Section snippets
Samples were collected systematically from plagiogranite intrusions
(quartz diorite to tonalite), plagiogranite dikes, and aplitic granitic
dikes within the Dar Gaz district. Fifty polished sections were
prepared for petrography and studied by Zeiss Axioplan 2 optical
microscope at the Kharazmi University and Iranian Mineral
Processing Research Center (IMPRC). At IMPRC, electron probe
micro-analysis (EPMA) was carried out on feldspars and
hornblende by a Cameca SX100 mounted with five WDS
The Dar Gaz area is part of the Kahnouj ophiolite complex
consisting of ultramafic and mafic units (mostly gabbros) along with
a series of granitoid rocks, including plagiogranite dikes and
intrusions and aplitic granitic dikes. U-Pb zircon ages of the Dar
Gaz plagiogranites are the best chronometer for the timing of the
formation of the Kahnouj ophiolite complex. The granitoids in the
Dar Gaz district have high LILE/HFSE ratios and show a distinct
depletion in Nb, Zr, and Ti contents
We acknowledge financial support of the Iranian Mineral
Processing Research Center (IMPRC) and Kharazmi University of
Tehran, Iran. DL was supported by Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery grant of Canada.
U-Pb zircon dating was financially supported by the Excellent Youth
Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant
no. 41722207). Editor Prof. Greg Shellnutt is thanked for his advice
and helpful comments. Reviews by Prof. Paul T. Robinson and two