Management of Oesophageal Obstruction in A Dog
Management of Oesophageal Obstruction in A Dog
Management of Oesophageal Obstruction in A Dog
Oesophageal foreign bodies are common in in- firmed the presence of radioopaque foreign body
discriminate eaters like dogs and more frequent in the esophagus at the level of 5th cervical verte-
in small breeds of dogs, during the first three bra without any appreciable dilatation proximal
years of life. The most common site of lodgment to the site of obstruction except some gas filled
of oesophageal foreign bodies in dogs is thoracic area (Fig.1).
inlet, at the level of base of heart and epiphrenic
area (Kyles, 2003). A case of unusual cervical Treatment and Discussion
esophageal obstruction, managed by esophagot-
omy is reported in the present paper. The dog was premedicated with atropine sul-
phate @ 0.04 mg/kg, s/c followed by Zylazine and
Case History and Observations ketamine hydrochloride anaesthesia @ 0.5 mg/
kg and 5 mg/kg bw respectively. The dog was
A male Pomeranian dog aged 8 months was pre- restrained in right lateral recumbency and inci-
sented with a history of vomiting since 14 days, sion was made left to the trachea from mid cer-
immediately after taking solid food but not when vical to anterior to thoracic inlet and the mus-
fed with liquids. There was no definite history cles were separated to expose the oesophagus.
of foreign body ingestion. It was treated at lo- A 3 cm long incision was made on the oesopha-
cal hospital without success. On clinical exami- gus anterior to the foreign body and a flat bone
nation, the dog was found to be dull and had a with projections embedded in the mucosa was
wasting appearance. Palpation revealed a hard retrieved (Fig.2). The oesophagotomy incision
mass in the distal third of the esophagus with was closed in double layer using 2-0 chromic cat
pain. Lateral radiograph of neck and thorax con- gut. The mucosal layer was closed in simple con-
Fig. 1 Lateral radiograph of neck showing the radioopaque Fig. 2 Bone recovered from oesophagus.
foreign body (Arrows).
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