ReVox A77 Serv Man Complete
ReVox A77 Serv Man Complete
ReVox A77 Serv Man Complete
2.1. Front Panel Rear Panel 5
3.1. Removal of Housing
3.2. Removal of Cover Panel
3.3. Removal of Front Panel
3.4. Removal of Power Switch
3.5. Removal of Brake Unit
3.6. Removal of Reel Motors
3.7. Removal of Capstan Motor
3.8. Removal of Control Board
3.9. Removal of Power Transformer
3.1 0. Removal of Amplifier Cards
3.1 1. Removal of Potentiometer
3.12. Removal of Switch Board
3.13. Removal of Frame ( Removal of Rotary Switches)
4.1. Headblock
4.1.1. Tape Guides
4.1.2. Head Mounting
4.2. Tape Tension
4.3. Brakes ( Stop
4.3.1. Brake Torque Measurement
4.3.2. Brake Adjustment
4.4. Pressure Roller
4.4.1. Pressure Measurement
4.4.2. Pressure Solenoid Readjustment
4.4.3. Exchange of Pressure Roller
4.4.4. Pressure Lever Readjustment
4.5. Capstan Motor
4.5.1. Removal of Capstan Axis, Ball Bearings
4.6. Exchange of Reel Motor Bearings
4.7. Lubrication
4.8. End-of-Tape Switch
5.1. Switch Board and VU-Meter Board
5.2. Input Amplifier
5.3. Record Amplifier
5.4. Oscillator
5.5. Record Relay
5.6. Playback Amplifier
5.7. Power Amplifier ( Loudspeaker Amplifier)
5.8. Power Supply
5.9. Drive Control
5.9.1. Photoelectric End-of-Tape Switch
5.1 0. Speed Regulation, Capstan Motor
7.1. Remote Control
7.2. Timing Switch Operation
8.1. Rewind
8.2. Switch Noise
8.3. RFI
8.4. Transfer Play Sensitivity
8.5. Replacement of Capstan Motor
8.6. Capstan Motor with Sleeve Bearings
8.6.1. Removal of Capstan Shaft and low-friction Thrust Washer
9.1. Faults in the Drive
9.2. Faults in the Circuitry
A Push buttons
<< Fast rewlnd
>> Fast forward
PLAY Playback
STOP Stops all operating functions
REC Record (depress simul-
taneously PLAY )
I \1 2
11 13
/ \
Microphone socket,
Playback volume control
CH 2
30 Hz - 16 kHz + 2 1 -~3 dB
50 Hz - 10 kHz r 1.5 dB } at 3314 Ips
Slgnal to noise ratlo. "la tape. 7 112 ips mln. 66 dB ( 4 track mtn. 62 dB)
we~ghtedds per ASA A 3 314 IPS. mln. 63 dB 14 track mln. 59 d B )
Cross talk at 1 kHz : Mono better than 60 dB, stereo better than 45 dB
Osclllvtor frequency 120 kHz, push pull osc~llatur
General Measurement Conditions : ( f o r voltages in rectangular frames 1
D.C. Voltages . vertical letters e . 9 . P Meter ~nternalresistance 20 kOhm 1V mln. Inputs per channel Cinch IJack Microphone, swltchable LOIHI
LOW: 50 600S2 .15 mV
A.F. Voltages: slant l etters e.g. Meter: Vac, rube or transistorvoltmeter 1 MOhm min. HIGH: upto lOOkn 2.5 mV
5 -pole DIN RADIO: 33 k n 2.5 mV
Cinch AUX' 1 MS2 35 mV
Outputs per channel : Cinch OUTPUT max. 2.5 V 1R s 600 n
Markings an Tantalum Elecfrolytte Capacttors 5 -pole DIN RADIO max. 1.2 V I Rs 2 5 kc1
Red rio' it, i i
Jack PHONES 200 600x2
Carrying Case
Dimensions Chassis
Color Code :
Fig. 3.2-4
brn CD 1
blu CD 2
red CF 1
Fig. 3.4
Fig. 3.5-6
Fig. 3.6-8
Left Reel Motor
A Remote Control
gry F68
wht FG9
brn FG1 blk FGlO
vio FG7
grn F H l CID
End-of-Tape Switch
grn FH2 I
vio D F 4 I ) blu FM2
ye1 D F 2 I
Fig. 3.8-1 1
Right Reel Motor Speakers
b Off 4
ye1 D l 3 grn DG3
grn D l 4
blu (grn/blk) D l 5 blk DG1
brn (yellblk) D l 6
ye1 u I I
- a-
org DK3 / red DG2
ye1 D l 0 Output
red D l 1
grn D9
brn D l 2 I wht D4 0 gry Dl.
wht D3 0 gry 0 2 0
r r * N
22: ::5$s:
y . g . 2 ~= a z c 7 J =
Loudspeaker 5 ' s>. 23j b?2 >.
