Updated Section A Semester Projects Groups
Updated Section A Semester Projects Groups
Updated Section A Semester Projects Groups
You are required to change the wheel diameter (D) in the range of
800 mm to 1200 mm with successive intervals of 40 mm i.e., 800
mm, 840 mm, 880 mm, 920 mm ……….
2 22-ME-21 “Investigate the effect of guide blade angle (α) on the width of the
22-ME-25 wheel at inlet (B1) of Francis Turbine through detailed design
22-ME-29 calculations.”
22-ME-33 Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
H=8 m, Vw1=20 m/s, u1=0.25√2𝑔𝐻 , N=150 rpm, S.P=150 kW,
ηo=75%, ηh=78%
You are required to change the guide blade angle (α) in the range of
28° to 38° with successive intervals of 1° i.e.,
3 22-ME-37
22-ME-41 “Investigate the performance of Pelton turbine for different nozzle
22-ME-45 diameters (d) through detailed design calculations.”
22-ME-49 Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
Total discharge: 1 m3/s, Cv: 0.98, u=0.46V1, angle of
You are required to change the nozzle diameter in the range of 150
mm to 200 mm with an interval of 5 mm each time.
4 22-ME-53 “Investigate the effect of wheel vane angle at inlet (θ) on the width
22-ME-57 of the wheel at inlet (B1) of Francis Turbine through detailed design
22-ME-61 calculations”.
22-ME-65 Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
H=8 m, Vw1=20 m/s, u1=0.25√2𝑔𝐻 , N=150 rpm, S.P=150 kW,
ηo=75%, ηh=78%
You are required to change the wheel vane angle at inlet (θ) in the
range of 33° to 43° with successive intervals of 1° i.e.,
5 22-ME-69 “Investigate the effect of wheel vane angle at outlet (ϕ) on the width
22-ME-73 of the wheel at outlet (B2) of Francis Turbine through detailed
22-ME-77 design calculations.”
22-ME-81 Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
H=60 m, Vw1=20 m/s, D1=550 mm, D2=0.5D1 ,N=700 rpm,S.P=300
kW, ηo=85%
You are required to change the wheel vane angle at inlet (θ) in the
range of 30° to 40° with successive intervals of 1° i.e.,
You are required to change the bucket speed (u) in the range of
u=0.3V1 to 0.6V1 with successive intervals of 0.02 i.e., 0.3V1,
0.32V1, 0.34V1, 0.36V1……….
7 22-ME-101
22-ME-105 “Investigate the effect of vane angle of impeller at outlet (ϕ)on on
22-ME-109 the work done by the impeller per weight/sec (head imparted to
22-ME-113 water by impeller) of centrifugal pumps through detailed design
Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
D1=200 mm, D2=2D1 ,N=1300 rpm, vane angle at outlet (θ)=20°
You are required to change the impeller vane angle at outlet (ϕ) in
the range of 25° to 35° with successive intervals of 1° i.e.,
8 22-ME-117 “Investigate the effect of wheel (or runner) vane angle at inlet (θ)
22-ME-125 on the discharge (Q) and overall efficiency (ηo) of Kaplan Turbine
22-ME-129 through detailed design calculations”.
22-ME-133 Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
H=20 m, Vw1=15 m/s, Do=3.5 m, Db=0.5Do , N=700 rpm,S.P=12000
kW, ηh=88%
You are required to change the wheel vane angle at inlet (θ) in the
range of 75° to 75° with successive intervals of 1° i.e.,
9 22-ME-137 “Investigate the effect of vane angle of impeller at inlet (θ) on the
22-ME-141 work done by the impeller per weight/sec (head imparted to water
22-ME-145 by impeller) of centrifugal pumps through detailed design
22-ME-149 calculations.”
Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
D1=200 mm, D2=2D1 ,N=1300 rpm, vane angle at outlet (ϕ)=30°
You are required to change the impeller vane angle at inlet (θ) in the
range of 15° to 25° with successive intervals of 1° i.e.,
11 22-ME-173
22-ME-177 “Investigate the performance of Pelton turbine for different
22-ME-181 deflection angles through detailed design calculations”.
22-ME-185 Assume the following data constant for your calculations!
Total discharge: 2 m3/s, Cv: 0.98, H=400 m, u=0.46V1, N=800 rpm,
12 20-ME-35 Investigate the effect of (a)stroke length and (b) rpm on slip of
20-ME-67 reciprocating pumps through detailed design calculations.
(Additional Assume the following data constant for your calculations!