Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Design Methods for Rigid and Flexible Pavement:
A Case Study of Urban Road
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All content following this page was uploaded by Asadullah Ziar on 22 January 2024.
Asadullah Ziar1, *, Shahzada Ulfat2, Zainullah Serat3 and Mohammad Ashraf Armal1
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Ghazni Technical University, Afghanistan.
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Kandahar University, Afghanistan.
3 Department of Energy Engineering, Ghazni Technical University, Afghanistan.
*Corresponding author: Asadullah Ziar, Department of Civil Engineering, Ghazni Technical University, Afghanistan. Email: [email protected]
Abstract: Roads play a vital role in a country's economic, cultural, and social development, with significant budget allocations
financial each year. Expenses for road construction include design, material acquisition, construction equipment, maintenance,
rehabilitation, and overall operations, requiring substantial government investment. A meticulous evaluation of alternatives is
essential before implementing such projects. This study aims to comprehensively analyze the cost-effectiveness of three design
methods (AASHTO, AI, PCA) on an 8 km urban road, considering initial construction costs. Traffic data collected over two years
resulted in a total estimated traffic load of 2.16 x 106 ESAL for the road. The findings indicate that flexible pavement is more cost-
effective than rigid pavement. Among flexible pavement design methods (AASHTO and AI), AI emerges as the most cost-effective.
For rigid pavement design methods (AASHTO and PCA), PCA proves to be the most cost-effective, while rigid pavement stands
out as the most expensive option.
Keywords: rigid and flexible pavement, cost-effectiveness, design parameters, design methods, Afghanistan.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by BON VIEW PUBLISHING PTE. LTD. This is an open access article under the CC BY License (
Archives of Advanced Engineering Science Vol. XX Iss. XX yyyy
In recent times, the expenses linked to highway sustainable and cost-effective benefit of surface milling and
pavement construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation have recycling for rehabilitation, making them environmentally
considerably risen. As a result, there is a growing need for friendly. Another appealing aspect is their lower initial
optimized pavement maintenance planning, aiming to investment and maintenance costs in comparison to rigid
minimize the overall life-cycle cost of pavements while pavements. On the other hand, rigid pavements may involve
simultaneously maximizing their performance. To achieve higher initial expenses, but they compensate by requiring
this, it has become essential for highway agencies to adopt less maintenance and having longer design lifespans,
efficient tools and methodologies that facilitate effective resulting in a durable long-term solution. Each type of
decision-making. Specifically in terms of its initial cost of pavement has its merits, and the choice depends on specific
construction which is the primary factor in deciding the type project requirements, budget constraints, and sustainability
of pavement (Peyman Babashamsi a, 2016; Milind V. goals. According to Michael A-A. Okae Adow's study in
Mohod, 2016). 2015, the research indicated that the initial cost of asphalt
The current study focuses on an 8 km urban road pavement was lower than that of concrete pavement.
located in Kandahar City and centers around the initial cost However, when taking into account the lifecycle costs,
of construction. The study has two primary objectives: concrete pavement was found to be more cost-effective in
Firstly, it aims to design both flexible and rigid pavements the long run compared to asphalt pavement. (Michael A-A.
using three distinct methods, AASHTO (American Okae Adow, 2015). Similarly, Milind V. Mohod's research
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), in 2016 showed that the life cycle cost of flexible pavement
AI (Asphalt Institute), and PCA (Portland Cement would be approximately 19 % higher than that of rigid
Association). Secondly, and the main objective of the pavement after 20 years. Despite the higher initial cost of
research is to conduct a comparative cost analysis for each rigid pavement, a comparative analysis of the total cost of
design method, considering both flexible and rigid pavement the pavements over their lifespan revealed that rigid
options. pavement is more cost-effective than flexible pavement
In pavement engineering, the term "flexible" refers to (Milind V. Mohod, 2016).
