Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials
Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials
Mechanical Properties of Nanomaterials
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Topical Review
The special mechanical properties of nanoparticles allow for novel applications in many fields,
e.g., surface engineering, tribology and nanomanufacturing/nanofabrication. In this review, the
basic physics of the relevant interfacial forces to nanoparticles and the main measuring
techniques are briefly introduced first. Then, the theories and important results of the
mechanical properties between nanoparticles or the nanoparticles acting on a surface, e.g.,
hardness, elastic modulus, adhesion and friction, as well as movement laws are surveyed.
Afterwards, several of the main applications of nanoparticles as a result of their special
mechanical properties, including lubricant additives, nanoparticles in nanomanufacturing and
nanoparticle reinforced composite coating, are introduced. A brief summary and the future
outlook are also given in the final part.
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
Table 1. Several of the common vdW energies and forces. a charged surface follows the Boltzmann distribution. The
Types vdW energies vdW forces GouyChapman theory provides a better approximation of the
real system than the Helmholtz theory, but it still has limited
CvdW CvdW quantitative applications. It assumes that ions behave as point
Molecular-plane W = F =
6D 3 2D 4 charges and that there is no physical limit for the ions in their
A R1 R2 A R1 R 2
Spheresphere W = F = 2 approach to the surface. Then, the GouyChapman diffuse
6D R1 + R2 6D R1 + R2
double layer was modified by Stern [37] so that ions have
Sphereplane W = F = 2 a finite size and cannot approach the surface closer than a
6D 6D
A A few nanometres: the first layer of ions in the GouyChapman
Planeplane W = F =
12D 2 6D 3 diffuse double layer are not at the surface, but at some
Note: Cvdw is a coefficient related to the atomic pair potential, R is distance away from the surface. As a result, the potential and
the sphere radius, R1 and R2 are the radii of two spheres, concentration of the diffuse part of the layer is low enough to
respectively,D is the distance between two surfaces, justify treating the ions as point charges. Stern also assumed
A = 2 CvdW 1 2 is the Hamaker constant [31] and is the atomic that some ions are probably adsorbed by the surface in a plane;
density. this layer is known as the Stern layer [37]. Within this
sources [29]: (1) the ionization or dissociation of surface layer, thermal diffusion is not strong enough to overcome the
groups; (2) the adsorption or binding of ions from the solution electrostatic forces. In the diffusive outer layer, the ions are
onto a previously uncharged surface; (3) when two dissimilar far enough from the solid surface and are subjected to weak
surfaces are very close, charges can hop across from one electrostatic forces from the surface only, hence they remain
surface to the other. The surface charges are balanced by mobile.
an oppositely charged ion layer in the solution at some A double layer is formed to neutralize the charged surface,
distance away from the surface, forming the EDL. The idea which in turn causes an electrokinetic potential between the
of the EDL was first formally proposed by Helmholtz, who surface and any point in the mass of the suspending liquid.
derived the charge distribution in the solution based on the This voltage difference is of the order of millivolts and is
simple molecular capacitor model [34]. In reality, the thermal referred to as the surface potential. The magnitude of the
motion of ions in the solution introduces a certain degree surface potential is influenced by the surface charge and the
of chaos causing the ions to be spread out in the region of thickness of the double layer. Starting from the surface, the
the charged surface, forming a diffuse double layer. In potential drops off roughly linearly in the Stern layer and then
that case, the analysis of the electronic environment near the exponentially through the diffuse layer, approaching zero at the
surface is more complex and requires more detailed analyses imaginary boundary of the double layer. The potential curve
[33]. Gouy [35], Chapman [36] and Stern [37] put forward is useful because it can suggest the electrical force strength
more accurate models for analysing the surface and electrolyte between particles and the critical distance within which this
interfaces, making great contributions to the development of force comes into play. A charged particles mobility is related
EDL theories. Gouy [35] and Chapman [36] independently to the dielectric constant and the viscosity of the suspending
developed theories of a so called diffuse double layer, in liquid, as well as the zeta potential, which is a potential at
which the change in the concentration of the counter ions near the boundary between the moving particle and the liquid. The
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
Apart from vdW forces and EDL forces, some other forces,
Figure 3. Schematic model of EDL.
