MICROTEACHING Lesson Plan On Hypovolemia
MICROTEACHING Lesson Plan On Hypovolemia
MICROTEACHING Lesson Plan On Hypovolemia
Submitted on:
25 September 2023
General Objectives
At the end of class, the students will be able to gain knowledge and understanding about Fluid volume deficit and apply the
knowledge in clinical settings. Also, the student teacher will gain confidence in teaching.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the class, the students will be able to:
1) Define fluid volume deficit (hypovolemia).
2) Explain the etiological factors of hypovolemia.
3) Explain the clinical manifestations of hypovolemia.
4) List the diagnostic evaluation of hypovolemia.
5) Describe the management of hypovolemia.
6) Generalize the nursing management of hypovolemia.
S.No Time Specific Objective Content Teaching AV AIDS Evaluation
1. 1 min Introduction on amount Introduction Lecture cum Model What is the
& composition of body In human body 50%-60% of body weight is water & discussion fluid
fluids. electrolytes. Total body water is further divided into composition
intracellular fluid (ICF) accounting to 55% to 75% & in our body?
extracellular fluids (ECF) accounting to 25-45%. An
adequate fluid balance is maintained to preserve
homeostasis. The fluid generally shifts between
intracellular & extracellular space in order to maintain
equilibrium between the spaces. And, loss of fluid can
disturb this equilibrium.
2. 1 min Introduction to Fluid volume deficit also called hypovolemia refers to a Lecture cum Power point What is
hypovolemia. state of combined salt & water loss, leading to decreased discussion presentation hypovolemia?
of ECFV.
3. 2 min Explain the etiology of Hypovolemia’s causes are divided into renal & extrarenal Lecture cum Flash cards What are the
hypovolemia. etiologies. discussion etiological
Renal causes factors of
Diuretics excess hypovolemia?
Mineralocorticoid deficiency
Osmotic diuresis
Cerebral salt wasting syndrome
Salt wasting nephropathies
Extrarenal causes are
GI suctioning
Intestinal fistulas & drainages
Third spacing of fluid
4. 2 min Explain the clinical It can be mild, moderate, severe on the basis of fluid loss. Lecture cum Chart What are the
manifestations of Neurologic manifestations: discussion clinical
hypovolemia. Diminished alertness/cognition manifestations
Anxiety, restlessness of
Mucous membrane hypovolemia?
Dry, may be sticky
Diminished skin turgor
Dry skin
Pale, cool extremities
Postural hypotension
Flat JVP
Potential complication- Hypovolemic shock
Urinary manifestations
Decreased urine output
Increased urine specific gravity
Muscoskeletal manifestations
Metabolic process manifestations
Decreased body temperature (isotonic fluid volume
Increased body temperature (dehydration)
Weight loss
5. 1 min Discuss the diagnostic Diagnostic evaluation of hypovolemia Lecture cum Power point What are the
evaluation of Health history & physical examination discussion presentation diagnostic
hypovolemia. Laboratory test evaluations
1. Increased BUN & creatinine for
2. Increased hematocrit level hypovolemia?
3. Change in serum electrolyte (Na, K)
4. Increased urine specific gravity
6. 1 min Explain the medical Medical management of Hypovolemia Lecture cum Power point What is the
management of Fluid management discussion presentation medical
hypovolemia. Correct with oral fluid replacement management
Oral rehydration therapy for
Replacement of fluids & electrolytes by the IV, hypovolemia?
oral, or enteral route.
Antiemetic drugs
Antidiarrheal drugs
7. 1 min Explain nursing care of Nursing management of hypovolemia Lecture cum White board What is the
hypovolemia. Health promotion discussion nursing care
Assessment for a patient
1. Health history with
2. Physical assessment hypovolemia?
Administer oral fluids if indicated
Required interventions in Impaired swallowing
Monitor for fluid overload
Fluid volume deficit, also known as hypovolemia is characterized as state of abnormally low extracellular fluid in our body. It can be due to
renal & extra renal causes. The clinical manifestations worsen with the increase in amount of fluid loss and may lead to hypovolemic shock if
left untreated. Investigations to rule out hypovolemia includes blood tests, central venous catheter, arterial line, urine output measurement, blood
pressure, SpO2 oxygen saturation monitoring. Oral rehydration, rehydrating solutions, IV therapy.
Hypovolemia or low fluid volume can result in reduced circulatory volume, leading to reduced venous return & in severe cases even lead to
arterial hypotension. Fluid management accounts to be the paramount goal in order to prevent emergency condition of hypovolemic shock.
Janice L. Hinkle, K. H. (2017). Brunner & Suddarth'sTextbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. New Delhi: Wolters Kluwer.
Navdeep Kur Brar, H. R. (2015). Textbook of Advanced Nursing Practice. Haryana: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers .
Priscilla T LeMone, K. M. (2018). Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical reasoning in patient care. Chennai: Pearson India Education.