Fig. 3.9-13 6
- Unscrews transformer fasteners and remove entire assem- 3.10. Removal of Amplifier Cards
bly carefully downward.
- Mark record and playback amplifiers before removing.
Pull off circuit cards and corresponding connectors as
The amplifiers have to be reinserted in their respective
needed (fig. 3.9 - 12 and 3.9 - 13).
places to maintain correct level settings.
- Remove cover panel on the front side and pull amplifier
Fig. 3.10-14
3.11. Removal of Potentiometer
- Unsolder wires.
- Unscrew fasteners from below ( fig. 3.1 1 --15)
or9 ye1
P 304 CH I I
P 303 CH I
blk blk
Fig. 3.11-15
3.12. Removal of Switch Board ( fig. 3.12 -16
- Remove plug-in amplifiers ( fig. 3.10 ).
- Remove pusher mechanism ( screws A ).
- Remove shield ( screws B ).
- Remove reset spring C ( tape lift lever 1.
- Connectors: disengage headblock-VU-meter board.
vio HB7,
~ I rise
grn HB5
ye1 HB4
org HB3
I Ii
Fig. 3.12-16
Playback Playback OUTPUT
Head Head
Fig. 3.12-17 Speakers Off
- Remove power switch retaining rings and fasteners D. Observe, furthermore, that pressure roller is in rest position
Lower power switch carefully ( avoid linkage rod ). ( trip lever of playback cut-off contact S 5, left of release
- Disconnect all terminals on the switch board ( fig. lever ).
3.12 -17 ).
- Unscrews 5 fasteners E ( fig. 3.12 -16 ) and remove
complete assembly forward. 3.13. Removal of Frame ( Removal of Rotary Switches )
- Disengage remaining VU-meter connections.
- Unscrew VU-meter carrier; l i f t o f f carefully ( observe
Position of the equalizing slide switch has to be checked playback cut-off contact S 5 behind VU-meter board ).
at reassembly. Adjust screws F (fig. 3.12 -16 ) if necessary - Pull connectors from Jacks. ( fig. 3.1 3-18 ).
( see also 5.1. ). - Unscrew rotary switch fasteners from above. Disconnect
ground strap ( brown ). Remove carrier.
Height Adjustment
Fig. 4.1-19
4.1.1. Tapeguides (fig4.1 -19) 4.1.2. Head Mounting ( fig. 4.1 -20
- Clean tape guides; don't disturb tape guide A ! To remove Record and playback heads are mounted on a common
tape guide A, unscrew only the fastener to the block base plate which is fastened in turn to the headblock with
( near upper end of capstan axis ). 3 screws A.
----. -
Fig. 4.1-20
Once adjustments are made on the headblock, the loosened Check operating voltages of reel motors and phase shift
screws must be resecured with lacquer. capacitors if these values aren't attained; see table 5.9 -46
and section " Modifications " per 8.1.( Rewind ).
For improved signal to noise performance the connections
to both playback head channels may be reversed on some
recorders from the wiring shown in Diag. 3, in other words 4.3. Brakes ( Stop )
the colored conductors will be soldered to the right-hand The stop brakes are effective with solenoid de-energized.
terminal. When replacing heads, re-wire in the same manner. - Push STOP button.
@ 115 rnrn
L -------1
Fig. Fig. 4.3-23
Fig. 4.3-24 I
- Loosen brake manually ( push in solenoid core ). 4.4.2. Pressure Solenoid Readiustment
- Check if both brakes clear simultaneously; if not uns-
- Switch instrument to PLAY. I f no tape is loaded, cover
crew the 3 chassis fasteners partly, slide chassis around
light at optical end-of-tape switch.
till both bands are clear.