i.e. solvation, structural or hydration forces, come into play
when two surfaces or particles approach very close (separation
boundary is called the slip plane and usually defined as the point less than a few nanometres) in the liquid. These forces
where the Stern layer and the diffuse layer meet [38, 39]. The can be monotonically repulsive, monotonically attractive or
common EDL model is shown in figure 3. The EDL interaction oscillatory and they can be much stronger than either the
energy and the force between the bodies of different geometries vdW forces or EDL forces at small separations. Solvation,
can be referred to [40]. structural or hydration forces (in water) arise between two
particles or surfaces if the solvent or water molecules
2.3. Capillary force become ordered by the surfaces [56]. When the ordering
occurs, an exponentially decaying oscillatory force with a
Capillary force is mainly due to the formation of liquid menisci periodicity equal to the size of the confined liquid molecules,
(also termed the meniscus force), the significance of which was micelles or nanoparticles appears [5658]. Solvation forces
realized by Haines [41] and Fisher [42]. Capillary force can depend not only on the properties of the liquid medium
be classified into two types: normal capillary force and lateral but also on the surface physicochemical properties, such
capillary force [43]. A comprehensive review of the normal as hydrophilicity, roughness, crystalline state, homogeneity,
capillary force was given by Butt and Kappl [44]. Denkov rigidity and surface micro-texture. These factors affect the
et al [45] and Kralchevsky and Nagayama [46] contributed a lot structure of the confined liquids between two surfaces, which
to the study of the structure of colloid nanoparticles due to the in turn affects the solvation force [29]. The hydration force is
lateral capillary force. Capillary forces should be considered a strong short-range repulsive force between the polar surfaces
in the studies on powders, soils and granular materials [4750], separated by a thin polar liquid layer (thickness <3 nm); the
the adhesion between particles or particles to surfaces [51, 52] force magnitude decays exponentially with the liquid layer
and the stiction in micro/nano-electromechanical systems [53]. thickness [5862]. The physical mechanisms underlying
It is also relevant to nanoparticle assembling or living cells self- the hydration force are still in discussion. A well known
assemble technologies [54, 55]. interpretation of hydration force is that the solvent molecules
The normal capillary force arises from the Laplace are bound strongly and are restructured by polar surfaces.
pressure within the curved meniscus formed by liquid An ordered-solvent layer was formed at the surface-solution
condensation or vapour bridges around two adhering solid interface, which exponentially decays away from the surface;
surfaces [43, 44]. It can be attractive or repulsive depending the overlap of the ordered-solvent layers near the two mutually
on whether the capillary bridge is concave or convex. Two approaching surfaces creates a force [5961]. The hydration
equations are important to understand the capillary forces, force could determine the behaviours of many diverse systems,
i.e. the YoungLaplace equation and the Kelvin equation. e.g., the colloidal dispersion stability, the swelling of clays and
The YoungLaplace equation relates the curvature of a liquid the interactions of biological membranes.
interface to the pressure difference, while the Kelvin equation
describes capillary condensation, which is the physical basis
2.5. DLVO theory
for many adhesion phenomena [46]. Capillary condensation is
the condensation of vapour into capillaries or fine pores even The DLVO (DerjaguinLandauVerweyOverbeek) theory
for vapour pressures below the saturation vapour pressure. The was introduced by Derjaguin and Landau [63] in 1941 and
Kelvin equation relates the actual vapour pressure to the surface Verwey and Overbeek [64] in 1948 for describing the stability
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[21, 22, 82, 83], whether or not the continuum mechanics can the basic working principle of AFM is shown in figure 5,
be used to describe a particle at the nanometre scale is still in including a cantilever with a sharp tip on its end, piezotube
discussion. The molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method scanner, scanning and feedback systems, a four quadrant
provides an opportunity to understand the atomistic processes photoelectric detector and the computer. Briefly, the sharp
in the contact region. Luan and Robbins [84] researched the tip scans over the sample and the deflection of the cantilever
contact between two nanocylinders by MD simulations and is quantified through a laser beam reflected off the backside
found that the atomic-scale surface roughness produced by of the cantilever and received by the photoelectric detector.
discrete atoms led to dramatic deviations from the continuum If a constant force is kept between the tip and sample during
theory. Contact areas and stresses may be changed by a factor scanning, the topographic image of the sample surface can
of two, whereas friction and lateral contact stiffness by an be obtained by plotting the height of a sample stage on
order of magnitude. Also Miesbauer et al [85] analysed the the piezoscanner, which is controlled by a feedback system.
