Thermodynamics Class 11 Notes CBSE Physics Chapter 12 (PDF)
Thermodynamics Class 11 Notes CBSE Physics Chapter 12 (PDF)
Thermodynamics Class 11 Notes CBSE Physics Chapter 12 (PDF)
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Class 11 Physics
Chapter 12 – Thermodynamics
It deals with the study of interactions between heat and other forms of energy.
Thermodynamic System:
A collection of large numbers of molecules of matter (solid, liquid or gas) that
are arranged in a manner such that these possess particular values of pressure,
volume and temperature forms a thermodynamic system.
The parameters like pressure, volume, temperature, internal energy, etc.,
which determine the state or condition of a system are termed thermodynamic
state variables.
In thermodynamics, we consider the thermodynamic systems as a whole and
learn the intera ction of heat and energy during the change of one
thermodynamic state to another.
1.1 Thermal Equilibrium
The term ‘equilibrium’ in thermodynamics refers to the state when all the
macroscopic variables expressing the system ( P, V, T , m ass etc.,) do not
change with time.
● Two systems when in contact with each other are said to be in thermal
equilibrium when their temperatures become the same.
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● Zeroth law of thermodynamics states that when the thermodynamics
systems A and B are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third
thermodynamic system C, then the systems A and B are also in thermal
equilibrium with each other.
1.2 Heat, Work and Internal Energy
Internal Energy refers to the energy possessed by any system because of its
molecular kinetic energy and molecular potential energy. Both these
12 pass are considered withClass 12 of mass frame.
respect to center Class 11
Internal energy is dependent entirely on the state and thus, it is a state
variable. In the case of real gases, internal energy is onl y by virtue of their
molecular motion whereas for ideal gases, it is mathematically given by
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n is the number of moles
f is the degree of freedom
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CBSE (2023-24) Indicator P -V Diagram: A graph between pressure and volume of a gas
under thermodynamic operation is known as a P -V diagram.
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₹35,000 per year First law of thermodynamics suggests that energy can neither be created
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Sign Conventions:
● When heat gets supplied to the system, then Q is taken positive and
when heat gets withdrawn from the system, Q is negative .
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Access Class 11 Physics Chapter 12 – Thermodynamics in 30
It deals with the study of interactions between heat and other forms of
Thermodynamic System:
A collection of large numbers of molecules of matter (solid, liquid or gas)
that are arranged in a manner such that these possess particular values of
pressure, volume and temperature forms a thermodynamic system.
1.1 Thermal Equilibrium ● When a gas expands, work done by the gas is taken positivewhereas
when a gas contracts, work is taken negative.
The term ‘equilibrium’ in thermodynamics refers to the state when all the
● U is taken positive when temperature increases while U is taken
negative when temperature decreases.
thermal equilibriumdifferentwhen
thermodynamic their temperatures become the same.
Here, we observe how the first law of thermodynamics is applied to
1.5.1 Isothermal Process
P dV
Heat Energy refers to the energy transformed to or from the system due
to the di#erence in temperatures by conduction, convection or radiation.
The energy that gets transferred from one system to another by force
moving its point of application in its own direction is termed work.
W dV [Using PV nRT]
v1 V
W nRT ln
First Law of Thermodynamics:
This work done by the system iswallspositive when the non system is expanding
exchange with surroundings.
Conditions : The of the container should be perfectly -
conducting in order to prevent any exchange of heat between the gas and
TV constant
PT constant 1r
Heat and work are two di#erent terminologies even though they
Indicator Diagram
constant 1 1
1 r V21r 1 Vr 1
With respect to the diagram; Also, it is known that
P V P V constant
1 1 2 2
b → Isothermal (Constant W
1 rTemperature)
P V P V nR T T
2 r1
U 2 2 1 1
∆Q − ∆W = ∆U r 1 r 1
Work done is given by W0 since the gas does not expand.
where ∆Q and ∆U have the same meanings but W stands for the work
First Law of thermodynamics
nfR T
done on the system.
