IJAH - Teat Spider
IJAH - Teat Spider
IJAH - Teat Spider
or fibrous tissue blockage. After that, drop surgical repair of the teat and udder (Steiner
by drop milk was coming out through the and Rotz, 2003). After 10 days, animal was
teat canal. Left teat fistula was repaired by totally cured showing normal mammary
two row of vertical mattress suture with gland activity and milk ejection. Teat
non-absorbable material after debridement wounds represent the higher acquired teat
under local anesthesia using 2% xylocaine affections (28.16%) while the
hydrochloride around base of teat after supernumerary teat represents the highest
dusting the site with gentamicin solution. congenital teat abnormalities 36.8 % (Singh
Inj. Cefotaxime was used @10mg /kg body et al., 1993). Supernumerary teat frequently
weight intramuscularly twice daily for 5 interferes with milking process and
days along with intra-mammary infusion of objectionable on show animals without
antibiotics. Daily dressing with gentamicin significant effect on milk yield and lactation
solution was done and siphoning the milk length. The clinical success from udder and
every now and then 2 days interval. Suture teat surgery depends mostly upon aseptic
was removed 10 days postoperatively. measures, proper restraint of animal as well
as adequate postoperative care (Arnold,
Teat spider in cattle and buffalo is 1960). Besides, it was observed that the
congenital as well as acquired condition prevalence of udder and teat affections were
(Johnson, 1988 and Singh et al., 1993). The more in November, December, January and
physical examination was corroborated with February, whenever the weather was cold
the findings of Ather et al. (1999) and and rainy and stables were muddy (Nouh
confirmed as teat spider. No pain sensation et al., 2014). In the present study, the case
was found during entire surgical process as was developed in the month of November.
local anaesthetic technique facilitated
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Steiner A and Von Rotz A, 2003. The most important Nouh SR, Korittum AS, Elkammar MH and
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Arch Tierheilkd, 145(6): 262-271 of the surgical affections of the teat in
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Acquired contralateral teat spider in a cow successful treatment AJVS, 40(1): 65-7
and its successful treatment. Pakistan Vet
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Article received on 02.08.2015 and accepted for publication on 30.11.1215