contact between two NaCl nanocrystals with MD simulations. Alternatively, the interaction force between the tip and sample
It was found that the Hertzian theory was a suitable description can be obtained with the cantilevers vertical deflection using
of the studied system when the system size was larger than the force-versus-distance curves, briefly called force curves,
50 ; the discrepancy became more obvious as the particle together with Hookes law [95, 96]. These curves can provide
was even smaller. Cheng and Robbin [86] investigated the valuable information on some of the important properties
nanoscale contact with MD simulations to test the adaptability of nanoparticles, such as hardness, elastic modulus and the
of continuum contact mechanics at the nanoscale; the results adhesion between nanoparticle and substrate. The lateral force
suggested that the continuum contact models could be applied is closely related to the torsional deflection of the cantilever;
to the case where the forces averaged over the areas containing an accurate value can be obtained after careful calibration of
many atoms. Nonetheless, the continuum theory, because of the cantilevers torsional coefficient [97]. More details about
its concise expression, is still widely applied in the mechanical the basics of AFM can be seen in [93, 96].
analysis at the nanoscale, such as designing micro/nano-
devices [87], creating nanostructured materials with optimized 3.2. Particle tracking velocimetry (PTV)
mechanical properties [88] and understanding the molecular
PTV is an image-based velocimetry method of measuring
origins of friction and adhesion [8991]. the velocity field and tracking individual particles in fluidic
systems [98, 99]. Fluorescent particles are usually used
3. Main techniques for studying nanoparticles as tracers within a defined area where those particles are
illuminated; then pictures of these particles are taken. The
The research methods frequently used in studying the motion trajectories of the particles can be reconstructed by
mechanical properties of nanoparticles will be briefly locating them in those pictures and the velocities of the
introduced as follows: particles can be calculated correspondingly. Based on these,
deep insight into some of the complex and low-velocity
3.1. AFM techniques flows in a region can be acquired. It is a technique that
is slightly different from particle image velocimetry (PIV)
AFM is a powerful technique that can be used to obtain both where the particles displacements within a segment of an
high-resolution images on many kinds of solid surfaces and image are averaged [100]. Currently, there are mainly two
the vertical force as well as lateral force between a sharp different PTV methods, i.e. two-dimensional particle tracking
tip and the surface [9294]. The schematic diagram of velocimetry (2D-PTV) [101] and three-dimensional particle
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Table 3. Summary of the hardness and elastic modulus of different particles with the size of several hundreds of nanometres or smaller.
Hardness/(bulk Indentation
Particle material Diameter/size value) Elastic modulus/(bulk value) depth Notes
Organic Polystyrene(PS) 58194 nm [21]; 8.04.1 GPa [21]; 36 nm [21] Modulus increases with
nanospheres [21, 114] the decrease of particle
size [21]
180250 nm [114] 12 GPa [114] 56 nm [114] Vinylbenzyl(trimethyl)
/(33.6 GPa) [115] ammonium chloride
units inside [114]
Polypropylene(PP) 200500 nm 1.32.8 GPa 1.5 nm
[22] /(1.52 GPa)
Polyesters [116] 23 nm 0.10.3 GPa Hyperbranched,
weight = 30007000
Polyethylenimine 15 nm 5160 MPa up to 10 nm Bigger pressure resulted
(PEI) [117] in larger modulus
Poly- 350 nm 4.3 GPa/(4 GPa) [115] up to 60 nm 6.6 GPa (200 C heat
(methylmethacrylate) treatment)
(PMMA) [118]
Liquid 95150 nm 0.10.6 GPa 10 nm 4-pentyl-4-
crystal [119] cyanobiphenyl (5CB)
(main component)
Core/shell PS/CeO2 [113] 130260 nm 515 GPa 2030 nm Modulus increases with
