Model List:
No Model Rated Voltage(V) Remark
1. EG-LED0827-01 8W
2. EG-LED0840-01 8W
3. EG-LED1027-01 10W Same PCB but
different rated
4. EG-LED1040-01 AC 100-240V, 10W power
5. EG-LED1027-02 50/60Hz 10W
6. EG-LED1040-02 10W
7. EG-LED1227-01 12W
Same PCB
8. EG-LED1240-01 12W
Other aspects:
In electrical characteristics, there are two types of PCB used in the above models. Considering
the difference of the rated power and PCB, EMC tests were arranged as shown below.
Model DV RE Har 3-loops ESD EFT RS CS Surge Dips
EG-LED1227- √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
EG-LED1027- √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
“√” means the test was performed.
1 Test Sites
Immunity: The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to have its highest possible
susceptibility against the tested phenomena. The test conditions were adapted accordingly in
reference to the instructions for use.
The maximum rated input of the samples is less than 25W and not belongs to Discharge
lighting equipment, so the limits of harmonics on AC main are not applied to the samples.
According to the construction and characteristics of the EUT (low power), it does not
produce voltage fluctuation, which will exceed the limits specified by the standard above.
Therefore, the test is not necessary.
Test Setup
Operational Mode : ON
Earthing : No (As Class II equipment)
Test Site : EMC chamber
The measurement equipment like test received, loop antenna and coaxial switch are in
compliance with the CISPR 16-1 series standards. The test setup was made according to
Clause 9 of EN 55015:2013.
The EUT operated in ON model and at its rated voltage. The EUT is put on a wooden
table in the center of the loop antenna. Before a measurement the EUT was operated for
about 20 min.
Induced current in the loop antenna was measured by means of a current probe (1V/A)
according to clause 9 of EN 55015:2013. The three field components were measured in
sequence by means of a coaxial switch (loop antenna controller).
5 Test Results I M M U N I T Y
During the immunity tests, the EUT was operated under conditions specified by clause 3.1
of this report.
Performance criterion A: During the test no change of the luminous intensity shall be
observed and the regulating control, if any, shall operate during the test as intended.
Performance criterion B: During the test the luminous intensity may change to any value.
After the test the luminous intensity shall be restored to its initial value within 1 min.
Regulating controls need not function during the test, but after the test the mode of the
control shall be the same as before the test provided that during the test no mode changing
Performance criterion C: During and after the test any change of the luminous intensity is
allowed and the lamp(s) may be extinguished. After the test, within 30 min, all functions
shall return to normal if necessary by temporary interruption of the mains supply and/or
operating the regulating control.
The EMC immunity performances of the EUT were tested according to EN 61547:2009.
5.1 Enclosure
5.1.1 Electrostatic Discharge
Result: Pass
The immunity against radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in the frequency range between
80MHz and 1000MHz was tested in accordance to IEC 61000-4-3 which is specified by clause
5.3 in EN 61547:2009.
The test was performed inside a 3m modified semi-anechoic chamber. During the test the part
of the ground plane between the field generating antenna and the equipment under test was
covered by absorbing material. The distance between the tip of the antenna and the side of the
system tested is 3m. The field uniformity of the 1.5mx1.5m plane where the surface of the EUT
tested coincides with is regularly calibrated to ensure the 0-6dB field uniformity criterion as
specified by IEC 61000-4-3 is met.
The immunity against fast transients on AC power lines was tested in accordance to
EN 61000-4-4 which is specified by clause 5.5 in EN 61547:2009.
Test setup and the fast transient noise generator was according to IEC 6100044 which is
specified by EN 61547:2009. The lamp was placed on a wooden table 0.1m above the
reference ground plane of aluminum and was insulated from it by an insulating support 0.1m
thick. The cable length of the EUT was 2.0m.
The immunity against injected current into AC power port was tested according to
EN 61547:2009 in a shielded room.
The Test setup and the test generator was according to IEC 6100046 which is specified by
EN 61547:2009. The simple luminaire was placed on a small wooden support 0.1m above a
reference ground plane which is of aluminum. The cable length of the EUT was about 0.5m.
