6 - DLL-Dec 11 - Dec. 15, 2023

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Annex 28.1 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

Grade 1 to 12
Daily Lesson Log Teacher EVANGELINE E. ANOHADA Learning Area TLE-HE-NAIL CARE (Exploratory)
WEEK 6 - December 11 – December
15, 2023
8-Amethyst (7:30-8:20); 8-Shell
Teaching date and Time Quarter SECOND
8-Lao Tze (10:30-11:20); 8-Mulan
Wednesday (Dec. 13, Thursday (Dec. 14,
Monday (Dec. 11, 2023) Tuesday (Dec. 12, 2023) Friday (Dec. 15, 2023)
2023) 2023)

I. OBJECTIVES a. recalls and enumerates the a. prepares the needed materials, a. prepares the needed materials, CLASSROOM YEAR END TEACHER’S GAD SEMINAR AND
answers of the different activity tools and equipment for tools and equipment for PARTY YEAR END PARTY
sheets manicure/pedicure; manicure/pedicure;
b. discusses the idea about their b. follows the safety procedure in b. follows the safety procedure in
answer in each of the activity to utilizing nail care materials, tools utilizing nail care materials, tools
the class and equipment.; and equipment.;
c. checks the answer sheets with c. demonstrates the proper use of c. demonstrates the proper use of
enthusiasm nail care materials, tools and nail care materials, tools and
equipment. equipment.
Uses of nail care tools Uses of nail care tools
a. Content Standard N/A
and equipment and equipment
b. Performance Safety procedure of using tools Safety procedure of using tools
Standard and equipment are observed. and equipment are observed.
c. Learning Use nail care Use nail care
Competencies w/ LC N/A tools and tools and
code equipment. equipment.
CHECKING OF ACTIVITY SHEET proper use of nail care proper use of nail care
II. CONTENT NO. 8 materials, tools and equipment materials, tools and equipment
(34) (34)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Page 12-13 Page 12 Page 12
2. Learner’ Materials
Page 48-56 Page 34 Page 34
B. Other Learning Resources Learning module, google Learning module, google Learning module, google
Review Probing about the activity in the Probing about the activity in the Probing about the activity in the
previous meeting. previous meeting. previous meeting.
Motivation The teacher will check the The teacher will check the readiness The teacher will check the readiness
readiness of the whole class. of the whole class of the whole class
Teacher reminds the students Picture Talk Teacher reminds the students about
about pointing and merit system pointing and merit system


Returning of Activity Sheets #8 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY
Learners will be guided on the The class will be divided into 4 The class will be divided into 4
distribution of answer sheets groups, then choose a leader. Each groups, then choose a leader. Each
according to the sitting group will be receiving a container group will be receiving a container
arrangement. where they will place the things where they will place the things
they have prepared to be used for they have prepared to be used for
manicure/pedicure and a checklist. manicure/pedicure and a checklist.
Activity is good for 10 minutes. Activity is good for 10 minutes.

B. Analysis How did you find doing the How did you find doing the activity? How did you find doing the activity?
activity? Where you able to complete the Where you able to complete the
Do you think you did your task task? If not, what do you think are task? If not, what do you think are
correctly? the factors that lead to not the factors that lead to not
completing? completing?
Do you think you did your task Do you think you did your task
correctly? correctly?

The teacher will facilitate the class The teacher will facilitate the class The teacher will facilitate the class
during the activity. during the activity. during the activity.
The teacher will do necessary The teacher will assist in checking The teacher will assist in checking
corrections. the completeness through the the completeness through the
The teacher will add information checklist. checklist.
C. Abstraction about the topic if the need arises. Teacher will give feedback. Teacher will give feedback.
The teacher will discuss the safety The teacher will discuss the safety
procedure in using pointed sharp procedure in using pointed sharp
objects/tools. objects/tools.
Demonstration Demonstration
D. Application Returning and Rechecking SITUATION ANALYSIS SITUATION ANALYSIS
Learners will be instructed to Return demonstration Return demonstration
return every answer sheets they
are checking to the owner for
V. Evaluation Learner’s evaluation from today’s Rubric on the Performance Task on Rubric on the Performance Task on
objective will be through ocular the proper use of nail care the proper use of nail care
observation materials, tools and equipment materials, tools and equipment
Learners will answer exit slip.
VI. REMARKS Objectives were achieved. *half of the class will be the *the manicurist and the client Adviser did not celebrate year
manicurist while half will be the will switch roles to complete end party because there were
*Using a checklist, the learners client for today’s task today’s task suspended learners due to
self-checked the things needed recent smoking incident inside
for the performance task in Objectives were achieved. Objectives were achieved. the classroom.
manicure/pedicure scheduled
on Tuesday and Wednesday
this week.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II Master Teacher-I