particle size
PMMA/silica 450 nm [118]; 10.3 GPa [118]; up to 80 nm PMMA-based
[113, 118] 350 nm [113] 911 GPa [113] terpolymer [113]
Metal Gold [120] 22 nm 1.72 GPa/(Vickers 100 GPa/(79 GPa) 35 nm Six-fold symmetry gold
nanoparticle hardness 216 MPa) nanoparticles
Gold modified 10 and 20 nm 0.12 and 1.3 GPa(a) ; Protein: (a) bovine
with 0.08 GPa (a) ; 9.5 and 1.0 GPa(b) serum albumin;
proteins [121] 0.22 and (b) streptavidin
0.13 GPa(b) pure gold particle:
hardness = 0.4 GPa;
modulus = 5.2 GPa
Silver [122] 13 nm 3.12 GPa 103.9 GPa
/(Vickers hardness /(83 GPa)
251 MPa)
Silicon nanoparticle 40140 nm [123]; 2534 GPa [124]; 600180 GPa [123]/(around 1336 nm [123] Modulus increases with
540 nm [124]; 2050 GPa/ 150 GPa) 324 nm [125] decrease of particle
40100 nm [125] (12 GPa) [125] size [123]; simulation
result [124]
Nanowire, Gold 40250 nm 70 11 GPa 400 nm
nanotube, nanowire [126] (displacement)
Silver nanowire 20140 nm 75160 GPa
[127, 128]
lead 30280 nm 1430 GPa/(16 GPa)
nanowire [128]
ZnO 70, 99 nm 120, 83 GPa/(140 GPa)
nanowires [129]
WS2 20 nm 171 GPa/(150 GPa [131])
nanotube [130]
Boron nitride (BN) 0.582.38 nm 40.781.85 GPa/(3040 or Single-walled, modulus
nanotubes [132] 74 GPa) decreases with diameter
Carbon 0.921.91 nm 579 GPa/(36.5 GPa, bulk
nanotubes [133] graphite [134])
Carbon 9 nm 16 GPa Multi-walled
nanotubes [135]
Silicon nitride 2050 nm (thickness) 570 GPa 150 nm
nanobelts [136] (bending modulus) (displacement)
/(120330 GPa)
Cellulose 4.2 nm (wood), 5.9 nm 24.8, 17.7 GPa [137]; Cellulose nanocrystals
nanocrystals (cotton) [137] 8.1 GPa(mean value) [138] are crystalline, rod-like
[137] 820 nm [138] shaped particles
Mostly based on the previous method, the elastic modulus of a size-dependent behaviours. Typical related results and the
variety of nanoparticles have been measured by compressing underlying mechanisms can be divided as the following three
or bending particles primarily with AFM, as summarized in categories.
table 3; the hardness of some nanoparticles is also given. As
shown, the nanoparticles hardness and elastic modulus often (1) In the case of spherical polymer nanoparticles, there
deviate from their bulk materials and some show obvious are yet no uniform size-dependent behaviours of the
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300 (c)
F f-static
F f-kinetic
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 8. AFM images of a nanoparticle on the substrate (a) before and (b) after manipulation; (c) the dependence of the friction force of
polystyrene particles on the silicon surface on the particle radius (R) [24].
4.2. Adhesion and friction of nanoparticles of nanoparticles [91]. For instance, the frictional anisotropies
for molybdenum oxide (MoO) nanoparticles were investigated
The adhesion and the friction of nanoparticles play important
by Sheehan and Lieber [166]. The maximum sliding friction
roles in nanofabrication, lubrication, the design of micro/nano
force between polymer latex spheres (radius between 50 and
devices, colloidal stabilization and drug delivery. In this
100 nm) and a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)
case, characterizing the adhesion and friction behaviours of
surface was obtained by Ritter et al [23]. More recently,
nanoparticles has attracted significant research interest over
the interfacial friction between antimony (Sb) nanoparticles
the past decade [84, 145157]. So far, AFM has been proved
and a HOPG surface was successfully measured through
to be a powerful tool to measure the adhesion and friction
pushing nanoparticles with the AFM tip by Dietzel et al [167].
between a nanoparticle and a solid surface. The AFM tip itself
In addition, the adhesion forces between nanoparticles with
can also be thought of as a nanoparticle; then the adhesion
force as well as the friction force can be easily obtained by the different sizes and the surface were measured by Guo et al [24].
