Holographic Diffraction Gratings - N.george
Holographic Diffraction Gratings - N.george
Holographic Diffraction Gratings - N.george
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The author is indebted to Professor Karl Ove 2R. M. Lemmon, F. Mazzetti, F. L. Reynolds, and M. Calvin,
Nielsen for stimulating interest in this work and for J.Am. Chern. Soc. 78, 6414 (1956).
3S. Ascoli and F. Cacace, Nucl. Instr. Meth. 38, 198 (l965).
valuable discussions. The experiments were per-
4 A. H. Wilson, A Theory of Metals, (Cambridge Univ. Press,
formed at the laboratories of the Institute of Phys- 1954), p. 197.
ics, University of Aarhus. The vacuum chamber, 5 H. L. Caswell in Physics of Thin Films, vol. I, (Academic Press,
I U. Croatto and G. Giacomello, Acta 45th Congress of SIPS, 11 M. S. P. Lucas,]. Appl. Phys. 36, 1632 (l965).
From a careful evaluation of a very simple hologram, the photographically produced grating, we have been able
to obtain quantitative data on image reconstruction efficiency as a function of processing procedures and illumina-
tion parameters such as orientation angle and wavelength. Experimental results are presented which show the de-
pendence of efficiency on exposure, both before and after bleaching of the emulsion layer. In addition, the
orientation sensitivity of thick-emulsion holograms is studied, and it is shown that maximum diffracted power
occurs when the Bragg reflection condition is satisfied.
Volume 9, Number 5 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 1 September 1966
wavelength source. Contrast intensification can be 1 shows this dependence for the first order in trans-
used to give the grating a modified profile. s mission for one of the gratings previously described
We have produced gratings having 820 lines per using light at 6328 A. This curve is not polarization
mm over a 7 cm X 7 cm surface using Kodak 649F dependent except for differences in reflection loss
high-resolution film plates. Two symmetrically at the glass-air interfaces. The observed sensitivity
incident beams having an angular separation of 30° with respect to the angle of incidence of the illumi-
were used. The light source used was a 5-mW nation beam is characteristic of holograms made
helium-neon laser operated at 6328 A. Precautions with film having a thick emulsion layer,6 when
which were taken to ensure that satisfactory results the fringe spacing is considerably smaller than the
included spatial filtering of both beams, vibration emulsion thickness (for Kodak 649F film plates the
and acoustic isolation, and minimization of the emulsion is about lOlL thick after development). In
difference in path lengths of the two beams. this case the fringes are in actuality planes which
The resolution of these gratings in transmission extend through the emulsion. Bragg reflection
was measured using an AO Spencer Spectrometer. occurs from these planes when the angle of in-
Only a 2-cm length of the rating was illuminated cidence Oi and angle of diffraction Od are equal,
and a resolution limit of 1 was observed. Specifi- 0i = Od = 0, and when the Bragg condition sin 0 =
cally, the sodium doublet with a separation of about NAj2d is satisfied. The angle of diffraction which is
tion, which results in gratings with the fringe planes had angles of incidence of 45° and 75°. Then 45°
being perpendicular to the emulsion surface. While and 75° are the two angles of incidence for which
this appears to be the most logical way to make Bragg reflection occurs in first order. Thus, illumi-
diffraction gratings, it is of interest to examine the nation at 45° gives Bragg reflection for the one
case where the fringe planes are inclined with re- first-order diffracted beam which emerges in the
spect to the normal to the emulsion surface, as this same direction as the original beam that came in at
is often the case in more general types of holograms. 75°, and vice versa. In the symmetrical case dis-
In this case the correct interpretation of the grat- cussed at length previously, the two angles are±15°.
ing equation is with 8i and 8d measured with respect A number of gratings were bleached to produce
to the normal to the film plate, A the free space phase holograms. 9 Bleaching was found to yield
wavelength, and with d computed using the expres- sizable increases in efficiency especially for very
sion given earlier. Maximum diffracted power highly exposed plates (see Fig. 3) but this was ac-
again occurs when the value of OJ is such that Bragg companied by severe scattering of light which de-
reflection occurs, only now the value of 0 used in ,grades the resolution. In a pictorial hologram this
the Bragg reflection equation is defined with respect would result in an increased background noise
to the inclined fringes within the emulsion. Further- level. The efficiencies were especially high just after
more, the A used in the Bragg equation is the wave- the bleaching process was completed, while the
4000 5000 0 6000 Fig. 3. Power ratio, PdP., as a function of poIp.. where Po is
WAVELENGTH (A UNITS) the transmitted power in the zero order for normal incidence,
8, "" O. PI is the power dift'racted into first order with the opti-
Fig. 2. Power ratio, P,IP., for unbleached grating vs wave- mum angle of incidence using light at 6328 A. (1) Bleached,
length at angles of incidence: (1) 15°,(2) US, (3) 10°. plate still wet; (2) bleached, plate dry; (3) before bleaching.
Volume 9, Number 5 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 1 September 1966
The method of "white-light reflection holography" first described by Stroke and Labeyrie (Physics Letters 20, 368,
March 1, 1966) and subsequently verified by a number of authors, has now been extended to the recording of
volume holograms in 6-7-JL-thick Kodak 649F emulsions on sheet film, with a quality in the reconstructed images
comparing favorably with the images reconstructed from the 17-JL-thick emulsions on glass plates used hereto-
fore. The results presented have also permitted us to further verify a simple "crystallographic" theory of the
method, first used by Stroke and Labeyrie (ibid.) and further described by G. W. Stroke in a subsequent paper.
A great interest appears to have recently arisen models in crystallography), to determine whether
in a method of "white-light color reflection holog- (if necessary) the white-light reflection volume
raphy" first described by Stroke and Labeyrie. 1 holograms could be recorded in comparatively
The method has now been verified by a number of much thinner emulsions (on the order of 6 to 7 /L,
authors 2 - 4 and permits one to reconstruct single- the thickest available for the Kodak 649F sheet
color and multicolor images upon illumination of film used) than those used heretofore, and espe-
black-and-white holograms with a source of ordi- cially whether good wavefront and image recon-
nary white light, such as a flashlight, a zirconium structions could be obtained from a comparatively
arc, or the sun. "Volume holography" work l - 6 ap- flexible sheet film, such as that which we have used
pears heretofore to have been carried out only on in this work.
comparatively "thick" emulsions (on the order of Figure 1 shows one of the arrangements which we
17 /L for the Kodak 649F emulsions used) coated on have been using to record white-light reflection
glass-plate support. holograms on 4" X 5" film. The film was exposed
The "crystal-like" nature of the volume holo- with the reference beam incident onto the emulsion
grams, with "planes" parallel to the surface of the through the anti-halation backing (used in the pro-
emulsions, as it appears in white-light holography duction of this film), and a suitable adjustment was
applications was stressed by Stroke and Labeyrie. 1 made in the beam intensities, so that the reference
It is clear that a sufficiently great number of "crys- beam and the beam scattered by the object both had
tal-like planes" must be available throughout the the same intensity, as measured in polarized light
thickness of the emulsion to give the hologram the in the emulsion plane. (The transmission of the anti-
desired crystal-like characteristics. It appeared halation backing of this film in 6328 A in polarized
therefore to be of a particular interest, also in view light is approximately 13.3%). During the recording
possibly of a wider and more ready use of this type the film is seen to have been placed between two
of hologram (for instance to display molecular "micro-flat" glass plates (obtained by removing the