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Department of Mathematics
Valley View University, Techiman Campus
P. O. Box 183 B/A - Ghana
Department of Mathematics
University for Development Studies
P. O. Box 24, Navrongo - Ghana
Vincent Tulasi
Copyright © 2014 Isaac Kwasi Adu, Douglas Kwasi Boah and Vincent Tulasi. This is an open
access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
model respectively, traffic congestion in the area of Kumasi discussed in the model
would be minimized. We recommend to the stakeholders of Kumasi to provide
exclusive lanes for public transport, ensure the use of traffic regulations and traffic
engineers to control the traffic, use innovative ideas to reduce traffic impacts on
public transport, provide traffic lights at the four intersections under discussion in
this research and adjust them in the direction of the results of this research.
Keywords: Mathematical model, traffic congestion, Traffic flow, traffic volume
1. Introduction
In mathematics and civil engineering, traffic flow is the study of interactions
between vehicles, drivers, and infrastructure (including highways, signage, and
traffic control devices), with the aim of understanding and developing an optimal
road network with efficient movement of traffic and minimal traffic congestion
problems [1].
Mathematical theory of traffic flow and traffic equilibrium analysis was first
introduced by Frank Knite in 1920’s, and was refined into Wardrop’s first and
second principles of equilibrium. Current traffic models use a mixture of
empirical and theoretical techniques. These models are then developed into traffic
forecast, to take account of proposed local or major changes, such as increased
vehicle use, changes in land use or changes in mode of transport and to identify
areas of congestion where the network needs to be adjusted [1].
Traffic congestion has a number of negative effects on humanity. These
include wasting time of motorists and passengers which therefore reduce regional
economic health; delays, which may result in late arrival for employment,
meetings and education, resulting in loss of businesses, disciplinary action or
other personal losses. Blocked traffic may interfere with the passage of emergency
vehicles travelling to their destinations where they are urgently needed; wasted
fuel, increasing air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions owing to increasing
idling, acceleration and breaking of vehicles; wear and tear on vehicles as a result
of idling in traffic and frequent accelerating and breaking, leading to more
frequent repairs and replacement of car parts; stressed and frustrated motorists,
encouraging road rage and reduced health of motorists[2].
In United States of America, the Texas Transportation Institute estimated
that, in 2000, the 75 largest metropolitan areas experienced 3.6 billion
vehicle-hours of delay, resulting in 5.7 billion U.S. gallons (21.6 billion liters) in
wasted fuel and $67.5 billion in lost productivity, or about 0.7% of the nation's
GDP [3].
In the United Kingdom, the inevitability of congestion in some urban road
networks has been officially recognized since the Department for Transport set
down policies based on the reported Traffic in Towns in 1963. The Department
for Transport sees growing congestion as one of the most serious transport
Application of system of linear equations 655
2. Mathematical Model
A system of linear equations was used to analyze the flow of traffic for a network
of four one-way streets in Kumasi, Ghana. The pioneering work done by Gareth
Williams on Traffic flow [11] has led to greater understanding of this research.
The variables and represent the flow of the traffic between the four
656 Isaac Kwasi Adu et al.
intersections in the network. The data was obtained by counting the number of
vehicles that travelled around the four one-way streets between the hours of 6am to
10pm, and 2pm to 6pm during the mid-week peak traffic hours. The arrows in the
diagram indicate the direction of flow of traffic in and out of the network that is
measured in terms of number of vehicles per hour (vph). The diagram in Figure 1
below describes the four one-way streets in Kumasi under study in the model:
190vph 150vph
Atonsu-Prempeh Rd B
h h
241vph 105vph
Roman Hill Road Labour-Asafo interchange
office Rd
280vph D Asafo market- Kajetia Rd C 230vph
236vph 110vph
Figure 1: Diagram of the four one-way streets, in Kumasi
Model Assumptions
The following assumptions were made in order to ensure the smooth flow of the
i) Vehicles entering each intersection should always be equal to the number
of vehicles leaving the intersection.
ii) The streets must all be one-way with the arrows indicating the direction
of traffic flow.
The system of equations for the model was formulated as follows:
At intersection A: Traffic in , traffic out 241 190, thus,
+ 255
Row operations
The system of equations that corresponds to this reduced row-echelon form is;
+ 255
= 176
+ 340
658 Isaac Kwasi Adu et al.
Discussion of Results
The system of the modeling equations has many solutions, and therefore many
traffic flows are possible. A driver has a certain amount of choice at the intersection,
due to the nature of the model. Considering the stretch DC, it is desirable to have
small traffic flow as possible along this stretch of road. The flows can therefore
be controlled along the various branches by the use of traffic lights. According to
the model, the third equation in the system shows that will be a minimum when
is as large as possible, as long as it does not exceeds 340. The largest value
Roman hill down should allow for traffic volume of at least 85vph. Therefore, to
keep the traffic flowing 240vph must be routed between and , 155vph between
We have established that traffic congestion at the four one-way street linking
Labour-Prempeh Rd, Roman Hill Rd, Asafo-Roman Rd and Asafo interchange-
Labour Rd can be minimized if any road work on Asafo interchange to Roman hill
down should allow for traffic volume of at least 85vph. Therefore, to keep the
traffic flowing, 240 vehicles per hour must be routed between and , 155vph
In order to reduce the impact of traffic congestion and ensure the free flow of traffic
in Kumasi, we made the following recommendations to the stakeholders of
provide exclusive lanes for public transport
use regulations and traffic engineers to control the traffic
ensure the use of innovative ideas to reduce traffic impacts on public
provide traffic lights at the four intersections under discussion and adjusted in
the direction of the results of this research.
[6] L. Hickman, Welcome to the world's worst traffic jam, The Guardian, 2010.
c-jam. (Accessed: 15/06/2014).
[8] M. Wines, China’s Growth Leads to Problems Down the Road, New York
Times, 2010.
[9] J. Watts. Gridlock is a way of life for Chinese, The Guardian, 2010
y-tailback. (Accessed: 15/08/2014).
[11] G. William, Linear Algebra with Applications, 7th edition, Jones and Barnetlett
Publishers, LLC, UK (2011) , 28 - 30.