cantilevers deflection [151, 154]. However, the use of AFM is In the most general case, the adhesion force is a
practically limited by the tip material and its geometric shape. combination of electrostatic force, vdW force, meniscus or
By attaching the particle to the force sensor in the microscope, capillary force, solvation force and structure force, etc. The
the force between a surface and a colloid particle was directly adhesive contact between elastic surfaces is usually described
measured with AFM by Ducker et al in 1991 [70]. Since by single-asperity theories such as JKR, DMT or M-D
the properties of the attached particle, such as the size, the (Maugis-Dugdale) theories, as mentioned previously. The
shape and the material were controllable, the uncertainties adhesion force of micro/nanoparticles has been extensively
in the force measurement caused by the irregular shape of studied and most of the equations for the continuum contact
the AFM tip etc could be avoided. Hence, the colloidal theories can be applied extremely well, even at the submicron
probe technique is more effective for studying the adhesion scale [82, 85, 168170]. A linear dependence of the adhesion
and friction of micro/nanoparticles [96, 158]. Nevertheless, force on the reduced radius was found by Heim et al [170]
it is actually very difficult to attach a single nanoparticle for the adhesion between silica spheres, proving that the DMT
with the size of less than 1 m on the AFM force sensor; theory was also valid for the particle with dimensions below
the colloid probes in most references have sizes larger than 1 m. The simulation of the adhesion between a nickel AFM
1 m [158]. A chemical method was used by Vakarelski et al tip and a gold surface by Landman et al [168] showed good
to place individual gold nanoparticles (2040 nm) on the tip agreements with the JKR theory for both the mean positions
of an AFM cantilever to measure the adhesion force between of atoms and the stress distribution. Individual nanoparticles
nanoparticles and mica [159]. Ceria nanoparticles (50 nm in with varying size from about 50 to 500 nm were manipulated
diameter) were attached on the AFM tip with epoxy glue by on a silicon surface using AFM by Guo et al [24]. The results
Ong and Sokolov [160] to measure the adhesion force between showed that the friction forces between the particles and the
nanoparticles and a flat silica surface. Other various methods substrate were proportional to the two third power of the radius,
include measuring the adhesion force of the tip against a film which was in agreement with the Hertzian theory, as shown in
of nanoparticles [153, 161163] and manufacturing a tip with figure 8. The situations where the continuum contact theories
a certain curvature by thermal oxidation, etc [164, 165]. are no longer applicable involve changing surface energy with
Besides the direct adhesion measurement by the vertical time [171173], viscoelastic materials [174, 175] and rough
deflection of the AFM cantilever, nanoparticle movement surfaces [176, 177]. All of these factors could give rise to
manipulation by the cantilevers torsional deflection was firstly hysteresis and time-dependent effects.
used to push C60 islands grown on a NaCl surface in 1994 Under ambient conditions, the capillary force (meniscus
[156]. Since then, this method has been increasingly popular force) was demonstrated to make the largest contribution to the
to characterize the intriguing nanoadhesion/friction behaviours adhesive force [178]. The capillary force between a plate and a
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Figure 10. The particle trajectories in a water droplet during the evaporation process [223].
under external mechanical forces [221]. To be more specific, inorganic nanoparticles during fluid evaporation was observed
studies based on two typical methods will be emphasized in using a TEM by Zheng et al [227]. The observation of the
the following parts. self-assembled process of nanoparticles in a liquid medium
The first method is particle tracking with the fluorescence with the particle size comparable to the molecular dimension
technique. A system for observing nanoparticles was of the liquid was made using an environmental TEM by Dai
developed by Xu et al [222] using a high-resolution et al [228].
fluorescence microscope and fluorescent core-shell SiO2 The movement of nanoparticles is very complicated due
nanoparticles of 5060 nm in diameter were used as the seed to the influence of many factors, e.g., complex forces, medium
nanoparticles. By using this system, the velocity profile and environment. In this instance, the studies on the single
of nanoparticles in a channel flow [222], the Marangoni nanoparticles motion in the past were mostly qualitative in
flow in evaporating water droplets [223] and nanoparticle nature; more precise measurement methods or instruments
wall collision behaviours [224] were investigated. The with a combination of functions are needed for quantitative
Marangoni flow in a droplet manifested with fluorescent analyses in future works.
nanoparticles revealed a stagnation point where the directions
of the surface flow, the surface tension gradient and the 5. Applications relevant to the mechanical
surface temperature gradient changed, as shown in figure 10 properties of nanoparticles
[223]. The nanoparticlewall collision experiments showed
the nanoparticles adsorbed on the solid surface after collision 5.1. Nanoparticles in lubrication
in liquid were much easier to be removed than those deposited
on dry surfaces [224]. The reason for this observation was that The mechanical properties of nanoparticles play a major role
the particles might be adsorbed at the secondary minimum of in influencing the tribological properties of lubricated systems
the particlewall interaction when the collision occurred in with nanoparticles. The effects of the mechanical properties
water, rather than at the primary minimum for the particles of nanoparticles as lubricant additives on the tribological
deposited on dry surfaces, as described in the DLVO theory properties differ in various materials. The lubricating
mentioned earlier. Another system for in situ observing properties of typical nanoparticle materials are summarized
nanoparticles movement with the fluorescence technique in in table 4. From a general point of view, the combined effects
confined geometries where external loads and rotations could of rolling, sliding and the formation of a third body layer and
be applied was developed by Lei et al [225]. With this system, tribofilms are the main reasons for the increased lubricating
it has been found that the velocities of free particles were behaviour after adding nanoparticles [12], as briefly described
much larger (20 times) than the rotating speed, providing in the following parts.
