Elektor 1977 05
Elektor 1977 05
Elektor 1977 05
eLeKrur !mummer
W. van der Horst possible. The decimal point is
Editor : What is a TUN? usually replaced by one of the
What is 10 n? following abbreviations:
Deputy editor : P. Holmes What is the EPS service? p (pico-) = 10-1'
What is the TQ service? n (nano-) = 10-9
Technical editors : J. Barendrecht What is a missing link? (micro-) = 10-'
G.H.K. Dam m (milli-) = 10-3
Semiconductor types k (kilo-) = 10'
E. Krempelsauer Very often, a large number of M (mega-) = 106
equivalent semiconductors exist
G.H. Nachbar with different type numbers. For
G (giga-) = 109
A few examples:
Fr. Scheel this reason, 'abbreviated' type Resistance value 2k7: 2700 EL
numbers are used in Elektor Resistance value 470: 470 S2.
K.S.M. Walraven wherever possible: Capacitance value 4p7: 4.7 pF, or
'741' stand for beA741, 0.000 000 000 004 7 F
Art editor : C. Sinke LM741, MC641, MIC741,
. .
Test voltages
Editorial T. Emmens
Some 'TUN's are: BC107, BC108 The DC test voltages shown are
Elektor is published monthly on the third friday of each month. and BC109 families; 2N3856A, measured with a 20 kf..tiV instru-
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Subscriptions for 1977, January to December incl., 2N4126, 2N4291. For instance: Ub = 10 V,
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Subscriptions from May to December 1977, £4.15 (surface mail). sal, Silicon or Germanium Mains voltages
2. For the U.S.A. and Canada: respectively) stands for any No mains (power line) voltages
Cover price $ 1.50. diode that meets the following are listed in Elektor circuits. It is
Number 27/28 (July/August), is a double issue, 'Summer Circuits', specifications: assumed that our readers know
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Subscriptions from May to December 1977, $12.00 (surface mail). Ptot, max 250mW 250mW;
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contents elektor may 1977 - 5-05
COATE111115 Volume 3
Number 5
A synthesiser, such as the Formant - the Elektor music synthesiser (1) .. 5-14
formant, consists C. Chapman
basically of a simple key- This article is the introduction to a series of articles describing
board backed up by a 'Formant', the Elektor music synthesiser.
As synthesisers are something of a mystery to many people this
boxfull of electronics! article will serve as a general introduction to them, as well as
describing the basic principles of Formant.
market 5-55
One of the most essential
parts of any music advertiser's index 5-64
synthesiser is the key-
board. This is what it
looks like from under-
neath ...
5-08 - elektor may 1917 advertisement
121-121' eLmiTor
Details in our
lists -send s.a.e.
The S.K.A."' Plastic Keyboard was developed by Kimber Allen
Ltd in cooperation with a Swedish company and the manu-
facturers state that in their opinion it is the finest moulded
plastic keyboard made and is not to be confused with cheaper
keyboards available.
The keys are moulded in Acrylic plastic, a material chosen for its
hard wearing properties and ideal feel to the touch. They are
moulded in two parts, the key face, which has to be perfect u,
appearance and finish, and the action. which has to be strong and
carry the mechanism. The strong section of aluminium extrusion
upon which they are mounted is specially designed to take all
the pressures of playing. Springs, felts, and contact actuators are
supplied ready -fitted.
The contact assemblies are constructed of laminated bakelite,
thus giving smooth slot walls and completely free movement of
the gold -clad contact wires. Types available as follows (Contact
pairs normally open),
GJ-SPCO: 24p each GE -4 pairs: 45p each U.K. POST & HANDLING: 37 Note CC Keyboard:
GB -2 pairs: 27p each GH-5 pairs: 57p each Keyboards: £1.50 each E25.50
GC -3 pairs: 36p each 4PS-SPCO & 3 prs: 53p each Contacts: 49 Note DC Keyboard:
Palladium wire Bus Bars - 1 octave lengths: 50p each Orders under £15.00: 25p £32.25
We also stock kits and PCBs for the P.E. Synthesiser, P.E. Joanna Orders over £15.00: 50p 61 Note C -C Keyboard:
(electronic piano), P.E. Min and other sound synthesising £39.75
and modifying projects publisisonic,
hed in Practical Electronics. Send VAT: Add 120% to final total on all U.K. orders
SAE for full list (Overseas send 40p(.
EXPORT ORDERS ARE WELCOME but plans as. our price
list for Export Postage Rates. N.B. EIRE, CHANNEL ISLES
ELF.P.O. classify as Export.
DEPT. EL25, 22 HIGH STREET Prices are correct at time of Press, E. & O.E. Delivery subject to
SIDCUP, KENT DA14 6EH availability.
advertisement elektor may 1977 - 5-09
Electronic Components Specialists
Telegraph address "TR IN IT RON"
Stockists of
Heathkit - Siemens -
Monsanto -
Texas- Interface -
Linear - MOS - Signetics
Panel Meters
Toggle switches ... Inductors
Connectors ... SCRS .. . Triacs .
imitate conventional instruments, but K. Emerson, P. Moraz et al. (which is the standard generally adopted).
W output
formant - the elektor music synthesiser elektor may 1977 - 5-17
tional musical instruments. Whereas the
sound of an electronic organ has a fairly
static character, a synthesiser is much VCO3 A A
more lively and dynamic. The reasons ADSR ADSR
for this are twofold. Firstly, a synthesiser
control voltage
permits precise control of the dynamic sources
B = random modulation
produce more 'natural' sounds, which 1 generator
have varying phase patterns. C = noise generator
(To be continued) N
Figure 9. Layout of a basic synthesiser.
10 :ram.Plll Several additional blocks are shown such as
low -frequency oscillators and noise generator
to modulate the voltage -controlled modules,
and a noise generator to produce effects such
as wind, rain etc.
(.77267i la 1'1' .1". Fifure 10. Forerunner of modern disco -
lighting? An eighteenth century 'light organ'.
Moog R.A. 'Voltage -controlled
electronic music modules'.
JAES 13.3 July 1965.
'A voltage -controlled low-pass, high-pass
filter for audio signal processing'.
AES Preprint 413, 1965.
Burhans R. 'Simplified educational
music synthesiser'. JAES 19.2,
February 1971.
Orr. T. and Thomas D. W., 'Electronic
Sound Synthesiser'. Wireless World,
August -October 1973.
Simonton J. 'Build a modular electronic
music synthesiser'. Radio -
X 7 H Electronics, May -October 1973.
Shaw G. 'P.E. Sound Synthesiser'.
Practical Electronics, February 1973 -
February 1974.
Tiinker H. 'Electronic -Pianos and
.1:11..`rr,Lterij; Synthesiser'. Franzis-Verlag, 1975.
Nr. 302 (RPB Serie).
from quadro to surround sound elektor may 1977 - 5-19
SC, .1 '1d
sound Transmission by
broadcast or recording
Sound in
Comparison listening room
Direction Conversion
Live to studio
performance 0 microphone format
Recording or
4 -track
Correction transmission Surround
master tape Mixing Encoding
unit (2, 3 etc. sound
Ambisonic Ambisonic
Mono sources reverb.
(multitrack, pan, tilt, etc.
potentiometers spread, etc.
Pressure W
distance 00
Al I 00
2 cc
velocity X
117( 00
T 0-+.
