Brochure Performance Task 2024 2025

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name : Grade & Section: _

Date Submitted: _ Score:

Performance Task in Science and MAPEH

Second Quarter
SY 2024-2025

Students will create an informative brochure on the ingredients of common
commercial products, highlighting the functional groups present. This
brochure will be designed as a community awareness campaign to prevent
substance use and abuse related to these products.

You are a Consumer Safety Analyst, tasked with investigating the ingredients
of common commercial products, educating your community about potential
risks, and creatively expressing the importance of responsible use.

Your target audience includes community members, especially young
individuals, who may be unaware of the chemical composition of everyday
products and the potential consequences of substance use and abuse.

There is a rising concern in your community about substance use and abuse
related to common commercial products. As a Consumer Safety Analyst,
you have been selected to lead an initiative to raise awareness about the
ingredients present in these products and their potential impact on health.

Create an informative brochure outlining common commercial products'
ingredients, emphasizing the functional groups present. Additionally, design
the brochure that creatively conveys the message of responsible use and
the potential risks associated with substance use.
Brochure Rubric

Criteria Excellent Proficient Basic Limited Score

(15 points) (13 points) (10 points) (8 points)
1. A. Content Accurate and Mostly accurate Limited accuracy in Inaccurate or
Accuracy: comprehensive coverage of coverage of ingredients coverage of ingredients incomplete coverage of
Functional ingredients in two (2) in two (2) common in two (2) common ingredients in two (2)
Groups common commercial commercial products. commercial products. common commercial
products. Detailed and Adequate information on Some inaccuracies or products. Significant
precise information on functional groups. lack of detail in inaccuracies or lack of
functional groups. functional group detail in functional
information. group information.
1.B. Content Presents well-researched Presents strategies for Presents basic Strategies for
Accuracy: and effective strategies for preventing and strategies for preventing preventing and
Prevention preventing and controlling controlling substance and controlling controlling substance
and Control substance use and abuse use and abuse related to substance use and use and abuse are
Strategies on related to common common commercial abuse related to either not presented or
Substance commercial products. products. Strategies are common commercial are inadequate.
use and mostly effective but may products. Strategies
abuse lack depth or detail. may lack effectiveness
or thoroughness.
2. Organization Exceptional organization Good organization with a Basic organization with Poor organization with
and Clarity with a logical flow. Clear mostly logical flow. Clear some logical flow. unclear or chaotic flow.
and concise presentation of presentation of Presentation of The presentation of
information. Headings, information. Headings, information may lack information is
subheadings, and visuals subheadings, and visuals clarity. Headings, confusing. Lack of
enhance clarity. contribute to clarity. subheadings, and effective use of
visuals may need headings,
improvement. subheadings, and
3. Visual Appeal Visually appealing design Good visual appeal with Basic visual appeal with Poor visual appeal with
and Creativity that engages the reader. an engaging design. minimal engagement. little or no
Creative use of visuals, Some creativity is in the Limited creativity in the engagement. Lack of
colors, and layout to use of visuals, colors, use of visuals, colors, creativity in the use of
enhance understanding. and layout. and layout. visuals, colors, and
4. Functional Presents a well-organized It presents a clear table Presents a table No table is present or
Group Table and clear table categorizing categorizing functional categorizing functional the table lacks clarity
functional groups in groups, but there may be groups, but organization and organization. Not
common commercial minor organizational and clarity may be effectively integrated
products. The table is issues. The table is lacking. Integration into into the brochure.
seamlessly integrated into adequately integrated the brochure may be
the brochure into the brochure. awkward.
6. Grammar and Virtually error-free. Correct Few minor errors in Several errors in Numerous errors in
Mechanics grammar, spelling, and grammar, spelling, or grammar, spelling, or grammar, spelling, or
punctuation throughout. punctuation. Language punctuation. Language punctuation. Language
usage is generally usage may impede usage significantly
correct. understanding. impedes
7. Overall Exceptional overall Good overall impression. Basic overall Poor overall
Impression impression. Demonstrates a Demonstrates a solid impression. impression.
thorough understanding of understanding of the Demonstrates a partial Demonstrates a limited
the subject. Engages the subject. Engages the understanding of the understanding of the
reader effectively. reader well. subject. Engages the subject. Fails to
reader to some extent. engage the reader
8. Timeliness Submitted before or on the Submitted after the day Submitted two days after Submitted three days
day of the deadline: of the deadline. the deadline. or more after the day of
November 23, 2024 the deadline.
Teacher Comments and Suggestions:
Total Score:
120 points

Prepared by:


Science Subject Teacher MAPEH Subject Teacher

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