The EUT comprised a single unit. The coupling and decoupling networks was inserted on the
power supply connection. The coupling and decoupling networks was placed on the ground
reference plane, making direct contact with it at about 0.1 0.3 meter from the EUT. The
height of cable between the EUT and the coupling and decoupling networks above the ground
reference plane was 50mm.
The immunity against surges to AC power port was tested in accordance to EN 61000-4-5
which is specified by clause 5.7 in EN 61547:2009.
Test setup and the Combination Wave Generator (CWG) was according to IEC 6100045.
The decoupling network is incorporated in the CWG. Both the EUT and CWG were placed on
an insulation table. The cable length between the EUT and the CWG was about 1.5m.
The immunity against voltage dips and interruptions to AC power port was tested in
accordance to EN 61000-4-11 which is specified by clause 5.8 in EN 61547:2009.
Test setup and the test generator was according to IEC 61000411. Both the EUT and the
generator were placed on table 0.8m above reference ground.
Environmental Test level Performance
(in period of the Result
Phenomena (in % UT) criteria
rated frequency)
Interruptions 0 0,5 (10ms) B Pass
Voltage dips (in % UT ) 70 10 (200ms) C Pass
Photograph 6: Set-up for Fast Transient Burst & Voltage dips and interruptions to AC Power
7 List of Tables
Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment of Laboratory A ........................................................................... 5
Table 2: List of Test and Measurement Equipment of Laboratory B ............................................................................ 6
Table 3: ESD, Positive / Negative Polarity ................................................................................................................. 27
Table 4: Radiated Susceptibility, Field Strength 3V/m ............................................................................................... 28
Table 5: Burst, AC Power lines, Positive/Negative Polarity ....................................................................................... 29
Table 6: Injected current, AC Power lines .................................................................................................................. 30
Table 7: Surges to AC Power lines, positive/negative ................................................................................................ 31
Table 8: Test condition and Test result for Voltage Dips ........................................................................................... 32
8 List of Figures
Figure 1: Spectral Diagrams of disturbance voltage, 0.009-30MHz, L, for model EG-LED1227-01 ........................ 12
Figure 2: Spectral Diagrams of disturbance voltage, 0.009-30MHz, for model EG-LED1227-01 ............................. 13
Figure 3: Spectral Diagrams of disturbance voltage, 0.009-30MHz, L, for model EG-LED1027-02 ........................ 14
Figure 4: Spectral Diagrams of disturbance voltage, 0.009-30MHz, for model EG-LED1027-02 ............................. 15
Figure 5: Graphic description of radiated electromagnetic disturbances, X direction, for model EG-LED1227-01 .. 17
Figure 6: Graphic description of radiated electromagnetic disturbances, Y direction, for model EG-LED1227-01 .. 18
Figure 7: Graphic description of radiated electromagnetic disturbances, Z direction, for model EG-LED1227-01 ... 19
Figure 8: Graphic description of radiated electromagnetic disturbances, X direction, for model EG-LED1027-02 .. 20
Figure 9: Graphic description of radiated electromagnetic disturbances, Y direction, for model EG-LED1027-02 .. 21
Figure 10: Graphic description of radiated electromagnetic disturbances, Z direction, for model EG-LED1027-02 . 22
Figure 11: Spectral Diagrams, RF Emission, for model EG-LED1227-01 ................................................................. 24
Figure 12: Spectral Diagrams, RF Emission, for model EG-LED1027-02 ................................................................. 25
9 List of Photographs
Photograph 1: Set-up for Mains Conducted Emission ................................................................................................ 33
Photograph 2: Set-up for Radiated Electromagnetic Emission ................................................................................... 33
Photograph 3: Set-up for Radiated Emission (CDN method) ..................................................................................... 34
Photograph 4: Set-up for Electrostatic Discharge ....................................................................................................... 34
Photograph 5: Set-up for Radiated Susceptibility ....................................................................................................... 35
Photograph 6: Set-up for Fast Transient Burst & Voltage dips and interruptions to AC Power Port ......................... 35
Photograph 7: Set-up for Inject Current ...................................................................................................................... 36
Photograph 8: Set-up for Surges on AC Power Line .................................................................................................. 36