evidence that nanoparticle impacting was also one of the (1) The rolling mode of nanoparticles in the lubricated
main surface material removal factors during the surface contact area could provide very low friction and wear;
planarization process. More discussions on this point will be however, the occurrence of this effect is strongly
given in the latter part of this review. dependent upon some properties, e.g., the shape, the
The second method is the TEM observations, which size and the concentration of the nanoparticles in the
could give more delicate details of the particle movement lubricant [246, 250, 253, 254]. Spherically shaped and
and provide deeper understanding of the roles of particles mechanically stable nanoparticles without significant
in specific applications. The movement behaviours of a agglomeration are favourable for their rolling in the
single MoS2 nanoparticle in a dynamic contact were directly contact area between tribopairs [245]. As far as
observed with in situ TEM by Lahouij et al [226]; the the intrinsic mechanical properties of nanoparticles are
results showed that either a rolling or a sliding process of the concerned, whether the initial spherical shape of the
fullerenes could be possible during shearing. The motion of nanoparticles in the contact area can be preserved or
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
Material category Examples Lubrication mechanism and regime Favourable aspects Unfavourable aspects
Metal Au [229], (1) Formation of soft and low shear Friction and wear Low dispersibility in
nanoparticles Ag [229, 230] Cu strength tribofilms reduction, organic solvent
[231233], Ni [234] anti-contact fatigue,
good extreme
CuO, ZnO and ZrO2 (2) Formation of the third body layer
[235237], due to mechanical compaction
TiO2 [238]
Al2 O3 [239, 240]
Organically coated (3) Extreme pressure related to the More stable colloid Modification with
modification size and the hardness of system chlorine and
[233, 241, 242] nanoparticles phosphorus
containing compounds
are not green
Metallic-organic (4) Effective in mixed lubrication Efficient delivery of
complexes [243] and low-load boundary lubrication particles to the
asperity contact
Dichalcogenide WS2 [244246], (1) Rolling/sliding at the low normal Reducing sliding
MX2 (M = W, MoS2 [226, 247, 248], stress and exfoliation at the high friction, by up to
Mo; X = S, Se) WSe2 [249] normal stress under boundary 50%, in the mixed
nanoparticle lubrication lubrication regime
(2) Layers in the particles can easily
slide due to weak intermolecular
Carbon-based Diamond nanoparticle (1) Ball-bearing effect Friction reduction,
nanoparticle [218, 250252] (2) Viscosity-increasing effect anti-scuffing, surface
(3) Increase in the surface hardness polishing
of tribopair
Graphite nanoparticle Ball-bearing spacers, reduce metal High temperature Water insoluble due to
[253, 254] contact and increase the wettability resistance, extreme hydrophobicity
of lubricant on surface pressure and
Fullerene [255257] Similar to dichalcogenide MX2 More effective for low
viscosity base oil and
high normal loads
Silicon SiO2 [258261], Bear load, separate tribopair, Cheap and easily
nanoparticle Al2 O3 /SiO2 prevent direct contact, and promote available
composite rolling, inhibit the expansion of the
nanoparticles [262] microcracks on the tribopair
surface due to particle embedment
Polymer PTFE nanoparticle (1) Increased load bearing properties Reduce friction and Unstable under high
nanoparticle [263, 264] due to large adhesion between wear; extreme temperature
lubricant and tribosurface pressure
(2) Mechanical energy adsorbed by
particles as its deformation occurs
(shock-absorbing effect)
not have a close relationship with their hardness/elastic between particles are very relevant to the above two modes
properties, which are also affected by the nanoparticle of particle movement in the lubricated contact area. A
size [226]. smaller applied load and harder tribopair surfaces readily
(2) The sliding mode of nanoparticles could also result in lead to rolling friction of nanoparticles in the contact area,
low friction and wear. Sliding friction usually occurs because these would give less of a probability for the
when the particle is not very spherical in shape and has particles to mechanically deform or indent into the surface
low adhesion to the tribopair surfaces [265]. Besides, [14, 245]. Moreover, particle agglomeration is greatly
particle agglomeration in the contact area is another factor determined by the interaction force between particles,
that could lead to sliding friction during the shearing of thereby inhibiting rolling while promoting the sliding of
tribopairs [229233]. In this case, the nanoparticles play nanoparticles in the contact area [229, 231]. Another
a role as a spacer in minimizing the direct contact between important aspect of the nanoparticle in the lubricant
the asperities of two shearing surfaces. under a low applied pressure is that the viscosity of
Externally applied pressure on the nanoparticles, the the lubricant could be enhanced and thereby the oil
rigidity of the tribopair surfaces and the interaction forces film formation properties in the lubricated contact could
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
100 Ordered
0.1 1 10 100
Rolling speed of ball v/(mm/s) Disc
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 11. Typical results of lubrication properties of oils (polyester (PE)) with added diamond nanoparticles: (a) film thickness against ball
rolling speed for PE with nanoparticles of different concentrations (applied pressure: 174 MPa); (b) physical model of nanoparticles as
additive; (c) SEM image of the rubbing surface under PE lubrication (rubbing time: 30 min; applied pressure: 220 MPa); (d) SEM image of
the rubbing surface under PE lubrication with nanoparticles (rubbing time: 30 min; applied pressure: 220 MPa) [218].