Input channels
velocity Y
0 II
B -format inputs
9833 4
from quadro to surround sound elektor may 1977 - 5-21
Evidently no technology can pass this It goes without saying that any design In the studio
test unless it can handle live perform- which is free from compromise is over - Ambisonic studio technology includes
ance as well as synthetic pan -pot and engineered. A most important require- the soundfield microphone for natural
echo -effects. It is found that live ment is a body of theory competent to sound, and a wide range of pan -pot,
ambient material provides the most show how specific design aims can be reverberation and spread effects con-
sensitive touchstone, for musicality is realised in a minimal design, and to forming to an accurate specification.
quickly lost if the loudspeakers are enable rational engineering choices to Correctly designed ambisonic pan -pots
audible as separate sources of sound, or be made in accordance with stated are actually simpler than pairwise
if ambience pools in particular direc- priorities among competing require- 'quadrophonic' pan -pots, or can be
tions instead of being smoothly distrib- ments. made more versatile. Existing pairwise
uted. The real problem is to leave the The earlier so-called 'quadrophonic' pan -pots can be converted by additional
listener undisturbed by obtrusion of the proposals for surround -sound fell short circuitry. There is provision for using
technical means of radiating sound into of fulfilling many of these demands, and
his room. If this can be solved, it
archive material recorded in pairwise
indeed made no attempt to meet some format, including a comprehensive range
follows almost automatically that a of them. They were conceived before
wide range of synthetic effects, from of choices for the producer to optimise
sufficient systematic understanding was the compromises inseparable from this
the simplest to some of great subtlety, available to avoid arbitrary choices, and inferior method of encoding direction.
can he made available by artificial a proliferation of mutually incompatible
simulation of elements from the A studio format, known as B -format, is
systems resulted. A new approach was recommended which facilitates pro-
response to natural ambient sound. needed.
The purely engineering requirements are cessing and reduces sensitivity to small
also exacting. 'Co he acceptable today, a errors of amplitude or phase, especially
in recording. An attraction of this
technology for surround -sound must Second generation surround -sound
cover all essential needs from studio to format is that material held in it can be
The first of the new generation of encoded at a later date into any reason-
listener. It must provide for the variety surround -sound systems commercially able surround, stereo or mono form for
of microphone techniques and artificial available was the UMX system devel- distribution, so the risk of obsolescence
processing, and be compatible with all oped by Professor D. Cooper (University is minimised. Figure 2 illustrates some
valid philosophies and aims of recording. of Illinois) and Dr. Shiga of the Nippon
It must provide a compatible series of of the facilities available in ambisonic
Columbia Company, who marketed the technology.
means of transmission beginning with a system.
basic 2 -channel implementation suitable To this has been added extensive
for dissemination by existing stereo theoretical work and experiment carried
media (disc, tape, fm) and, extending to out at the Universities of Oxford and and at home
it, effective use of multi -channel media. Reading under the auspices of the British The ear and brain do not locate sound
Very desirably it should enable the basic National Research Development by only one mechanism, but by many.
version to be enhanced by adding a Corporation, who hold extensive The goodness of localisation, and the
third channel of reduced bandwidth or patents in many countries on the impression of naturalness and correct-
amplitude suited to carrier -disc or inventions which have resulted. The ness of sonority and tone, are found to
enhanced fm stereo broadcasting. The complete technology is called improve when different mechanisms
base -band signals must have good mono 'Ambisonics', and within it a compatible agree. Ambisonic decoders are designed
and stereo compatibility. The listener series of signal formats known as 45J to give correct localisation by as many
should not be restricted to having his (a development running number) has spectral (frequency domain) and bi-
loudspeakers in a square (a shape to been internationally agreed. This engin- spectral (first order non-linear) mech-
which few domestic rooms are suited), eering standard is the subject of current anisms of the ear as possible. Decoders
and he should have freedom to enhance submissions to appropriate standards for 45113 include a 'front preference'
his system by using more than four authorities in a number of countries. option to cater for material in which
loudspeakers if he wishes. There is no simplistic 'secret' of frontal sources are predominant. Any
Ambisonics. Its capability of high number of loudspeakers in any layout
performance is due to clearly formu- (within reason) can be used. Decoders
lated engineering and aesthetic aims and for four loudspeakers include 'layout'
a body of experimentally validated and 'distance' controls permitting ad-
theory which places the realisation of justment for the ratio of length to
these aims whithin normal methods of breadth of rectangular layouts, and for
engineering design. Some unique size of room. Decoders can be provided
features may however be especially for trapezoidal layouts, or for five, six
noted. or even more loudspeakers if wished.
Ambisonics is not an isolated 'system' The inter -relations between loud-
but a comprehensive technology center- speaker feeds demanded by psycho -
ing around engineering specifications of acoustic criteria produce the useful
the signals for public distribution. bonus that four loudspeakers can he fed
Specification 45J includes a basic 2 - from only three power amplifiers, or
channel format, designated 45JB, which six loudspeakers from four amplifiers.
is of itself a carefully designed surround - Since the mechanisms of the ear, and
Figure 2. Some facilities in ambisonic tech- sound implementation with well formu- therefore the psychoacoustic criteria,
nology. lated and balanced mono and stereo change with frequency, all decoders
compatibility. This is the lowest (except the most basic for the lower end
Figure 3. Block diagram of a generalised
asobisonic decoder (courtesy MAGI.
member of a compatible series which of the market) employ special phase -
includes members using 3 channels, or compensated shelf filters. This fre-
with a 4th channel which may convey quency -dependence improves not only
Figure 4. Block diagram of a domestic height information for periphony localisation but also the subjective
ambisonic decoder of medium complexity for
2 -channel (45JB) material. This will accept
(spherical surround). Particular atten- tonal quality in comparison with naive
2 -channel or 3 -channel B -format inputs and tion has been given to fulfilling the need decoders lacking this feature.
dallier mono, stereo, superstereo or 45JB for '21/2 -channel' specifications in which Loudspeaker emphasis and signal -
decoded outputs. It can drive rectangular or the 45JB basebands are enhanced by a dependent gain devices can he incorpor-
regular hexagon loudspeaker layouts via 3 or third channel of restricted bandwidth ated in ambisonic decoders for those
4 power amplifiers. Loudspeaker distance and or amplitude suited to carrier disc or occasions when a more gross effect
Psyc-hoacoustic compensation are provided. fm broadcasting. may be deliberately sought. Ambisonic
+I X W.
format Inputs
speaker signal outputs
--I .PE
-Ili 2131
-.1 ROE I I Wl 90
0. MT
° LB
07 21
-...i 21--... IRKRI
--- --1
-(2922.1- E- _ N.,i
LEFT 20th
0, 22
AT F- 33A
Iasi} I au I
FiTii RB
rpR T''SEO' I
surtesu aro o
ON, pm, IWAV L Note Many 'precoion'resistors are achieved
by series or parallel pairs
component values shown are ideal salves
0a 0-1 Tin I--
from quadro to surround sound elektor may 1977 - 5-23
** 0i
The decoder circuit given here has a
four -position mode switch, labelled
'mono', 'stereo', `superstereo' and II IMIMP470P
`45JB'. It should be noted that the 47n 47n 470p
Editorial notes.
Let's be honest: we are impressed by the
capabilities of ambisonics. To sum it up
- an ambisonic system will accept practically
any input.
