ABSTRACT & Conclusions

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The study area lies about 61 km north of Port Sudan, it extends from Khor Eit
area up to Jebel Abu Imama area in the northern part, in the Red Sea State. Field
investigations Miocene to Pleistocene deposits, lithological units, microfacies and
grain size analysis have been conducted to describe and classify the facies
associations and to clarify the depositional environments in the study area. Detailed
description of 16 vertical sedimentary sections revealed the presence of 17
sedimentary facies based on variations in lithology, grain size, sedimentary
structures, and fossil content. The identified clastic includes matrix-supported
massive gravel (Gmm) this facies encountered in Maghersum Formation in khor Eit
and J.Tobanam area, massive sandstone (Sm) appear in Hamamit, Maghersum and
Khor Eit formations encountered in khor eit, J.Saghum and J.Dyiba, horizontally
laminated sandstone (Sh) this facies its appear in Maghersum and Khor Eit
Formmations in J.Dyiba , clayey sandstone (Fl) encountered in Khor Eit and
Dungunab Formations in khor eit area, mudstone (Fm) this facies within Khor Eit
Formation in khor eit area, Calcareous sandstone (St) this facies its appear within
Maghersum and khor Eit Formations, encountered in Conical hills. The carbonate
sequence, include white limestone facies, reef complex, white fossiliferous
limestone facies, this facies its appear within khor Eit and Abu Imama Formation,
in Khor Eit area and J.Abu Imama. The Evaporite deposits include gypsum facies,
mudstone interbeds, appear in Dungunab Formation, encountered in khor eit area
The Pleistocene deposits includes clast-supported massive gravel facies (Gcm), this
facies refer to Upper Clastic Group, encountered in khor eit and J.Tobanam areas.
And emergent coralline limestone.
Microfacies analysis of the 12 thin section form carbonate sequence allowed the
Ideification of wackstone, fossiliferous wackstone, dolomicrite mudstone,
interparticle packstone, foraminiferal biosparite, sparite grainstone, peloidal
grainstone and ooid wackstone, this mirofacies appear within Khor Eit and Abu
Imama Formation, in khor eit and J.Tobanam areas.
Grain size analysis revealed 6 samples refered to river sand environment,
encountered in Maghersum, Khor Eit Formations, encountered in Khor Eit ,Saghum,
Tobanam areas.
The clastic sequence refer to depositional is continental environment. The
carbonates and reef limestone refer to depositional is marine environment. The
mixed carbonate and clastic sequences and evaporite deposits refer to depositional
is transitional environment.

Three phases of regression and transgression of marine water were recognized in

the study area. Before the transgression of the marine water, an alluvial matrix
support massive gravel and sandstone facies was deposited. carbonate facies were
deposited during the Miocene transgression. The Upper Clastic Group was
deposited during the Miocene regression. Pleistocene transgression characterized
by development of the emergent reef limestone.

The investigation of the facies associations and depositional environments of the
Study area succession produce the to the following conclusions:
The Eit succession includes seven sedimentary units; these are sandstone sequence,
carbonate sequence, mixed carbonate - clastic sequence, the evaporite deposits,
bedded marlstone sequence, older gravels facies and the emergent coralline
limestone unit. Each of this unit is associated of several sedimentary facies.
The sandstone sequence is formed of the extraformational conglomerate facies, the
greywacke petrofacies, lithic arenite petrofacies, and calcareous marlstone facie.
The carbonate sequence composed of nine microfacies; these are sorted oosparite,
shelly biomicrite, pelecypoda biomicrite, pelecypoda biosparimicrite, foraminiferal
biosparite, lithmicrite, lithbiomicrite, dismicrite and biolithite microfacies.
The mixed carbonate - clastic sequence consists of the well - sorted and rounded
hematitic quartz arenite petrofacies, siliceous quartz arenite petrofacies, the
calcareous quartz arenite petrofacies and lithic arenite petrofacies. The evaporite
deposits are comprised of gypsum deposits interbedded with mudstone horizons.
The gypsum deposit subdivided according to variety in crystal form to the crystalline
selenite gypsum facies, the fibrous satin spar gypsum facies, the laminated alabaster
gypsum facies and the massive alabaster gypsum facies. The gypsum facies are
intercalated with the marlstone interbeds, which include the gypsiferous marlstone
and pyritiferous marlstone facies.
The sequence of the bedded claystone consists of the sandy claystone facies, the
dolomitized marlstone facies and the calcareous marlstone facies. These sequence
cut by two levels of the channelized gravels facies.
The unit of the emergent coralline limestone is composed of in addition to in the 174
situ corals, intervals of mixed carbonate and clastic deposits, coral and fossil
remains. The dolomitization process affected the older facies. This can seen in the
presence of dolomitic limestone facies, the dolomitic gravelly limestone facies and
bedded dolomitized marlstone facies. The process had less alterated the younger
facies of the emergent coralline limestone unit and the other carbonate facies.
Analysis of the depositional systems show that the Eit succession developed in
general in three sedimentary environments; continental, transitional and marine
environments. The continental environment is represented by alluvial and alluvial
fan systems. The transitional environment includes marine shoreline, tidal flat and
lagoonal environments. The marine system include shallow - marine and reef
environments. In the sandstone sequence, the greywacke petrofacies, the lithic
arenite petrofacies and the calcareous marlstone facies, were deposited in the alluvial
system and later they were affected by marine water that appears as a high
percentage of calcium mineral and the fibrous satin spar gypsum of secondary origin
that filling the mudcracks. The mixed carbonate - clastic sequence was deposited in
near shore environments. The evidence of these conditions is the good - sorting of
the quartz grains and the absence of fine - grained sediments and unstable feldspar
mineral. The carbonate sequence accumulated in shallow marine environment. The
gypsum deposits precipitated in lagoonal environment. The bedded marlstone
sequence was deposited in tidal flat conditions. The older gravels facies accumulated
in alluvial fan system. The emergent coralline limestone was developed in reef
environment with terrigenous influx into the environment.
The economic significances of the Eit sedimentary units are probably occurring of
hydrocarbons in the large - scale carbonate sequence of Abu Imama Formation. The
carbonate deposits comprises of the foraminiferal biosparite microfacies, which
found includes hydrocarbons in the area of north Africa and it capped by the gypsum
deposits of the Dungunab Formation. The unit of the emergent coralline 175
limestone and the carbonate deposits (except the dolomitic limestone and the
dolomitic gravelly limestone facies) content small amounts of MgO and Fe2O3. It
suitable for manufacturing of Portland cement type. In addition, the limestone
deposits can be used in brick industry. The gypsum deposits in the area can be used
in the manufacturing of Portland cement and use it in chemical industry to produced
of H2SO4.

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