CLS PRSN BY DELPHY Staff Development

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Staff development can be viewed as the activities and programs (formal or informal and

on or off campus) that help staff members learn about responsibilities, develop required skills

and competencies necessary to accomplish institutional and organizational goals and purposes,

and grow personally and professionally to prepare themselves for advancement in the institution

or beyond the campus.


Staff development is the process directed towards the personal & professional growth of

the nurses and other personnel while they are employed by a health care agency.

Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) is the new name for the Staff



Staff development includes all training and education undertaken by an employer to

improve the occupational and personal knowledge, skills, and attitudes of employees.
A process consisting of orientation, in-service education and continuing education for the

people of promoting the development of personnel within any employment setting, consistent

with the goals and responsibilities of the employment.( ANA)


 Social change and scientific advancement

 Advancement in the field of science like medical science and technology.

 To provide the opportunity for nurses to continually acquire and implement the knowledge,

skills, attitudes, ideals and valued essentials for the maintenance of high quality of nursing


 As part of an individual's long-term career growth.

 To add or improve skills needed in the short term

 Being necessary to fill gap in the past performance

 To change or correct long-held attitudes of employee

 To move ahead or keep up with change.

 Fast changing technologies

 Need to increase the productivity and quality of the work.

 To motivate employees and to promote employee loyalty

 Fast growing organizations.

 Assist each employee (nurse) to improve performance in his/her position.

 Assist each employee (nurse) to acquire personal and professional abilities that maximize

the possibility of career advancement.


 To increase employee productivity.

 To ensure safe and effective patient care by nurses.

 To ensure satisfactory job performance by personnel.

 To orient the personnel to care objectives, job duties, personnel policies, and agency


 To help employees cope with new practice role.

 Help employees cope with new practice role.

 Help nurses to close the gap between present abilities and the scientific basis for nursing

practice that is broadening through research.


 Provide Educational activities for all nurses employed by the health care agency directed

towards change behavior related to role expectations.

 It concerned with growth and development of personnel from their initial contact with a

healthcare agency until termination of service


 Induction Training.

 Job Orientation.

 In service education

 Continuing education

 Training for special function


Need of induction training

 Increased retention of newly hire employees,

 Improved employee morale and

 Increased productivity.

Steps in induction

 Tour of facilities

 Introduction to the other employees and subordinates.

 Description of organizational functions.

 Departmental visit

 Orientation to philosophy goals and objectives

 Administration policies and procedures

Techniques used in induction

 Internship

 Preceptorship
 Mentorship



The process of creating awareness with an individual of his/her roles, responsibilities and

relationships in the new work situation.


 A new employee to his or her job setting so that he / she is aware of his/ her job

responsibility and expectation.

 Present employee to the job responsibilities of his/ her expanded/ enriched role.

 The old employees to the policy changes.

Types of orientation

 General orientation

 Specific orientation

Content of an Orientation Programme

 The origination and its environment

 Policies, rules and regulation

 Personnel

 Services

 Functions to be undertaken



In service education is a planned educational experience provided in the job setting and

closely identified with services in order to help person perform more effectively as a person and

as a worker.

Concept of in-service education Closely identified with services Help a person’s to

improve performance effectively Planned education activities Provided in a job setting


 Social changes and scientific advancement

 Changes and advancement in the field of service

 Increased the demand of nursing services.

 Consumer demand quality care

 Rapid changes in medical and nursing practice create a need for in service education.

 Increase number of the people seeking health care as the population enlarges makes it

necessary for the nurses to function at her highest potential as quickly as possible.
 As health care delivery system become more complex, the need for continues skill training

also increased.



Continuing education is all the learning activities that occur after an individual has

completed his basic education- cooper

The education which builds a previous education is called continues education-Shannon

Aims of continuing education

 Improvement of professional practice

 To motivate the staff to seek the latest knowledge

 To keep the nurses with the latest development of technologies

 It develops interest, job satisfaction and confidence

Purpose of Continuing Education.

 Enable a worker to move from satisfactory to excellent performance

 Provides exposure to new concepts, procedural refinements, innovative product applications,

or acquisition of increased expertise

 Ensure professional development

 Increase ability in order to solve the problem in a clinical teaching/ administrative area.

 Improve the ability to communicate or participate in research work.

Need of continuing education

 To ensure safe and effective nursing care

 Changing health care delivery system,

 Development of nurses by updating their knowledge

 For career advancement

 Professional are altered as society changes and as technologies emerge

 To acquire specialized skill for professional.



