Workshop 1

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A workshop is a meeting during which experienced people in responsible positions come

together with experts and consultants to find solution of a problems that have cropped up in
the course of their work and that they have had difficulty in dealing with on their own

The word, workshop has been derived from engineering. There are usually workshops in the
engineering. In these persons have to do some task with their hands to produce something,
e.g. railway workshop. Similarly workshops are organized in education to prepare questions
on the subjects in question bank workshops. The participation is given knowledge and
training for preparing questions in the workshop.


Workshop is defined as assembled group of 10 to 25 persons who share a common interest or

problem. They meet together to improve their individual and skill of a subject through
intensive study, research, practice and discussion.

A workshop is a meeting during which experienced people in response positions come

together with experts and consultants to find solutions to problems.• A workshop is a meeting
where the individual comes to learn, study and work.

It is a practical session designed to illustrate the underlying principles of an exercise, a

program etc. (A practical session in which participants are engaged to learn by doing).

Workshop refers to a group of individuals who work together towards the solution of
problem in a given subject matter field during a specific period of time.


Cognitive objectives:

• To solve the problems of teaching profession.

• To provide the philosophical and sociological background for instructional and teaching

 • To identify the educational objectives in the present context.

• To develop an understanding regarding the use of a theme and problem.

Psychomotor objectives

• To develop the proficiency for planning and organizing teaching and instructional activities.

• To develop the skills to perform a task independently.

• To determine and use of teaching strategies effectively.

• To train the persons for using different approaches of teaching.

• To use abundance of ideas.

• To provides means of group study

.• To provides media for cooperation.

• To provides mature learning environment.

allows a group of individual to meet over an extended period of time, in a variety of
gives individuals opportunity to receive help from other participant and resource
provide learning situations based on interest and need of participants
gives individuals in the group a chance to workout their own specific programs
provides group learing situations for the participants

Essential features of workshop

• It consists of series of meetings usually four or more with the emphasis on individual work
with the group.

• The total workshop may be divided into small groups and each group chooses chairman and
a recorder.

• The experience and knowledge of the group itself is used in defining and solving the

• Active involvement of each participant, to work and to learn from practical experience.

mini workshop

• A mini work shop is a short workshop lasting 3 or 4 days in the case described in this

.• Main aim is introducing participants to a systemic approach to educational problems.

The workshop aims at stimulating a given proportion of participants to wish to reach at least
the objectives set out.

• The success of a workshop will depend largely on the way it is planned and on the
arrangements made before the opening session.
Methods used in workshop

Group discussion:

• Gives participants the chance to discuss and solve the problems of greatest interest to them.
Each member can find something in the experience of others that has a bearing on the
questions of most interest to him will make his work more meaningful.

 Penal sessions:

• Organizers and participants responsible for helping to find solutions to the problems
selected. Participants may act as group leaders.

Select the theme on which the workshop has to be organized. Resource Personnel’s consent
should be obtained.

• Budget plan has to be prepared.

Confirm the date of workshop, it should not coincide public holidays, professional
commitments of political meetings. At least one working day will precede the opening of the

.• Print pamphlet/hand-chart specifying the aims, registration fee, activities programme


• Choose the place, where participants can stay comfortably attend total activities.

Select homogeneous participants, 2 months before day of workshop, 45 days before

confirmation of participants is needed.

• Written confirmation detailing the specified conditions.

• Committee of sponsors, assistant organizers, volunteers has to be formulated.

National language is working language.

• Documentation, equipment, checklist, publicity, press has to be planned.

• Coordination of activities.

Principles of the workshop

 Workshop should focus on current issues in the profession to be discussed
 Workshop should be conducted with full cooperation within organizers.
 Giving the participants an active role will make teaching more effective.
 Every individual has worth and has a contribution to make to the common goal
Organization of workshop

Designing the workshop

a) Establishing objectives
b) Participant must be able to learn or do some thing
c) Relate content of workshop closely to what occurs on the job keep it
d) Consider what information should be learned before during and after
the workship
Develop the basic plan
a) Determine what will be presented
b) Consider sub group activity and size
c) Consider materials to be prepared for participants
d) Determine what equipment will be needed
Select the best method
Select techniques with schedule and budget in mind
Determine who should do what.
Expand outline.
Meet with resource person as needed.
Review with organizing committee and task delegated to them

Phases of workshop


First Stage: The source-persons or experts are invited to provide the awareness and
understanding of the topic. This stage is like a seminar type. The paper reading is also done to
discuss the different aspects of the theme. The participants are given opportunities to see
clarification. The experts provide the suitable illustration and steps for using it in classroom
teaching or education. This stage continues first two days of the schedule.

Second stage: In the first stage theoretical background is provided to the participants. In the
second stage the group is divided into small groups. The expert provides guidance and
supervises their work of each trainee of his group. Every participant has to work individually
and independently. Every trainee has to complete his task within the given period. At the end
they meet in their groups and discuss and present their task to be completed.

Third stage: At this stage all groups meet at one place and present their reports of work done
at second stage. The participants are given opportunities to comment and given suggestions
for further improvement. The experts also provide suggestions on different aspects of the
reports and formalities are observed at the end of the workshop.

Roles in workshop technique

• Convener of chairman in first stage.

• Experts and resources persons.
• Participants or trainees.

Advanteges of workshop

It is used to realize the higher cognitive and psycho-motor objectives.

• It is a technique which can be effectively used for developing understanding and skill in

• It is used for developing and improving professional efficiency, e.g. nursing, medical, and
dental etc.

The teaching proficiencies can be developed by using the workshop technique for in-service

• It provides the opportunities and situations to develop the individual capacities of a teacher.•
It develops the feeling cooperation and group work.

• It provides the situation to study the vocational problems.

The new practices and innovations are introduced to in-service teachers.

• It allows interplay of activities and ideas.

• It allows active participants of each participant.

• The participants in the workshop learn by doing and gain practical experience.

• Experts in the field can express their ideas.

Members learn respect opinion of others.

• Helps development of skills of discussion, argumentation and presentation of different

personal views.

• Group work is improved.


The in-service teachers do not take interest to understand and use the new practices in their

.• The workshops cannot be organized for large group.

The teachers do not take interest in practical work or to go something in productive form.
• The effectiveness of a workshop technique depends on the follow up program. Generally
follow-up programs are not organized in workshop technique.

• An effective workshop needs a lot of baseline work and initial preparation

Workshop is the name given a novel experiment in education. Learning take place in
a friendly, happy and democratic under expert guidance. The workshops are
organized to develop the psychomotor aspects of the learner regarding the practices
of new innovations in the area of education.

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