- an ambisonic system makes the fullest use
of the available number of transmission
- an ambisonic system can drive almost any
loudspeaker layout, using a minimum
number of power amplifiers.
- the designers of ambisonics have evidently
done their homework.
Now let's be practical. At the moment, no
ambisonics recordings are commercially
available. There is very little point in building
an ambisonics decoder until some record
company starts supplying these recordings, or
until some broadcasting corporation starts
transmitting in ambisonics. From a technical
point of view (please note: not necessarily a
commercial or even a consumer point of view)
we wish that this situation were different.
In theory, and even - as we have heard on
first-hand authority - in practice, a surround -
sound demonstration using ambisonics is
unbelievably convincing. Speaking only from
the theoretical point of view, we are prepared
to go along with this: we have favoured UD-4
so far, since this system seemed to make full
use of the available transmission capabilities.
In our opinion, ambisonics is an extension of
UD-4: technology and mathematics have been
complemented with psycho -acoustic research.
We have tried to give all systems an equal
chance in the pages of this magazine, and we
have noted the good points of each system. In
previous articles we have even noted that
there may be room for more than one system.
However, if only one system is to be chosen
for universal application, our money is on
ambisonics - on a purely technical and
theoretical basis. We can't wait to hear a
practical demonstration!
Finally, some comments on this article. It is,
of course, incomplete. It is sufficient to whet
the appetite without giving something to
11011 MEIN bite on. The author explains that they are
still negotiating with various parties and
cannot release more information.
The circuits are quite basic, but they are
approved by the inventors. There are no
alignment points, to our relief, so we don't
need to give alignment instructions. So long as
SEM 6c
there are no commercial releases of ambisonic
recordings, we do not feel obliged to offer a
printed circuit board.
For that matter, Mr. Gerzon (who designed
this decoder within 48 hours!) has pointed
out that there is room for improvement and
simplification. When the time seems ripe for a
constructional article with a p.c. board, we
Components marked *may be 5%, **may be 10%
hope to take him up on this. However, the
circuit shown here does give an idea of what
an 'ambisonics' decoder looks like, and that is
sufficient for the present.
from quadro to surround sound elektor may 1977 - 5.25
-4 611.-71-
ea6 335
0-4 F5.-40
33. j --
7c 6 SPEAKERS 1:7:)
5-26 - elektor may 1977 stereo encoder
! .20 .30 ,35 ao ,50 .55 60
15 110 is ,25 10
9791 to
stereo encoder elektor may 1977 - 5-27
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
.1 c9a> i22 E ,
10.12.16 - cur9R6,94N,-,
man -2200 06 to ../..
14 13 12 11 10 9-1.51-1mr
__I I_ _J L __I l --
1 1 II)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CD 4016 AE
Oy CD 4066 BE
14 13 12 11 10 9 8
modulated subcarrier
,- -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CD 4013 AE
multiplex signal 14
10 8
L 9I
4W11,1b _
1=6.81116, 7111 II - _
flif MOW
3 4
Si y
9791_ 1 b
formulate the requirements for a stereo modulated subcarrier, pilot tone and
encoder, and a block diagram is given in L+R signal are summed together before
figure 3. Firstly, the L and R signals being fed to an output amplifier.
must be fed through pre -emphasis It should be stated at this point that the
networks to boost the high frequencies. multiplex signal produced by this
The two signals are then summed to give encoder does not comply exactly with
the L+R signal, the right channel is broadcast regulations. For one thing
inverted and summed with the left sinusoidal waveforms are specified for
channel to give the L-R signal. The the subcarrier and pilot tone. Since the
38 kHz subcarrier is derived by dividing encoder described here uses digital
down the output of a 76 kHz oscillator, division the waveforms produced are
process ensuring a Figure 3. Block diagram of the stereo encoder.
the division squarewaves. However, the signal
waveform with a 1:1 mark -space ratio. Figure 4. Complete circuit of the stereo generated is quite adequate for simple
The 19 kHz pilot tone is similarly encoder. testing of stereo decoders, and the cost
derived by dividing the 38 kHz signal. of an encoder to the full official specifi-
The 38 kHz subcarrier is then amplitude Figure 5. Pinouts of the IC's used in the cations would hardly be justified for the
modulated by the L-R signal, and the encoder. home constructor.
142 N3
C4. P1 R17
f, 50k
Al 614
R.14 P2
FF 1
FF 2
50k R
C7 .25 R31 #3
630 0.17
900 4
R10 810
(-.14 MPX
-000- 22 03
ES 3 ES 4 BC 548
87 y 89 827 3x1N414B
BC 548 100711-i
p 111
R36 R38 39
7 In T2200
0 FF 1,2= CD4013AE
seTsa. MIR Al
4. Alternatively the multiplex signal can 1
As described in last
month's article, the
model cars are
powered from the special race
track, but steering and speed
commands are provided by an
infra -red communication link. The speed and direction of up to four
cars can independently be controlled using a 9 -channel time -division
multiplexed 'digi-proportional' control system. This month's article
describes the circuit of the multiplex encoder, and the principle of the
decoder. The board layout for the infra -red transmitter will also be
Last month it was described how, in a in the correct sequence. The multiplex to 'freeze' its operation at a certain
digi-proportional control system, the decoder at the receiving end must be point in the cycle, and to make certain
position of servo's was proportional to capable of 'picking out' each pulse and assumptions. Firstly, it is assumed that
the width of a rectangular control pulse. feeding it to the correct servo amplifier. R4 is much less than R3 and RI is much
The range of pulse width chosen was less than R2. Secondly, assume that T1
1 ... 2 milliseconds so that, for example, is presently turned off, but is about to
the extreme left position of the steering Multiplex encoder turn on (how it turns on will become
servo corresponds to a pulse width of The multiplex encoder uses circuits that apparent). Since T1 is turned off Cl is
I ms, the extreme right position to 2 ms, will be familiar to the experienced con- charged via RI and the base -emitter
and the centre position to 1.5 ms. structor, namely, an astable multi - junction of T2 to Vb - 600 mV. If TI
Since several servo's are to be controlled vibrator to generate clock pulses to now turns on the left hand end of Cl
the control pulses for each servo are control the whole sequence, monostable will be grounded through the collector -
time division multiplexed into a pulse multivibrators to produce the control emitter junction of T1, hut since the
train. A particular pulse in the train pulses and a NOR -gate to collect all the voltage across Cl cannot change instan-
corresponds to a particular servo, and pulses into a pulse train. taneously the right hand end falls to
the width of each pulse can be indepen- For the less experienced constructor the - (Vb -- 600 mV), turning T2 hard
dently controlled. The multiplex encoder basic circuit of an astable multivibrator off. C2 will now charge rapidly to
must be capable of producing the is explained in figures 1 a and lb. Since (Vb - 600 mV) through R4 and the
different pulses to control each servo an astable multivibrator is an oscillatory base -emitter junction of T 1. The large
and assembling them into a pulse train circuit, to understand it, it is necessary pulse of base current delivered to T1
slotless model car track elektor may 1977 - 5-31
ti + t2
An astable multivibrator may he made
either symmetric or asymmetric i.e.
with t 1 equal to t2 or t 1 not equal to
t2, and it may be useful at this point to
introduce the concept of duty -cycle and
mark -space ratio. The duty -cycle of a
rectangular waveform is the time for
which the waveform is positive divided
by the total period times 100%. Thus
the duty -cycle of the waveform at the
collector of T1 is
t1=R2.C2In 2 0,7. R2.C2
x 100%. t2= R3C1 1n 2 0,7413.C1
ti + t2
On the other hand the duty -cycle of the
T2 collector waveform is
X 100%. Figure la. Basic circuit of an astable multi - almost zero so the base of T1 is
ti + t2 vibrator, used as a clock generator in the grounded and Ti is turned off. C2 is
The mark -space ratio of the waveform is multiplex encoder. charged to (Vb - 600 mV). If a short
simply tl/t2, or t2/t1 looking at the positive pulse is applied to the base of
Figure lb. Waveforms at various points in the
collector of T2. astable circuit.