- Slide pressure solenoid to the right gap B (fig. 4.4-25)
- I f necessary, bend one brake adjustment lever.
is .3 mm ( ,012 " )
- Block pressure solenoid.
The solenoid has to be energized for adjustment. - Check if .solenoid core is in end position. The core shall
- Cover light at the optical end-of-tape switch. not move if the lever is pulled slightly from the capstan
- Depress " Reel Motors off " ( 42 ), depress button < < axis.
( fast rewind ). - Secure fasteners of solenoid with a drop of lacquer.
- Loosen fastening of solenoid and reset so that the bands - Check pressure, reset screw C if necessary.
clear rollers by from .I -.2 mm ( 040" to . 080" )
- Secure solenoid during this adjustment. Braking torque
can be varied by hooking springs at different places on
the brake adjustment lever.
4.4.3. Exchange of Pressure Roller
- Hold pressure roller axis at groove from above ( fig.
4.4 -25 ) and remove bolt fastening E to the side.
4.4. Pressure Roller - Pull pressure roller axis up and roller to the side. Reas-
The pressure lever is actuated electromechanically. Pressure sembly is explained in the replacement parts list.
is set by the variable spring force ( fig. 4.4 -25 ).
Make sure that no cleaning fluid gets to the sintered bearing
while cleaning the roller.
Fig. 4.4-25
1.5 kg 0.3 mrn
( 3.3 Ib.av ) ( 012" )
( Mobil
Fig. 4.5-26
4.5. Capstan Motor (with Ball Bearing) Fig. 4.5.-26 Bearing C is a special tight tolerance part and shall be
(Control circuitry see 5.10 & 6.2. ) exchanged only with an original bearing.
The capstan axis goes cornplere:y through the motor. I t
is held by a sintered bronze bearing ( D ) and below by a Special care must be taken with handling the capstan
ball bearing. Both bearings are lubricated for their life and axis and bearings to avoid damage or entry of dust into
should normally require no service. Capstan axis and ball the precision parts ( run-out better than 1/1000,mm =
bearing can be exchanged very easily. A defective sintered 40 micro - inch ! ).
bearing is to be sent to the nearest factory representative.
( Disassembly see para 3.7. )
Fig. 4.5-27
4.7. Lubrication
All bearings are lubricated for their life and should normally
require no service. They shall be exchanged only with
original bearings, in case of malfunction. I f the capstan
axis is exchanged, the upper felt washer of sintered bearing
D ( fig. 4.5 -26 ) is to be lubricated with some drops
MOB1L DTE extra heavy.
- Regulator
- Drive control with photoelectric end-of-tape switch.
- Capstan motor control.
Plug-in Arnpl.
Capstan Motor
Drive Control
Fig. 5.-28
Block Diagram ( Amplifiers
NAB Volume CHll OFF
5.1. Switch Board and VU-Meter Board
Fig. 5.1-30
iz yl
Speakers Off
Fig. 5.1-31
Before / After Tape switch Playback lnput selector
( Playback selector Mode Switch
Fig. 5.1-32
The VU-meter board is linked to the switch board by Resistor R 406 / R 426 ( lOOK ) i s bridged or reduced by
connectors. It carries the preselector buttons for CH 1 parallel resistors for this purpose. If R 406 / R 426 is
and CH 2; they switch the record-erase signals. ( Note that shorted,amplification of the whole stage i s A = 460 approx
the audio signal has to be switched inversely on the record with 1K in parallel A = 20 approx, and without parallel
amplifier when neither button i s depressed ! ) resistor A = 1.2 approximately. Parallel resitors R 316 /
R 317 ( CH 1 ) and R 321 / R 322 ( CH 2 ) are on switch
board 1.077.435. The output stage configuration has the
I vio HB7 advantage that the supply voltage can be fully modulated.
I HB6 Output voltage i s nominally 50 mVac, but it can deliver
-,grn HB5
up to 6 Vac undistorted.
--ye1 HB4
I 'brn HB1
This corresponds to an overmodulation stability of more
than 40 dB. Aside from the overmodulation stability,
sensitivity matching of the input stage through feedback
has the advantage in that input noise i s not worsened by
1 the series-connected voltage divider.