Remarks: As we have learnt that when heat is supplied to any process, its
temperature increases according to relation:
Q nC T
Q = ∆U + W
Work done is given by
external surroundings. When
Remarks: Just heat
like C , we is supplied,
may define molar heat capacity then
V at constant the gas expands
whereas when heat is withdrawn, then the gas contracts.
pressure as C . P
nT P
Mathematically, it can be derived as:
Practical Examples: Replacing
by C V , we get C PV C R , which is known as Mayer’s
Melting of ice at 0 C .
Boiling of H 2 O at 100 C .
Equation of State:
P V r = constant
⇒ T V r−1 = constant
⇒ PT 1−r = constant
Indicator Diagram
● Just like molar specific heat at constant pressure and molar specific heat
at constant volume, we may define molar specific heat for any process.
For example:
As given in the graph, the adiabatic curve is steeper than the isothermal
C PVand C mainly.
Specific Heat at Constant Volume: It refers to the amount of heat
needed to raise the temperature of 1g of a gas through 1C , when its
∵ P V = constant
r 1.5.6 Boiling Process
During the boiling process,
⇒ P = constant
Internal energy, Q mL V , where L V is the latent heat of vaporization.
V −r+1
⇒ W = constant × [ ]
1 − r v1
⇒W = constant
[ 1
− 1
V2r−1 V1r−1
Also, it is known that
P1 V1r = P2 V2r = constant
[ r−1 − r−1 ]
1 P2 V2 P1 V1
⇒W =
1 − r V2 V1
⇒W = =
P2 V2 −P1 V1 nR(T1 −T2 )
⇒W = 1−r
= r−1
Practical Examples:
Propagation of sound waves in the form of compression and rarefaction.
Spontaneous bursting of a cycle tube.
Work done, W P V21–V .
(Pressure is constant during boiling and it is equal to atmospheric pressure)
1.5.3 Isochoric Process U Q W With respect to the first law of thermodynamics,
A cyclic process refers to the process wherein the system returns to its
initial stage after undergoing a series of changes.
Example Indicator Diagram 10
2 r−1
P V2 −P1 V1
⇒ ∆U = 2 r−1 = nR∆T
Work done is given by W = 0 since the gas does not expand.
First Law of thermodynamics
Q = ∆U + W
⇒ Q =
Remarks: As we have learnt that when heat is supplied to any process, its
temperature increases according to relation:
Q = nC∆T
⇒C= n∆T
Now, this C is dependent on external conditions for gases.
∆Q ∣
Here, it is referred to as i.e., Molar heat capacity at constant
n∆T ∣v
Mathematically, it can be derived as
Cv =
1.5.4 Isobaric Process
Description: A thermodynamic process in which the pressure remains
constant. ● In some processes, it absorbs a total amount of heat Q from the source
at temperature T . 1
Equation of State:
P = constant or = constant
First Law of Thermodynamics
T Since energy is always conserved,
Q12 W Q
Indicator Diagram: Thermal Efficiency of a heat engine refers to the ratio of net work done per
cycle by the engine to the total amount of heat absorbed per cycle by the
working substance from the source. It is represented by . Mathematically,
(Image Will Be Updated Soon)
Substituting for Q1 , we get nfR∆T
Change in internal energy, ∆U 1
= 2
is the same as always.
Work done is given by
Ideally, engines must have efficiency 1.
Remarks: The mechanism of conversion of heat into work varies for various
heat engines:
W = ∫ PdV = P∆V ● The system which gets heated by an external furnace similar to a steam
engine. These engines are called external combustion engines.
● The system wherein heat is produced by burning the fuel inside the
Just like molar speci!c heat at constant pressure and molar speci!c
heat at constant volume, we may de!ne molar speci!c heat for any
For example:
Cadiabatic = 0
Cisothermal = ∞
Basically, gases do●not A workingpossess unique speci!c heats though we have
● A cold reservoir at temperature T 2
● A hot reservoir at temperat ure T
CP and CV mainly.
● The working substance follows a cycle consisting of several processes .
● A sudden expansion of the gas from high to low pressure cools it and
Speci!c Heat at Constant Volume:
converts it into a vapor -liquid mixture.
