Weekly Prototype Plan - Q1-W4
Weekly Prototype Plan - Q1-W4
Weekly Prototype Plan - Q1-W4
Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
B. Skills Perform safety procedures in Demonstrate proper Describe the appropriate Follow procedures in preparing a Perform safety procedures in
using hand tools, equipment techniques for sharpening and cleaning and maintenance report to property custodian. using hand tools, equipment
and Paraphernalia. maintaining pencils, erasers, procedures for common hand and Paraphernalia.
and other common hand tools tools, equipment, and
used in animation. paraphernalia used in animation.
C. Attitude/Values Develop a sense of Appreciate the importance of Recognize the impact that a well- Develop a professional work Develop a lifelong
responsibility and properly maintaining hand maintained workspace can have ethic that values attention to commitment to the proper
accountability for the tools, equipment, and on their productivity and detail and care for tools and maintenance and care of hand
maintenance of their hand paraphernalia in order to creativity. equipment. tools, equipment, and
tools, equipment, and produce high-quality paraphernalia, both in
paraphernalia. animation. animation and in other areas
of their lives.
C. Abstraction Discuss together with the Discuss together with the Discuss together with the Discuss together with the Discuss together with the
(Discussion) students on Safety Procedures students the Benefits of students the Benefits of Effective students about the Fill in the students the impoertance of
in Using Hand Tools and Effective Maintenance Maintenance Program. borrower’s form. taking care of the tools,
Equipment, Basic Safety Rules Program. equipment and paraphernalia.
for Hand Tools
D. Practice Ask the students: In what we Ask the students to think of Ask the students to think of the Let the students DO the HAT’S Make an ideal workplace. You
(Application) can assure the longevity of the the steps in maintaining tools, steps in maintaining tools, MORE on page 9 of the Module. may cut picture from a
hand tools and equipment? equipment and paraphernalia. equipment and paraphernalia. magazine and
paste it on the box or may
draw it manually. Do it on a
V. Evaluation (Assessment) Group Activity: Let the students accomplished Let the students accomplished Let the students Fill in the Let the students take the
et up a workstation the Sample of Checklist in the Sample of Checklist in Borrower slip: Online Test on the Topic
with various hand tools, HOUSEKEEPING SCHEDULE. HOUSEKEEPING SCHEDULE. discussed at schoology.com.
equipment, and paraphernalia
commonly used in animation,
such as pencils, erasers, rulers,
light tables, peg bars, and
animation desks.