Fig. 5.1-33
The input amplifier card contains the pre-amplifiers for The record amplifier cards contain an equalization pre-
both channels. amplifier ( Q 501, Q 502 1, a VU-meter amplifier ( 503 ),
Input sensitivity is matched through a stepped variable and a driver amplifier ( Q 504, Q 505 ). A t the input
feedback (d.c. feedback fixed) at the signal source voltages of the equalization preamplifier is a bus voltage level of
AUXILIARY ( 35 m V ) , track transfer ( 8 mV ), RADIO about 25 mV at 1 kHz and nominal input signal, record
( 2,5 mV 1, MICROPHONE high (2,5 mV 1, MICROPHONE regulator fully opened ).
low ( .15 mV ).
Recording is equalized per NAB standard. Lows equaliza- 5.5. Record Relay ( 1.077.7 15 )
tion ( 3180 ysec ) i s accomplished by feedback through
series-connected C 504 and trimpotentiometers P 501 and
P 502. Highs equalization can be set separately for both
speeds; P 502 for 7.5ips, P501 for 3.75ips.
Fig. 5.5.-38
Fig. 5.6-39
Playback amplifier cards each contain one playback ( pre- ) The power amplifier cards have separate rectifiers and
amplifier and one drive amplifier. The playback head filters for each channel. The power transformer has two
is d.c. coupled to the input stage ( Q 801 ). D.c. feed- separate windings ( 32 Vac ) for the power amplifiers.
back from the emitter voltage divider of stage ( Q 802 ) The entire amplifier i s d.c. coupled and works with a single-
goes over the playback head to base ( Q 801 ) and stabi- ended push-pull output stage. The loudspeaker is, practi-
lizes its quiescent point. The feedback current i s less than cally free of d.c., in the diagonal o f a bridge formed by
1 p A which avoids magnetization of the playback head. Q 905 and Q 906 as well as the electrolytic capacitors
AF-components of the feedback are shunted through C 907 and C 908. Q 901 and Q 902 operate as voltage
C 803. Its capacitive resistance becomes effective at very amplifiers.
low frequencies ( less than 20 Hz ) so that these frequencies Series connected D 901, R 91 1, D 902 are used t o keep
are fed back. Playback equalization i s switchable NAB - the no-load current of the output transistors constant,
I EC ( CCl R ). The equalization circuit is in the feedback independent of temperature. By strong d.c. depending feed-
branch collector Q 802 / emitter Q 801. The RC-member back ( 100 % ), collector Q 906 errlitter O 901, the zero
R 808 / C 805 / takes care of the lows equalization (3180 point of the loudspeaker output is held constant. AF-am-
psec 1. plification is set by the voltage ratio R 905 to R 906.
Fig. 5.9-43
Table 5.9-44
Fig. 5.9-42
Fig. 5.9-45
If the instrument is in the STOP mode, relay A i s without The process is accelerated by the falling emitter voltage
current and contacts a 12 and a 11 are in rest position ( fig. on R 119 (feedback ), so that a pulse-type transcient occurs
5.9 -45 ). If relay A is energized ( PLAY mode ), i t will despite the gliding resistance change of R 155 ( sensitivity
hold over self-holding contact a 8/12. Contact a 7111 closes. inertia ).
A charging current to capacitor C 11 1 flows over the relay. The trigger conditions light - dark, generate the following
This energizes relay C and switches the right-hand reel voltages at collector 0 11 1: light, 1 V; dark about 22 V.
motor to 105 V over contact c 519 ( self-holding relay C i s To check the photoresistor, for light and dark values, it
interrupted by contact a 12 ). The charging current falls must be disconnected from the circuit. Connections F H I /
with increasing charge on C 111 and relay C drops off. FH2 ( green ) on switch board ( fig. 3.8 -1 1 ) have to be
When switching back to STOP mode, contact a 7111 opens pulled for this. The resistances are: light, less than 2 kOhm;
and capacitor C 11 1 discharges over the windings of brake dark more than 20 k0hm.
and roller solenoids. ( Don't solder at the soldering terminal of the photoresistor,
it i s heat sensitive ).