T1, TI will turn on, grounding the left
hand end of C2. The right hand end of
C2 will take the base of T2 negative,
Monostable multivibrator turning off T2. The collector voltage of
Unlike the astable multivibrator, which T2 will rise and T1 will be kept turned
is an oscillator with no stable or 'rest' on by current flowing into its base
state, the monostable, as its name through R4, even after the trigger pulse
implies, has one stable state. It also has has disappeared. T2 will remain turned
an unstable state into which it can be off until C2 has charged via R2 and the
flipped by a trigger pulse, and it will collector -emitter junction of TI to
return to the stable state after a preset +600 mV, when T2 will turn on again
name. and T1 will turn off.
Figure 2a shows the basic circuit of a The time for which T2 is turned off is
monostable. In the stable state T2 is exactly the same as for the astable
nursed on by current flowing into its multivibrator i.e. R2.C2.1n2.
base through R2. Its collector voltage is Figure 2b shows the various waveforms
5-32 - elektor may 1977 slotless model car track
in the monostable circuit. Waveform A settings of P1, and waveform B shows Figure 3b shows a multi -input NOR -gate
represents the trigger pulse and B shows how this affects the pulse width. using resistor -transistor logic (RTL)
the base voltage of Ti. Waveform C is fabricated from discrete transistors. If
the collector waveform of T2 and NOR -gate all inputs are low then all transistors will
waveform D the base waveform. The final main circuit element used in be turned off and the output will be
Figure 2c shows a modification to the the multiplex encoder is a NOR -gate. pulled high by the common collector
monostable multivibrator to allow the This collects together the pulses from resistor. However, if any input goes high
pulse width to be varied, which is the different monostables and converts the corresponding transistor will turn
essential in this application. P1 controls them into a pulse train. Figure 3a on and pull the output low.
the voltage to which C2 is connected shows a two input NOR -gate together
with its truth table. It can be seen from Differentiator and integrator
while T 1 is turned on, and hence the
negative voltage level applied to the base the truth table that if either input goes Two other simple networks are exten-
of T2 when T2 is turned off. This in high then the output will go low. sively used in the multiplex encoder.
turn varies the time it takes C2 to A multiple input NOR -gate can thus be These are the differentiating network
charge back up to +600 mV, and hence used to collect pulses from the outputs shown in figure 4, and the integrating
the time for which T2 is turned off, i.e. of several monostables. If all inputs are network shown in figure 5. The most
the pulse width. This is shown in fig- normally low then if any input goes useful property of the differentiating
ure 2d. Waveform C shows the negative high a corresponding low -going pulse network is that of producing short
base voltage applied to T2 for different will appear at the NOR -gate output. pulses from step inputs. If a step input,
t3 = R2.C2.1n2 z 0.7 R2.C2 9796-26
elektor may 1977 - 5-33
slotless model car track
Multiplex Encoder -
block diagram
Having discussed the various elements
that make up the multiplex encoder, the
block diagram is given in figure 6a. The
clock generator (an astable multi -
vibrator) produces a 5 ms pulse every
25 ms, which triggers monostable MF1.
This produces a pulse whose width can
be varied by P1, and when it resets it
CLOCK MF' K1 MF2 K2 MF3 K3. MF4 P<,U MF5 MF6 M17 KT ME8 .KS. MF9 KS
O MF10
0jL. MPX
9796 K.S.
Decoder principle
Referring now to figure 8, it is apparent
that the decoder circuit should be
capable of extracting from the multi-
plexed signal the original control wave-
forms K1 to K9 so that these can be fed
to the appropriate servo channels 1 to 9.
This can be accomplished by a simple
decade counter having ten outputs. If
the counter is initially at zero then on
the leading edge of the first (K1) pulse
in the multiplex signal the counter will
clock and output 1 will go high until
25V 8 .LD 241
32 BC 557B
Ie 2x
BC 5578
1 N4148
Rini WWI,.
44/ BCi451 BC141
BC 547 8 , BC 5478 C
see text
5-38 - elektor may 1977 slotless model car track
I 21632
cr N I
TO To -L' W 0
cio C9 41 0--0-0---0 C5 C4 C3
0-0-00110 011420° 8 OBOE 08,2,0110 011"114"
BOB 013 A AA A
-6- WIICK4ics
C20 C1B C17
Modifications to
Additions to
Improvements on
Corrections in
Circuits published in Elektor
April 1977, E24, p. 4-32. It was perhaps
not made sufficiently clear that the
display itself (figure 5) works off an
asymmetrical power supply (+15 V). No
negative (-15 V) supply is required:
points '0' and on the display board
(figure 7) are both connected to supply
common. The rectifier section (figures 2
and 6) does require a symmetrical
(+1-15 V) supply, of course.
Speech shifter
July/August 1976, E15/16, p. 742. In
some cases the TBA 120 has been found
to be so asymmetric that the oscillator
signal is audible at the output. The sol-
ution in this case is to add a 22 k or
If the unit is used to control four cars 25 k preset potentiometer between
in this way, P9 will be redundant. If this pins 7 and 9 of the IC; the slider is con-
Parts list for figures 11 and 13. nected to supply common through a
channel is not used at all, P9 can be 10 k resistor.
Resistors: replaced by a fixed resistor between
R1 = 18 k points X9 and Z9.
R2 = 10 k Testing and fine adjustment of the
R3,R6,R10,R11* = 2k2 multiplex encoder will be given in a
R4,R5 = 5k6 later article.
R7 =180 St
R8 = 1k8
R9 = 470 n Infra -red transmitter
R12,R13* = 1118
R14 = 10011 Finally, the p.c. board and component
R15 = 22 k layout for the .infra -red transmitter, the
P1,P2,P3" = 5 k preset circuit of which was given last month, is
given in figure 13. The circuit itself is
Capacitors: reproduced in figure 11. To adjust the
C1 = 470 p/25 V infra -red transmitter, first set P2 and P3
C2 = 100 n MKM to their central positions and allow the
C3,C4 = 1 n MKM circuit to warm up for about ten 9134
I m©e
eon air
f0 fl
2 f3 log f
9782 -1
A.J.B.M. Peters
2 Readers may
remember that a
design for an
automatic callsign
generator was
featured in Elektor
20 logACL
a little over a year
ago (Elektor 11,
log f
February 1976).