This is concerned with developing expert technical or manual skills, communication and helps

the personnel to perform their functions effectively.


 To help the nursing personnel to perform correct methods and procedures with


 Establishing standards and quality of nursing services.

Types of skills
 Psychomotor skill

 Cognitive skill

 Teaching skills

 Affective skill

 Communication skill

 Supervisory skills

Need for skill training

 Individual nurse needed to have greater freedom to choose the specific field of nursing in

which she would work.

 Good work to be recognized and reward.

 Avenues of advancement and promotion need to be better development

 Fear of making mistakes

Guidelines for skill training

 Set the stage, using equipment similar to that provided for the worker in the work situation.

 Create in worker a learning attitude,

 Give reasons why the procedure is carried out in this way in this agency;

 Break the activities in to logical steps, necessary to carry out the procedure.Demonstrate

step by step.

 Make certain that the person has learnt by requiring a return demonstration

 Provide written out lines for references.

 Arrange for follow up (supervision


Standard 1 – organization and administration

The nursing service department and the nursing staff development unit philosophy, purpose and

goals address the staff development needs of nursing personnel.

Standard II – human resources

Qualified administrative, educational and support personnel are provided to meet the learning

and developmental needs by nursing services personnel.

Standards III – learner

Nursing staff development educators assist nursing personnel in identifying their learning needs

and planning learning activities to meet those needs.

Standard IV – program planning

Provides the unit systematically, plans and evaluate the overall nursing staff development

program in response to health care needs.

Standard V – educational design

Educational offering and learning experience are designed through the use of educational process

and incorporate adult education and learning principles.

Standard VI – material resources and facilities

Material sources and facilities are adequate to achieve the goals and implement the functions of

the overall nursing staff development unit.

Standard VII – records and reports

The nursing staff development unit establishes and maintains a record keeping and report system

Standard VIII – evaluation

Evaluation is an integral ongoing and systematic process, which includes measuring the impact

on the learning

Standard IX – consultation

Nursing staff development educators use the consultation process to facilitate and enhance

achievement of individual, departmental and organizational goals.

Standard X – climate

Nursing staff development educators foster a climate which promotes open communication,

learning and professional growth.

Standard XI – systematic enquiring

Nursing staff development educators encourage systematic inquiry and applications of the results

into nursing practice.


For the employees:

 Leads to improved professional practice

 Aids in updating knowledge and skills at all levels of organization
 Keep the nurses abreast of the latest trends and developments in techniques
 Equips the nurses with knowledge of current research and developments
 Helps the nurses to learn new and to maintain old competencies

For the organizations/employer:

 Keeps the nursing staff enthusiastic in their learning
 Develop interest and job satisfaction amongst the staff
 Develops the sense of responsibilities for being competent and knowledgeable
 Creates an appropriate environment and sound decisions as well as using
effective problem solving techniques
 Helps the nurse to adjust to change
 Aids in developing leadership skills, motivation and better attitudes Aids in encouraging
and achieving self development and self confidence
 Makes the organization a better place to worker

Potential difficulties in staff development & training activities

 Lack of time

 Inadequate resources at disposal

 Under-funded training budgets

 Conflicting priorities

 Lack of Clarity about what should be done

 Failure to identify, or accept the need.

 Shortfall in training skill or experience

 Fear that trained employee will leave the organization or will be poached by competitor.

 Cynical attitude to Staff development

 Not directly measurable.

 Treated as Cost not investment.


Any professional body requires members to provide evidence that they are in touch with

the latest developments and techniques. All individuals who take a professional interest in their
jobs should be alert to the need to enhance their skills and competencies. Demands for

continuous quality improvement and public accountability mean that all support staff,

researchers, managers, and academic staff must be able to demonstrate that they are keeping

abreast of new knowledge, techniques and developments related to their roles, and be keenly

aware of the changing higher education landscape.


1. Sarah B Keating. Curriculum development and evaluation in Nursing. 1 st edition. 2006.

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Philadelphia.

2. KP Neerja. Text book of Nursing Education. 1 st edition. Jaypee brothers medical

publishers. New Delhi. 2003.

3. B.T. Basavanthappa. Nursing education. Jaypee Brother Medical publishers. New Delhi:


4. Loretta E Heidgerken. Teaching and learning in school of nursing –principles and

methods.3rd edition. Konaels publishers. Delhi: 2006

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