The following table summarizes motor voltages for the drive 5.10. Speed Regulation, Capstan Motor ( 7.077.725 )
( Removal per 3.9. )
Table 5.9-46
The discriminator is temperature compensated along with
the entire circuitry. Fig. 5.10 -51 shows the typical thermal
characteristic of the whole system, measured inside the
climatic chamber while motor was running.
ov- 1604
I T---
Operating Range F
Some interesting system data :
6. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS 6.2.3. Tacho Adjustment with Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope
- Demagnetizing coil
- AF-millivolt meter or VTVM ( vacuum tube voltmeter )
- AF - generator
- Distortionfactor meter
- Oscilloscope or digital counter
- Wow and flutter meter
Test tapes per NAB ( 1965 ), and DIN Heimton 7.5 ips
( 1966 ) and 3.75 ips ( 1967 ) are equalized alike for respec-
tive speeds.
7.5 ips = 3180 psec, 50 psec test tape DIN 45513 / 19 H The superposed frequency comes from the regulating sys-
( f r o m AGFA or BASF ) or NAB 7.5 ips. tem and is 1600 Hz for 7.5 ips, 800 Hz respectively for
3.75 ips.
3.75 ips = 3180 psec, 90 psec test tape D l N 45513 /9 Measurement i 5 accomplished in the PLAY mode with
( f r o m AGFA or BASF ) or NAB 3.75 ips tape in place. The superposed frequency must remain stan-
( 90 psec ). ding with respect to the base frequency ( a t 50 Hz network
frequency ). ( Adjustment procedure per 6.2.2. )
- Adjustment Tape 4 - track ( .25 " )
6.2. Tape Speed ( Regulator Card 7.077.725 ) - Set controls per fig. 6.3-52
CH 8
- Load 7.5" test tape and advance t o azimuth adjustment - AF-millivoltmeter remains connected to one output
portion ( 10 kHz ). ( 3 V range ).
- Connect AF-millivoltmeter to an OUTPUT terminal. - Advance test tape to level portion.
- Switch t o PLAY and set output voltage to a maximum - Set playback mode switch to CH 1.
with screw C ( fig. 6.3 -54 ). - Set output voltage 2 V with trirnpot REPR LEVEL CHI
( fig. 6.3 -57 ).
Fig. 6.3-57
6.3.2. Azimuth Adjustment, Playback Head, Fine 6.3.4. Frequency Characteristic, Playback
( Phase Method ) ( from Test Tape )
- Set controls per fig. 6.3-55. - Set controls per fig. 6.3.-58.
C", '"8,
Fig. 6.4--61
Fig. 6.4-59
- Load tape and switch to RECORD ( STE RE0 ). - Depress record pre-selector CH 2 and disengage CH 1.
Connect oscilloscope or digital counter t o orange HB3.
A. - Measure erase head voltage against ground with VTVM - Correct DUMMY LOAD if necessary.
6.4.3. RF - Traps, Record
blu HB6 - 6
- Set controls per fig. 6.4 -62
Fig. 6.4-60 u
6. Oscillator Frequency
- Load tape, switch t o RECORD ( STEREO 1. Pull out Fig. 6.4-62
lamp at optical end-of-tape switch if measuring without
tape. - Load tape, switch to RECORD ( STEREO ).
- Oscillator frequency is measured with digital counter or - Connect VTVM t o test point C 515 of the respective
oscilloscope. The frequency is 120 kHz ( + 5 kHz ) and record amplifier ( fig. 6.4 -63 ), see also diagram 1.077.
is measured at orange HB3 and blue HB6 (fig. 6.4 -60 ) 705.
against ground. ( Oscilloscope: 12 oscillations per 100
psec ).
Fig. 6.4-64
Fig. 6.5-65
. .
6.5.1. Azimuth Adjustment, Record Head, Coarse
10 kHz I max
- Load tape, switch to RECORD ( Stereo ).
- Before-and-after-tape switch to I NP. Supply 1000 Hz
from AF-generator, set generator level such that OUT-
PUT terminal voltage is 200 mV.
- Switch to NAB and adjust REC LEVEL trimpots ( fig.
6.5-72 ) to obtain 200 mV at OUTPUT terminal, play-
back mode switch to CH 1 or CH 2 respectively.