Day __________ Day __________ Day __________ Day __________
Number of Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section:
__ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of
A. No. of learners
learners who learners who learners who learners who learners who learners learners who learners who learners who learners who learners learners who learners who learners who learners learners who
who earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% who earned earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% who earned earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% who earned earned 80%
in the evaluation above above above above above 80% above above above above above 80% above above above above 80% above above
B. No. of learners __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of
who require learners who learners who learners who learners who __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of learners who learners who learners learners who
additional require require require require learners who learners learners who learners who learners who learners who learners learners who require require who require require
activities for additional additional additional additional earned 80% who earned earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% who earned earned 80% additional additional additional additional
remediation who activities for activities for activities for activities for above 80% above above above above above 80% above above activities for activities for activities for activities for
score below 80% remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation. remediation.
C. Did the
VII. __ Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Yes __ No __ Yes __ No
__ Yes __ No
__ Yes __ No
remedial lesson
___No. of Day __________
___No. of ___No. of ___No. of
__ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of
___No. of ___No. of
___No. of
___No. of
work? No. of
Learners who Learners who Learners who Learners who
learners who learners learners who learners who learners who learners who learners learners who
Learners who Learners who
Learners who
learners who earned 80% who earned earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% who earned earned 80% who caught
Number of
caught up with the
caught up the Section:
caught up the Section:
caught up theSection: up the
above 80% above above above above above 80% above above
caught up the caught up the
up the
caught up the
Students lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson lesson
__ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of ___ No. of
A. No. of learners ___ No.
D. earned
No. of learners learners whoof ___ who
learners No. of ___ No. of learners who
learners ___ No. of
__ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of __ No. of
___ No. of ___ No. of
___ No. of
who 80% Learners who Learners who Learners who
earned 80% earned 80% who earned earnedLearners
80% who Learners who Learners who Learners who
in who continue to
the evaluation continue
above to continue to 80% above
above continue to above continue to
learners who learners learners who learners who learners who learners who learners learners who
continue to continue to
continue to
require earned 80% who earned earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% earned 80% who earned earned 80% continue to
require require require require require require require
B. remediation
No. of learners __ No. of __remediation
No. of __ No. of __ No.remediation
of above 80% above above above above above 80% above above require
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
who require learners who learners who learners learners who remediation
additional require require who require require Strategies used that works well Strategies used that works well Strategies used that works well
Strategies used that works well
activities for additional additional additional additional ___ Picture Talk ___ Case Method ___ Picture Talk ___ Case Method ___ Picture Talk ___ Case Method
___ Picture Talk activities for
activities for
___ Case Method
activities for activities for
remediation who ___ Gallery Walk ___ Demonstration ___ Gallery Walk ___ Demonstration ___ Gallery Walk ___ Demonstration
___ Gallery Walk remediation.
remediation. ___ Demonstration
remediation. remediation.
score below 80% ___ Brainstorming ___ Complete IMs ___ Brainstorming ___ Complete IMs ___ Brainstorming ___ Complete IMs
___ Brainstorming ___ Complete IMs
C. Did the __ Yes___
__ Discussion
No ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discussion ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discussion ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discussion
__ YesRole Playing/Drama
__ No __ Yes __ No __ Yes __ No
remedial lesson ___No. ___ Response Card ___ Name Game ___ Response Card ___ Name Game ___ Response Card ___ Name Game
