A Pelton wheel turbine is a tangential flow impulse hydraulic machine that is actively
used for the production of power from kinetic energy of flowing water. It is the only form of
impulse turbine in common industrial use. It is a robust and simple machine that is ideal for
the production of power from low volume water flows at a high head with reasonable
efficiency. The Pelton wheel used in this experiment, although a model, reproduces all the
characteristics of full size machines and allows an experimental program to determine the
performance of a turbine and also to verify the theory of design.
Impulse turbines operate through a mechanism that first converts head through a nozzle into
high velocity, which strikes the buckets at single position as they pass by.jet flows past the
buckets is quite essential at constant pressure thus runner passages are never fully filled.
These turbines are suited for relatively low power and high head derivations. The Pelton
wheel turbine is comprised of three basic components that include the stationary inlet nozzle,
the runner and the casing. The multiple buckets form the runner. They are mounted on a
rotating wheel. They are shaped in a manner that divides the flow in half and turn in a
velocity vector that is nearly 180°.
The nozzle is positioned in a similar plane as the wheel and is arranged so that the jet of
water impinges tangentially on to the buckets. The nozzle is controlled by movement of the
spear regulator along the axis of the nozzle which alters the annular space between the spear
and the housing. A static pressure tapping is provided to enable the measurement of the water
pressure in the inlet. The nozzle is controlled by movement of the spear regulator along the
axis of the nozzle which alters the annular space between the spear and the housing, the spear
being shaped so as to induce the fluid to coalesce into a circular jet of varying diameter
according to the position of the spear. A friction dynamometer consists of a 60mm diameter
brake wheel fitted with a fabric brake band which is tensioned by a weight hanger and
masses with the fixed end being secures via a spring balance to the support frame. A
tachometer may be used to measure the speed of the turbine.
1. To observe and understand the operation of a Pelton Turbine.
2. To determine the relationship between water flow rate, head of water, turbine speed
and load on a Pelton Turbine.
3. To determine the efficiency of a Pelton Turbine.
The Pelton turbine is the most visually obvious example of an impulse machine. A spear valve
directs a jet of water at a series of buckets which are mounted on the periphery of a rotor. As the
water exiting the spear valve is at atmospheric pressure, the force exerted on the rotor is entirely
due to changes in the direction of the flow of water. The Pelton turbine is therefore associated
with considerable changes of kinetic energy but little change in pressure energy. The spear valve
allows the jet diameter to be varied which allows the water flow rate to be varied with a
constant jet velocity. Large turbines may include more than one spear valve around the
periphery of the rotor.
The operating characteristics of a turbine are often conveniently shown by plotting torque
T, brake power Pb, and overall turbine efficiency E t against turbine rotational speed n for a
series of volume flow rates Q, as shown in chart provided. It is important to note that the
efficiency reaches a maximum and then falls, whilst the torque falls constantly and linearly. The
optimum conditions for operation occur when the required 'duty point' of head and flow
coincides with a point of maximum efficiency.
The flow rate of fluid through the turbine is the volume passing through the system per unit time.
The term 'head' refers to the elevation of a free surface of water above or below a
reference datum. In the case of a turbine we are interested in the head of the water entering
the rotor, which of course has a direct effect on the characteristics of the unit. In this apparatus
the head of water is generated by the pump on the hydraulics bench rather than an elevated
Terms specifically applied to the analysis of turbines and generating systems are briefly
defined below.
1. Manometric suction head Hm 1 is the gauge reading (metres) measured at the inlet nozzle
of the turbine, referenced to the rotor centreline datum.
2. Manometric discharge head Hm2 is the gauge reading (metres) measured at the discharge
nozzle of the turbine, referenced to the rotor centreline.
3. Input head to the turbine (H i) is the head used by the turbine in performing work. For
the turbine Hi is given by:
For a control volume enclosing the turbine outlet and inlet, as Hm 1 and Hm2 the measured
pressures are equal to
The gauge has been set up so that inlet pressure is measured in relation to atmospheric pressure
(P2). As the outlet of the turbine is at atmospheric pressure, it can be assumed that the reading
given by the gauge is the head loss due to pressure difference across the turbine.
Hi = P1 /ρ g [m]
T = Fb r [Nm] ……(5)
where Fb is the brake force reading on the spring balances and r is the pulley radius.
However, the fluid friction 'losses' in the turbine itself, require a hydraulic efficiency E h to be
defined as:-
Further, the mechanical losses in the bearings etc. require a mechanical efficiency E m to be
defined as
The Armfield turbine units do not include the direct measurement of mechanical power Pm, but
instead measure brake force applied to the rotor via the band brake. A further efficiency is
therefore required, expressing the friction losses in the brake assembly Eb:-
Thus: Et = Eh Em Eb
1. Pelton Turbine
2. Tachometer
3. Stopwatch
Convert RPM to �
3270 × 2 π
3089.9 ×2 π
2. W2 – W1 (N)
0 ×30 ×10 =0
0 ×342.43=0
0.006 ×323.57=2.055
volume (m3)
5. Flow Rate, Q (x10-4m3/s) ¿
time( s)
7 × 10−3
7 × 10−3
7. Efficiency, ŋ (%) ¿ ×100
× 100=0
Efficiency Curve
0 5 10 15 20 25
Discharge (m3/s)
3270 3089.9 2746.6 2551 2113.9 1867
Fl ow Rate
b) Efficiency Curve
The graph shows that as the turbine speed (RPM) decreases, the efficiency will
increase. This shows that the turbine speed is inversely proportion to the
c) Discharge versus Motor Speed
From the graph it shows when the motor speed (RPM) decreases the
efficiency will decrease too. This shows that the motor speed is directly
proportional to the efficiency.
2. There will be some errors occur when we deal with hydraulic experiment especially
turbine. Some precautions are required to take note in order to achieve the accuracy of
the experiment.
Eyes must be perpendicular at every reading and the readings on the instrument not
Make sure during the experiments carried out in accordance with procedures to be sure to
avoid carelessness that may cause equipment damage.
It was ensured that the centrifugal pump that supplies water in this system is primed first
before the mortar is started.
The gate openings were set carefully and throughout each gate opening, the spear wheel
and the delivery valve were not changed.
For the conclusion, we can said that the objective of the experiment which is to determine the
relationship between The water flow rate, head of water, turbine speed and load on a Pelton
Turbine are achieved. This can be proven from the graph plotted and also in the discussion.