be improved, as shown in figures 11(a) and (c) [218]. abrasive effect of hard nanoparticles under large pressures
It can also be noted from this figure that when the and heavy aggregations of oils with high particle
applied pressure increased further, the sliding effect of concentrations in the inlet of the contact area [264].
nanoparticles could give rise to the surface polishing
effect. 5.2. Nanoparticles in nanomanufacturing
(3) When the applied pressure is sufficiently large, nano-
particles become mechanically unstable and delamination As already mentioned in the introduction, CMP is an
of nanoparticles could happen [245, 246]. For indispensable planarization tool in nanomanufacturing ICs.
instance, studies suggested that when the applied Abrasive and corrosive slurry is used to physically grind and
pressure was 1 GPa and the tribopair operated in the chemically remove microscopic topographic features on a
boundary lubrication regime, exfoliation of inorganic wafer to obtain a flat surface [215]. In this process, abrasive
fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles as the lubricant additive nanoparticles in the slurry are a very important contributor
would dominate [244247]. In this case, material to obtain controlled material removal without sacrificing
layers of the broken particles could form as the third planarity. They usually either embed in the polishing pad
body and adhere on the tribopair surfaces separating the or remain immersed in the slurry, as schematically shown
counterpart. These layers likely align themselves parallel in figure 12 [265]. Among many factors that could affect
to the tribopair surfaces due to adhesion and shear. It the material removal rate and surface quality in CMP, the
occurs more often for metal dichalcogenide and graphite mechanical interaction between the nanoparticles and the
nanoparticles, which have anisotropic layered structures wafer surface plays a critical role. For the material removal
with weak vdW forces as the bonding interaction between process, two models have been proposed to understand
layers [226, 244249, 253257]. In addition, valleys the mechanical behaviours of abrasive nanoparticles in
between asperities could be filled out by nanoparticles; CMP, i.e. the hydrodynamic model and the solid contact
then the tribopair surface could be partly smoothened out model [266, 267].
to reduce friction and wear [261].
It is worth pointing out that nanoparticles as lubricant (1) In the hydrodynamic model, the wafer and the polishing
additives do not always give rise to favourable tribological pad are separated by a thin liquid film; the material
properties. Increases in friction and wear, as well removal is primarily due to the collision of abrasive
as lubricant starvation, were observed due to the nanoparticles onto the wafer, or the fluidic shearing.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
Figure 13. (a) AFM image of the surface after a 10 min exposure; (b) cross-section high-resolution TEM images of the specimen subsurface
after exposure [214].
Figure 14. The rolling process of a silica particle under an external down force of 5 nN and a lateral driving force of 10 nN (left); The
number of removed atoms against various external down forces with abrasive rolling and abrasive sliding (right) [265].
for a nanoparticle on the surface in the cleaning process deliver improved properties, such as enhanced mechanical
was put forward by Huang et al [290]. Furthermore, properties, self-lubrication, wear-resistance and energy-
contact models and lubrication hydrodynamic theories were absorbing capabilities [300]. A few examples demonstrating
employed to analyse the fluid flow field and calculate the the influence of nanoparticles on the mechanical (hardness,
hydrodynamic drag force, as well as the surface roughness and elastic modulus as well as tensile strengths etc) and tribological
the characteristics of the brush nodules were considered [291]. properties of nanocomposite coatings are shown in table 5.
