental investigation to be done over
the samples and through the results various mechanical
properties is concluded. Overall, the growth of natural
fiber composite is growing rapidly and shown to be very
positive future ahead of their application.