Project Rubric

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Name: Venus, Elaiza Marie C.

Group No.: 7

Self-Evaluation Form
Project Rubric (Multimedia Learning Material Presentations)

Criteria: Exemplary Proficient Basic Limited Unsatisfactory GRADE

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) (Indicate 1-5)
Content Demonstrates Shows a solid Demonstrates Displays Lacks a clear 4
Knowledge an exceptional understanding a basic limited understanding
understanding of the understanding understanding of the
of the scientific scientific of the of the scientific
concept/topic. concept/topic. scientific scientific concept/topic.
Provides Provides concept/topic. concept/topic. Presents
accurate, accurate Provides some Presents some inaccurate
in-depth information accurate inaccurate information.
information, and relevant information information.
and makes details. but lacks
connections to depth or
real-world detail.
Organization The video is The video is The video is The video The video is 5
exceptionally well-organized somewhat lacks a clear disorganized,
well-structured with an organized but structure and making it
with a clear effective may lack a may appear difficult to
introduction, introduction, clear disorganized. follow.
logical flow, a logical flow introduction Transitions are Transitions are
and a concise of or conclusion. awkward or absent.
conclusion. information, Transitions are missing.
Transitions are and a clear noticeable but
seamless. conclusion. not disruptive.
Transitions are
Visuals and Visuals, Visuals, Visuals and Visuals and Visuals and 4
Multimedia graphics, and graphics, and multimedia multimedia multimedia
multimedia multimedia are basic but are are absent or
elements are elements are generally rudimentary detract from
exceptionally effective and enhance the and do not the
engaging, support the presentation. add much to presentation.
relevant, and content well. Some visuals the
enhance the They are may lack presentation.
understanding relevant and clarity or
of the topic. clear. relevance.
visuals are
Clarity of The The The The The 5
Delivery presenter(s) presenter(s) presenter(s) presenter(s) presenter(s)
speak(s) speak(s) speak(s) may speak have difficulty
clearly, clearly and clearly but unclearly, with speaking
confidently, confidently. may lack hesitations or clearly.
and with some a lack of
enthusiasm. confidence or confidence.
enthusiasm at
Time The video is The video is The video The video The video is 4
Management within the close to the exceeds or significantly excessively
specified time specified time falls short of deviates from long or short,
limit and limit and the specified the specified leading to
effectively uses manages time time limit, but time limit, incomplete or
time to cover effectively, not impacting irrelevant
all necessary with minor significantly. content content.
content. deviations. Some content coverage.
may feel
rushed or
Scientific Exceptionally Clear and Adequate Contains Scientific 5
Accuracy clear and accurate scientific some content is
accurate scientific content with inaccuracies in largely
scientific content. minor scientific inaccurate or
content. - inaccuracies. content. missing
Overall Outstanding Good overall Acceptable Overall Very poor 4
Impression overall impression overall impression is overall
and impression with creative impression weak, and impression
Creativity with a highly elements. with some creativity is and no
creative creativity. lacking. creativity.
approach to
the topic.
Citations and Provides a Provides a list Lists sources Mentions Fails to 4
References comprehensive of credible but may lack sources but mention or
list of credible sources, with proper does not list properly cite
sources, most citations citations. them or sou
properly cited included. provide
throughout the proper
presentation. citations.

TOTAL: 35 /40

Specify your contribution to the group project:

● I made the engagement part on the module we made that had been inputted in canvas.
● I’m also one of the presenters on the video presentation explaining one of the subtopics for Mechanism of
Heat transfer specifically for Radiation.
● Introduced the Evaluation part.

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