COTCH 202 2
Table 6.5-69
Fig. 6.5-72
Fig. 6.5-70
2 Track 4 Track
7.5 ips 1 3.75 ips 7.5 ips ( 3.75 ips
Table 6.6-77
- Connect distortion factor meter to an OUTPUT terminal. If these noise and external voltage separations are not
- Load tape, switch to RECORD ( Stereo) 7.5 ips. attained, the tape guide elements and magnetic heads are,
- Measure distortion factor ( CH 1 and CH 2 ). once more, to be demagnetized carefully.
- Set input level so that the distortion factor is 2 % on
the worse channel a t 7.5 ips.
- Repeat procedure with 3.75 ips. Distortion factor may
be 3 %. In case of higher values, reduce input level till
3 % distortion factor is achieved.
6.6.3. Noise Voltage, External Voltage " Before-Tape "
- Distortion factor control " Before-tape '? Set before-and
( Check )
after-rape switch to INP. Distortion factor shall be 1 %
maximum ! - Switch recorder to STOP.
- Switch back to NAB lower input level by 6 dB. - Before-and-after-tape switch t o INP ( fig. 6.6 -78 ).
- Adjust METER CALlB ( fig. 6.6 -75 ) with trimpots
CH 1 and CH 2, VU-meter indication 0 dB ( 100 % ).
Fig. 6.6-78
6.6.2. Noise Voltage ( and External Voltage ) via Tape - To avoid hum interference during this procedure, the
- Noise voltage measurements refer to full-modulation ( dis- microphone inputs ( jacks or cinch connectors are to
tortion factor 2 % at 7.5 ips, 3 % a t 3.75 ips resp. per be terminated with 200 ohm.
6.6.1. )
To avoid RF-interference errors, a tape erased on the
recorder i s measured in the PLAYBACK mode.
C" 1 CM,, ,N*",
@ @
Fig. 6.6-79
Fig. 6.6-83
Fig. 6 . 6 8 0
Fig. 6.7-85
Fig. 7.1-86
Removal of Capstan Shaft and low-friction Thrust Washer
8.3. RFI
Interference from strong radio an TV transmitters can be
Removal of capstan shaft and low-friction washer is possible
removed by the following measures :
while the motor remains installed in the recorder.
Solder 1500 - 5000 pF ceramic capacitors from ground - Carefully remove shaft lock A b y pulling i t sideways
connection shield ( shielded cable ) to chassis ( tubular with a pair of angled pliers. DANGER! Do no:
rivet of connector fastening ) at the disturbed inputs ( see attend to pry the lock loose with a screw-driver etc.
example C 154 OUTPUT terminal ). because i t will fly off quite forcefully. Slide off the
rotor portion of the capstan motor.
- After removal of the tape quide between the play-
Powerful UHF television transmitters may be picked up by
the playback head cables. I f an interfering buzz occurs, the back head and the capstan shaft, the shaft can be
following change should be effected in the playback pulled up and out of the motor. (Take care not to
amplifier: disturb the setting of the adjusting nut on the tape
Connect a capacitor of 100 pF (maximum 220 pF) from quide.)
base to emitter of Q 803 (similar to C 803 on Q 801). - To remove the low-friction washer take out the
circlip B with the aid of special pliers. The bearing
parts can now be disassembled in the following
order: Springwasher E, low-friction washer F and
thrust bearing G.
- The capstan shaft may now be removed by pulling
i t downwards and out of the motor.
8.4. Transfer Play Sensitivity
- When re-assembling the lower bearing, apply one
Resistor R 316 and R 321 are 10 kOhm in recorders of dror, of lsoflex PDP65 oil to the low-friction washer.
lot 1. Substitution with 3.3 kOhm resistors ups recording
sensitivity (gain 10 dB approx). When handling shaft and bearing, extreme care must be
exercised, so as to avoid damaging them and t o prevent any
dust particles from entering the precision bearings. (runout
accuracy 1/1000 mm).
Capstan motor rumbles : Exchange bearings against factory - new original ones.
Capstan motor whistles : Check gap rotor t o pick-up ( per 6.2.1 ). Put a strip of
rubber or equivalent between pick-up and its mounting
surface for vibration isolation.
Unpotted pick-ups are t o be exchanged f o r potted ones.
Tape Speed too low : Check pick-up separation. Measure pick-up frequency ( per
6.2.2 ). Check regulation electronics, test points.
