8. The 50-ohm double-shielded RG-11 23. What type of losses cause the
coaxial cable is used in dielectric material between the
thicknet or thick-wire Ethernet.* conductors to be heated?
Dielectric loss.
9. A flat conductor separated from a
ground plane by an insulating 24. What is the range of characteristic
dielectric material impedance of lines used in actual
Microstrip. practice?
Between 50 and 600 ohms.
10. A flat conductor sandwich between
two ground planes. 25. Two types of waves are formed on a
Stripline transmission line. What names are
given to these waves?
11. What connecting link is used to Incident waves from generator to
transfer energy from a radio load. Reflected waves from load to
transmitter to its antenna located generator.
on the mast of a ship?
Transmission line. 26. On an open-ended transmission line,
the voltage is always zero at what
12. What term is used for the end of a distance from each end of the line?
transmission line that is connected One-fourth the distance from each
to a transmitter? end of the line.
Input end, generator end,
transmitter end, sending end and 27. A non-resonant line is a line that
source. has no standing waves of current and
voltage on it and is considered to
13. What term is used for the end of a be flat. Why is this true?
transmission line that is connected The load impedance of such a line is
to an antenna? equal to Zo.
Output end, receiving end, load end,
and sink. 28. At what point on an open-circuited
rf line do voltage peaks occur?
14. Name two of the three uses of a two- At ½ wavelength from the end and at
wire open line. every ½ wavelength along the line.
Power lines, rural telephone lines,
and telegraph lines. 29. What is the square of the voltage
standing wave ratio called?
15. What are two primary disadvantages Power standing-wave ratio (pswr)
of a two-wire open line?
High radiation losses and noise 30. What does vswr measure?
pickup. The existence of voltage variations
on a line.
38. Determine the impedance of λ/4 line
31. Determine the characteristic to match 600ohm feed to 75 ohm
impedance for an air dielectric two- antenna. 212 ohm
wire parallel transmission line with
a D/r ratio of 12.22?
300 ohms.
39. If a cable has a velocity factor of
0.8, what length of cable is
required for a 90 degree phase shift
at 100 meters?
0.6 meters
32. Determine the characteristic
impedance for an RG-59A coaxial
cable with the following
specifications: d=0.025 inches,
D=0.15 inches, and dielectric 40. The scientist who profounded the
constant of 2.23 theory of electromagnetic radiation
72 ohms James
37. Using TDR, a transmission line 52. Antenna that is complete in itself
impairment is located 3000m from the and capable of self-oscillation.
source. For velocity of propagation Hertz*
of 0.9c, determine the time elapsed
from the beginning of the pulse to 53. Radiation resistance is the ratio of
the reception of the echo. radiated power to the square of
22.22us current*
65. In antenna, the area where the 81. What do we call the field that is
signal strength is very low. created between two rods when a
Null* voltage is applied to them?
66. Which frequency band omni-
horizontally polarized antenna used? 82. When current flows through a
VHF and UHF* conductor, a field is created around
the conductor. What do we call this
67. Discone antenna polarization is field?
68. What is the advantage of Top 83. An induction field is created around
loading? a conductor when current flows
Improved radiation efficiency* through it. What do we call the
field that detaches itself from the
69. What is propagation? conductor and travels through space.
Propagation means spreading out. RADIATION FIELD.
70. How is a wave defined as it applies 84. What are two basic qualifications of
to wave propagation? antennas?
A wave is a disturbance which moves Half-wave(Hertz) and Quarter-wave
through a medium. (Marconi)
71. What is wave motion? 85. What are the three parts of a
A means of transferring energy from complete antenna system?
one place to another. Coupling device, feeder, and antenna
72. What are some examples of wave 86. What three factors determine the
motion? type size and shape of antenna?
Sound waves, light waves, radio Frequency of operation of the
waves, heat waves, water waves. transmitter, amount of power to be
radiated, and general direction of
the receiving set.
Vertical plane.
87. If a wave exactly the length of an
antenna from one end to the other 102. Since the radiation pattern of a
and back during the period of 1 dipole is similar to that of a
cycle, what is the length of the doublet, what will happen to the
antenna? pattern if the length of the doublet
One-half the wavelength. is increased?
The pattern would flatten.
88. What is the term used to identify
the points of high-current and high 103. What is the simplest method of
voltage on an antenna? feeding power to the half-wave
Current and voltage loops. antenna?
To connect one end through a
89. What is the term used to identify capacitor to the final output stage
the points of minimum current and of the transmitter.
minimum voltage on an antenna?
Current and voltage nodes. 104. What is the radiation pattern of a
quarter-wave antenna?
90. The direction of what field is used A circular radiation pattern in the
to designate the polarization of a horizontal plane, or same as a half-
wave? wave.
Electric Field.
105. Describe the physical arrangement of
91. If a wave’s electric lines of force a ground screen?
rotate through 360 degrees with It is composed of a series of
every cycle of RF energy, what is conductors arranged in a radial
the polarization of this wave? pattern and buried 1 to 2 feet below
Circular polarization. the ground.