This new design
2(R, ,$R2*.e1CLI
AOL '01 RldR2
programming lines. This made for very
simple programming but made the cir-
cuit fairly complicated. The program-
ming of the new design is accomplished
by storing the callsign in a 100 bit read
only memory consisting of a diode
matrix. A dot is stored in the matrix by
inserting one diode in the required
9782-30 position. A dash, which has a duration
ACL = -
equal to three dots, requires three
diodes. A space within a character is of
AOL one dot duration and occupies one
ro -JACO blank space (no diode) in the matrix. A
space between letters is the same
duration as a dash and thus occupies
5-42 - elektor may 1977 morse call sign generator
three blank spaces in the matrix. To counter counts the column outputs 0 to diodes, the exact quantity depending on
generate the callsign the contents of 9 of IC1 go low in turn. Whenever a the actual callsign.
the matrix are read out row by row. position is reached where a diode is To programme the generator, start with
100 bits may seem excessive, but it connected from a column output to row 'a' of the matrix. Leave position
is possible for a single figure (digit cb) row `a' then the second input of NI is `AY blank as this is the rest position.
to occupy 19 spaces in the matrix. This, pulled low and the output goes high. Work along row 'a' and connect a diode
combined with long European call signs, At the end of the first row the D output for each dot with its anode to row 'a'
soon uses up the spaces in the memory. of IC3 will go low, causing IC4 to and its cathode to the particular column
British callsigns of 4 or 5 characters will, advance one step. One input of N2 will you have reached. For a dash a diode
of course, not use as much of the now be low and as IC3 counts from 0 to must be connected to each of three
memory capacity. 9 again the information on row 'b' will successive columns. For a space the
The complete circuit of the callsign be read out via N2. This is repeated appropriate number of columns must be
generator is given in figure 1. The diode until all the rows of the matrix have left blank. When the end of row 'a' is
matrix is in the top left corner of the been read out. reached then return to the start of
diagram. Readout is accomplished by The diodes connected to the outputs of row 'b' and continue.
addressing the rows and columns of NI to N10 form an OR gate to route The callsign example shown in the dia-
the matrix using two 7490 decade the information to the inputs of an gram is the author's, DE PAOARR,
counters and 7442 decoders. audio tone generator SI and a relay which in morse is
The rate at which the callsign is repeated driver Tl. When a dot or dash is present . . . . . .
is determined by ICS, a 555 timer the tone generator is activated and the
connected as a monostable multi - relay is energised. During spaces This is laid out in the matrix as follows:
vibrator. Assume that initially the between character elements there is no
monostable is in the triggered condition. tone and the relay drops out. The tone column
The output, pin 3, is high, so both the generator may be used to modulate a
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
counters IC3 and IC4 are held in the transmitter or the relay may be used for 1
I ;0- 470 SI
470 10k
7442 ICI
7 B 9 3
4 5 6 6 9
) 11.1
A B C A 9 41
15 14 13 12
15 14 13
12 9 12 9 11
It 555
---1330 A B C 8
BIN IC4 . S2 7413
7490 4 7490
A IN Ni . N10 =3X7402
9911) 9912) 9011) 11113121
9919 199171 ROID 90 21 L C)
10 7 2 3 6 3
11 21 2
music cleaner elektor may 1977 - 5-43
Choice of Response
To avoid this both the filters used in
the present design have an ultimate
slope of 18 dB/octave. There still
remains, however, the choice of filter
design. The magnitude/frequency re-
sponse of the so-called Butterworth
In response to popular demand, here, at last is type of filter is maximally flat in the
passband. The Chebishev filter attains
a treble and rumble filter that can be used in a sharper cutoff at the turnover point
virtually any hi-fi system to get rid of the snaps, than does the Butterworth, but at the
expense of a magnitude frequency
crackles, pops and (g)rumbles without getting response that is not flat in the passband.
However, neither of these types are
rid of half the music. concerned with phase distortion of the
signal, which is important when dealing
with complex waveforms such as music.
There has been much speculation about The treble filter in the present design To minimise phase distortion the phase
who first coined the phrase 'The wider has a choice of two cutoff points. A
you open the window, the more the cutoff point of 25 kHz is chosen to
muck blows in'. However, there is no prevent ultrasonic signals from reaching
disputing its truth with respect to audio the power amplifier, as these can lead
systems. The bandwidths of pickup to the (now) well-known transient
cartridges, amplifiers and loudspeakers intermodulation distortion (TIM). For
are now so great that the imperfections elimination of record and tape noise a
of records and turntables are often cutoff frequency of 10 kHz was chosen.
glaringly exposed, even by a relatively The circuit can easily be adapted to give Figure 1. Theoretical circuit of the third
inexpensive cartridge, amplifier and many other different cutoff frequencies order lowpass Bessel filter used for the treble
loudspeakers. according to personal taste, calculation filter.
Quite apart from the argument as to of the required component values being Figure 2. Theoretical circuit of the third
whether these phenomenal bandwidths a relatively simple matter. order highpass Bessel filter used for the
actually serve any useful purpose apart For the rumble filters a cutoff fre- rumble filter.
from churning up one's innards at the
bass end and annoying the neighbour's
(R7 resp. (R8 resp. (R9 resp.
dog at the treble end, there is obviously R7i R101 R8,0" R11) R9 R12)
a need to `chop off the top and bottom
end of the audio spectrum under certain
circumstances. Turntables, for example,
are not always as rumble -free as one
might wish, and being mechanical
devices tend to get worse with age.
Records, too are rarely perfect, suffer-
ing often from rumble and even more
frequently from surface noise, which
latter tends to become worse with wear.
Then, of course, one rr,.,st consider the
enthusiast who possesses treasured col-
lections of older records or non -noise -
processed tapes.
Design requirements
Unfortunately, few amplifiers, except
the most expensive ones, possess effec-
tive treble and bass filters, simply
because the requirements for such
filters are rarely properly formulated.
Firstly, the turnover (-3 dB) points of
the filters should be chosen carefully.
Many treble filters cut off at much too
low a frequency, leading to loss of part
of the wanted signal. Similarly, rumble
filters often cut off at too high a fre-
5-44 - elektor may 1977 music cleaner
shift p, produced by a filter should The configuration finally chosen was may be altered simply by changing the
vary linearly with frequency. This that using a voltage follower. This is values of the three resistors. e.g. if the
condition is fulfilled by a filter having easy to realise with low -noise audio resistors are halved the turnover fre-
a Bessel type of response. This produces transistors, and the overall gain of the quency is doubled, if they are doubled
minimum phase distortion, though the filter within the passband is unity, the frequency is halved.
cutoff at the turnover point is not as which means that it can be inserted For the highpass filter the three capaci-
sharp as either the Butterworth or in any amplification chain without tor values are equal and the resistor
Chebishev filters. Three -pole Bessel affecting the gain. values are calculated from the equations
filters were thus chosen for this design. Figure 1 shows the theoretical circuit given. In this case halving the capacitor
Having decided on the best type of of the lowpass (treble) filter, while value will double the turnover fre-
filter response one is then faced with figure 2 shows the theoretical circuit quency, and doubling them will halve it.
the problem of practical realisation. of the highpass (rumble) filter. The The equations for obtaining the filter
There are various realisations, some three resistors in the lowpass filter are parameters are reproduced from
of which require infinite open -loop gain identical, and the values of the three `Electronics' August 18th 1969.
from the active part of the circuit. capacitors required for a given turnover
frequency can be calculated from the Practical Circuit
While these requirements can be ap-
proximated using IC operational ampli- three equations given. Once the capaci- To obtain a treble and rumble filter in
fiers, such ICs are not ideal from the tor values for a given frequency have the same unit the two circuits of figures
point of view of distortion and noise. been found then the turnover frequency 1 and 2 are simply cascaded. The com-
plete practical circuit of one channel of
the filter is given in figure 3. Here the
theoretical voltage followers have been
replaced by transistors connected in a
`super emitter -follower' configuration.