● Absorption by the Ittherefers
cold fluid of heat from to the amount of heat
region to be cooled
converts it into vapor.
any sample.
1.9 Second Law of Thermodynamics
There are a lot of ways in which this law can be stated.
Even though all the statements are the same with respect to their contents, the
CPfollowing V are the most significant.
⇒ cP − cV = M
= M
Class XI Physics 12
∆U = Q − W into work.
Clausius Statement: No process is possible whose sole result is the transfer
of heat from a colder object to a hotter o bject.
A cyclic process refers to the process wherein the system returns to its
states with no other change anywhere else in the universe.
Conditions for reversibility:
1. Process must proceed at an extremely slow rate, i.e., process is quasi
The !rst law does not provide the direction in which the change can
The !rst law provides no idea on the extent of change.
The !rst law of thermodynamics provides no information about the
source of heat. i.e., whether it is a hot or a cold body.
Key Elements
Working The essential sections of an ideal heat engine or Carnot heat engine are shown
in the diagram below.
The cycle is carried out by making use of the Carnot engine as detailed below:
Key Elements
The cylinder is positioned on the source and the gas is allowed to
expand from A(V11, P ) to B(V22, P ) by the slow outward motion of the
piston . As the base is perfectly conducting, the process is isothermal.
U01 ;
2. Adiabatic Expansion :
The cylinder is now removed from the source and is positioned on the
perfectly insulating pad. The gas is allowed to expand further from
B(P2, V2) to C(P ,3 V 3) . As the gas is thermally insulated from all sides,
the process is adiabatic.
Q02 ;
R T 21 T
The working substance U W
r1 a cycle consisting of several
Area BCNMB 22
A sudden expansion of the gas from high to low pressure cools it and
converts it into a vapor-liquid mixture.
Absorption by the cold %uid of heat from the region to be cooled
converts it into vapor.
The vapor gets heated up due to external work done on the working
The heat gets released by the vapor to the surroundings bringing it
to the initial state and completing the cycle.
Schematic Diagram
First Law of Thermodynamics
Q2 + W = Q1
Coe$cient of performance of refrigerator (β) refers to the ratio of
quantity of heat removed per cycle from contents of the refrigerator (Q2 )
to the energy spent per cycle (W) to remove this heat. Mathematically,
3. Isothermal Compression:
The cylinder is now removed from the insulating pad and is positioned
β= W
on the sink at a temperature T2 . The piston is moved slowly so that the
gas is compressed until the pressure is P4 and the volume is V4 .
RT 2 ln
3 3
⇒β= Q1 −Q2
Q 3 Heat absorbed in this porcess
W3 Work done by gas in this process
W RT ln RT ln 12
Spontaneous process
Now, considering all the adiabatic processes, we have
TV 1
r 1
T V and T V
2 2 TV 3
r 1
1 1
r 1
r 1
Presence of friction,VV viscosity and other dissipative forces
Signi!cance of Reversibility:1 TT
1 only when T 0 K or T
Carnot , is
is dependent only on source temperature and sink temperature.
is not possible to with which the
heat is converted into● If T mechanical energy.
T 0 , heat cannot be converted
21 to mechanical energy
unless there is an equal difference between the temperature of the
source) and T of the cold reservoir (the sink), no engine can have
Sadi Carnot devised an ideal cycle of operation for a heat engine termed
Class XI Physics 17
The engine used for realizing this ideal cycle is known as the Carnot heat
The essential sections of an ideal heat engine or Carnot heat engine are
shown in the diagram below.
Step - 3: Suppose that the engine I absorbs Q heat2from the source; deliver a
R acts like a refrigerator.
1. Isothermal expansion
A ; interatomic force of attraction is strong.
