Group Assignment Evaluation Form (MICROECONOMICS)

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Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics Assignment

Assignment – 40%

Start: Week 2

Due Date(s): Part 1 – slides 30% – Week 6

Part 2 – Presentation 10% – Week 6

Learning Outcomes

CLO3: Explain the four types of market structures and understand firms' behavior in each of the
types on the basis of demand, supply, equilibrium, and cost principles.


Choose any type of industry and you need to analyze its market structure. You need to prepare
presentation slides and a video presentation for this assignment. In your report, it must consist of:

a. Background of industry in Malaysia.

b. Characteristics of the business:

i. No. of firms
ii. Type of product (Homogenous, differentiated, unique)
iii. Barriers to entry
iv. Pricing power


PART 1: Slides (Due Week 6)

You are required to produce slides that contain:

i. Introduction (background)
ii. Contents, refer to (characteristics)
iii. Conclusion / Summary
iv. Presentation slides are not more than 10 slides.

PART 2: Presentation (Due Week 6)

Prepare a video presentation/in-class presentation.

i. You must present your group report using Microsoft PowerPoint/ Canva or any other suitable
ii. Students are required to wear proper attire during presentations.
iii. A video presentation/in-class presentation should not be more than 10 mins.

The softcopy slides and Video presentation need to upload to UNIEC Virtual OL. (Group leader will
make a submission).

Note*Marks will be deducted if the mentioned guidelines are not followed accordingly.

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Needs Poor (1)
Improvement (2)
Content The content on The content on The content on The content on The content on the
Clarity the slides is clear, the slides is the slides is the slides lacks slides is unclear and
concise, and mostly clear and somewhat clear clarity and lacks conciseness,
effectively concise, and concise, conciseness, making it nearly
conveys the key effectively but there may be making it impossible for the
points of the conveying the some areas where challenging for audience to follow and
market structure key points of the it lacks clarity or the audience to understand the key
analysis. The market structure conciseness. The follow and points of the market
information is analysis. The information may understand the structure analysis. The
presented in a information is not be key points of the information is
well-structured presented in a consistently well- market structure disorganized and
manner, making it mostly well- structured, analysis. The presented in a highly
easy for the structured causing some information may confusing manner.
audience to manner, difficulties in be disorganized or
follow and facilitating understanding for presented in a
understand. understanding for the audience. confusing manner.
the audience.
Visual The slides are The slides are The slides are The slides lack The slides are visually
Appeal visually appealing mostly visually somewhat visual appeal unappealing and
and well- appealing and visually appealing and design poorly designed.
designed, well-designed, and well- elements that Colors, fonts, or
incorporating with some minor designed, but enhance graphics are
appropriate areas for there are understanding. inappropriate or
colors, fonts, and improvement in noticeable areas Colors, fonts, or confusing, hindering
graphics. The colors, fonts, or were graphics may be understanding and
visual elements graphics. The improvements inappropriate or audience engagement.
enhance visual elements could be made distracting. The
understanding generally in colors, fonts, or visual elements do
and engage the contribute to graphics. The not effectively
audience understanding visual elements engage the
effectively. and engage the have limited audience.
audience impact on
adequately. understanding and
Slide The slides are The slides are The slides are The slides lack The slides are
Organization well-organized, mostly organized, somewhat organization and disorganized and lack
with a logical with a generally organized, but structure, making structure, making it
flow that aids in logical flow that there may be it challenging to nearly impossible to
understanding the facilitates some follow the market follow the market
market structure understanding of inconsistencies or structure analysis. structure analysis. The
analysis. The the market lack of coherence The content is content is highly
content is structure analysis. in the flow of disorganized or disjointed or absent
appropriately content is divided information. The lacks clear sections or
divided into into sections or content may lack sections or subsections, and
sections or subsections, and clear sections or subsections, and transitions between
subsections, and transitions subsections, and transitions slides are confusing or
transitions between slides transitions between slides are nonexistent.
between slides are mostly between slides disjointed or
are smooth. smooth. may be somewhat confusing
abrupt or
Overall The slides present The slides present The slides present The slides present The slides present a
Presentation a polished and a mostly well- a somewhat a poorly prepared highly unprepared
professional prepared visual prepared visual visual visual presentation
visual presentation that presentation that presentation that that fails to effectively
presentation that communicates the communicates the communicates the communicate the
effectively market structure market structure market structure market structure
communicates the analysis analysis analysis with analysis. The content,
market structure effectively. The adequately. The difficulty. The visuals, or
analysis. The content, visuals, content, visuals, content, visuals, organization are
content, visuals, and organization or organization or organization absent or severely
and organization are generally may have some lack coherence or lacking, resulting in an
work together cohesive, inconsistencies or effectiveness, incoherent or
cohesively, resulting in a weaknesses, resulting in a completely
resulting in a solid and resulting in a disjointed or unengaging
compelling and engaging somewhat unengaging presentation.
engaging presentation. disjointed or less presentation.
presentation. engaging
On-Time Submits the Submits the Submits the Submits the Fails to submit the
Submission assignment well assignment on the assignment assignment assignment or submits
before the designated slightly after the significantly after it too late to be
deadline, deadline, showing designated the designated considered, indicating
demonstrating good time deadline, deadline, a complete disregard
excellent time management indicating some suggesting poor for the deadline. No
management skills and difficulties in time time management submission is made or
skills and responsibility. management or or substantial the submission is
responsibility. The submission is minor delays. The delays. The made long after the
The submission is completed within submission is submission is given timeframe.
completed on or the given completed within completed well
ahead of the timeframe. a reasonable beyond the given
designated timeframe after timeframe after
deadline. the deadline. the deadline.


Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Needs Poor (1)
Content Demonstrates a Shows a good Demonstrates a Shows a limited Demonstrates a
Knowledge comprehensive understanding basic understanding poor
understanding of market understanding of market understanding
of market structure of market structure of market
structure concepts, with structure concepts, with structure
concepts, minor concepts, but major concepts.
including inaccuracies or with significant inaccuracies or Explanations of
perfect omissions. inaccuracies or omissions. each market
competition, Provides clear omissions. Provides unclear structure are
monopolistic explanations of Provides explanations of absent or
competition, each market explanations of each market incorrect. No
oligopoly, and structure and each market structure and analysis of
monopoly. analyzes their structure, but lacks analysis of characteristics is
Provides characteristics analysis of characteristics. provided.
accurate adequately. characteristics Examples and Examples and
explanations of Supports may be limited. data are lacking data are
each market arguments with Provides some or irrelevant. nonexistent or
structure and relevant examples and completely
effectively examples and data, but they irrelevant.
analyzes their data. may be
characteristics. insufficient.
arguments with
examples and
Engagement and Engages the Engages the Engages the Struggles to Fails to engage
Delivery audience audience fairly audience with engage the the audience
effectively well through limited success audience through unclear
through clear mostly clear and through through unclear or unconfident
and confident confident verbal somewhat or unconfident verbal delivery.
verbal delivery. delivery. Mostly unclear or verbal delivery. Does not
Maintains eye maintains eye unconfident Rarely maintain eye
contact, uses contact, uses verbal delivery. maintains eye contact, uses
appropriate appropriate Occasionally contact, uses inappropriate
gestures, and gestures, and maintains eye inappropriate gestures, or
speaks audibly. speaks audibly. contact, uses gestures, or speaks
Demonstrates Demonstrates limited gestures, speaks inaudibly.
enthusiasm and some or speaks inaudibly. Demonstrates
passion for the enthusiasm for unclearly. Demonstrates a no enthusiasm
topic, keeping the topic, Demonstrates lack of for the topic,
the audience keeping the limited enthusiasm for resulting in a
interested and audience enthusiasm for the topic, complete loss of
attentive. reasonably the topic, resulting in a audience
Collaborates interested and resulting in significant loss interest and
well with group attentive. some loss of of audience attention. Does
members during Collaborates audience interest and not collaborate
the presentation. adequately with interest and attention. Does with group
group members attention. not collaborate members during
during the Collaborates effectively with the presentation.
presentation. minimally with group members
group members during the
during the presentation.
Group Assignment Evaluation Form

Code Course: BAFB1023 

Lecturer’s Name: Dr. Chong Poh Ling

Section: MC-O14

Student’s Full Name:





Points (1-5)
Content Clarity
Visual Appeal
Slide Organization
Overall Presentation of Slides
On-Time Submission
Total (%)


Content Knowledge
Engagement and Delivery

Total (%)

Grand Total Marks (40%) = / 40 %

Hello DR. CHONG this is the link for our group presentation slide.

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