___ Response
___No. of Card___No. of ___of
Name Game___No. of
work? No. of Learners ___ Group Collaborative ___ Reporting ___ Group Collaborative ___ Reporting ___ Group Collaborative ___ Reporting
___ Group
Learners who Collaborative
Learners who ___ Reporting
Learners who
E. Which
learners whoof my who caught ___ Think Pair Share ___ Jigsaw ___ Think Pair Share ___ Jigsaw ___ Think Pair Share ___ Jigsaw
___ Think
caught Pair Share
up the caught up the ___ Jigsaw caught up the
caught Strategy
up with the up the ___ Discovery Method ___ Practicum ___ Discovery Method ___ Practicum ___ Discovery Method ___ Practicum
___ Discovery Method
lesson lesson ___ Practicum lesson
worked well? why
lesson lesson ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Differentiated Instruction
did these work ___ No. of ___ Return Demonstration ___ Return Demonstration ___ Return Demonstration
___ Return
No. of Demonstration
___ No. of ___ No. of
D. No. of learners Learners ___ Students Eager to Learn ___ Students Eager to Learn ___ Students Eager to Learn
___ Students
Learners who Eager to Learn
Learners who Learners who
who continue to who ___ Power Point/Video Presentation ___ Power Point/Video Presentation ___ Power Point/Video Presentation
___ Power
continue to Point/Video Presentation
continue to continue to
require continue to ___ Rereading of Paragraph/Situation/Stories ___ Rereading of Paragraph/Situation/Stories ___ Rereading of Paragraph/Situation/Stories
___ Rereading of Paragraph/Situation/Stories
require require require
remediation require ___ Lecture Method. Why? ___ Lecture Method. Why? ___ Lecture Method. Why?
___ Lecture Method.remediation remediation
Why? _________________________________
remediation _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
___ Answering Preliminary Activities/Exercises
Strategies used that works well ___ Answering Preliminary Activities/Exercises ___ Answering Preliminary Activities/Exercises ___ Answering Preliminary Activities/Exercises
___ Group Members Cooperation in doing their task
___ Picture Talk ___ Case Method ___ Group Members Cooperation in doing their task ___ Group Members Cooperation in doing their task ___ Group Members Cooperation in doing their task
___ Gallery Walk ___ Demonstration ___ Bullying among students ___ Bullying among students
F. What difficulties ___ Bullying among students ___ Bullying among students
___ Brainstorming ___ Complete IMs ___ Students behavior/attitude ___ Students behavior/attitude
did I encounter ___ Students behavior/attitude ___ Students behavior/attitude
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discussion ___ Colorful IMs ___ Colorful IMs
w/c my principal ___ Colorful IMs ___ Colorful IMs
___ Response Card ___ Name Game ___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness
or supervisor can ___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness
___ Group Collaborative ___ Reporting ___ Lack of interest of students ___ Lack of interest of students
help me solve? ___ Lack of interest of students ___ Lack of interest of students
E. Which of my ___ Think Pair Share ___ Jigsaw
G. WhatStrategy
Teaching ___ Discovery Method ___ Practicum Planned Innovation Planned Innovation
Planned Innovation Planned Innovation
well? or ___ Differentiated ___ Flash Cards ___ Flash Cards
worked why ___ Flash Cards Instruction ___ Flash Cards
didlocalized materials ___ Return Demonstration
these work ___ Recycling plastics to be used as IMs
___ Recycling plastics to be used as IMs ___ Recycling plastics to be used as IMs
___ Recycling plastics to be used as IMs
did I used ___ Students ___ Making use of big books from views of locality ___ Making use of big books from views of locality
___ MakingEager
use oftobig
books from views of locality ___ Making use of big books from views of locality
/discover which I ___ Power Point/Video Presentation ___ Pictures ___ Pictures
___ Pictures ___ Pictures
wish to share with ___ Rereading of Paragraph/Situation/Stories ___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos
___ Localized Videos ___ Localized Videos
other teachers ___ Lecture Method. Why?
___ Answering Preliminary Activities/Exercises
___ Group Members Cooperation in doing their task
F. What difficulties ___ Bullying among students
did I encounter ___ Students behavior/attitude
w/c my principal ___ Colorful IMs
or supervisor can ___ Reading Readiness
help me solve? ___ Lack of interest of students
G. What
Planned Innovation
innovation or
___ Flash Cards
localized materials
___ Recycling plastics to be used as IMs
did I used
___ Making use of big books from views of locality
/discover which I
___ Pictures
wish to share with
___ Localized Videos
other teachers

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