2. Adiabatic expansion
Class XI Physics 18
3. Isothermal compression
4. Adiabatic compression
The cycle is carried out by making use of the Carnot engine as detailed
Consider one gram mole of an ideal gas enclosed in the cylinder. Let V1 ,
P1 and T1 be the initial volume, pressure and temperature of the gas
respectively. The initial state of the gas is demonstrated by point A in the
above P-V diagram. We may assume that all the four processes are quasi-
static and non-dissipative in nature, which are the two conditions for
1. Isothermal Expansion:
The cylinder is positioned on the source and the gas is allowed to expand
from A(V1 , P 1 ) to B(V2 , P 2 ) by slow outward motion of piston. As the
In liquids: Atoms are not as tightly packed as in solids; interatomic
In Gases: Atoms are free to move anywhere; interatomic spacing is of the
order of 10 A; interatomic forces are much weaker in gases than both in
solids and liquids.
molecules of an ideal gas.
2. Adiabatic Expansion: PV nRT Perfect Gas Equation : Perfect gas equation is given by
k Boltzmann constant
R 8.314 J/mol K
Class XI Physics 19
Q2 = 0;
R(T2 −T1 )
⇒ ∆U 2 = W2 = r−1
= Area BCNMB
3. Isothermal Compression:
The cylinder is now removed from the insulating pad and is positioned on
the sink at a temperature T2 . The piston is moved slowly so that the gas is
compressed until the pressure is P 4 and the volume is V4 .
∆U 3 = 0
W3 = Q3 = RT2 ln( V43 ) =
Q3 = Heat absorbed in this process
= Work done by gas in this process
4. Adiabatic Compression:
The cylinder is again positioned on the insulating pad such that the
process remains adiabatic. Here, the gas is further compressed to its initial
Pof1 the and
pressure and volume. i.e.,volume
directly .
Charles Law : When pressure o f a provided mass is kept constant,
gas varies V
1 with the temperature of the gas.
Here, VT
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures: The total pressure of a mixture of
ideal gases is considered as the sum of partial pressures exerted by the
R(T1 −T2 ) P n1 n2 n3 ...
W4 = ∆U 4 = =
P P12 P ......
r−1 where P1
n 1RT
is the partial pressure related with the gas having n 1
Total work done by the engine per cycle is derived as:
W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4
⇒ W = W1 + W3
⇒ W = RT1 ln( V21 ) + RT2 ln( V43 )
Step - 4: Setup R such that it returns the same heat to the source, taking
Q2 from the sink and requiring a work W = Q1 − Q2 to be done on it.
Step - 5: Suppose η R < η I i.e., When R were to act as an engine, it would
give less work output than that of I .
⇒ W < W 1 for a given Q1 and Q1 − W > Q1 − W 1
Step - 6: In totality, the I-R system extracts heat
(r1 − W) − (Q1 − W 1 ) = W 1 − W and delivers the same amount of
work in a single cycle without any
2.4 Pressure of an Ideal Gas andchange
its expression in source or anywhere else. This
Pressure exerted by the gas is because of continuous bombardment of gas
statement) collision is elastic, the molecule rebounds with the same velocity; its y and z
components of velocity do not change in the collision but the x-component
A similar argument can be set up for the second statement of the Carnot
To calculate the force (and pressure) on the wall, we are to calculate
momentum imparted to the wall per unit time, whe n it is within the distance
vtx from the wall. That is, the total number of molecules within the volume
Thus, Q = T will always hold true for any working substance used in a
transferred to the wall by these molecules in time
Q 2mv xx
nAv t
t is given by
2 2 2
Carnot engine.
The force on the wall refers to the rat e of momentum transfer and pressure
refers to the force per unit area:
P nmv 2x
In this topic, we would discuss the behavior of gases and how the di#erent
due to the group of molecules with speed v x in the x direction and n stands
for the number density of that group of molecules. The total pressure is
obtained by summing over the contribution due to all groups:
Similar to the atomic theory given by Delton, atoms are treated as the
smallest constituents of elements. All the atoms of an element are
identical while atoms of di#erent elements are di#erent.
In solids: Atoms are tightly packed; interatomic spacing is of the order of
A ; interatomic force of attraction is strong.
In liquids: Atoms are not as tightly packed as in solids; interatomic spacing
is of the order of 2A ; interatomic force of attraction is relatively weaker.