Wow and Flutter : Mechanical causes :
Electrical causes :
Inadequate Starting Behavior, Slow Rewind : Reels smaller than 60 mm ( 2 - 318" ) should not be used
if at all possible.
End-of-Tape Switch Doesn't Function : Lamp defective. Check photoresistor and trigger, see 5.9.1.
Pressure Solenoid Doesn't Function : Check drive control, relay contacts, and diode.
Brakes (STOP too weak, too strong, irregular : Check brake bands, check brake lining.
Clean and degrease.
Measure brake tension per 4.3.
9.2.. Faults in Circuitry
I m Laufe der Zeit erfuhr die A77 diverse Anpas- Over the years, a few adaptations have been in- Le magnetophone A 7 7 ayant subi divers change-
sungen, durch welche einige Einstellarbeiten nun troduced for the A77. Adjustment work may ments au cours du temps, il s'est avere necessaire
von den in der vorhergegangenen Anleitung be- therefore differ. The following paragraphs re- de modifier certains reglages decrits dans les ins-
schriebenen abweichen. Die Abweichungen sind place or must be added to the indicated page tructions precedentes. Ce supplement concerne
nachfolgend m i t der entsprechenden Seiten- und and c h a ~ t e number.
r les pages et les chapitres suivants.
Kapitelnumerierung versehen aufgefuhrt.
Seite 14, Kapitel 4.4.1 Messung der Andruck- Page 14, Chapter 4.4.1 Measuring the pinch rol- Page 14, chapitre 4.4.1 Mesure de la force d'ap-
kraft ler force pui
Die Andruckkraft bei Geraten mit polierter Pinch roller pressure must be 1.5 kg at polished La force d'appui d u galet est de 1.5 kg pour les
(glanzender) Tonrnotorachse betragt 1,5 kg, bei shafts (shiny), at sandblasted capstan shafts magnetophones ayant un axe de cabestan lisse
Geraten mit sandgestrahlter Torirnotoract~se (rnal), pressure must be 1.2 kg. (brillant) et de 1,2 kg pour ceux aveL un axe
(matt) 1,2 kg. sable (mat)
Seite 23, Kapitel 5.10 Speed Regulation, Cap- Page 23, Chapter 5.10 Speed Regulation, Cap- Page 23, chapitre 5.10 Regulation de vitesse du
stan Motor stan Motor moteur de cabestan
Druckfehler, die.Nummer 7.077.725 heisst rich- Printing error, the number 7.077.725 should be Suite B une erreur d'impression le numero
tig 1.077.725 (nur i m englischen Text). 1.077.725 (only in the English text). 7.077.725 est 1.077.725 (seulernent dans la ver-
sion anglaise).
Seite 25, Kapitel 5.11 Speed Regulation, Cap Page 25, Chapter 5.11 Speed Regulation, Cap Page 25, chapitre 5.11 Regulation de vitesse du
stan Motor 1.077.724 (neues Kapitel) stan Motor 1.077.724 (new chapter) moteur de cabestan 1.077.724 (nouveau chapi-
Das gesamte Regelungssystem besteht aus Ton- The speed control system consists of the capstan L'ensemble du systkme se compose du moteur
motor, Regelelektronik und Tachometer zur motor, the speed regulating circuit and the tacho de cabestan, de I'electronique de regulation et de
Drehzahlmessung. head t o sense the motor speed. la tete tachymetrique.