The mechanical brush scrubbing method is very efficient There are two main categories of nanocomposites, which are
for removing residue particles; however, it becomes less summarized as follows.
effective when the particle size is very small, e.g., a
nanoparticle. In this case, megasonic cleaning and chemically- (1) Due to some of the inherent properties of the matrix, for
activated removal could be adopted. Megasonic cleaning is to instance the high strength and modulus, wear resistance
utilize a sound field with a frequency of typically 0.82 MHz and high thermal and electrical conductivity, metal or
to excite controlled cavitation, which is gentler and on a much metal alloy matrix composite coatings show distinct
smaller scale than that produced under ultrasonic cleaning. advantages over polymeric composites [315]. In these
Increases in the megasonic frequency, the cleaning period and coatings, ceramic (Al2 O3 [301, 304, 306], TiO2 [305],
the solution temperature etc could improve the cleaning effects SiC [307, 308]) and carbon-based (graphite [316] and
[292295]. Nevertheless, this cleaning method has some CNTs [317]) nanoparticles are usually added. There
problems, e.g., the instability of the sound field for cleaning are three reasons why ceramic particles are used as
large size wafers and low cleaning efficiency. The basic idea reinforcement to enhance the hardness and the wear-
of the chemically-activated removal, i.e. using a chemical resistance of composites:
additive, is to weaken the bonds between particles [296] or the high hardness and strength of particles [306, 308]
to change the charges on the wafer surface and the particles migration and dislocation motion of grain boundaries
(alter the solution pH [297, 298] or add surfactants [299]) for can be prevented by the particles in the matrix [304]
controlling the electrostatic repulsion between the particles and
heterogeneous nucleation effect of particles in metal
the wafer surface.
or metal alloys [308].
The addition of graphite nanoparticles or CNTs in a metal
5.3. Nanoparticles in coatings
matrix could, on the one hand, reduce the porosity of
Incorporating different kinds of nanoparticles within a a pure metal coating, then the coating would be much
metal or polymer matrix to produce nanocomposites can denser and compact with fewer cracks. On the other hand,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 (2014) 013001 Topical Review
Maximum Friction
tensile(T) or coefficient Optimum
Increased hardness (H) flexural (F) (COF)/wear particle Particle
Nanoparticle/matrix or modulus (M) strength rate(WR) concentration size (nm)
Metal Al2 O3 [301], (H)68.4 (T) 250 MPa 47 vol% 4080
matrix AlN [302], HRF(115%) [301] (67%) [301] [301, 303]
MgO [303]/Al or Al (H)1.59 GPa (50%) Compressive 39 vol% [302]
alloy (M)140 GPa strength
(56%) [302] 288 MPa(164%)
Al2 O3 /Ni-W [304] (H)8.5 GPa 1460 MPa (5075)% 57 wt% [304] 3090
TiO2 /Ni [305] (31%) [304] (1180%), residual [303]; 12 g l1 [305]
(H)400 HV stresses [304] 40%
(23%) [305] (WR) [305]
(WC, ZrO2 , Al2 O3 , (H) increase by 516 bending strength (5090)% 26 vol% 10100
and Si3 N4 )/(Co or HRB increase by 54% (WR),
Fe) [306] 75%
SiC/Mg (T) 216 MPa(24%); 10 vol% [307] 20 [307];
alloy [307, 308] Yield strength 0.5 wt% [308] 50 [308]
384 MPa(113%)
Nanographite/Cu [309] (H) 94 HV (31%, 23%(COF, 35
5 vol%) 15 vol%),
15 vol%)
Polymer SiAlON, [310] (H) 67(Shore-D, (T)18 MPa(-44%) 67% (WR, 911 wt% [310] 70 [310]
matrix SiO2 [311]/Epoxy 18%) [310] aggregation, 3 wt%) [310]
resin (M) 60 MPa (40%) 5 wt.% [311]
5 wt.% [311]
ZnO/polyurethane [12] (T) 17.83 MPa 2 wt% 27
nano-PTFE/Phenol (H)112 HRM (25.8%) (F)110 MPa 33%(COF); 25 wt% 2080
resins [313] (19.6%) 61% (WR)
PTFE-MoS2 - (H)123 MPa (7%) (T)52.08 MPa 3 wt% 1030
Al2 O3 /polyoxy- (7%)
methylene [314]
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