In Gases: Atoms are free to move anywhere; interatomic spacing is of the
order of 10A ; interatomic forces are much weaker in gases than both in
solids and liquids.
In this chapter, we would be concentrating more on gases.
Perfect Gas Equation: Perfect 3 gas equation is given by
nRT Nmv
3nRT 1 2
PV = nRT 2N
Also, N nN
3RT 1
mv k T R Nk BB
2N 2 2 A
n = Number of moles
Class XI Physics 23
given gas, they are identical in all respects but for di#erent gases,
they are di#erent.
b. The molecules of a gas are in a state of incessant random motion.
They move in all directions with di#erent speeds, (of the order of
500 m/s ) and obey Newton’s laws of motion.
c. The size of the gas molecules is very small as compared to the
distance between them. If typical size of molecule is 2A , average
distance between the molecules is ≥ 20A . Thus, the volume
occupied by the molecules is negligible when compared to the
volume of the gas.
d. The molecules do not exert any force of attraction or repulsion on
each other except during collision.
e. The collisions of the molecules with themselves and with the walls of
the vessel are perfectly elastic. Also, that momentum and the kinetic
energy of the molecules are conserved during collisions even though
their individual velocities change.
f. There is no concentration of the molecules at any point inside the
container i.e., molecular density is uniform throughout the gas.
g. A molecule moves along a straight line between two successive
collisions and the average straight distance covered between two
2.6.4 Ideal Gas Equation
successive collisions
SinceisPV termed
NK and K
k Tthe mean free path of the molecules.
3P 3P 1
However, as v rms r r
velocity (vx , vy , vz ) hits the planar wall parallel to yz− plane of area
2.6.7 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
P= = nmv2x
(A∆t) The kinetic theory of gases talks about the gas pressure as a cause of the
bombardment of the walls of the containing vessel by molecules. In a
mixture of ideal gases, we might therefore expect the total pressure P to
In fact, all molecules in a Pgas do2 Nnot 2 N have the same velocity; there is a
be the sum of the partial pressures P12, P ,.... due to each gas, i.e.,
P P ... 1
K 2
K ... 12
1 2
3V 3V
P K 12
3 V V 12
This represents the Dalton’s Law of partial pressures which suggests that
This represents the Dalton’s Law of partial pressures which suggests that
P = nmv̄ 2x
the resultant pressure exerted by a mixture of gases or vapors which do
not interact in any way is equal to the s um of their individual (i.e.,
partial) pressures.
where v̄ x is the average of 2 .
The following figure demonstrates a model explaining kinetic theory of
gases. vIt is constructed
x observationsinonaccordance
with theory on one hand and real
the other hand.
Where, v is the speed and v̄ denotes the mean of the squared speed.
P = ( 13 ) nmv̄ 2
⇒ P = 13 mnv̄ 2 = 13 ( M V
) v̄ 2 = 13 ρv̄ 2
M = Total mass of gas molecules
V = Total volume of gas molecules
ρ = Total density of the gas molecules
2.4.1 Relation between Pressure and KE of Gas Molecules
1 2 1
It is known that P = 3
) v̄ = 3
ρv̄ 2
P= 3
E , where E is the mean kinetic energy of gas molecules
Thus, pressure exerted by an ideal gas is numerically equal to two thirds of
mean kinetic energy of gas molecules.
⇒ 3nRT
= 12 mv̄ 2 ● For an ideal gas
Internal energy K.E of molecules
Here, potential energy of molecules is zero as considered in kinetic
theory postulates. There is no interaction between the molecules and
Also, N = nNA thus, its interactional energy is zero.
= k T (∵
2 B
R = N kB ) N 3A–R
2.8.1 Monoatomic Gases
Clearly, the average kinetic energy of translation per molecule of the gas is
The molecules of a monatomic gas (like neon, argon, helium, etc.)
consist only of one atom
A 1; RN 0 3
kB T . Here, for translational motion, there are 3 degrees of freedom.
From the above expressions, it can easily be seen that kinetic energy of
one molecule is only dependent upon its temperature. Clearly, kinetic
energy would cease when the temperature of the gas molecule becomes
absolute zero.