pavements that consist of an asphalt concrete layer on top, Additionally, V Swathi Padmaja conducted research on
while "rigid" pavements have a top layer (slab) made of a 2.4 km road in Vijayawada in 2019, and the results
cement concrete. The primary difference between these two demonstrated that the cost of rigid pavement was double that
types lies in how they distribute wheel load stresses. In of flexible pavement (V Swathi Padmaja, 2019). However,
flexible pavements, the wheel load stresses from vehicles are previous studies were limited to a body of knowledge in this
distributed to the lower layers of the pavement through region, especially in Afghanistan. As it explores relatively
grain-to-grain contact within the granular structure. This novel techniques and emphasizes the importance of cost-
mechanism allows the pavement layers to work together in a effectiveness analysis of different design methods in
cooperative manner to bear the loads and provide a flexible decision-making, the findings provide valuable insights for
response to traffic-induced stresses, contributing to the policymakers and stakeholders involved in road construction
overall durability and performance of the pavement. (Rao, projects, enabling them to optimize resource allocation and
2007). Rigid pavements, on the other hand, distribute the make informed choices when selecting design methods for
load through slab action, functioning similarly to an elastic pavement construction.
plate resting on a viscous medium. These pavements are
constructed using Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) and are 3. Research Methodology
analyzed through plate theory, which takes into account an 3.1. Study Area and Site Information
elastic plate resting on a viscous foundation, rather than the
The province of Kandahar is situated in the far
layer theory employed in the case of flexible pavements
southeastern corner of Afghanistan and falls within the
(Milind V. Mohod, 2016).
southern regional planning zone. It shares borders with
Pakistan to the southeast, Zabul Province to the northeast,
2. Literature Review Uruzgan to the north, and Helmand Province to the west
Conducting an accurate evaluation of various (UNIDATA, 1991). The city of Kandahar itself covers an
alternatives is imperative to ensure prudent decision-making area of approximately 250 km2, accounting for a fraction of
before the implementation and design of roadway projects. the province's total territory, which spans 47,676 km2. With
As a result, numerous studies have been conducted to an elevation of around 1005 m above sea level, Kandahar is
compare asphalt and concrete pavements, taking into the second most important city in the country after Kabul.
account several factors, for example; Yonas Ketema, (2016), (RRERRS)
study's results indicated that the initial cost of rigid pavement The road under consideration is located in Kandahar
was approximately twice as much as that of flexible City's 12th district and spans a length of 8000 m with a width
pavement. However, over time, it was found that the of 11 m. Figure 1 displays the location of Kandahar City,
maintenance cost per kilometer for flexible pavement was which serves as the study area for the present work.
7.9 Million ETB higher than that of rigid pavement,
attributed to the ongoing maintenance expenses throughout
its design life. The study conducted by Saurabh Jain, (2013)
highlights that the key advantage of flexible pavements lies
in their adaptability and ability to be strengthened gradually
as traffic demands grow. Moreover, they offer the
Archives of Advanced Engineering Science Vol. XX Iss. XX yyyy
Figure 1 and base course materials were conducted by the Human
Map of Kandahar city (Prepared from Google images, Resources and Development Agency (HRDA).
Figure 3
Sample of manual data collection sheets
Figure 2
Flow chart of the Study
3.4 Pavement Design:
Two types of pavements are designed here:
Archives of Advanced Engineering Science Vol. XX Iss. XX yyyy
Archives of Advanced Engineering Science Vol. XX Iss. XX yyyy
Ebs = 28000 psi Design inputs: from AASHTO 1993 Design Guide
Esb = 15500 psi
𝑎1 = 0.44 1. Reliability (R) = 85% described in 3.5.1 section
𝑎2 = 0.135 2.