I n der Eingangsschaltung rnit lC201 wird die zur The input circuit with IC201 shapes the speed L'etage d'entree (IC201) met en forme le signal
Bandgeschwindigkeit proportionale Frequenz in which is proportional to the frequency into a provenant de la t6te tachymetrique. L'etage sui-
ein Rechtecksignal umgeforrnt. Die nachfolgen- square wave and the following divider circuit de- vant forme d'un diviseur de frequence donne un
de Frequenzteilerschaltung sorgt fijr ein exakt livers an exactly symmetrical signal. The trailing signal parfaitement symetrique. Les flancs nega-
symmetrisches Signal. Die negativen Flanken des edges of the square wave are triggering a mono tifs du signal rectangulaire cornmandent ensuite
frequenzgeteilten Rechtecks triggern eine rnono- flip-flop (precision timer lC202). When selecting une rnonostable d e precision (IC202). La sup-
stabile Kippstufe (Prazisionstimer IC202). Durch the higher tape speed, every second pulse be- pression d'une impulsion sur deux oblige le mo-
Unterdruckung jedes zweiten Impulses bei der comes suppressed, thus the motor has t o run teur B tourner deux fois plus vite afin de retrou-
hohen Geschwindigkeit muss der Motor doppelt with double speed in order to produce the same ver la meme frequence de commande et le m6me
so schnell drehen, u m dieselbe Triggerfrequenz trigger frequency and consequently the same sig- signal a la sortie d e la rnonostable (IC202). Un
und damit dasselbe Signal am Ausgang von nal at the output of IC202. The pulse width for reseau RC de precision garantit la stabilite de la
IC202 zu erhalten. Die lmpulsbreite wird fur IC202 is determined in a highly stable RC-series largeur des impulsions delivrees par IC202. La
IC202 durch einen hochstabilen RC-Seriekreis network. With R217, the motor speed can be vitesse norninale se regle avec le potentiornetre
bestimrnt. Mit Potentiometer R217 kann die adjusted to its nominal value. By passing the sig- R217. Apres le passage dans un integrateur don-
Sollgeschwindigkeit eingestellt werden. Ein Tief- nal through a low-pass network, an average DC- nant la valeur moyenne du signal, celui-ci peut
pass bildet den DC-Mittelwert aus dem Recht- value is derived from the square wave. This DC- attaquer un ampli a courant continu contenant
ecksignal. Dieser wird i m nachfolgenden DC-Ver- potential is further processed in a DC-amplifier, un circuit pour la stabiIit.4 de la regulation. Cette
siirker, welcher ein Netzwerk fur die Stabilitat which cor~tair~s a iielwurk iu ariaure itie slabilily tension continue cornmande finalement le tran-
des Regelkreises enthalt, weiterverarbeitet und of the control loop. The DC-signal then reaches sistor de regulation 0205. Une variation ex-
steuert schliesslich als Gleichspannungswert den the base o f the regulating transistor 0205. A terieure de la vitesse de rotation changera le rap-
Regeltransistor Q205 an. Bei ausseren Drehzahl- variation in motor speed will also vary the duty port d'impulsions au point F et par consequent
anderungen variiert das Tastverhaltns des SI- cycle at F with a consequent change o f the bias la tension appliquiie au transistor de regulation.
gnals be1 Punkt F und somit auch die Steuer- potential for the regulating transistor. By feed- L'application d'une tension de reference au
spannung fur den Regeltransistor. ing an external reference potential to the terrni- point CONTROL V O L T A G E de l'lC202 permet
Durch das Anlegen einer externen Referenzspan- nal CONTROL VOLTAGE at IC202, the adjust- de varier la vitesse dans une large gamme.
nung am Anschluss CONTROL VOLTAGE bei ed frequency may be varied over a wide range
IC202 kann die eingestellte Frequenz ~jbereinen (variable tape speed).
grossen Bereich verandert werden (variable
Seite 26, Kapitel 6.2.4 Tachoabgleich 1.077.724 Page 26, Chapter 6.2.4 Tacho Head Adjustment Page 26, chapitre 6.2.4 Reglage de la t6te tachy-
(neues Kapitel) 1.077.724 (new chapter) metrique 1.077.724 (nouveau chapitre)
Der Luftspalt zwischen Tachokopf und Rotor The air gap between the tacho head and the ro- L'espace entre la t6te tachymetrique et le rotor
sol1 0.3 ... 0,4 rnm betragen. Die Einstellung ist tor of the capstan motor should amount to du moteur doit Btre de 0,3 B 0,4 mm. Le reglage
in Ordnung, wenn an den Anschlussen E l (brn) 0.3 ... 0.4 rnm/0.011 ... 0.02 inches. The head is est correct lorsque la tension mesuree entre E l
und E2 (blu) 35 ... 50 rnV (bei der kleineren Ge- correctly positioned when measuring a signal (brun) et E2 (bleu) est de 35 a 50 m V pour la
schwindigkeit) Tachometer-Signalspannung ge- voltage of 3 5 ... 50 m V at lower speed between plus petite vitesse.
messen wird. the connectors E l (brown) and E2 (blue).