Here, there are 5 degrees of freedom, which is a combination of 3
translational energies and 2 rotational energies.
Charles’ law.
volume law.
A 3;R 2 N 7
2 3
Since PV = 3
N K̄ and K̄ = kB T
Class XI Physics
2 28
2 3
⇒ PV = N ( kB T ) or PV = N kB T
3 2
which is nothing but the ideal gas equation.
P1 = P2 ; V1 = V2 ; K̄ 1 = K̄ 2
Clearly, N1 = N2
Thus, equal volumes of all ideal gases existing under the same conditions
of temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules, which is
Avogadro’s Law or hypothesis.
Alternatively, since PV = N kB T ⇒ N =
kB T
Now, when P, V , and T are constants, N also turns out to be constant.
r ∝ vrms
A polyatomic gas has 3 translational and 3 rotational degrees of
freedom. Apart from them, when there are V vibrational modes, then
there would be an additional 2V vibrational degrees of freedom. Thus,
total degrees of freedom is given by
− −−
− N 3 3 2V 6 2V
r2 = ρ2
diatomic mole cule, then there must be energy due to vibration as well, given
1 dy 1 2
Ev m ky
2 dt 2
the square roots of theirNow, densities, which is nothing but Graham’s law of
Energy due to configuration
according to the law of equipartition,
Energy per degree of freedom kT . B
The kinetic theory of gases talks about the gas pressure as a cause of the
bombardment of the walls of the containing vessel by molecules. In a
mixture of ideal gases, we might therefore expect the total pressure P to
be the sum of the partial pressures (P 1 , P 2 , . . . . ) due to each gas, i.e.,
2 N1
P = P1 + P2 +. . . = 3 V1
K̄ 1
2 N2
+ 3 V2
K̄ 2 +. . .
2 N1
( K̄ 2 +. . . )
⇒P = K̄ 1 +
3 V1 V2
In equilibrium, the average kinetic energy of the molecules of various
gases will be equal, i.e.,
K̄ 1 = K̄ 2 = K̄ = kB T
2 3
⇒P = (n1 + n2 +. . . ) ( kB T )
3 2
= (n1 + n2 +. . . ) kB T
TE kB T kB T kB T is the total energy for one complete vibrational
N1 N2 mode.
Where, n1 = ; n2 = , . . . . .
2.10 Specific Heat Capacity
V1 V2 With the information from the law of equipartition, we can predict the heat
capacity of various gases.
This represents Dalton's Law ofof apartial pressures which suggests that the
Here, degrees of freedom 3
Average energy molecule at temperature T is given by
E 3 k T
resultant pressure exertedEnergyby a mixture of gases or vapors which do not
for one mole EN A
interact in any way is equal U
2to the sum of their individual (i.e., partial)
k N T BA
In thermodynamics, we have learnt that
CV [ W0 for constant V ]
C3 2 V
The above piece of information is tempting but false. Even though the
equation in box IV is useful, it does not suggest anything new, since it
results from combining equations in boxes II and III.
energy associated with every molecule 3 2 k T 3k T . BB
U 3RT for one mole
N = 7 , in which 3 accountsC for QU
3R 2 for rotational and 2 for
The above equation is known as the law of Dulong and Petit.
vibrational energy.
● At low temperatures, the vibrational mode might not be that active
and thus, heat capacity is low at low temperatures for solids.
2 k BT
A = 3; R = 2 ⇒⇒ N = 7
Case: Non-Linear
A = 3; R = 2 ⇒ N = 6
Here again, vibrational energy is ignored.
system, be it monoatomic,However,
diatomic ordNany polyatomic. Once the internal
V is velocity at which
Remark: In case vibrational motion is also there in any system, say for a
2.12 Mean Free Path
The path traversed by a molecule between two successive collisions with
another molecule is termed the free path. Mathematically,
v = m + k
m( dt ) +
1 dy 1
Ev = 2 2
ky 2
= Vibrational velocity
ky 2
= Energy due to con!guration
Now, according to the law of equipartition,
Energy per degree of freedom = kB T .