The rumble filter is built around T1 and
T2. R3 and R4 perform a dual function,
forming part of the rumble filter but
also providing the base bias for TI. The
effective value of these resistors as far
as the filter is concerned is R3 paral-
R3 X R4
lelled with R4 or
R3 + R4'
The treble filter is built around T3 and
T4. Selection of the turnover point is
carried out by a three way switch. With
the switch open only R7, R8 and R9
are in circuit, and the turnover point is
about 10 kHz. With the switch closed
these resistors are connected in parallel
with R10, R11 and R12 respectively,
and the turnover point goes up to about
25 kHz. Capacitors C4 and C8 are
included to guard against the possibility
of r.f. instability.
The circuit has a high input impedance
and low output impedance, so that it
may be connected virtually anywhere
in an audio system. For use with an
existing amplifier the unit may be
connected to the tape socket if this is
music cleaner elektor may 1977 - 5-45
R1 = 100 k
R2 = 68 k
R3,R4 = 820 k
R5,R13 = 5k6
R6,R14 = 2k2
R7,R8,R9 = 3k9 (see text)
R10,R11,R12 = 2k7 (see text)
R15 = 47 k
C1,C2,C3 = 68 n
C4,C8 = 4n7
C5 = 3n9
C6 = 5n6
C7 = 1 n
C9 = 22 µ/35 ... 40 V
C10 = 10 µ/35 . 40 V
C11 = 100 n
01-. to
T1,T3 = BC547B,BC107B or
equivalent. 01-2 lo
T2,T4 = BC557B,BC1 57B or pi -6' I°
S1 = six pole on/off with
normally closed contacts.
Figure 3.Complete circuit of the rumble 04 R14' 1.0
and treble filter.
Figure 4. Printed circuit board and com-
()Hi Pa
ponent layout for the filter unit. 00115 143
different crossovers. We will come back 0,707
Rb 27fC
to this when referring to the parts list.
The active element in the circuits of 1,414
c 27fC
figures 2, 3 and 4 is a voltage follower.
The best known AC voltage follower is
the so-called 'emitter follower'. Since
a voltage gain of unity can only be
closely approximated by an amplifier
with extremely high current gain, the
total circuit diagram of figure 5 shows
'super emitter followers' using two
transistors each. The derivation of the
component values always assumes the
use of an ideal voltage follower; any
attempt to 'make allowances' is fraught
with great uncertainties - and the
assumption that a one -transistor
follower is ideal is just too optimistic!
This is not the place to go into the
available. Note that the idea was to find three-way systems is not inevitably one
details of the derivation of design
ormulae. something to play with! of cost,with three-way always better if
One practical consequence of the There is one fundamental guideline, you can afford it. On the contrary
however. Loudspeaker are meant to be some of the best -sounding system
derivations must however be noted hem.
That is the fact that it is not always used for listening to music, not the around use a woofer -midrange unit plu
possihle to design filters in which all the other way round. if it sounds right, then a tweeter. These woofer -midrange unit
frequency -determining R's and C's have never mind what it looks like on paper. do however tend to need rather more
Assuming that o n's musical taste is than a simple closed -cabinet if they are
convenient values. We have chosen
reasonable, any discrepancy between to do a really good job at the deep -bass
circuiets with either three equal C's
(high pass) or three equal R's (low-pass), the theory and the actual result will end.
usually be due to an oversight or The frequencies and ultimate slopes of
the other components hopefully coming the crossover filters can be taken, at
fairly close to standard E12 values. incompleteness in the theory.
It will simplify this story if we introduce least as a starting point, from the
Filters with low kIll values (such as of the passive filter
two further 'boundary conditions'. Let parameters
Butterworth) will, fortunately, not recommended by the speaker manufac-
immediately go haywire when some of us assume that (1) we are going to do
the job properly - no skimping on turer. If one is combining speakers from
the components are a few percent out. various sources, then some experiment
That is not to say that a fusspot with parts - and (2) that the reader already
knows how to design his enclosure. may be +recess.), (greet fun!). There are
access to 1% R's and C's should not
The question that should be tackled one or two guidelineshere, more 'don'ts'
indulge a craving for 'precision' ... than 'do's'. In the first place, beware of
So much for the general aspects of first is the choice of the loudspeaker to
be used. This usually will involve a dig the 'power handling capacity' ratings of
active crossover filter design. It is n
time to try working out a specification. into the manufacturer's literature - or tweeters. It is in the nature of things
One way to tackle this problem is to use at least a good look into a distributor's that their smaller coil systems cannot
a check -list. catalogue. Unless one knows precisely handle the mive
ass amounts of Input
- Active filters only (figure lc or Id) or what one wants, it is a good idea to power that will not damage woofers.
select a combination recommended by The temptation to suppliers is to quote
hybrid (le)?
- Three-way or two-way? the manufacturer, replacing only the a high power rating for a tweeter in
inevitable passive filter by circuits combination with a specified high-pass
- Which speakers?
- How steep the filters? covered in this article. Information on filter. The 'power density' of normal
- Which amplifiers? how to construct special woofer music spectra certainly becomes
Do not try to find complete 'paper' enclosures, such as folded horns or significantly lower as the frequency
questions. A great 'transmission line' types, can often be increases; but this no longer applies
answers to these
found in the literature. when the amplifier is driven into
deal will depend on one's individual
The basic choice between two-way and distortion (accidentally or on purpose).
taste and on whatever happens to be
active loudspeaker -crossover filters (1) elektor may 1977 - 5-51
18 12 2 &4
Put another way: (1) the high-pass filter The amplifiers on the choice of (high-pass) crossover
associated with a certain tweeter will frequency. This seems to indicate that
invariably have a `protection' function We come now to one of the great the amplifier's 'music power.' rating,
as well as its effect on the response and sources of endless discussion. How may together with the choice of crossover
(2) don't try to get a quart out of a pint watts need one provide for each loud- frequency, should be matched to the
pot! speaker? There are many ways of (higher) instantaneous rating of the
The other guideline worth mentioning looking at this question, depending on individual speaker. This applies literally
concerns the fact that a given loud- the kind of music you have in mind for to the midrange and to the tweeter; for
speaker invariably will have a frequency instance, or depending on which 'trade- the woofer something similar applies -
response extending far higher than the off' you prefer. but now with the 'box' design setting
recommended crossover low pass cutoff. We have already noted that the the high-pass cutoff frequency.
