Unit Plan New Template First Aid Edited

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Nursing (2021scheme)
SUBJECT: nursing foundation 1
Course Plan : Nursing Foundation -I (Including first aid module)
Placement : First year B.Sc. nursing
Unit :14
Topic : First aid
Time :40 hours(14T+26SL)
Teaching Faculty :
General Objectives : On the completion of unit the student acquires
knowledge regarding the first aid emergency management of life threat injuries.
Also is to train with skills necessary for the individual to identify and provide first
aid management at a basic level in wound care, shock, dislocation and muscle
injuries, respiratory emergencies and CPR, transporting the injured person, taking
care of unconscious patient, managing foreign bodies in eye, skin, ear, nose, throat,
stomach. First aid Management of burns and scalds.

And also to identify and provide first aid management in environmental

emergencies like poisoning, bites and stings, frost bite and effects of heat,
community emergencies like flood, famine, earthquake, explosions.

Hour Competency to be Content Teaching Student

s achieved activity activity

1 After completion of the Definition, Lecture cum Attends the

module the students are principles discussion class and
able to define first aid and and scope clarifies the
its principles, aims and and rule of doubts
scope of practice of first first aid
aid . Participates in

2 After completion of the Wound Lecture cum Attends the

module the students are hemorrhage discussion class and
able to define and classify case clarifies the
soft tissue injuries and scenario doubts
critically manage each presentation
Participates in
injury effectively.

After completion of the

module the students are Shock
1 Demonstrate Redemonstrate
able to define shock and s recovery s recovery
assess a patient on shock position position
by stating its signs and
symptoms and able to
manage shock effectively.

1 After completion of the Dislocation Lecture cum Attends the

module the students are and muscle discussion class and
able to define , classify injuries case clarifies the
muscle injuries, fractures scenario. doubts.
and dislocation and
critically manage each
s splinting Redemonstrate
injuries effectively.
techniques s splinting
and techniques and
bandaging bandaging
each joint. each joint.

1 After completion of the Transportatio Lecture cum Participates in

module the students are n of injured discussion
able to know the person case discussion
importance of transporting scenario
an injured person and will
be confident in transporting
the sick.

2 After completion of the Respiratory Lecture cum Attends the

module the students are emergencies discussion class and
able to identify and manage and CPR case clarifies the
cardiac arrest patients and
scenario doubts
provide basic CPR .

s techniques Redemonstrate
of CPR. s techniques of

1 After completion of the Taking care Lecture cum Participates in

module the students are of discussion discussion
able to check the unconscious case
responsive of the patient patient, scenario.
and get confirmed about
consciousness and
unconsciousness and its
causes and management
while treating the patient.

2 After completion of the Managing Lecture cum Attends the

module the students are foreign discussion class and
confident in defining bodies in eye, case clarifies the
foreign object in EYE, skin, ear, scenario doubts
SKIN,EAR,NOSE,THRO nose, throat,
AT AND STOMACH and stomach.
its first aid management.
1 After completion of the Firstaid Lecture cum Participates in
module the students are Management discussion discussion
able to difference between of burns and case
burns and scalds and scalds. scenario
provide first aid

1 After completion of the Environment Lecture cum Attends the

module the students are al discussion class and
able to identify and manage emergencies case clarifies the
animal bites, stings, and like scenario doubts
poisoning. poisoning,
bites and

1 After completion of the Lecture cum Participates in

module the students are Frost bite and discussion discussion
able to identify and manage effects of case
frost bite and heat heat. scenario
1 After completion of the Community Lecture cum Attends the
module the students are emergencies discussion class and
able to identify and manage like flood, case clarifies the
life threatening community famine, scenario doubts
emergencies and able earthquake,
triage patients on priority explosions.
basis and give effective
first aid management.

References: 1. Kozier. B et al. Fundamentals of Nursing, Concepts, Process and

Practice. Dorling Kindersley Publishing Pvt Ltd India, New Delhi.

2. Potter P A, Perry A G, Stockert P A, Hall M A. Potter & Perry's Essentials of

Nursing Foundation, Adaptation Editor: Suresh K. Sharma, South Asia Edition,
Elsevier, RELX India. 39

3. Potter P A, Perry A G. Fundamentals of Nursing, Mosby, St. Louis.

4. Taylor C. et al. Fundamentals of Nursing - The Art & Science of Nursing Care,
Wolters Kluwer Publication, New Delhi.

5. Valsamma Joshy & Susamma Varghese Nursing Foundation I & II for BSc
Nursing students, Frontline Publishers, Hyderabad.

6. Hareendar Jeet Goyal. Elsevier Clinical Skills Manual- Nursing Foundation,

First South Asia Edition, Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi. 7.
Fundamentals of Nursing –A procedure manual, TNAI, New Delhi.

8. Gupta. L. C & Gupta A. Manual of First Aid. Jaypee Brothers (P) Ltd, New
9. Indian First Aid Manual, Authorised Manual of St. John Ambulance Association
(India) & Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi.

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