1 1
⇒ TE = 2
kB T + 2
kB T = kB T is the total energy for one complete
vibrational mode.
RT sweeps a volume d2 v t , wherein any other molecule would collide
with it (as shown in figure). If n is the number of molecules per unit volume,
CV = ∆T ∣V
n v d2
The average distance betwe en two successive collisions, termed the mean free
path 1 is given by
3R 1v
⇒ CV = nd 2
In this derivation, we considered the other molecules to be at rest. But in fact,
all molecules are moving and the collision rate is computed by the average
relative velocity of the molecules. Clearly, we need to replace v by
⇒ CP = 2 and r = CPV = 53
5R C vr in the above expression for a more exact treatment as follows:
2n d 2
Remark: Mean free path is dependent inversely on the number density and
When there is no vibration;
size of a molecule.
= RT
Average energy for one mole = 2 RT
∆U 5
⇒ CV = = R
∆T 2
⇒ CP = 7R2
CP 7
⇒r= =
CV 5
On the other hand, when vibration is present;
There is only one mode of vibration between 2 molecules.
Clearly, the degrees of freedom = 7.
⇒ U = 72 RT
⇒ CV = 7R 2
⇒ CP = 2
⇒ r = 97
2.10.3 Polyatomic Gases
Here, the degrees of freedom
= 3 for translational;
= 3 for rotational;
= 2V for vibrational
⇒ N = 6 + 2V
2.13 Brownian Motion
The irregular movement of suspended particles like tiny dust particles or
pollen grains in a liquid is termed Brow nian motion.
Now, in solids, the atoms are arranged in array structures and they
are not free to move independently like the atoms in gases. Clearly,
the atoms in solids do not possess any translational or rotational
degree of freedom.
Thus, for 1 mole of a solid, there are NA number of atoms and the
energy associated with every molecule = 3 [2 × 2
kB T ] = 3kB T .
⇒ U = 3RT for one mole
∆Q ∆U
⇒C= ∆T
= ∆T
= 3R
) V e
2 2 − 2kBT
N= 4πN( 2πM
kB T
N = dN
dV = change in speed
= Total number of molecules with speeds between V and V+dV
With respect to this, we de!ne three types of speeds for molecules of gas.
Vrms = (V )
¯2 2
=[ ∫ V 2 dN(V )]
⇒ Vrms =√ M
Where, M = Molecular mass of gas
1 8RT
Vav = V¯ = ∫ V dN = √
N πM
However, VMP is the velocity at which dV = 0 .
Physically, VMP refers to the velocity possessed by the maximum
number of molecules.
Remarks: Vrms > Vav > VMP
Mean Free Path
The average distance between two successive collisions, termed the mean
free path 1̄ is given by
1̄ =< v > τ =
(nπd 2 )
1̄ =
(√ 2nπd 2 )
Remark: Mean free path is dependent inversely on the number density
and size of a molecule.
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The preparation of this subject is taken care of by our experts. All the
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From this law, we can manipulate the relationship between the change in
the internal energy of the system, the work is done by the system, and
heat supplied to the system.
Second Law of Thermodynamics
From the Second Law of thermodynamics, we obtain that it is impossible
to !nd a system in which the absorption of heat from the reservoir is the
total conversion of heat into work.
Third Law Of Thermodynamics
According to the Third Law of thermodynamics, the system holds
minimum energy at an absolute zero temperature.
Notes Of Chapter Thermodynamics Class 11 Physics
Sub-topics of Class 11 Physics Chapter 12 Thermodynamics
I. Introduction to thermodynamics
II. Thermal equilibrium
III. Heat, internal energy, and work
IV. Zeroth law of Thermodynamics
V. Speci!c heat capacity
VI. The !rst law of thermodynamics
VII. The equation of state and Thermodynamic state variables
VIII. Heat engines
IX. Refrigerators and heat pumps
X. Thermodynamic processes
XI. The second law of thermodynamics
XII. Carnot Engine
XIII. Reversible and irreversible processes
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