The response in the non -recommended (continuous) dissipation of which a Having taken a look at the limiting
range is however usually ragged or typical tweeter is capable will be less amounts of power that an amplifier
`peaky' due to the cone (or other than that of a mid -range and significantly should not be able to exceed, we still
diaphragm) 'breaking up' into patterns less than that of a woofer. That is have no answer to the real question:
of flexural resonance. This effect will simply a question of the physical size of how much do we need? The answer is,
impair the transient response. When a the respective `motors'. It would seem for normal domestic listening, 'surpris-
high-pass rolloff is recommended, quite obvious that the continuous -power ingly little'. Simply read off from the
apart from the input power consideration ratings of the associated amplifiers manufacturer's literature low much
given above, there may be a mechanical should reflect this fact. All one can input will produce about 96 dB SPL
limitation on the obtainable sound hope to achieve with some 'reserve (`sound pressure level) at 1 metre from
output in the non -recommended range. watts' is an increased risk of sometime the loudspeaker (usually specified for
This would apply in particular to dome - needing a 'reserve speaker'. There is a free -field -room measurement). It will
type tweeters and squawkers. bit more to it than this; but let us break usually prove that 10 or 20 Watts
The filter slope of 6 dB per octave is off at this point. already offers a very comfortable safety
rarely used, although there is consider- Every loudspeaker has a certain margin!
able evidence that a slow woofer - `instantaneous' power rating, referring So much for the design considerations.
midrange rolloff combined with a tc how much driving force it will handle Next month we will give circuits and
steeper tweeter slope can give excellent (quite apart from the dissipation printed circuit boards for 6-, 12- and
results. It is included here for involved) before some moving part hits 18 dB/octave filters for use in both 2 -
completeness sake, since 'asymmetrical' an end -stop. Since, at a given sound and 3- way systems.
crossover filter design really requires level, the diaphragm amplitude will be
access to acoustical measurement greatest at low frequency, the actual
facilities. useful instantaneous rating will depend
5-52 - elektor may 1977 albar mkll-a bfs
away with using only one transducer as both receiver, and a transmitter is added
(figure 3). The modifications to the
transmitter and receiver. basic circuit are marked with asterisks.
Take particular note of the fact that T2
Unfortunately, this system has proved only is replaced by a PNP type.
80%-90% reliable, i.e. 10%-20% of the units did Construction and alignment
not work as well as they should. As briefly The components shown dotted on the
component layout for the main board
noted last month, there are two possible (figure 4) are used in the receiver circuit.
This means that where only one possi-
solutions to the problem. Both circuits are bility is shown, it is valid for both
circuits; where a component is shown in
discussed in greater detail here. full and another is shown dotted, the
dotted version is required here. Note
Lab tests have shown that the problems the original Albar circuit (Elektor 19, however that several of the other
arise from the wide variation in the November 1976, p. 1112, figure 6) in component values are also changed, as
characteristics of the transducers. several details: marked in the circuit and shown in the
Specifically, in the original version the The numbering of the components has parts list.
transducer was used as the frequency - has been changed. The transmitter and receiver hoards
determining element for the transmitter The zener diode has been changed with their respective transducers should
oscillator. In practice, most transducers from 9V1 to 10 V, since 10 volt be mounted in the same box, with the
have several possible resonance modes zeners are more readily available. transducers facing out in the same
some in the desired frequency band One of the T2 emitter resistors has direction. It is advisable to mount the
and some outside. To make matters been replaced by a fixed 2.2 mH transducers in foam rubber rings, to
worse, they are temperature dependent. inductor. avoid acoustical coupling through the
The result of all this is that the sensi- A supply decoupling capacitor (C13) box. The distance between them should
tivity can vary between a few inches and has been added. be approximately 2 in. (5 cm).
15 to 20 ft. The latter value is what we In the original circuit, the alarm Point X on the transmitter output is
measured on our original prototypes . latched on until the reset button was connected to the receiver 'X' input, and
There are two solutions for those operated. In the new circuit the alarm the two units are run off a common
constructors who have built a unit with resets automatically a few seconds 12 V supply.
a sensitivity closer to the former value. after it ceases to detect movement (it The headphone output is once again
The first is a minor modification to the operates continuously as long as a used for alignment. Since this unit is
original circuit, still using a single moving object is within range). The more sensitive than the single -transducer
transducer: the second is the Brute reset delay depends on the value of version, alignment may be difficult if
Force Solution if all else fails: it uses C12. If required, the original circuit there are any large reflecting surfaces
two transducers, one as transmitter and can also be used: C12 is replaced by a within 6 ft. (2m) of the transducers.
one as receiver. series connection of two diodes (the
The 'old' Albar printed circuit hoard has anode of the first to the collector of
been replaced by a new version that can T5 and the cathode of the other to
be used both for the modified single - CI I) and a reset button is added
transducer circuit and for the receiver parallel to C11.
section of the two -transducer circuit. A The working voltages of several
small additional board is also available electrolytics have been changed to
for the transmitter circuit of the two - more readily available values.
Figure 1. Modified circuit for the single -
transducer version. transducer version.
Construction and alignment
Single -transducer version The new printed circuit board is shown Figure 2. Receiver circuit for the two -
Figure 1 gives the circuit of the new in figure 4. For this version, only the transducer version. Point 'X' is connected to
single -transducer version. It differs from `normal' components should be the transmitter.
albar mkll-a bfs elektor may 1977 - 5-53
910 12V
CI 0,
16V 400 mw
T3 I
C4 741
T c6
Pt 1017,
-f 412 10
7.2, 4 d
-( 1115
142 11
l--] 100,0
02 ,11
mlm 16V 160
D2 .. 05 = IN4148
T I ... T5 = BC5478 BC1078
C 3
10V RI R4
4007TTV r R8
C1 .--
63V 741 1i 675
1007, -3
6-4 47k
C9 02 C11
CS 813 '30
Ht H6 618 7117
4M1= A
22p 009 479
0 63
O 10V
6V 4k 7
r Parts list for single -transducer version R14 = 2k2 C12 = 10 ... 100 4/16 V
f (figures 1 and 4) R16,Rv = 4k7 C13 = 470 µ/16 V
S P1 = 2k2
P2 = 4k7 Semiconductors:
IC1 = 741
Resistors: Capacitors: T1 ... T5 = BC547 B or BC107 B
R1,R9,R11 = 100 k Cl = 22 g/16 V D1 = 10 V/400 mVV
R2 = 68 k C2,C6 = 100 n D2 . . D5 = 1N4148
IV° 16V
P1 555
L1 68..nR
C3 Ca
72n2 T°on 173n 4n7
9836 3
Recording audiometer
Parts list for receiver C6 = 100 n An audiometer for statutory
(figures 2 and 4) C7 = 2112/63 V audiometry in connection with
C9 = 100 µ/16 V health investigations has been
C10 = 10 µ/16 V developed by Briiel & Kjaer.
C11 ,C14 = 47 4/16 V Conductive spray paint Designated Type 1800, the
Resistors: C12 = 10 100 p/16 V Chomerics' 4900 conductive paint recording Bekesy-type audiometer
R1 = 22 k C13 = 470 p/16 V is a one -component, air -drying provides a pure tone signal
R2,R7 = 10 k C15 = 330 p coating which will provide (continuous or pulsed) at 7
R3,R19 = 560 5-2 C16 = 22 4/6 V effective EMI attenuation when different frequencies from
R4 = 5k6 applied in a 2 -mil coating on non- 500 Hz to 8000 Hz and records
R6 - 56 k conductive enclosures. It can also the patient's response automati-
R8 = 33 k Semiconductors: be used improve the shielding cally. The audiometer is basically
R9,R11 = 100 k
ICI = 741 characteristics of metal enclosures an x - y recorder - the x- axis
R10 = 270 .S1 by reducing the contact resistance representing the test -frequency
R12,R15 = 47 k T1,T3 ... T5 = BC547B or and the y- axis representing the
of flanges; to create or improve
R13 = 100 it BC1076
grounding surfaces; to fill minute hearing -threshold of the patient
R14 = 2k2 T2 = BC5576 or BCI 778
D1 = 10 V/400 mW
voids in porous metal castings; (in the range - 10 dB to + 90 dB
R16,Rv = 4k7 and to make conductive patterns HL) as registered with the help of
R17 = 1 k
D2 . D5 = 1N4148
on nonconductive substrates. a patient -operated handswitch.