92. What type of polarization should be 106. What is the difference in the amount
used at medium and low frequencies? of impedance between a three-wire
Vertical polarization dipole and a simple-center fed
93. What is an advantage of using Nine times the feed-point impedance.
horizontal polarization at high
frequencies? 107. Which has a wider frequency range, a
Less interference is experienced by simple dipole, or a folded dipole?
man-made noise sources. Folded dipole
94. What type of polarization should be 108. What is the purpose of antenna
used if an antenna is mounted on a stubs?
moving vehicle at frequencies below To produce desired phase
50 megahertz? relationship between connected
Vertical polarization elements
95. What is the radiation resistance of 109. What is the primary difference
a half-wave antenna in free space? between the major and minor lobes in
73 ohms. a radiation pattern?
Major lobes have the greatest amount
96. A radiating source that radiates of radiation.
energy stronger in one direction
than another is what type of 110. What is the maximum number of
radiator? elements used in a collinear array?
Anisotropic radiator Four.
97. A radiating source that radiates 111. Why is the number of elements in a
energy equally in all directions is collinear array limited?
known as what type of radiator? As more elements are added, an
Isotropic radiator unbalanced condition in the system
occurs which impairs efficiency.
98. A flashlight is an example of what
type of radiator? 112. How can the frequency range of a
Anisotropic radiator collinear array be increased?
By increasing the lengths of the
99. What terms are often used to elements of the array.
describe basic half-wave antennas?
Dipole, doublet and hertz. 113. How is directivity of a collinear
array affected when the number of
100. If a basic halfwave antenna is elements is increased?
mounted vertically, what type of Directivity increases
radiation pattern will be produced?
Non-directional 114. What is the primary cause of
broadside arrays losing efficiency
101. in which plane will the half-wave when not operating at their designed
antenna be operating if it is frequency?
mounted horizontally? Lower radiation resistance
115. When more that two elements are used 130. What is the primary reason for the
in a broadside array, how are the development of the turnstile
elements arranged? antenna?
Parallel and in the same plane. For omnidirectional vhf
116. As the spacing between elements in a
broadside array increases, what is 131. Microwave antennas and low-frequency
the effect on the major lobes? antennas are similar in what ways?
They sharpen Operating principles and electrical
117. What are some disadvantages of the
end-fire array? 132. What term is used to express the
Extremely low radiation resistance, efficiency of an antenna?
confined to one frequency, and Power gain or power ratio.
affected by atmospheric conditions
133. What term is used to express the
118. Where does the major lobe in the measurement of the degree of
end-fire array occur? mismatch between a line and its
Along the major axis load?
Standing-wave ratio (swr)
119. To maintain the required balance of
phase relationships and critical 134. What type of antenna radiates in and
feeding, how must the end-fire array receives energy from all directions
be constructed? at once?
Symmetrically Omnidirectional
120. What two factors determine the 135. What is the term that is used to
directivity pattern of the parasitic describe narrowness in the radiated
array? beam of an antenna?
Length of the parasitic element Antenna directivity
(tuning) and spacing between the
parasitic and driven elements. 136. What characteristic allows the same
antenna to both transmit and
121. What two main advantages of a receive?
parasitic array can be obtained by Reciprocity.
combining a reflector and a director
with the driven element? 137. What type of reflector is most often
Increased gain and directivity. used in directive antennas?
122. The parasitic array can be rotated
to receive or transmit in different 138. Microwaves can be reflected and
directions. What is the name given focused in the same way as what
to such an antenna? other type of waves?
Rotary array. Light waves.
123. What are the disadvantages of the 139. How many major lobes are radiated by
parasitic array? a parabolic reflector?
Their adjustment is critical and One
they do not operate over a wide
frequency range. 140. A horizontally truncated paraboloic
antenna is used for what purpose?
124. What is the advantage of adding Determine elevation
parasitic elements to a Yagi array?
Increased gain. 141. The beam from a horizontally
positioned cylindrical paraboloid is
125. The Yagi antenna is an example of narrow in what plane?
what type of array? Vertical.
Multielement parasitic array
142. What is a purpose of a collimating
126. To radiate power efficiently, a lens?
long-wire antenna must have what Forces the radial segments of a
minimum overall length? wavefront into parallel paths
One-half wavelength.
143. What type of lens decelerates a
127. What is another name for the portion of a spherical wavefront?
Beverage antenna? Delay lens
Wave antenna
144. What is a set of antenna elements
128. What is the polarity of the currents called?
that feed the V antenna? Antenna array
145. What type of antenna has all
129. What is the main disadvantage of the elements connected to the same
rhombic antenna? energy source?
It requires a large antenna site. Driven array
146. What determines the beam elevation
angle of an antenna that is
electronically scanned in elevation?
Frequency or phase of radiated 156. Find the electrical field strength
energy for a signal power of 100W at a
distance of 10 km away.
147. What is the polarization of the 5.48mV/m
energy radiated by a vertical slot?
176. There is a maximum frequency at 189. How do raindrops affect radio waves?
which vertically transmitted radio They can cause attenuation by
waves can be refracted back to scattering.
earth. What is this maximum
frequency called? 190. How does fog affect radio waves at
Critical Frequency. frequencies above 2 Gigahertz?
It can cause attenuation by
177. What three main factors determine absorption
the amount of refraction in the
ionosphere? 191. How is the term “temperature
(a) density of ionization of the inversion” used when referring to
layer (b) frequency (c) angle at radio waves?
which it enters the layer It is a condition where layers of
warm air are formed above layers of
178. What is the skip zone of a radio cool air.
192. How does temperature inversion
affect radio transmission?
It can cause vhf and uhf
transmission to be propagated far
beyond normal line-of-sight