𝑎3 = 0.11 Design Period (Y)=15 year
3. W18 = 2.16x106 from equation 2
Table 3 4. Standard Deviation (So )= 0.45
The mi values recommended for modifying the
5. Sub-Grade Resilient Modulus (MR) = 15000 psi,
structure coefficients for untreated base and sub-base
materials (AASHTO, 1993) form Equation no 1
6. Sc= 600 psi
Percent of Time pavement Structure is Exposed to Moisture 7. Serviceability (ΔPSI) = 2.5
Levels Approaching Saturation 8. Modulus of Subgrade Reaction K = 600 psi (Hung,
Quality of Less Greater 2004)
Drainage Than 1% Than
9. Ec= 4030509psi from Equation 3
1-5% 5-25% 25%
10. J = 3.6
Excellent 1.40-1.35 1.35-1.30 1.30-1.20 1.20
11. CD = 1.0 Drainage coefficient (Hung, 2004)
Good 1.35-1.25 1.25-1.15 1.15-1.00 1.00
a) Elastic Modulus of Concrete Ec: The elastic modulus
Fair 1.25-1.15 1.15-1.05 1.00-0.80 0.80
of concrete can be determined according to the
Poor 1.15-1.05 1.05-0.80 0.80-0.60 0.60 procedure described in ASTMC469 or correlated with
the compressive strength. The American Concrete
Very Poor 1.05-0.95 0.95-0.75 0.75-0.40 0.40
Institute suggests the following correlation for
estimating the elastic modulus of concrete from the
compressive strength of concrete:
3.5.2 AI Method Flexible Pavement Ec=57000(fc) 0.5 Equation 3 (Commitee, 2019)
This approach is rooted in the mechanistic-empirical
methodology, utilizing the mechanistic multilayer theory Ec: Refers to the elastic modulus of concrete measured
alongside empirical failure criteria to calculate pavement in pounds per square inch (psi).
thicknesses. (Hung, 2004) The design process encompasses Fc: Denotes the compressive strength of concrete also
two critical criteria: firstly, controlling the tensile strain at measured in pounds per square inch (psi).
the bottom of the asphalt concrete layer to prevent fatigue
cracking effectively. Secondly, limiting the compressive b) Load Transfer Coefficient (J): It is a crucial factor in
strain at the top of the subgrade to mitigate the potential for rigid pavement design, accounting for the concrete
subgrade plastic deformation and rutting. These criteria play pavement's ability to transfer loads across joints and
a pivotal role in safeguarding the long-term durability and cracks. By implementing load transfer devices and
performance of the pavement structure (A.T. Papagiannakis, incorporating tied concrete shoulders, we achieve two
2008). significant outcomes: Firstly, the amount of load
One key component of AI-driven pavement design is transfer is greatly enhanced, ensuring better load
the incorporation of distress models. These models are distribution and overall pavement performance.
crucial in predicting potential pavement deterioration and Secondly, these measures effectively lower the load-
identifying distresses such as cracks, rutting, potholes, and transfer coefficient, reducing the stresses at joints and
surface wear over time. The integration of AI methods and enhancing the pavement's durability. Together, these
distress models in pavement design represents a cutting-edge improvements contribute to a more robust and long-
approach to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and durability of lasting pavement structure.
road infrastructure it has also led to more resilient, Table 4 shows recommend load transfer coefficient for
sustainable, and cost-effective road infrastructure, offering various pavement types and design conditions. (Hung,
substantial benefits to transportation agencies, road users, 2004)
and the environment. (Jannat, Gulfam E.2012, Abubeker Table 4
Worake Ahmed, 2014 & Hung 2004). Recommend load transfer coefficient for various
The Design Chart for Full Depth and HMA with pavement types and design conditions. (AASHTO,
untreated aggregate base is employed to determine the 1993)
appropriate thickness of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) for both
full-depth and emulsified base. This determination relies on Type of shoulder Asphalt Tied PCC
factors such as the number of equivalent single axle loads
Load Transfer device Yes No Yes No
(ESAL) and the subgrade resilient modulus. (Hung, 2004).
3.5.3 AASHTO and PCA Method Rigid JPCP and JRCP 3.2 3.8-4.8 2.5-3.1 3.6-4.2
Pavement JRCP 2.9-3.3 N/A 2.3-2.9 N/A
Archives of Advanced Engineering Science Vol. XX Iss. XX yyyy
Figure 5
Design section flexible pavement AASHTO method.
Figure 6
Design section EAB AI method
Archives of Advanced Engineering Science Vol. XX Iss. XX yyyy
In general, there are some other factors other than cost that Figure 9
affect the selection of pavement types that are drawn from Graphical representation of costs.
past studies, as shown in Table 5.
Table 5
Comparison between properties of flexible and rigid
pavements (Shaafan Abdullah Taher, 2020)
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