R18 = 1k5 This paint is a solvent -based The patient is instructed to hold
P2 = 4k7 system consisting of a silver filler the button on the handswitch
Sundries: in an acrylic resin. It is specifi- pressed down as long as he hears
cally intended for spray - the signal in the matched
US = Murata MA 40L 1R or
Capacitors: application, but can also be earphones, thus causing the signal -
MA 40L IS applied by dipping or brushing.
C1 = 22 µ/16 V LS = headphone or earpiece
level to decrease, and to release
C4 = 1 n Regardless of application method, the button when he no longer
(R 6600 S2)
C5 = 22 p/10 V 4900 must be agitated often to hears the signal. In this way he
Re = 12 V/20 mA relay
prevent the dense filler from tracks his own threshold level.
settling out and causing resin -rich Remote control facilities and
areas in the coated surface. lamp indication of patient
Coverage is approximately 70 sq. response outside normal range
ft. per pound in a 1 -mil thickness. makes the audiometer ideal for
When used as a shield, the 2 -mil group testing.
thickness should be built up in
2-3 applications, allowing 15-20 Briiel & K/aer,
minutes after each application for 23 Linde alle , DK-2850 Naerum,
Parts list for transmitter (figures 3 and 5) solvent evaporation. Optimum Denmark
properties are developed after a (452 M)
R1,R3 = 1 k
R2 = 4k7
P1 =4k7
C1 = 2n2
C2 = 100 n
C3 = 33 n
C4 = 4n7
C5 = 10 4/16 V
IC = 555
LI = 6.8 mH
US = Murata MA 40L 1R or
15 240 WATTS !
1-IY5 The HY5 is a mono hybrid amplifier ideally suited for all applications. All common input functions Imag Cartridge.
tuner. etc I are catered for internally, the desired function is achieved either try a multiway switch or direct connec-
tion to the appropriate pins. The interval volume and tone circuits merely require connecting to external potent.,
mete, S OW included, The HY5 is compatible with all I.L.P.power amplibers and power suppties. To ease eon.
preamplifier Reaction and mounting a P.C. connector is supplied with each preamplifier.
FEATURES Complete preamplifier in single pack - Multi function equalization tow noise Low distor Don
High overload - Two sorriply cOinbined fur stereo
APPLICATIONS Hi -Fr - Mixers - Disco - Guitar and Organ - Puolic address.
INPUTS. Magnetic Pick-up 3 mV, Ceramic Pick-up 30 mV. Tuner 100 mV. Microphone 10 mV. Auxiliary 3.100
mV; input impedance 47 kit at 1 kHz.
OUTPUTS. Tape 100 my. Main OUSOUt 500 mV H.M.S
ACTIVE TONE CONTROLS. Treble 12 dB at 10 kHz Bass , at 100 Hz.
DISTORTION- 0 1% at I kHz SionaEhloise Ratio 68 dB.
OVERLOAD. 38 t-113 on vai.ehi- Pick up. SUPPLY VOL TAG,- -'6 SO V
Price £ 5.22 + 65 p. VAT P&P free.
HY5 Mounting Board B1 48 p + 6 p VAT P&P free.
HY30 The HY...50 is an exciting Niew v.1 fruits :.L.P. it features a virtually inoestructible I.C. with short circuit and theonai
protection. The kit Consists 01 IC. heatsink, P.C. hoard. 4 resistors, 6 CetiaCilois, mounting kit, together with easy
to follow construction and operating instructions. This amplifier is ideally suited to the beginner in audio who
wishes to use the most up -to date technology available.
15 Watts into 811 FEATURES: Complete Kit - Low Distoi non - Shor I. Open and Theo.' Protection - Easy to Build.
APPLICATIONS, Updating audio eouipment - Guitar practice amplifier - Test amplifier - audio oscillator.
OUTPUT POWER 15 W R.M.S. into 8 11 DISTORTION 0.1% at 15 W
Price £ 5.22 + 65 p. VAT P&P free.
HY50 The HY50 leads I.L.P.'s total integration approach to power amplilier design. The amplifier features an integrul
heatsink together with the simplicity of no external components. Outing the past three years the amplifier has been
refined to the extent that it must be one of the most reliable and robust High Fidelity modules in ilia World.
FEATURES: Low Distortion Integral Heatsink Only rise Connections 7 Amp output transistors - No ester
25 Watts into en net components
APPLICATIONS- Medium Power Hi.Fi systems - Low power disco - Guitar amplifier
OUTPUT POWER 25 W R.M.S_ into 8 O. LOAD IMPEDANCE 4 16 11 DISTORTION 0.04% at 25 W at 1 kHz.
SUPPLY VOLTAGE t 25 V_ SIZE 105x50025 mm.
Price £ 6.82 + 85 p. VAT P&P free.
HY120 The HY 120 is the hates of 1.1__P_'s new high power range, designed to meet the most exacting requirements
load line and thermal protection this amplifier sets a new standard in modular design.
FEATURES. Very low distortion - Integral heatsink - Load line protection - Thermal protection - Five corner,
non - No external components.
50Watts into SR APPLICATIONS- HeFi - High quality disco Public address - MonilOr amplifier - Gilder and organ.
OUTPUT POWER 60 W FLM.S. into 811. LOAD IMPEDANCE 4.16 D. DISTORTION 0.04% at 60 W al 1 kHz.
SIZE 114050x85
Price £ 15.84 + £1.27 VAT P&P free.
HY200 The HY200 now improved to give an output of 120 Watts has been designed to stand the most rugged conditions
such as disco or group while still retaining true HiFi performance
FEATURES. Thermal shutdown - Very low distortion - Load line protection - Integral heatsink - No external
120 Watts into 811 APPLICATIONS, Hi-Fi - Disco - Monitor - Power stave - Industrial - Public Address.
OUTPUT POWER 120 W R.M.S. into 8 D. LOAD IMPEDANCE 4.16 Si_ DISTORTION 0.05% at 100 W at 1 kHz.
SIZE 1140100x85 mm.
Price £ 23,32 + £1.87 VAT P&P free.
HY400 The HY40.3 sILF 's '91.-; Oddly of the range o,ctd..., 740 W into 4 11' it has been designed 10i high IJONItt (i13.1
or public address applications. II the amplifier is to be used at continuous high power levels a cooling fan is rec.
nrnnlended. The amplifier includes all the qualities of the rest of the family to lead the market as a true high power
hi -fidelity power module -
240Watts into 411 FEATURES. Thermal shutdown Very low distortion Load line protection - No external components
APPLICATIONS. Public address - Disco - Power slave - Industrial
OUTPUT POWER 240 W TENTS. into 411 LUAU IMPEDANCE 4 16 11 DISTORTION 0 at 24005 at kHz. 1
power PSU36 suitable for two HY30's E 5.22 plus 65 p VAT P&P free
111$1.150 suitable for two H VSO's 8.82 plus 85 p VAT P&P free
supplies PSU70 suitable for two HY120's 13.75 plus E 1.10 VAT P&P free.
PSU90 suitable for one HY200 12.65 plus E 1.01 VAT P&P free.
P5U180 suitable for two HY200's or one 110400 E 23.10 plus 1.65 VAT
P&P free.
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